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Napad na snimatelja RTV Lukavac


Društvo novinara BiH osuđuje napad predsjedavajućeg OV Lukavac Mehmeda Suljića na ekipu RTV Lukavac. Iz ovog udruženja poručuju da ovakvi incidenti više nisu slučajnost, već posljedica neadekvatnog sankcioniranja brojnih napada na predstavnike medija u BiH.

Napad se desio prilikom posljednje sjednice Općinskog vijeća tokom kojeg je nakon verbalnog sukoba sa načelnikom Općine Edinom Delićem, Suljić snimatelju RTV Lukavac uputio prijetnje da će mu razbiti kameru, te poručio da ne smije snimati ”privatni razgovor” i da treba imati dozvolu Općinskog vijeća. Iz Društva govore da je većina vijećnika zaštitila snimatelja i pružila mu podršku.

Iz RTV Lukavac ističu da je direktan prenos sjednice Općinskog vijeća redovna praksa, te da njihova ekipa ničim nije provocirala ovakvo ponašanje.

Društvo novinara BiH od nadležnih organa očekuje da sankcioniraju Suljića, a od institucija za provođenje zakona da reagiraju u cilju zaštite slobode novinarske profesije.

Društvo novinara BiH, RTV Lukavac

The Film Agency continues with threats and inappropriate communication with the media


SKOPJE, 30.07.2020 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) once again condemns the inappropriate public communication of the North Macedonia Film Agency. In a similar manner as last time, though not signed, the statement published on July 27, 2020, and publicly confronts the online media sdk. mk, mkd.mk and radiomof.mk.

The Film Agency’s bad practice in the manner of communicating with journalists will not improve if they are publicly threatened with criminal charges for their previous publications. If the responsible people at the Agency consider that certain media contents are not in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the journalists, they can submit complaints to the media self-regulatory bodies or request for correction and counterstatement.

Public threat with criminal prosecution, especially from an institution that is financed primarily from the public budget, is a serious form of pressure on journalists and media that serves to discredit them and in addition to deter them from dealing with topics that are within the scope of the Agency work.

We remind you that managers of institutions that are funded by the citizens as well as persons appointed by the Government should have a higher degree of tolerance when they receive public criticism for their work in addition to the met professional standards of the journalistic profession. We also remind our colleagues that if they need free legal aid in order to protect their rights in practicing professional journalism, AJM is available.

AJM strongly condemns the threats against Deralla and Saracini


SKOPJE, 30.07.2020 – The Association of Journalists (AJM) and the Council for Media Ethics in Macedonia (CMEM) react strongly to the publicly expressed threats and insults with elements of hate speech sent through the social network Facebook towards the activists and journalists at “Civil Media”, Xhabir Deralni and Petrit Saracini.

On this social network, a person with a profile named “Marjan Kamilovski” recently publicly posted a photo with a firearm and then threatening text followed with inappropriate words, which indicates that will not tolerate public criticism of one of the newly elected MPs in the Assembly of RNM. Another profile motivated by this post, named “Sekula vojvoda fan club”, in aggressive and insultingly manner addressed the journalists, calling them “northerners”, “ballistic dogs”, after which other users continued with threats and hate speech.

This type of aggressive rhetoric present on some of the social media profiles intensified during the election campaign, for which we reacted several times, and it continued after the early parliamentary elections.

As journalistic organizations, we point out that hate speech and threats to life are crimes under the Criminal Code. The competent institutions should urgently be investigated and process them, primarily the Sector for Computer Crime and Digital Forensics at the Ministry of Interior (MOI) and the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) in Skopje in order to punish those who break the law as well as to prevent possible acts caused by hatred.

We remind you that the safety of journalists and the right to free speech are the basic features of a country that aspires to be democratic. That is why we insist on an immediate reaction from the institutions and active monitoring of the occurrence of hate speech, especially at social networks. On the other hand, we demand from the political parties’ public condemnation of the attacks and support to free thought, especially from those parties to which the persons threatening publicly show affiliation.

