SafeJournalists: Photojournalist Attacked in Serbia

    photo: canva

    Milan Supica, a photojournalist of the “Pancevac” newspaper, was physically attacked yesterday near his house in Pancevo, Serbia.

    Supica was taking photos of flowers in a makeshift store when the saleswoman asked him why he was doing that, so he presented his ID. He left by car, and when he stopped, three unknown assailants pulled him out of the car,  threatened him verbally and tore the bag containing the camera. Supica was then hit several times in the chest, and when he tried to call the police, the phone was taken from his hand, the card was taken out of the camera and, while threatening him, the attackers threw the phone and camera back into the car, while they took the card with the recorded material from the camera with them. The incident was reported to the police and a criminal complaint was filed for causing minor bodily harm and theft of property to a person performing professional duties. Two people suspected of attacking the reporter were arrested today to be detained for 48 hours and interrogated under a criminal complaint.

    Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) says that such attacks on media workers are unacceptable. Zeljko Bodrozic, president of IJAS, says that the attack on the colleague is a consequence of the hostile climate that is being created towards journalists and media workers. “This attack is another proof of the hostile and dangerous environment in which the media in Serbia operate“, concludes Bodrozic.

    The SafeJournalists network, which represents more than 8.200 media professionals in the Western Balkans, strongly condemns attacks on media workers and calls on the authorities to adequately sanction the perpetrators.


    SafeJournalists Network will inform relevant national and international stakeholders about this case.

    Each attack on journalists is an attack on public interest, democracy and rights of all citizens.

    Skopje – Belgrade – Podgorica – Pristina – Sarajevo – Zagreb – Tirana, 05.05.2023


    Association of Journalists of Kosovo

    Association of Journalists of Macedonia

    BH Journalists Association

    Croatian Journalists’ Association

    Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

    Trade Union of Media of Montenegro