Threats to the journalists, Dinko Gruhonjić, Novi Sad, 24.11.2020.

    Country SR
    Name and Surname Dinko Gruhonjić
    Gender Male
    Date 24/11/2020
    City / Location Novi Sad
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Media name NDNV
    Source NDNV
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police Case was reported to the Prosecutor’s Office

    On the night between Monday and Tuesday (23-24. November), unknown persons wrote graffiti of hatred and national intolerance at the entrance to the building where the program director of the Independent Association of Journalists of Vojvodina, Dinko Gruhonjić, lives.

    At the very entrance to the building, on the part of the wall and the glass door, the messages “Pi*do ustaška this is not your city ad your country” and “Smrade konjušarski” were written, along with the Celtic cross and swastika representing Nazi symbols, and “Ratko Mladic is a Serbian hero”.

    In this way, the safety of journalist Dinko Gruhonjic and his family is endangered, and there is a suspicion that several crimes were committed, including inciting national, racial and religious intolerance, as well as a form of discrimination. The case was reported to the police and the public prosecutor’s office as an attack on a journalist in connection with the work he was doing. According to the information available so far, the Ministry of the Interior responded urgently and carried out an investigation.

    According to the lawyer of Dinko Gruhonjić, the text published on the VOICE portal, of which Gruhonjić is the editor-in-chief, is the presumed reason for the attack and insults. The text was published under the title “Novi Sad – a national chauvinist province celebrating genocide?” and it analyzes the problematic content of graffiti that appear in city of Novi Sad. The representative and the injured journalist expect a quick and urgent reaction from the police and the prosecution and the finding of the perpetrators.