Statement on AMLU’s CSO investigation


The United States is concerned by the appearance of a selective investigation into several Serbian civil society organizations and investigative journalism outlets.

The list of the Anti-Money Laundering Unit (AMLU) includes a large number of prominent organizations and individuals, many of which work to promote democracy, strengthen rule of law, and help Serbia make progress toward EU accession.

Civil society organizations have legitimate roles and important responsibilities in democratic societies – including Serbia – as do media outlets and journalist associations.

We urge the Government of Serbia to uphold its constitutional and international obligations to protect fundamental freedoms of expression, association, and assembly and avoid the selective application of the law to pressure independent organizations.

The United States stands ready to assist Serbia on the road toward EU membership.  However, the appearance that Belgrade might be stifling civil society or the free press will harm Serbia’s reputation and hamper its advance toward that worthy goal.

Civil Society in Serbia Intimidated with Unjustified Money Laundering Investigations


Civil Rights Defenders calls upon Serbia’s authorities to refrain from pressuring civil society organisations and individuals following reports that they are being unfairly targeted and investigated by an anti-money laundering body.

On Tuesday morning, local media reported that the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering of Serbia’s Ministry of Finance has demanded access to bank records of dozens of human rights organisations, journalists and human rights defenders. The list of 20 individuals and 37 organisations includes several of our partners who are best known for uncovering and demanding accountability for human rights violations, abuses of power and corruption in the country.

Their finances undergo controls organised by Civil Rights Defenders in accordance with the highest international auditing standards, which raises further doubts as to the intentions behind these investigations. Taking this into account, we believe that the administrative harassment of human rights defenders by Serbia’s authorities represent a clear abuse of state and legal resources.

Our Director for Europe, Goran Miletic, says “not only will these investigations serve to further intimidate critical voices, but they also play into right-wing populist sentiments that human rights organisations operate with suspicious and foreign funding, when in fact, the government is accused of numerous violations and corruption charges. It is a dangerous smear-and-deflect strategy which has been used by authoritarian governments from Hungary to Turkey, and Serbia must not follow their lead”.

We stand in full solidarity with partners that are being targeted, continue to support them in their endeavours and are deeply concerned about recent growing pressures against human rights defenders and independent media in Serbia.

Civilno društvo i mediji neće odustati od borbe za demokratsku i slobodnu Srbiju


BEOGRAD, 29.07.2020. – Mediji i organizacije civilnog društva zahtevaju od Ministarstva finansija i Uprave za sprečavanje pranja novca da bez odlaganja predoče osnove sumnje zbog kojih su naložili vanredno prikupljanje informacija o organizacijama, medijima i pojedincima od strane poslovnih banaka. Član zakona na koji se pozvao direktor Uprave za sprečavanje pranja novca nalaže da se ovakva provera vrši isključivo za organizacije za koje postoje osnovi sumnje da su umešane u finansiranje terorizma. Pošto su na spisku brojne organizacije i pojedinci koji se bave istraživačkim novinarstvom, zaštitom ljudskih prava, transparentnošću, filmskom produkcijom, razvojem demokratije, vladavine prava i dobročinstva nameće se zaključak da je u pitanju politička zloupotreba institucija i opasan pokušaj daljeg  urušavanja vladavine prava u Srbiji.

Zloupotreba zakonskih mehanizama i institucija radi nezakonitog pritiska na medije i organizacije civilnog društva predstavlja drastičan napad na slobodu udruživanja i slobodu informisanja. Vlast u Srbiji već godinama je suočena sa ozbiljnim kritikama i međunarodnih i domaćih organizacija u vezi sa ugrožavanjem ove dve važne slobode. Ovakav napad na organizacije koje se zalažu za izgradnju Srbije kao pravne države, poštovanje zakona i istinsku borbu protiv korupcije dodatni je argument da su ove vrednosti ozbiljno ugrožene u Srbiji. Organizacije, mediji i građani neće odustati od borbe za slobodnu i demokratsku državu, bez obzira na pretnje i pritiske. Ovakvi i slični potezi vlasti samo nas dodatno motivišu da kao građani istrajemo u odbrani sopstvene države.

