The MIA team was physically attacked in Skopje during today’s protest

    Земјата MK
    Име и презиме /
    Пол Mашки
    Датум 26/02/2021
    Градот Skopje
    Вид на напад Напади врз медиумите или медиумските организации
    Сторителот / осомничениот /
    Дали здружението на новинари било информирано? Да
    Дали нападот е пријавен во полиција/власти? Случајот беше пријавен во полиција

    The Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) strongly condemns today’s attack on a team of the Media Information Agency (MIA) that professionally reported on the protest related to the “Monster” case.

    According to the colleagues from MIA, there was an attempt to take away their equipment and pushes, during which the cameraman was pushed and his equipment was damaged.

    This attitude towards journalists who are on duty in the field is unacceptable and needs to be severely punished by the Ministry of Interior because violence against journalists is not allowed in democratic countries.

    Impunity for attacks and media workers can incite more serious violence against journalists, further endangering their safety, the right to freedom of expression, and the right to inform citizens. That is why it is important to amend the Criminal Code as soon as possible in order to systematically protect journalists and media workers.

    Photo: MIA