AJK’s protest on World Press Freedom Day

Source/Author: Association of Journalist of Kosovo
Source/Photo: Photo by: AJK

PRISTINA, 03.05.2017 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo together with Press Council of Kosovo and with support of organisations from civil society organised a protest on World Press Freedom Day in front of government building in Pristina.

#Folmosutut (Speak Up, Don’t be Afraid) was the motto of the protest aimed at opposing the tendencies to limit the freedom of media and expression in general, especially through recent failed initiative of Kosovo’s Justice Ministry for amendments to Criminal Code. The ministry withdrew two proposed articles that foresaw punishment to several years to prison if anyone insults the Republic of Kosovo, its anthem, its President, the Parliament, the Government and the Constitutional court.

The protest also highlighted other serious concerns such as impunity by justice system towards the cases of physical assaults and life threats against journalists and other media professionals.

Journalist community also protested against censorship, demanded for better working conditions and access on time to information by public institutions.

From January until the end of April 2017, AJK registered seven cases of verbal threats against journalists.