Actual attacks on journalists, Gordana Katana and Goran Dakić, Banja Luka, 13.09.2017.

    Country BH
    Name and Surname Group of journalists
    Gender Group Gordana Katana and Goran Dakić
    Date 13/09/2017
    City / Location Banja Luka
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens By public officials
    Name of the perpetrator Čedomir Knežević and Miladin Stanić
    Type of media print
    Media name Oslobođenje and Dnevni avaz
    Article and legislation violated (nationally) Discrimination law Criminal Code - Article 169
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction BH Journalists published a PS expressing its deepest concerns regarding three verbal attacks on journalists in Banja Luka, requesting the authorities to respect media freedom and insurance of undisturbed work of journalists teams.

    Employee of the Railways of RS, Čedomir Knežević, seized the microphones from the RTRS team. Miladin Stanić, a SDS deputy in the NSRS, verbally attacked and kicked out the RTRS cameraman from the assembly hall. Nenad Stevandić, vice-president of NS, offended Gordana Katana, journalist from Oslobodjenje and Goran Dakić, journalists from Dnevni avaz.