Keep the courts open

Source/Author: [:en]Association of Journalists of Kosovo, AJK[:ks]Asociacioni i Gazetarëve të Kosovës[:]
Source/Photo: [:en]Photo by:[:ks]Foto:[:]

PRISTINA, 30.11.216 – We express our opposition to the unacceptable actions of the justice system. Few days ago AJK asked the judge of the Basic Court of Pristina, Shasivar Hoti to review its decision that closed to the public and media of the trial in the case of former president of the Court of Appeal, Salih Mekaj.

But today this institution proved that it is not interested to respect the principles of transparency. Neither has the judge Shadije Gerguri taken into consideration our rejection when she decided to try a number of suspected doctors in the so-called cases “Stents”. The reasoning that the hall is small and has a large number of defendant’s it represents flimsy and unsustainable excuses for journalists in the country.

AJK had called on two judges of the cases in question as well as the Basic Court to take immediate action by ensuring transparent justice. Lack of transparency in justice creates room for speculation and motivates internal whistle blowers to leak documents from the court. Moreover, these decisions will encourage other accused seeking closure of the hearings. So, the Basic Court has created precedent for concealing from the public the alleged criminal actions of senior officials. AJK is also deeply disappointed with the prosecutors who rather than asking the public to witness the work of the prosecution, they agreed with the interests of the accused.
