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Balkan Countries Most Vulnerable to ‘Fake’ News, Report


SOFIA, 05.04.2018. – The 2018 Media Literacy index of the Open Society Institute in Sofia says Balkan countries are the most susceptible in Europe to ‘fake’ news – owing to their highly controlled media, low educational levels and low levels of trust in society.

Northwest versus Southeast: media literacy declines the more one goes Southeast. Picture: OSI – Sofia.

Balkan countries are the most vulnerable in Europe to the “fake” news and post-truth phenomenon, a new report says, blaming media that are highly controlled by the state or business interests, educational deficiencies and low overall trust levels in society.

Those are the main conclusions of the Media Literacy Index compiled by the Open Society Institute, OSI, in Sofia.

For a second consecutive year, the index assess the potential to resilience of 35 European societies to disinformation by employing media freedom, education and interpersonal trust indicators, said OSI–Sofia’s European Policies program director, Marin Lessenski.

Media freedom is an important factor in tackling the fake news phenomenon – but is often overlooked, he said.

Education levels are also crucial when it comes to general education levels and specific media literacy training. There is an observable link between both.

“We don’t know for certain what the direction of the relationship is, but we are certain there is one. We supposed that when education or media freedom increases, the other will follow,” Lessenski told BIRN.

There is an observable link between education levels and media freedom, the report suggests. Picture: OSI-Sofia

The author said the index measured resilience to post-truth, fake news and their social consequences; not measure media literacy itself, but the factors that predict it – level of education, state of the media, trust in society and the usage of electronic tools of participation in decision-making by the public. Educational levels are measured by average PISA scores for literacy.

According to the 2018 index, Nordic countries are best equipped to resist fake news, mainly because of their high educational and media freedom scores.

The report cites Estonia in Eastern Europe as a country with both high education and high scores in media freedom, standing out in the Central and East European region.

The index puts all Balkan states in the bottom half of the media literacy scale, with Greece and Romania being the “top” performers in 27th and 28th places, followed by Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Bosnia, Albania, Turkey and Macedonia.

Media literacy index 2018 – overal score, ranking and change compared to 2017. Picture: OSI-Sofia

The latter two have the worst scores. According to the report, these are due to very low level of media freedom in Turkey, and the lowest education score in the case of Macedonia.

“There is a notable concurrence of worsening factors among all the countries in the region,” Lessenski added.

The index sees a slow improvement in the majority of Balkan states since 2017; however, Bulgaria and Romania are stagnating and Serbia, Montenegro and Romania are falling behind.

General decline of trust in institutions and in fellow citizens is damaging the scores of the Balkan nations.

“Fake news erodes trust and is associated with the growing polarization in society,” the report warned, saying that the phenomenon undermines and erodes the quality of political debates.

While the report outlines various regulation and self-regulation proposals to tackle fake news, it says supporting media freedom is the best way forward.

“The more controlled the media landscape, the wider net of distortion and far less chances to access diversity of information and viewpoints,” the report concluded.

Platforma regjionale mirëpret arrestimin e sulmuesve ndaj Sadikovic: Policia ka treguar efikasitet


PODGORICË, 05.04.2018 – Platforma Regjionale për Avokim, Liri të Medias dhe Siguri të Gazetarëve, e cila përfaqëson më shumë se 8000 anëtarë e mirëpret reagimin efektiv të Drejtorisë Policore të Malit të Zi, e cila ka identifikuar dhe arrestuar dy të dyshuarit për vendosjen e eksplozivit në një veturë afër shtëpisë së gazetarit Sead Sadikovic në Bijelo Polje.

Incidenti ka ndodhur më 1 prill rreth mesnatës kur siç dyshohet Ilhan dhe Hilmo Pepic nga Rozhaja kanë hedhur eksploziv nën veturën e cila nuk i takon gazetarit ose familjes së tij por që ka qenë e parkuar përballë shtëpisë së gazetarit Sadikovic. Motivi i sulmit siç është njoftuar nga Drejtorati Policor, televizioni ka raportuar rreth muzeut privat të Pepicit në Rozhajë të cilin Sadikovic e ka publikuar në televizionin e tij “Pa kufinjë” në TV Vesti.

