Other threats to journalists, Frane Šarić, Zadar, July 2021.

    Zemlja CRO
    Ime i prezime Frane Šarić
    Spol Muški
    Datum 10/07/2021
    Vrsta napada Druge prijetnje upućene novinarima
    Od koga Državnih institucija/dužnosnika/službenika
    Počinitelj/osumnjičenik Mario Živković
    Vrsta medija Tiskani
    Naziv medija Večernji list
    Izvor slobodnadalmacija.hr
    Državno odvjetništvo Živković je dobio mjeru opreza i zabranu približavanja, no kad je prijetnje ponovio prema poznatom zadarskom epidemiologu, policija ga je uhitila.
    Pravomoćna presuda Slučaj je u tijeku
    Je li novinarsko udruženje bilo obaviješteno? Ne
    Je li napad prijavljen policiji/nadležnim institucijama? Slučaj je prijavljen policiji

    According to unofficial information, Mario Živković, an employee of the city administration, threatened via his Facebook profile first the journalist of Večernji list in Zadar, Fran Šarić, and then the chief epidemiologist of the Zadar Public Health Institute, Dr. Alan Medić. After the threats addressed to Šarić, Živković was issued precautionary measures, but as he continued with the threats this time, according to Dr. Medić, the police arrested Živković and took him to the state attorney for questioning. After a discussion with the investigating judge, the state attorney’s proposal was accepted to determine the measure of pre-trial detention for up to one month so that he could not repeat the crime.