Threats against the lives and physical safety of journalists, Vojin Radovanovic, Belgrade, 24.06.2023.

    Država SR
    Ime i prezime Vojin Radovanovic
    Pol Muški
    Datum 24/06/2023
    Grad Beograd
    Tip incidenta Pretnje smrću i pretnje teškim telesnim povredama
    Naziv medija Danas
    Izvor Nina Colic
    Da li je novinarsko udruženje informisano? Da
    Pretnje smrcu i fizicke bezbednosti novinara Pretnje smrću ili fizičkim nasiljem licem u lice ili telefonom

    Danas journalist Vojin Radovanović was attacked on the night between June 24 and 25 in the Šlep bar in Belgrade, when an unknown person who recognized Radovanović as a Danas journalist first uttered threats and then physically attacked him, grabbing his arm dragged violently and against his will. Fortunately, the threats and attack did not escalate because there were several other people who prevented a more serious incident and new attacks. On that occasion, the person said to the journalist and repeated several times: “Vojine, Danas is a mercenary media, and you work in a mercenary media!”.

    Because of this, two days later, in the presence of his lawyer, Radovanović filed a criminal complaint for endangering security, about which an official note was made at the police station in New Belgrade. A few days later, at the invitation of the prosecutor, the journalist gave a statement at the Third Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in New Belgrade.

    The prosecutor’s office and the police have initiated data collection activities and the case is active.