The Prosecution does not recognize the specificity of the journalistic profession

Source/Author: [:en]SMCG[:me]SMCG[:]
Source/Photo: [:en]SMCG[:]

PODGORICA, 18.10.2016. – Trade Union of Media of Montenegro strongly condemns the threats that Bozidar Martinovic, from Tivat, convicted for drug trafficking, sent to correspondent of daily newspaper „Vijesti“ from Tivat Sinisa Lukovic, just because the journalist published details of the incident that occurred on election day, in which the main actor was Martinovic.
A particular problem is that Martinovic was dare to send threats from the door of the Lukovic family house, in the presence of his family, which is why they are much more serious because he violated fundamental privacy and security but also sent a direct message to a journalist that he had to “shut up”.

Without wishing to interfere in the work of investigative bodies, Trade Union of Media of Montenegro expresses its disappointment by the fact that the Deputy Basic State Prosecutor in Kotor Tanja Čolan-Deretić rated that there were no elements of a criminal offense, but it is only the misdemeanor and that the Prosecutor’s Office still does not recognize the specificity the journalistic profession. Although we are not called upon to interpret the legal norms, we believe that the prosecutor had to more seriously understand these threats and qualify them even as a threat to security.

Prosecutors know well how cases of attacks on journalists they managed to bring to the end in last years, which is why they should be significantly more sensitive when making similar decisions. Therefore, we urge the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office to review once again the decision of the Deputy Basic State Prosecutor Colan-Deretic.
TMUM gives full support to colleague Lukovic in protecting his personal security and in the continuation of his professional work in the public interest.

TMUM, at the same time, joins to the protest of non-governmental organizations because of the decisions of the authorities that, on election day, shut down popular services, Viber and WhatsApp, because of propaganda communication, or unwanted (spam) political messages sent to users. We believe that this decision is contrary to the fundamental right to freedom of expression and information.
Main board TMUM