Actual attack, Milan Jovanovic, Belgrade, 12.12.2018.

    Country SR
    Name and Surname Milan Jovanovic
    Gender Male
    Date 12/12/2018
    City / Location Belgrade
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    Type of media online
    Media name Zig info
    Source Zig info
    Public prosecutor The police arrested three people in December suspected of being a direct perpetrator, organizer, and one person for aiding in committing. 25.12.2018. - The Second Basic Prosecutor's Office concluded a plea agreement with the suspect in aiding the burning of a house and imposed a sentence of six months in prison and 50,000 dinars. 22.02.2019. - Another two suspects in the burning house of journalists were released from detention. 25.02.2019. - The president of the Grocka municipality arrested and the Second Basic Court in Belgrade ordered him to be detained for up to 30 days on suspicion of ordering the fire. 07.03.2019. - The court abolished detention to the president of the municipality of Grocka Dragoljub Simonovic.
    Judiciary status The court proceeding against 4 defendants is ongoing.
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction Media coalition strongly condemned the attack on the house and demanded from the police and the prosecution to promptly investigate this crime. Regional Platform was reacted and requested from the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia to give this case a priority status.
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    Unidentified persons torched the home of the journalist Milan Jovanovic in Grocka. Jovanovic stated that the video surveillance from the neighborhood recorded two masked men throwing flammable devices into the garage before the fire engulfed the building. Jovanovic’s home has been destroyed in the fire.