Verbal threat, Mentor Gjergjaj, 22.12.2017, Pristina

    Country KO
    Name and Surname Mentor Gjergjaj
    Gender Male
    Date 22/01/2017
    City / Location Pristina
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom Security
    Type of media online
    Media name Gazeta Express
    Source Journalist
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction Association of Journalists of Kosovo was informed by journalist Mentor Gjergjaj that the bodyguard of deputy Prime Minister, Fatmir Limaj tried by force to delete some of the photos in journalists’ telephone. Journalist took picture of Limaj when the latter was entering the president’s office. The bodyguard took a picture of journalist’s badge. AJK instructed Mentor Gjergjaj to immediately report the case to police. Association of Journalists of Kosovo strongly condemns this act and invites police to take care for journalist’s security as well as to ensure that the bodyguard receives deserved sentence. AGK will closely monitor this case and will act in defence of the journalist and the freedom to practice the profession.
    Were authorities informed? No

    Association of Journalists of Kosovo was informed by journalist Mentor Gjergjaj that the bodyguard of deputy Prime Minister, Fatmir Limaj tried by force to delete some of the photos in journalists’ telephone. Journalist took picture of Limaj when the latter was entering the president’s office. The bodyguard took a picture of journalist’s badge.