“Ne e mirëpresim aksionin e policisë dhe faktin që Zyra e Prokurorit ka urdhëruar 30 ditë burgim për Ilhan dhe Hilmo Pepic, por në të njëjtën kohë ne kujtojmë se këto dy institucione asgjë nuk kanë bërë kur Sadikovic ka raportuar disa herë kërcënime të shumta të cilat i kishtë pranuar në mënyra të ndryshme nga dhjetori 2017 kur raporti i tij televiziv u transmetua. Nëse ata kishin qenë efektiv me kohë ndoshta kjo nuk do të ndodhte. Gjithashtu efiçienca e anëtarëve të drejtorisë policore ka treguar se kur ata dojnë ata mund të zbulojnë të dy edhe sulmuesit edhe motivin, i cili nuk ka ndodhur në rastet e shumta të kaluara të sulmeve ndaj gazetarëve që mbeten ende të pazgjidhura”, tha presidentja e Sindikatës së Mediave të Malit të Zi, Marijana Camovic.

Platforma regjionale dënon çdo sulm ndaj gazetarëve për shkak të punës që ata bëjnë, dhe kujtojnë se sulmet dhe kërcënimet ndaj gazetarëve janë sulme të drejtpërdrejta në lirinë e shprehjes dhe të drejtën e qytetarëve për t’u informuar.

Çdo sulm ndaj gazetarëve është sulm ndaj interesit publik, demokracisë dhe të drejtave të të gjithë qytetarëve.

Që nga fillimi i 2018, Sindikata e Mediave të Malit të Zi kanë regjistruar dy sulme ndaj gazetarëve duke përfshirë një rast të kërcënimit dhe dëmtim i pronës.

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Bosnjë Hercegovinës

Sindikata e Mediave të Malit të Zi

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Kosovës

Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Maqedonisë

Asociacioni i Pavarur i Gazetarëve të Serbisë

Regional Platform welcomes arresting of attackers on Sadiković: Police demonstrated efficiency


PODGORICA, 05.04.2018. – The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety, representing more than 8000 members, welcomes the effective reaction of the Montenegrin Police Directorate, which identified and arrested two suspects for setting up an explosive device on a car near the house of journalist Sead Sadikovic in Bijelo Polje.


The incident happened at April 1, around midnight, when Ilhan and Hilmo Pepic from Rozaje supposedly threw an explosive device under the car which did not belong to the journalist or his family but was parked in front of Sadikovic’s house. The motive for the attack was, as announced by the Police Directorate, a TV report about the Pepic’s private museum in Rozaje, which Sadikovic published in his TV show “Without Borders” on Television Vijesti.

“We welcome the action of the Police and the fact that the Prosecutor’s Office has ordered 30 days of detention for Ilhan and Hilmo Pepic, but at the same time we remind that these two institutions have not done anything when Sadiković has repeatedly reported numerous threats he has been receiving from December 2017, when this TV story was broadcasted. If they had been more effective at the time, this probably would not have happened. Also, the efficiency of members of the Police Directorate, in this case, has shown that if they want, they can reveal both the attackers and the motive. And that was not the case in numerous previous attacks on journalists who remain unresolved”, said the president of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro Marijana Camovic.

The Regional platform condemns any attack on journalists because the work they do and reminds that attacks and threats against journalists is direct attacks against freedom of expression and citizens’ right to be informed.

Every attack on journalists is an attack on the public interest, democracy and rights of all citizens.

Since the beginning of 2018 Trade Union of Media of Montenegro has registered two attacks on journalists, including one case of threat against journalist and the other one which has threatened by destruction of journalist’s property.

BH Journalists Association

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

The media are required to speak critically about hate speech


JAHORINA, 04.04.2018. -Media are required to inform the public on topics concerning hate speech, in a way that inappropriate speech is critically questioned and deconstructed in electronic media  in BiH.. The application of professional international standards and norms of hate speech, as well as respecting journalistic codes and laws in creating programs is a precondition for defense of journalists and media from potential lawsuits in the courts, concluded the participants of the inter-professional round table, which was concluded today in Jahorina.

Mehmed Halilović a lawyer and a media expert said that discrimination and hate speech are closely linked, because they are stereotypes and prejudices. Noting that in BiH we do not have much expressed hate speech in the contents of traditional media, Halilović emphasized: “Hate speech has mostly moved to comments in the online sphere and most often has the dimension of national and religious intolerance.”

