The last module of the Academy on Dealing with the Past Journalism and Conflict Sensitized Reporting was held


Journalism students and journalists participating in the second edition of the Academy were taught about the role of journalism in the reconciliation process on Saturday.

In this module of the Academy, taught by Besa Luci, Editor-in-Chief, participants explored basic conflict terminology, the essence of conflicts, and the role of journalism in either exacerbating or resolving them. The session also emphasized the importance of reconciliation and peace-building. Through the elaboration and discussion of different historical events, the dual role of media and journalism in conflict and post-conflict scenarios was emphasized. While media has been used to fuel hatred and conflict, it also plays a crucial role in fostering peace and reconciliation. This includes providing platforms for truth-telling, sharing narratives, and facilitating dialogue to transform relationships and rebuild trust.

During the lecture, two important schools of thought were also discussed, peace journalism, promoted by Johan Galtung and Jake Lunch, and conflict-sensitive journalism. Among other things, they discussed how journalism in conflict-affected societies is crucial for shaping public perceptions and knowledge about identity, history, conflict, and peace efforts. Journalists are not merely information distributors; they also shape and structure the conflict, influencing how the public perceives it.

With this module, the Academy on Dealing with the Past Journalism and Conflict Sensitive Reporting was concluded. This program was supported by the Civil Peace Service Forum – Kosovo. In the following weeks, participants of this Academy will be part of a study visit to the region, where they will have the opportunity to exchange information and experiences with colleagues.