Mediji i organizacije preduzeće sve odgovarajuće pravne radnje protiv umešanih u ovu zloupotrebu, uključujući i krivični progon odgovornih, ali pre svega će insistirati na potpunim i jasnim odgovorima kako je do ovoga moglo da dođe. Podsećamo javnost da su organizacije i mediji  sa spiska izložene različitim vrstama redovne državne kontrole, uključujući i inspekcijski nadzor i rigorozne provere finansijskog poslovanja kako od  poreske uprave i Narodne banke Srbije, tako i od sopstvenih donatora. Svaka zakonita provera rada organizacija je dobrodošla i uvek ćemo je podržati. Sa druge strane, žestoko ćemo se suprotstaviti zloupotrebi institucija i procedura, jer to jeste naša misija – borba za demokratsku i pravno uređenju državu.

Potpisnici saopštenja:


    1. A1 Novi Pazar
    2. Akademija ženskog liderstva
    3. Alternativni centar za devojke
    4. Anđa Jočić
    5. Anja Anđušić, FM
    6. AS – Centar za osnaživanje mladih osoba koje žive sa HIV-om i AIDS-om
    7. Asocijacija Duga
    8. Asocijacija medija
    9. Asocijacija nezavisnih elektronskih medija – ANEM
    10. Asocijacija online medija
    11. ASTRA-Akcija protiv trgovine ljudima
    12. Autonomni ženski centar
    13. Bečejsko Udruženje Mladih
    14. BeFem
    15. Beogradska otvorena škola
    16. Beogradski centar za bezbednosnu politiku
    17. Beogradski centar za ljudska prava
    18. Beogradski fond za političku izuzetnost
    19. BIRN
    20. BIRODI
    21. Boom93
    22. Borivoj Stajić
    23. Branko Vučković, novinar iz Kragujevca
    24. CANVAS
    25. Centar “Srce”, Novi Sad
    26. Centar “Zvezda”, Beograd
    27. Centar modernih veština
    28. Centar za demokratiju i razvoj juga Srbije
    29. Centar za evropske politike
    30. Centar za integritet, Niš
    31. CENTAR za istraživanje javnih politika
    32. Centar za istraživanje u politici Argument
    33. Centar za mame, Beograd
    34. Centar za nenasilnu akciju
    35. Centar za nove medije org, Novi Sad
    36. Centar za praktičnu politiku
    37. Centar za prava deteta
    38. Centar za razvoj lokalnih medija
    39. Centar za razvoj Srbije
    40. Centar za regionalizam Novi Sad
    41. Centar za samostalni život OSI Srbije
    42. Centar za socijalnu politiku, Beograd
    43. Centar za unapređenje društva
    44. Centar za zaštitu, edukaciju i osnaživanje izbeglica Info park
    45. Centar za ženske studije
    46. Centar Živeti uspravno
    47. CeSID
    48. CINS
    49. City radio
    50. Civil Rights Defenders
    51. CK13
    52. CRTA
    53. Da se zna!
    54. Daca Jović, aktivistkinja
    55. Dajana Đedović, Forum za kulturu Evropskog pokreta u Srbiji (FzK)
    56. Danas
    57. net Valjevo
    58. Dr Aleksandra Bosnić Đurić, kulturološkinja
    59. Dr Ljubomir Jacić
    60. Dr Milorad Đurić, politikolog
    61. Dr Sonja Avlijaš, FzK
    62. Dr Srećko Djukić, Forum za medjunarodne odnose Evropskog pokreta u Srbiji (FMO)