„It is important to distinguish between hate speech and what falls under freedom of expression and can be limited in legally prescribed exceptions“, said the judge of the Cantonal Court of Sarajevo Svjetlana Milišić-Veličkovski. Besides, there is a need to harmonize criminal laws at entity levels, that is, to amend the FBiH Criminal Code, modeled on the same law in RS that clearly defines hate speech and legal sanctions if it is transmitted through the media, the prosecutor of the Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office of Sarajevo Canton Sanin Bogunić.

Representative of the Coalition Fighting Against Hate Speech in BiH, Vladana Vasic talked about the importance of monitoring media and reporting cases of hate speech to relevant institutions, such as the Regulatory Agency for Communications and judicial institutions, which is one of the Coalition’s activities.„In traditional and new media, the problem is journalistic content that has hate speech, especially if it is aimed at minority groups such as migrants and refugees, LGBT and women“, said Vasić and added that media need to be more critical towards hate speech in public space, publicly condemn it and mark it as inappropriate and sometimes even as a criminal offense.

Federal Television is in the regulation of the program in accordance with the applicable laws as well as the internal codex that has existed for several years. According to Željko Tica, editor of the FTV news program, the only problem is the contact program in which viewers participate directly. “Before the viewer gets the opportunity to speak in the program, he needs to announce what he will ask and leave his number, which we call him to come to the program. There is still a chance for something unforeseen to happen, that a problematic statement goes into the ether, but the editor or journalist must react to this and condemn the inappropriate speech, “Tica pointed out.

At the end of a two-day discussion attended by 30 representatives of electronic media regulators, public and private broadcasters, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, civil society activists and media experts, it was concluded that the media can contribute to the change of public communication, and it is necessary to insist on professional reporting and constant education of journalists and editors.

Besides, the need for reform of public services and the education system was also emphasized through the introduction of the subject of media literacy. It is also recommended to promote the fight against hate speech through public campaigns, as well as to tighten penalties for spreading hate speech in traditional and new media.

In the debate, the publication “Media Regulatory Authorities and Hate Speech“, which deals with hate speech in the electro media in the states of the Western Balkans, whose authors are experts in regulatory issues and experts from regulatory agencies from Albania, BiH, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia.


Apropos, the two day debate on Jahorini was organized by the BH Journalists Association, Regulatory Agency for Communications and Council of Europe within the JUFREX project of Council of Europe – Reinforcing Judical Expertise on Freedom of Expression and the Media in South – East Europe, financially supported by the European Union.

Protection of freedom of expression in local communities – journalists’ protection from local powerful people


SARAJEVO, 05.04.2018.-Freedom of expression in BiH is still not on a satisfactory level and journalists are often exposed to various kinds of pressure, even including direct threats. This is confirmed and verified through special reports released by numerous international organizations that follow and monitor the global situation as far as freedom of expression is concerned. Many cases of direct jeopardizing and endangering of journalists” lives have been reported, including threats directed to people who had been talking openly about certain and concrete criminal occurrences, including corruption and other associated local deviations, misuses, ignoring by governing officials to make certain actions in order to prevent this from happening and the appearance of conflict of interest as well.

Journalists working in small areas and communities, where most locals know each other, find their work rather scabrous, complex and often dangerous, as far as their own safety is concerned, including the safety of their families and their property as well. Journalism has become significantly dangerous, but has also become more responsible – based, because journalists are expected to point out, outline and highlight crucial and key the problems and to deal with them, particularly in society such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, society where most institutions fail to perform their work and fulfill their duties; society where, according to reports by many non – governmental and international organizations, high level of corruption has emerged and is still present, including nepotism and political party obedience and loyalty by many individuals and employment of those considered as suitable and political party – biased people.

Journalists have been working under such conditions for decades, however, local public response failed (it had never appeared) or in folk’s word, people “got used to this” and ignore any news that may be considered as undesired and negative news on daily basis. One affair on exposed criminal deeds is usually covered up by (apparently) “more interesting” news and the information providing would thus remain on a local daily news level. There are no responses and no actions taken by official authorities and the even general public often remain silent. Criminal actions remain unprocessed and penalties for such actions are rare which additionally encourages local criminals to continue with illegal actions consequently making a profit and getting rich. Unfortunately, these affairs often include those who should, in the first place, obstruct and prevent any illegal actions pursuant to official functions they perform.

