Threats against the lives and physical safety of journalists, Olivera Lakic, Podgorica, 01.05.2020.

    Country MN
    Name and Surname Olivera Lakic
    Gender Female
    Date 01/11/2020
    City / Location Podgorica
    Type of incident Threats against the lives and limbs of journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media print
    Media name Vijesti
    Source Dan
    Legal closure Ongoing (or case not closed)
    Was journalist`s association informed No
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the Prosecutor’s Office Case was initiated ex officio by the Prosecutor’s Office

    In the case against a criminal group in which 23 persons were accused of planning and committing several serious crimes, cooperating witness B.P. in his statement at the Special State Prosecutor’s Office, gave details about the planning of the assassination of journalist Olivera Lakic. According to the testimony, everything happened in May this year in the Institute for Execution of Criminal Sanctions Spuz.

    In his testimony, the cooperating witness stated that on one occasion, on May 1 or 2, 2020, the accused B.F. who asked him if he knew Olivera Lakic and then asked him what he would ask for in return for her murder. After this conversation, on May 5 or 6, the accused G.R. came to his room, who asked him for how much money he would murder, and then told him “I would give you 150,000 euros in cash, and if you ask me for 200,000, to finish this for me just to take it away from me” adding “she knows something which she should not know ”.

    Also, the cooperating witness stated that the story about Olivera Lakic was started in prison by detainee V.B. who also asked him if he knew her. In further conversation with witness V.B. said that he followed Lakic, and that he forwarded information about her movements to the bloodied F.K. who approached her from behind and shot her in the leg.