Threats against journalist Agim Ademi in Shtime


The Association of Kosovo Journalists has been informed by Koha Group journalist Agim Ademi of a threat he received from a person with the initials S.B. in Shtime.

According to Ademi, the incident occurred in Godanc during the official inauguration of the public nursery construction. S.B approached and warned the journalist saying, “You should never dare to write anything about the mayor, the executive in Shtime, and the people who work with him.”

AJK finds the threat towards Ademi unacceptable and an obstruction to his performing his professional duties.

This is not the first time that Ademi has faced threats. He has already reported the recent threat to the Shtime Police, and we urge them to treat this case seriously. Furthermore, we request the mayor of Shtime to publicly distance himself from this situation.