    63. Dragan Srećković
    64. Društvo za obrazovanje odraslih
    65. Đorđe Popović, FMO
    66. Edukativni centar Kruševac
    67. EPuS Leskovac
    68. Evrokontakt, Kruševac
    69. Evropski pokret u Srbiji
    70. Evropski pokret Valjevo (Slavica i Vladimir Pantić)
    71. FemPlatz
    72. Fond B92
    73. Fond za humanitarno pravo
    74. Fondacija “Mesečina”, Subotica
    75. Fondacija Ana i Vlade Divac
    76. Fondacija Catalyst Balkans
    77. Fondacija Centar za demokratiju
    78. Fondacija Jelena Šantić
    79. Fondacija Pons Niš
    80. Fondacija Propulsion fond
    81. Fondacija Tijana Jurić
    82. Fondacija za mlade Obrenovca
    83. Fondacija za otvoreno društvo
    84. Fondacija za slobodu štampe- Senta
    85. Forca Požega
    86. Goran Cetinic, član FMO
    87. Građanska akcija Pančevo
    88. Građanske inicijative
    89. Građanski Savet Grada Kraljeva
    90. Građanski stav
    91. Grupa Izađi
    92. Grupa za konceptualnu politiku iz Novog Sada
    93. Hartefakt Fond
    94. Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava
    95. Humani centar Mitrovica
    96. Impuls – Tutin
    97. Inicijativa A11
    98. Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava
    99. Inicijativa za Požegu
    100. Institut za evropske poslove
    101. InTER
    102. Internet portal “Medijska kutija”, Niš
    103. Inženjeri zaštite životne sredine
    104. ISAC Fond
    105. Ivan Medenica, FzK
    106. Ivana Jovanović, Forum mladih Evropskog pokreta u Srbiji (FM)
    107. Iz kruga – Vojvodina
    108. Jasmina Borojević
    109. Jelena Erdeljan FzK
    110. Južne vesti
    111. KC Grad, Beograd
    112. Klub za osnaživanje mladih 018
    113. Koalicija PreUgovor
    114. Koalicija za razvoj solidarne ekonomije
    115. Kolubarske.rs
    116. Komitet pravnika za ljudska prava- YUCOM
    117. Konsultacije za lezbejke
    118. Kragujevačke novine
    119. KRIK
    120. Krovna organizacija mladih Srbije
    121. Libek
    122. Link plus
    123. Media i reform centar Nis
    124. Milan Antonijević
    125. Milena Dragićević Šešić (FzK)
    126. Milena Stefanovic Evropski fond za Balkan
    127. Milivoj Bešlin, FMO
    128. MillenniuM
    129. Mladi istraživači Srbije
    130. Mreža Evropskog pokreta u Srbiji
    131. Mreža Nove solidarnosti
    132. Mreža odbora za ljudska prava u Srbiji CHRIS
    133. Mreža za politike prema drogama u jugoističnoj Evropi
    134. Nacionalna koalicija za decentralizaciju
    135. Nacionalni konvent o Evropskoj uniji
    136. Narodni parlament Leskovac
    137. Ne davimo Beograd
    138. Nedim Sejdinović, novinar
    139. Neformalno udruženje “Za naš kej”, Beograd
    140. Nenad Šebek, Konsultant za medije i OCD
    141. Nezavisna kulturna scena Srbije – NKSS
    142. Nezavisno društvo novinara Vojvodine
    144. Nova Ekonomija
    145. Novi optimizam
