Threats to media and media organizations, Portal Standard, Bar, 03.04.2023.

    Država MN
    Ime i prezime Portal Standard
    Pol Grupa (imenuj članove ako je moguće)
    Datum 03/04/2023
    Grad Bar
    Tip incidenta Prijetnje medijima i medijskim organizacijama
    Izvršilac/osumnjičeni V.S.
    Tip medija Online
    Naziv medija Portal Standard
    Izvor Uprava Policije
    Od strane koga Nad novinarima od strane građana
    Javni tužilac Tužilac se izjasnio da u slučaju nema elemenata krivičnog djela.
    Da li je Sindikat bio informisan? Da
    Da li je incident prijavljen policiji/nadležnim organima ? Slučaj je prijavljen policiji Slučaj je prijavljen tužilaštvu

    A message with offensive and threatening content was sent to the editors of the Standard portal under the text published on the Instagram social network on April 3.

    The case was reported to the police. The State Prosecutor in the Basic State Prosecutor’s Office in Bar declared that there were no elements of a criminal offense in the actions of this person. A misdemeanor charge was filed against V.S. from Bar, under Article 7 and Article 8 of the Law on Public Order and Peace.