BIRODI: Vucic’s TV Pink appearance breaches ODIHR recommendations, Constitution and laws

Source/Author: N1

“Bureau for Social Research (BIRODI) stated that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, appearing today on TV Pink, continued to violate international standards, ODIHR recommendations, the Constitution, and laws in the election campaign for local elections, while TV Pink violated media guidelines.

In the BIRODI statement, it was noted that Vucic, appearing in the morning program on TV Pink as the President of the Republic of Serbia, spoke for three-quarters of the time as an unannounced leader of the list for local elections in Belgrade, Nic, Novi Sad, and Cacak.

As stated, in the interview, which lasted 63 minutes including the announcement, one-quarter of the time was spent on the topic of the Srebrenica genocide resolution, while three-quarters of the time was devoted to local elections and promoting the successes of the government.

„The interviewer, through her questions, comments, the content of the broadcast reports, and the displayed graphics, influenced that the guest and the list for local elections, to which the guest lent his name, were presented positively or extremely positively, while opposition electoral lists for local elections were presented negatively or extremely negatively,“ BIRODI stated.

Therefore, the Bureau called on the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media to determine whether the interview with the President of the Republic violated the Regulations on the Protection of Human Rights in the Field of Media Services and the Regulations on the Manner of Fulfilling Obligations of Media Service Providers during the election campaign.“

Source: N1