Announcement of Awards and Evaluation Results of the Call of Proposals for the Small Grants Programme “Protecting Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression in the Western Balkans”


Zagreb, 20.09.2017. – Croatian Journalist Association (CJA), in its capacity of the contracting authority for this small grants programme, is pleased to announce the results of the evaluation of project applications in the scope of the Call of Proposals for the Small Grants Programme “Protecting Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression in the Western Balkans”.

The evaluation results present the ranking of all eligible project applications which were considered for evaluation of the quality of proposals, i.e. those that were submitted within the set deadline (August 31, 2017 at 23.59h) andmet all eligibility criteria, assessed during the Administrative Check process. The evaluation was undertaken by the Evaluation Committee appointed by the contracting authority, using the Evaluation Grid, published in the Application Guidelines. The evaluation process was organized on the basis of the Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EU External Actions (PRAG, version applicable from April 7, 2014) and the internal Rules of Procedure following PRAG rules.

The objective of this small grants programmeis to amplify advocacy efforts undertaken by local, national and regional civil society actors in collaboration with journalists and media organizations and to set topics of media freedom and journalists’ safety on mainstream agenda in the SEE region – more specifically Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia. Hence, the small grants programme will support locally and regionally rooted civil society initiatives, engaging human rights activists, journalists and media, aiming to protect the freedom of expression and freedom of media. The small grants programme is funded by IPA /EU with co-financing from the Croatian Government Office for NGOs and makes part of a regional project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety implemented through partnership of six regional journalists’ association – Independent Journalists Association of Serbia (IJAS), Association of BH Journalists (BHJ), Croatian Journalists Association (CJA), Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM).

The Call was divided into two LOTs, depending on the geographical scope and size of grant:

LOT I: Regional actions, whichare expected to include applicants from at least 3 out of 5 project WB countries. Average size of grants is 30 000 – 40 000 EUR with a co-financing rate of 10%.

LOT II: National actions, which are expected to include applicants within a given country. Average size of grants is 5 000 – 10 000 EUR with a co-financing rate of 10%. Indicatively, a total of 10 national grants will be disbursed, contingent on sufficient applications of high quality proposals.

All lead applicants whose applications have been evaluated will receive individual letters by email, informing them on the results of the evaluation by September 22 at 17:00h the latest.

All lead applicants that have been awarded a grant or have been placed on the reserve list are obliged to be available by email and phone over the period September 21 – 30, 2017, in order to engage in the contracting procedure.

Croatian Journalist association and its regional partner journalist associations thank all applicants for their interest and effort in engaging in this Call for Proposals and their cooperation throughout the evaluation process that took place over the past two weeks.We wish you all good work and good luck in protecting media freedom and freedom of expression in our troubled region.


Awarded project proposals:


Registration number Project application title Lead Applicant Score

(max. 100)

NAC11SRB Mission Defence: Using Activism and Legal Possibilities to Resist the Pressures on the Media Novi Sad School of Journalism 91
NAC13SRB Media Freedom Matrix- On-line Monitoring Tool Civic Initiatives 91
NAC15SRB U pravu si!- Guide Through Journalist Labour and Trade Union Rights Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation 90
REG04SRB Invisible Violence: Stories from the Newsroom NIIT Society Innovation Center 87
NAC03BIH Go Digital Against Harassment JaBiHEU 86
NAC12SRB Media Content and Media Financing

as a Reflection of Public Interest in Local Communities

Centre for Democratic Development Europolis 85
NAC01MNE Untold Stories: Journalists Endangered! NGO 35mm 85
NAC02KOS Supporting Media Freedom and Freedom of Speech Through Increased Watchdog Monitoring Media Related Matters Democracy Plus 83
NAC05SRB Follow the (Media) Money Centar za istraživačko novinarstvo- Fondacija (CINS) 82
NAC04BIH Real Voice of Journalism Post-conflict Research Center 80
REG01SRB SUP-PRO-MEDIA: Support to Advocating and Protecting Media Fredom and Freedomof Expression in the Western Balkans Beta Meda Center 80
NAC10MAK From Understanding to Protection-

Project for Understanding and Protection of Freedom of Expression and Media Freedoms in the Republic of Macedonia

CIVIL- Center for Freedom 80
REG05MAK Regional Platform for Boosting Changes Towards Free Media Societies in the Western Balkans Novapedia 80
NAC07MAK Human Rights Through Social Movements Youth Educational Forum 75
REG03SRB Forming of non-profitablelocal community media “OPEN TV” Media Research Centre 75

Project applications placed on the Reserve List:


Registration number Project Proposal Title Lead Applicant Score

(max. 100)

REG01MNE Evidence for Freedom Youth Initiative for Human Rights Montenegro 73
NAC02SRB Safety to Local Journalists! Independent Journalist Association of

Vojvodina (IJAV)

NAC03MNE Journalism Cooperative Association of Journalists of Montenegro 72 

Project applications that have met eligibility criteria but have not been selected for funding:


Registration number Project Proposal Title Lead Applicant Score

(max. 100)

REG02MAK Police VS Media: Turning Rivalry into Chivalry Center for Change Management 71
REG01BIH Social Ambiance for the Activist NGO Sector- Pressure, Support, Cooperation Medijske inicijative- Udruženje za razvoj medija i promociju profesionalnog novinarstva 71
NAC09SRB A Freedom Given Up is not so

easily regained

NAC02MNE The Challenges of Albanian

Information in Montenegro

New Horizon 71
NAC01MAK To the Media Freedom Through

Media Outlets

NAC04SRB Informed Citizens for Free Media Network of the Committees for Human Rights in Serbia CHRIS 71
REG04MAK Free and Informed Media for Informed Citizen Media Development Centre 71
REG02BIH Inform and Defend-Journalists and Lawyers for Freedom of Expression Center for Media Law 71
REG02SRB Moj izbor (My Choice) ANEM 71
REG03MAK Western Balkan, a Field of Freedom of Speech Association of citizen Media Plus 70
NAC10SRB Local Censorship NGO “MilleniuM” 64
NAC08SRB Free Media, a Better Informed Society Women’s Forum Prijepolje 64
NAC16SRB MOVE- Media Hub of East Serbia Timok Youth Centre 63
NAC08MAK Keep the Doors Open for the Truth Zelena Lupa 63
NAC07SRB The Wednesday Patriotic Review Centre for Human Rights- Normal Communication 60
NAC06SRB Free & Protected! Center for Modern Skills 58
NAC06MAK Pressures and Court Cases Against Journalists Cool Youth 57
NAC03SRB How to be Free Journalist Journalists Union of Serbia 51


Monika Valečić

Program Coordinator

CroatianJournalists’ Association

Email:[email protected]