Other threats to journalists, Mirnes Đozić, 02.02,2018., Ilijaš

    Country BH
    Name and Surname Mirnes Đozić
    Gender Male
    Date 02/02/2018
    City / Location Ilijaš
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Name of the perpetrator Muhamed Handžić
    Type of media online
    Media name Evropa magazin
    Source Mirnes Đozić
    Article and legislation violated (nationally) Crminal Law of FBiH - Article 183
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction FMHL wrote an official letter to the Police in Ilijaš. On May 07,2018 we received a response that according to the Law on Free Access to Information and Law on Protection of Personal Data we are not legally allowed to have access to this data.

    The President of OO BPS Ilijaš, Muhamed Handžić threatened the editor of Evropa magazin after publishing an article about him.