    146. Novinska agencija Beta
    147. Novosadska novinarska škola
    148. Novosadski humanitarni centar
    149. NUNS
    150. NVO Aktiv
    151. NVO Centar za razvoj liberalizma
    152. Odbor za ljudska prava Negotin
    153. Odbor za ljudska prava Niš
    154. Odbor za ljudska prava Valjevo
    155. Optimist, Bosilegrad
    156. Otvoreni klub Novi Sad
    157. Pakt Loznica
    158. Partneri Srbija
    159. PATOS, Smederevo
    160. Peščanik
    161. Podrinjski Antikorupcijski Tim Pakt
    162. Pokret gorana Novog Sada
    163. Portal za kulturu SEEcult.org
    164. Poslovno udruženje asocijacije lokalnih i nezavisnih medija ”Lokal pres”
    165. Proaktiv
    166. dr Vojin Rakić
    167. Protecta
    168. Radio Sto Plus Novi Pazar
    169. Radio Zlatousti
    170. Regionalna informativna agencija JUGpress
    171. Rekonstrukcija Ženski fond
    172. Re-Kraft
    173. Remark DPCM
    174. RERI
    175. Res Publica Kragujevac
    176. Resurs centar Majdanpek
    177. Roma Centar Kragujevac
    178. Roma World, Niš
    179. Romani Cikna
    180. Sandžački odbor za zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda
    181. Sanja Ivačić, FMO
    182. Slavica Milojević
    183. Slavica Ranisavljev Kovačev, Novi Sad
    184. Slavica Stojanović
    185. Slavko Ćuruvija Fondacija
    186. Slobodan Georgiev
    187. Smart kolektiv
    188. org
    189. SOS Ženski centar Novi Sad
    190. Students for Liberty – Srbija
    191. Tamara Spasojević
    192. Timočki omladinski centar – TOC, Zaječar
    193. Trag fondacija
    194. Transparentnost Srbija
    195. Udruženi sindikati Srbije Sloga
    196. Udruženja Film klub Prokuplje
    197. Udruženje “Kutija”, Niš
    198. Udruženje Fenomena
    199. Udruženje Glas građana Šumadije, Kragujevac
    200. Udruženje građana AIM Centar
    201. Udruženje građana Institut za istraživanje korupcije Pančevo
    202. Udruženje građana za borbu protiv trgovina i svih oblika nasilja nad ženama “Atina”
    203. Udruženje građana”NE-BO” , Negotin
    204. Udruženje Nepušački EDukativni Centar _ RP
    205. Udruženje roditelja i dece Brodić Parkić
    206. Udruženje Stara planina Pirot
    207. Udruženje žena Peščanik Kruševac
    208. UG Centar gradjanskih vrednosti iz Subotice
    209. UG Kreni-Promeni
    210. UG Ravangrad
    211. Ulice za bicikliste, Beograd
    212. Urban In – Novi Pazar
    213. Užički centar za demokratiju i ljudska prava
    214. Užički centar za prava deteta
    215. Vesna Perić
    216. Viktimološko društvo Srbije
    217. Vladan Jovanović – nezavisni regionalni konsultant u oblasti socijalne zaštite, prava deteta, ljudskih i manjinskih prava
    218. Vojvodina recommended
    219. Vojvođanski građanski centar
    220. Vukašin Obradović
    221. Zaječarska inicijativa
    222. Žene u crnom
    223. Žene za mir Leskovac
    224. Žensko udruženje kolubarskog okruga

