Top Channel’s car is vandalized, Zveçan, 29.05.2023

    Country KO
    Gender Group
    Date 29/05/2023
    City / Location Zveçan
    Type of incident Attacks on media outlets and organizations
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name Top Channel
    Source Top Channel
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is expressing concern over the developments in these municipalities and is urging fellow journalists, camera operators, and photojournalists to exercise extra precaution during reporting and to respect the instructions of Kosovo Police officials regarding the reporting perimeter. AJK, once again, calls on the international presence in Kosovo, NATO Kosovo Force - KFOR, and EULEX Kosovo, to enable safe and unhindered media reporting

    A vehicle belonging to the media outlet Top Channel was vandalized today by protesters in Zvecan.

    The vehicle, in which four journalists from different media outlets were traveling, was vandalized with nationalist slogans and with the intention of rendering it inoperable.

    The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is expressing concern over the developments in these municipalities and is urging fellow journalists, camera operators, and photojournalists to exercise extra precaution during reporting and to respect the instructions of Kosovo Police officials regarding the reporting perimeter.

    AJK, once again, calls on the international presence in Kosovo, NATO Kosovo Force – KFOR, and EULEX Kosovo, to enable safe and unhindered media reporting.