Other threats to journalists, Nikolina Lulić, Split, 6.2.2022.

    Zemlja CRO
    Ime i prezime Nikolina Lulić
    Spol Ženski
    Datum 06/02/2022
    Grad Split
    Vrsta napada Druge prijetnje upućene novinarima
    Od koga Državnih institucija/dužnosnika/službenika
    Počinitelj/osumnjičenik Bojan Ivošević
    Vrsta medija Online
    Naziv medija slobodnadalmacija.hr
    Izvor slobodnadalmacija.hr
    Zakon i članak koji je prekršen (nacionalno) Kazneno djelo prijetnje iz članka 139. stavak 3. Kaznenog zakona
    Državno odvjetništvo Općinsko državno odvjetništvo u Splitu je po službenoj dužnosti podiglo optužnicu protiv Ivoševića.
    Je li novinarsko udruženje bilo obaviješteno? Da
    Koja je bila reakcija novinarskog udruženja? HND je reagirao priopćenjem. https://hnd.hr/hnd-ostro-osudujemo-ivosevicev-verbalni-napad-na-kolegicu1

    Split Deputy Mayor Bojan Ivošević – after the text “Puljak and Ivošević in action of illegal afforestation and spreading falsehoods” was published on February 6 on the portal of the daily newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija: the City claims that this is the first tree planted in 30 years, and Bojan’s old FB page he denies” – he contacted Nikolina Lulić, the editor and journalist of the Slobodna City Rubric, by phone, and verbally attacked her harshly. According to the Slobodna Dalmacija, Ivošević told her, among other things: “I will drink your blood.”

    Lulić later wrote that she and her colleagues did not feel threatened in the statement “I will drink your blood”, but “the threat that we will not be able to do our work, that we will be deprived of information and statements and that anyone will be able, without consequences, to sweep the floor with us, that’s what we were afraid of”.