Novo istraživanje pokazalo da pandemija ozbiljno utječe na mentalno zdravlje novinara/ki


Novinari i novinarke svakodnevno izvještavaju o različitim ekstremnim situacijama. Bilo da govorimo o ratovima, različitim prirodnim katastrofama ili pandemiji kao što je trenutno COVID19.

Sve ove situacije stavljaju pred novinare/ke različite izazove testirajući njihovu snagu i sposobnost nošenja u stresnim situacijama. No, većina ovih esktremnih situacija traju kratko i novinari/ke imaju mogućnost izaći iz ovih tema i situacija, posvetiti se nekim drugim, te na taj način napraviti predah. Međutim, šta se dešava kada mjesecima izvještavate o nečemu tako neizvjesnom poput trenutnog koronavirusa, svjesno se izlažući potencijalnoj zarazi?

Reuters Institut for the Study of Journalism i Univerzitet u Torontu su u junu intervjuisali 73 međunarodna novinara/ke i došli do zaključka da pandemija COVID19 itekako utječe na mentalno zdravlje novinara/ki, piše platforma Balkansmedia.org 

Kako navode, iako je njihova praksa da ne objavljuju rezultate svojih istraživanja prije nego ona budu u potpunosti sprovedena, smatrali su da su rezultati do kojih su došli u ovoj fazi značajni za javnost.

Studija je pokazala da 70% novinara/ki osjeća neku vrstu tjeskobe, dok 26% imaju značane anksiozne probleme kompatibilne sa generaliziranim anksioznim poremećajem, koji uključuje simptome zabrinutosti, nesanicu, lošu koncentraciju i umor. Od ukupno ispitanih novinara/ki njih 11% osjeća simptome post-traumatskog stresa, koji uključuju ponavljajuće misli i sjećanja na traumatične događaje vezane za COVID19, kao i potrebu bježanja od takvih misli, te osjećaj krivice, straha, ljutnje i sramote.

U studiji se navodi da su intervjuisali novinari/ke koji imaju dugogodišnje novinarsko iskustvo, iza kojih se nalazi niz ekstremnih i vanrednih situacija iz kojih su izvještavali. Navode da pretpostavljaju da, kad istraživači/ce uđu u manje redakcije, postoji mogućnost da će naići na još veće probleme. Ispostavilo se da je jedan od uzroka stresa i drugih mentalnih problema i činjenica da su se novinari/ke našli u situaciji da izvještavaju o zdravlju i specifičnosti virusa o čemu znaju vrlo malo.

„Uznemirava me to što ne mogu da izvještavam o pandemiji u svojoj zemlji kao što je to urađeno u zapadnim zemljama. Osjećam se licemjerno iz razloga što mi je dozvoljeno samo da pratim upute vlade, i ne mogu da pokažem kako ostatak zemlje podnosi ovu epidemiju.“ – navodi se u jednom od odgovora novinara/ki.

Novinari/ke takođe navode da osjećaju etički pritisak prilikom pokrivanja priča koje se tiču i njih samih, njihovih porodica i prijatelja/ica.

„Priče o rasnoj napetosti, ekonomskoj nestabilnosti i pandemiji nisu samo priče koje pokrivate o drugim ljudima, već su i vaše priče. A tu su i frustracije i pritisci koji nastaju kada se izvještava o priči koja generira neprijateljstvo u javnosti i nepovjerenje medija.“ – navode u studiji.

Ova studija je još u toku istraživanja i prikupljanja podataka, ali 60% do sada intervjuisanih kažu da puno više rade tokom pandemije, dok su im dodatno povećane odgovornosti i kod kuće. Mlađi/e novinari/ke su rekli da starijim novinarima/kama, koji bi mogli biti osjetljiviji na COVID19, nije dodijeljeno toliko priča o pandemiji. S tim u vezi, ovih 73 ispitanika/ca su svojim redakcijama dali ocjenu 6 od 10 kada je u pitanju podrška koju su dobili od njih u toku pandemije.

S platforme Balkansmedia.org navode da će nastaviti pratiti ovo istraživanje i prezentovati finalne rezultate koje bude Institut objavio. Do tada na ovoj platformi možete pročitajte neke savjete Al i Sidney Tompkins kako se možete boriti protiv stresa tokom pandemije.

Balkansmedia.org/Lejla Huremović

Civil society and media will not give up the fight for a democratic and free Serbia


The media and civil society organizations demand from the Ministry of Finance and the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering to immediately present the grounds for suspicion due to which they ordered the extraordinary collection of information about organizations, media, and individuals from the commercial banks. The article of the law, referred to by the director of the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering, states that such inspection should be performed exclusively for organizations for which there are grounds for suspicion of their involvement in the financing of terrorism. Since the list includes numerous organizations and individuals dealing with investigative journalism, protection of human rights, transparency, film production, development of democracy, rule of law and philanthropy, the conclusion is that this is a political abuse of institutions and a dangerous attempt to further collapse the rule of law in Serbia.

