IJAS and IJAV condemned the savage attack on the cameraman of the Anadolu Agency

Source/Author: [:en]IJAS[:rs]NUNS[:]
Source/Photo: [:en]b92.net[:rs]b92.net[:]

BELGRADE, 05.01.2017. – The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina condemned the savage attack on Nihad Ibrahimkadic, cameraman of the Anadolu Agency and called the police to urgently reveal the attackers and motives of the attack.

Nihad Ibrahimkadic, cameraman of the Anadolu Agency was attacked in early morning near the railway station in Belgrade.

According to the Anadolu Agency, Ibrahimkadic was seriously injured, and after the attack gendarmes found him and transported to the Military Medical Academy.

Without any reason, unidentified persons attacked from the back Ibrahimkadic. The attackers did not speak anything and did not take any valuables, according to the announcement of the Anadolu Agency.

Ibrahimkadic was attacked in the early morning after his return from Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he spent the New Year’s holidays.

The authorities of the Republic of Serbia, as well as the embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey have been notified about the attack.