Intimidation – verbal threats, Marija Arnautović and Midhat Poturović, Sarajevo, 22.09.2017.

    Country BH
    Name and Surname Marija Arnautović and Midhat Poturović
    Gender Group Marija Arnautović and Midhat Poturović
    Date 22/09/2017
    City / Location Sarajevo
    Type of incident Threats against the lives and limbs of journalists
    By whom by policeman
    Type of media Radio and television print
    Media name Slobodna Evropa
    Source Marija Arnautović and Midhat Poturović
    Article and legislation violated (nationally) Police Guidelines in Dealing with the Media by OSCE
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction Steering Committe of BH journalists issued a Press Release, while Free Media Help Line requested the Federal Police Administration to comment on the police officers' actions. On 13 October, 2017 FMHL recieved a response to stating that allegations from BH journalists were unfounded.

    Pred zgadom Parlamenta Federacije BiH u Sarajevu gdje su se održavali protesti demobilisanih boraca, ekipi Radija Slobodna Evropa  pripadnici Federalne policije i policije koja obezbjeđuje zgradu parlamenta onemogućili snimanje.


    At the helm of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo, where the protest of demobilized soldiers was held, the members of the Federal Police and Police, guarding the parliament building prevented the shooting from the Radio Slobodna Evropa team.