Many involved in the above-mentioned crimes have recognized themselves in different reports, stories, articles, and posts, although the authors never mentioned their full names because they were not sure about their personal details. They managed to obstruct reporters from further investigation reporting and covering specific affairs in order to re-direct the attention of the general public to another issue thus protecting themselves from responsibilities they had been held for. Covering particular stories journalists have often been unaware about who may have been tied with illegal actions which would additionally present them (journalists) with problems including disturbing and putting themselves in awkward positions where people, whom they had never mentioned in their reports and whom they had never met before, approach them and express their anger because they believe that reports were directed against them for no reason. Because of them, general public hardly or almost never receives necessary information, since they intentionally hide them screening thus their illegal actions and criminal offenses.

Official authorities often obstruct journalist from doing their job

Journalists writing and outlining social deviations and criminal occurrences, expose themselves to misfortunate situations until they get particular, required and necessary facts relevant to their reports, stories, and articles. Additionally, they jeopardize their families and, because of that, they sometimes jeopardize their jobs with their employers, whereas criminals often remain intact by all means. With an exception of few honest and loyal individuals at all state system levels and governing levels, most “experts” fail to perform their duties and do not do their job properly and on one hand, do not implement legal empowerment and duties (as they should) neglecting thus completely their professional and social responsibility, while their conscious, on the other hand, remains a mystery. Professional, engaged and committed journalists want to do their job properly and fulfill their duties, fighting at the same to discover and get genuine and true facts and provide public with truthful information, are left on their own and often have neither support nor protection from official governing authorities.

Instead of being provided with particular information by official inspectors, members of supervising and monitoring boards, judiciary officials, tax office authorities or other official authorities, journalists must investigate, conduct research does their job and writes about system failures, inaction, obstruction, tax evasion, corruption, nepotism and other illegal actions.

In many cases, the above mentioned or municipal officials disallow and disable media representatives to approach venues considered as interesting as far as the public is concerned. Additionally, municipal and governing officials at all levels make “selection” in deciding which journalists’ team shall be allowed to record and report about particular events, venues or accidents and get information (facts) and which journalists’ team shall be deprived of approaching the above-mentioned events, venues or accidents. By doing this, the officials refute the public from being provided with proper and objective information regarding certain events or actual problems, thus creating the suspicion regarding quality and good will of this work, that is, cover particular criminal and illegal actions from being exposed. The new set of laws should certainly sort out this issue thoroughly. Unfortunately, due to the fact that law provisions have not been implemented properly, it is rather hard to expect that anyone could provide protection for journalists and create safe conditions regarding full safety and security for media representatives. The fight for this issue must continue in terms of allowing legal freedom of expression and information access deriving from all trades and work spheres through the implementation of legal provisions. The public has the right to know about social affairs and to get information regarding all public figures and bodies, including official institution representatives that are obliged to respect this public right as they should also assist journalists in providing the public with objective, proper and beforehand information.

Different forms of direct and indirect pressure

Pressures imposed upon media representatives in local communities have different forms and tend to become more and more sophisticated, although direct, as most brutal and most vulgar pressures, still, exist in reality.

Phone calls and disturbing, deliberate street encounters, open public threats and sometimes physical assaults against journalists represent some forms of direct pressures which jeopardize professional and human rights and endanger journalists’ freedoms.

Individuals use meetings and mass rallies to launch and initiate conflicts with journalists. Under these circumstances, apart from threats they receive on the regular and above-mentioned basis, journalists’ work is accordingly being diminished and they are often humiliated in public.

This kind of method is often used by powerful politicians that use mass rallies for personal promotion of their (so-called) “capacities, credits, benefits and power” that is, their “perfection and firmness”.

There are many kinds of direct pressures imposed on the journalist, including those jeopardizing and endangering their health condition, personal safety and eventually jeopardizing their lives.

