Verbal threat, Jeleni Dikovic, Belgrade, 30.03.2018.

    Country SR
    Name and Surname Jelena Dikovic
    Gender Female
    Date 30/03/2018
    City / Location Belgrade
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Type of media print
    Media name Danas
    Source Danas
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction IJAS publicly condemned and said that the behavior of Seselj and other political actors against media professionals is a direct consequence of the atmosphere of intolerance towards freedom of expression and information, for which the executive autority is responsible for the most part.
    Were authorities informed? Case was not reported to the police

    In the courtroom of the Special Court in Belgrade, Vojislav Seselj mocked witnesses at the war crimes trial in Kravice. Seselj first asked, shouting, if there was anyone from anti-war organisation Women in Black present in the court audience and added they should be “turned to blue”. Since there was no representative of this NGO in the courtroom, the journalist from Danas stated that she was from Women in Black, after which the SRS leader asked for her name. When the reporter replied, he told his party followers: “Write it down, Jelena Dikovic, so that we can turn her to blue”