PODGORICA, 03.03.2018 – Journalists of the Public Service Radio and Television of Montenegro and portal UL Info will have the opportunity to participate at the training on professional and ethical reporting on European integration of Montenegro. Training is part of the project which is besides these two media, implemented by NGO Center for Civic Education (CCE) and financed by the Delegation of the European Union in Podgorica.
Project “Facts matter – Objective and innovative journalism for the EU”, as announced by project partners, aims to provide journalists with support in producing quality reports on European integration of Montenegro and enable them to report objectively, freely, professionally, and ethically.
The intention is to improve through the project the professional capacities of the media and journalists, primarily the journalists of RTCG and portal UL Info research desks.
One of the objectives of the project is to strengthen the capacity of Montenegrin media to produce innovative, receptive content about the EU integration process through cooperation with civil society organizations and educational institutions.
It is expected that participants will improve their capacities and application of research techniques and principles of objective reporting.
The training is intended for two groups – basic training for 15 young journalists, and advanced training for ten experienced journalists.