The Media Committee initiates the process of selecting four members of the Programming Council of HRT

Source/Author: Hina
Source/Photo: CJA

The mandates of the President and three members of the Programming Council of the Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT) are expiring in July, so the parliamentary Committee on Information and Media will on Thursday determine the text of the public call for the selection of four members of that body.

The mandates are expiring for the President of the Council, Zdravka Kedža, and members Lidija Gašparović, Ivica Lučić, and Zorislav Lukić.

In March 2021, the Croatian Parliament elected seven members of the HRT Programming Council for a four-year term: Vlaho Bogišić, Nikola Baketa, Ozana Ramljak, Đemal Bratić, Robert Markt, Ivica Lučić, and Zorislav Lukić, with the last two having a shortened, two-year term, expiring in July.

Namely, in the Public call for the selection of seven members of the Council from 2020, it was stipulated that five members would be appointed for four years, and two for two years. The draw at the session of the HRT Programming Council in March 2021 determined that it would be Lučić and Lukić.

The HRT Programming Council, which represents and protects the public interest, has 11 members, nine of whom are elected by the Parliament, and two by the creative staff of HRT. The mandate of the President and members of the Council lasts for four years, and every two years, half of its members are appointed. The same person can be elected as a member of the HRT Council a maximum of two times.