It seems rather sad that those in charge with the implementation and protection of laws (in various fields of life and work) fail to provide protection for journalists in these areas; instead, journalists are left on their own in their combat for the sole truth. Instead of joining forces with journalists, assist them, support and help them in their investigation and work (including information providing and provided evidence in exposing particular affairs, criminal actions and illegal deeds committed); they rather inform doers and committers of the above mentioned deeds and criminal actions informing them that some “Mickey Mouse type of journalists are sticking their noses where they shouldn’t (making investigations and survey where these criminals are or may be involved with)” and that they (investigative reporters) should be stopped from making any further steps in their investigations and survey.

These cases represent and display samples of depraving and destructing social system, and, according to most recent information, the number of these “informers” is increasing.

Direct and indirect threats and threats against family members, including friends, acquaintances, also persists thus jeopardizing family members and putting journalists’ properties at stake. Also, journalists receive threats of getting sacked from work (losing their jobs), threats that local media houses may get shut down, threats regarding redundancies (or some other and similar kinds of pressures and blackmailing) present journalists in small local communities with serious problems, although they simply want to remain professional in performing their work and duties despite “miserable” wages they earn most of the time. Disabling marital partners from getting employed elsewhere, imposing journalists’ children with pressure in their schools, disallowing scholarships and acquiring other types of rights for other members of journalists’ family members, altogether represent occurrences that many journalists have been facing continually. Powerful figures tend to have journalists under their direct control as on one hand, their intention is to direct their work, and, on the other hand, they try to distant and marginalize journalists socially and economically, putting their existence at stake or simply they manage to destroy their personal spirit completely.

In order to block their work and to apply a certain amount of “discipline” and make journalists work according to instructions provided by either economic or mighty political local lobbies or individuals, media representatives (often referred to as “seventh force representatives”) are often compromised including their family members. Indirect forms of pressures are simply endless, inexhaustible, and indescribable and began to appear more and more sophisticated.

Loyal journalists are financially more stable and safe

Unfortunately, due to employing procedure in local media houses, mostly based on family ties or political party loyalty, instead of employment based on professional competences, those “journalists” in most cases chose easier way by expressing maximum loyalty and work in accordance to instructions or guidelines directed by their political or economically powerful figures. These journalists are accordingly awarded by receiving more money and having certain privileges, and nobody dared to disturb them in their work and let alone to threaten them. In most local communities in BiH, journalists have been imposed with some kinds of pressures and they had to develop their own “defense mechanism”, build their professional and personal status in society, with no help provided by anyone, and to continue in doing their work and trying to remain independent and objective as much as they possibly can.

The scope of success would depend on personal virtues and skills, including personal character as well. Highly and shamefully low wages in this particular field brought journalists to the edge of their existence and many of them have been “forced” to sacrifice their professional ethics code in order to please and satisfy fundamental existential necessities and have to trade in the professional ethics code for loyalty to political powerful figures and tycoons.

More discipline, order, and improvement of material position

What kind of program can be edited and broadcasted by one or two persons? Who wants to have their own newspaper and defined the minimum number of employees and special staff and it is necessary to determine and define special conditions that new employees must possess and do journalists’ job?. Following the situation for years in this particular field, I have realized that an insufficient number of skillful and experienced persons work in media houses which demoted and degraded journalism as occupation. These persons often “emerged as journalists” overnight through “familiar way” in some newspapers and additionally become editors. They refuse to allow discussion with colleagues that do their work professionally at highest level resisting all pressure imposed against them. Also, the newly emerged editors appeared unfamiliar with editing office procedures and similar discussions, including joined talks (with their colleagues) regarding certain topics, themes and issues and how they should be implemented.

Journalists should focus more on the question of their own position and status, but they should also distance themselves from those who violate journalism code and professional ethics and use every opportunity to fight against persons that are not considered as professionals and person that become “journalists” overnight.

This text is a part of E-Bulletin– fourth edition of special serial of BHN online bulletin implemented through the “Media and Public Reputation” (origin. “Mediji i javni ugled”) project, also representing a contribution to public debate regarding the transparency of media ownership and upholding and encouraging the passing of set of laws aimed to advance media field and information market in BiH.

Južne vesti: Poreska prešla granice, zovu članove porodica


NIŠ, 05.04.2018. – Urednik niškog portala Južne vesti Predrag Blagojević izjavio je da je Poreska inspekcija, koja pregleda rad tog portala, prešla svaku granicu i da je počela da obilazi članove porodica vlasnika firmi sa kojima sarađuju, da inspektori viču na njihovog knjigovođu i da odlaze u firme koje se reklamiraju na tom portalu.

