Intimidation of the journalist Lirim Mehmetaj, Prishtinë, 05.03.2024

    Country KO
    Name and Surname Lirim Mehmetaj
    Gender Male
    Date 05/03/2024
    City / Location Prishtine
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Type of media online
    Media name Albanian Post
    Source Lirim Mehmetaj
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction While AJK is waiting for official information, such a call to a journalist is an alarm for a democratic society, as Kosovo claims to be. AJK will be requesting official information and closely monitoring the unprecedented development of the justice system in Kosovo on Thursday.

    The Association of Journalists of Kosovo has received with concern a statement made by journalist Lirim Mehmetaj of the Albanian Post regarding the summons issued to him as a defendant by the Basic Prosecutor’s Office in Pristina.

    In the summons for presence on March 7, Mehmetaj is invited as a defendant for the criminal offense of “inciting discord and impatience” under Article 141 of the Penal Code.

    While AJK is waiting for official information, such a call to a journalist is an alarm for a democratic society, as Kosovo claims to be.

    AJK will be requesting official information and closely monitoring the unprecedented development of the justice system in Kosovo on Thursday.