Other threats to journalists, Tamara Nikcevic, Risan, 22.08.2021.

    Country MN
    Name and Surname Tamara Nikcevic
    Gender Female
    Date 22/08/2021
    City / Location Risan
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name RTCG
    Source RTCG
    Public prosecutor There are no elements of the execution of any criminal offense prosecuted ex officio.
    Was journalist`s association informed No
    What was journalists' association reaction SMCG condemned the attack.
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    08/22/2021 in Risan, journalist Tamara Nikcevic was verbally assaulted by a man who insulted her harshly. The Basic State Prosecutor’s Office in Kotor has made a decision that there are no elements of a criminal offense that is prosecuted ex officio in a specific act.