On je za “Danas” kazao da je za pet godina to peta kontrola Južnih vesti i da portal trenutno ispituju dve poreske inspekcije.

“Firme koje se oglašavaju na Južnim vestima su počele da nam otkazuju saradnju”, rekao je Blagojević.

On je kazao da su poreski inspektori uzeli ugovore koje portal ima sa Delegacijom Evropske unije, OEBS-om, Savetom Evrope, UN i pojedinim ambasadama.

“Onda taj inspektor pokaže ugovore članovima porodica zaposlenih u firmama koje se kod nas oglašavaju i kaže: ‘Pogledajte za koga radi vaše dete, ovo je firma koja radi za strane obaveštajne agencije’. Nekoliko ljudi nas je zvalo. Recept je isti, zvali su roditelje, sestru, članove uže porodice i kazali im ovo”, rekao je Blagojević.

On je dodao i da “nema dilemu da iza toga stoji vlast” i dodao da pretpostavlja da je motiv to što ne pristaju da promene uređivačku politiku i objektivno izveštavaju.

Za pet godina nijedna inspekcija nije pronašla nijedan problem u Južnim vestima, napominje Blagojević.

Regionalna platforma za medijske slobode pozdravlja efikasnu akciju policije Crne Gore


PODGORICA, 05.04.2018. – Regionalna platforma zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara, koja zastupa više od 8.000 članova, pozdravlja efikasnu reakciju Uprave policije Crne Gore, koja je identifikovala i privela dvojicu osumnjičenih za podmetanje eksplozivne naprave na automobilu u blizini kuće novinara Seada Sadikovića u Bijelom Polju.

Incident se dogodio 1. aprila oko ponoći kad su, kako se pretpostavlja, Ilhan i Hilmo Pepić iz Rožaja bacili eksplozivnu napravu ispod automobila koji je bio parkiran ispred Sadikovićeve kuće, a koji ne pripada novinaru ni njegovoj porodici. Motiv za napad je, kako je saopšteno iz Uprave policije, prilog o muzeju Pepića u Rožajama, koji je Sadiković emitovao u svojoj emisiji „Bez granica“ na Televiziji Vijesti.

„Pozdravljamo akciju policije i to što je Tužilaštvo Pepićima odredilo pritvor od 30 dana ali ujedno podsećamo da upravo te dve institucije nisu ništa uradile kada je Sadiković više puta, od decembra 2017. godine kada je taj prilog emitovan, prijavljivao brojne pretnje koje je dobijao na razne načine. Da su tada bili efikasniji, do podmetanja eksploziva verovatno ne bi ni došlo. Takođe, efikasnost pripadnika Uprave policije je pokazala da kada hoće, mogu da otkriju i napadače i motiv, što se nije desilo u brojnim prethodnim slučajevima napada na novinare koji su ostali nerešeni“, kazala je predsednica Sindikata medija Crne Gore Marijana Camović.

Regionalna  platforma osuđuje svaki napad na novinare zbog posla koji obavljaju i podseća da su napadi i pretnje novinarima direktan napad na slobodu izražavanja i pravo građana da budu informisani.

Svaki napad na novinare je napad na javni interes, demokratiju i prava svih građana.

Od početka 2018. godine, Sindikat medija Crne Gore je evidentirao dva napada na novinare, od čega jedan slučaj pretnje i drugi slučaj uništenja imovine.

Udruženje/udruga BiH novinari
Sindikat medija Crne Gore
Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo
Udruženje novinara Kosova
Udruženje novinara Makedonije
Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Регионалната платформа го поздравува апсењето на напаѓачот на Садиковиќ: Полицијата покажа дека умее да ја врши својата должност


ПОДГОРИЦА, 05.04.2018. – Регионалната платформа на Западен Балкан за застапување на слободата на медиумите и безбедноста на новинарите, која застапува повеќе од 8000 членови, ја поздравува брзата реакција на Црногорската полиција, која идентификуваше и уапси двајца осомничени за поставување на експлозивна направа на автомобил во близина на куќата на новинарот Сеад Садиковиќ во Бијело Поље.

Инцидентот се случил на 1 април околу полноќ кога, според претпоставките, Илхан и Хилмо Пепиќ од Рожаје фрлиле експлозивна направа под автомобил кој не му припаѓал на новинарот или неговото семејство, но бил паркиран пред куќата на Садиковиќ. Според полицијата, мотивот за нападот бил телевизиски извештај за приватниот музеј на Пепиќ во Рожаје, кој новинарот Садиковиќ го објавил во телевизиското шоу „Без граници“ на телевизија Вијести.

“Ја поздравуваме акцијата на полицијата и фактот дека обвинителството одреди 30 дена притвор за Илхан и Хилмо Пепиќ, но истовремено потсетуваме дека овие две институции не сториле ништо кога Садиковиќ претходно во неколку наврати пријавувал разни закани. Заканите започнале во декември 2017 година, кога бил емитуван телевизискиот прилог, а доколку институциите биле поефикасни, до овој инцидент веројатно немало воопште да дојде. Исто така, ефикасноста на членовите на Управата на полицијата покажала дека – кога сакаат, можат да ги откријат и напаѓачите и мотивите, што не беше случај во многу претходни случаи на напади врз новинари кои до денес остануваат нерешени“, рече претседателот на Синдикатот на медиумите на Црна Гора, Маријана Чамовиќ.

Регионалната платформа го осудува секој напад врз новинарите, кој се случува поради нивната работата и потсетува дека нападите и заканите врз новинарите се директен напад врз слободата на изразување и правото на граѓаните да бидат информирани.

Секој напад на новинар, претставува напад врз јавниот интерес, демократијата и правата на сите граѓани.

Од почетокот на 2018 година, Синдикатот на медиумите на Црна Гора регистрираше два напади врз новинари, вклучувајќи ги тука еден случај на закани кон новинар и еден случај каде беше уништена сопственоста на друг новинар.

Skopje – Belgrade – Podgorica – Prishtina – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 05.04.2018. 

BH Journalists Association
Trade Union of Media of Montenegro
Croatian Journalists’ Association
Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Association of Journalists of Macedonia
Independent Journalists Association Serbia


Accepted SMCG complaint: Police acted unprofessionally in Miroslav Drobnjak’s case


PODGORICA, 05.04.2018. – Council for Civilian Control of Police Operations has accepted the complaint submitted by the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG) regarding the actions of police officers in the case of journalist Miroslav Drobnjak, correspondent of Večernje Novosti from Pljevlja, whose vehicle was burned on October 11, 2017.

“Having in mind that the Council addressed to the head of Pljevlja Security Center (SC), on three occasions with a request for relevant information for processing and making a decision on the case, and did not receive an answer, it was concluded that Pljevlja SC did not establish expected and necessary cooperation in accordance with the provision of Article 112 of the Law on Internal Affairs. Therefore, the Council assessed that such approach of Pljevlja SC contributed to the increased feeling of insecurity of journalist Miroslav Drobnjak. The Council tried to prevent it through its intensive and careful work on the case”, states the Council’s conclusion, signed by its President Zoran Čelebić.

In conclusion, it was noted also that “police affairs have not been performed with defined and expected professionalism, and have provided no results regarding the safety and property protection of journalist Miroslav Drobnjak, discovery of crime perpetrator and his/her processing to the competent state authorities”.

In one of the Council’s requests, sent to Pljevlja Security Center, it was noted that it was unacceptable “that due to the absence of the necessary and expected sensibility in the treatment by police officers, citizen Drobnjak, who performs a socially responsible work, is exposed to additional pressures and threats. He faces possible prosecution only because he cooperated with the police and assisted it to fulfill its legal function with information”.

Drobnjak’s car were burned in October, a month later an expert gave the opinion that the fire was intentionally caused – car was sprinkled with gasoline and set on fire. Pljevlja state prosecutor Božidarka Gačević, in late December, informed SMCG that the action was qualified as the offense -destruction and damage of someone’s property- which is not prosecuted ex officio. Drobnjak was notified about that decision in the mid-January. He was, for this case, interrogated several times in Pljevlja police station. He was put on polygraph test on one occasion. All members of his family were questioned. The police has not resolved this case to date.