The abuse of legal mechanisms and institutions to unlawfully put pressure on the media and civil society organizations is a drastic attack on freedom of association and freedom of information. For years, the government in Serbia has been facing serious criticism from both international and domestic organizations regarding the threat to these two important freedoms. Such an attack on organizations that advocate for establishing Serbia as a state governed by the rule of law with respect for the law and a genuine fight against corruption, is an additional argument that these values are seriously endangered in Serbia. Organizations, media and citizens will not give up the fight for a free and democratic state, regardless of threats and pressures. Such and similar moves by the authorities only further motivate us as citizens to persevere in the defense of our own country.

The media and organizations will take all appropriate legal actions against those involved in this abuse, including the prosecution of those responsible, but above all they will insist on complete and clear answers on how this could have happened. We remind the public that the organizations and media from the list are subject to various types of regular state control, including inspections and rigorous checks of financial operations by the Tax Administration and the National Bank of Serbia, as well as by their own donors. Any legal inspection of the work of organizations is welcome and we will always support it. On the other hand, we will fiercely oppose the abuse of institutions and procedures, because that is our mission – the fight for a democratic and legal state.



  1. A1 Novi Pazar
  2. Academy of Women’s Leadership
  3. Alternative Girls’ Center
  4. Dr Srećko Djukić, Forum for International Relations of the European Movement in Serbia (FMO)
  5. Andja Jocic
  6. Anja Andjusic, FM
  7. AS – Center for Empowerment of Young People Living with HIV and AIDS
  8. Association “Kutija”, Nis
  9. Association Fenomena
  10. Association of Citizens “NE-BO”, Negotin
  11. Association of Independent Electronic Media – ANEM
  12. Association of parents and children Brodić Parkić
  13. Association Stara planina Pirot
  14. Association Voice of Citizens of Šumadija, Kragujevac
  15. Associations Film Club Prokuplje
  16. ASTRA – Anti Trafficking Action
  17. Autonomous Women’s Center
  18. Becej Youth Association
  19. BeFem
  20. Belgrade Center for Human Rights
  21. Belgrade Center for Security Policy
  22. Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence
  23. Belgrade Open School
  24. Beta News agency
  25. BIRN
  26. BIRODI
  27. Boom93
  28. Borivoj Stajić
  29. Branko Vuckovic, a journalist from Kragujevac
  30. Business Association of Local and Independent Media Association “Lokal Press”
  31. CANVAS
  32. Catalyst Balkans Foundation
  33. Center for Democracy and Development of Southern Serbia
  34. Center for Democracy Foundation
  35. Center for Development of Serbia
  36. Center for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities in Serbia
  37. Center for Local Media Development
  38. Center for moms, Belgrade
  39. Center for Nonviolent Action
  40. Center for Policy Research
  41. Center for Policy Research Argument
  42. Center for Protection, Education and Empowerment of Refugees Info Park
  43. Center for Regionalism Novi Sad
  44. Center for Social Policy, Belgrade
  45. Center for the Advancement of Society
  46. Center for Women’s Studies
  47. Centre Living Upright
  48. Centre of Modern Skills
  49. CeSID
  50. Chil Rights Centre
  51. CINS
  52. Citizens Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Gender-Based Violence (ATINA)
  53. Citizens’ Association Institute for Corruption Research, Pancevo
  54. Citizens’ Association AIM Center
  55. City radio
  56. Civic attitude
  57. Civic Council of the City of Kraljevo
  58. Civic Initiatives
  59. Civil action Pancevo
  60. Civil Rights Defenders
  61. CK13
  62. Coalition for Solidarity Economy Development
  63. KC Grad, Belgrade
  64. Coalition PreUgovor
  65. Conceptual Policy Group, Novi Sad
  66. Consultations for lesbians
  67. CRTA
  68. Da se zna!
  69. Daca Jović, activist
  70. Daily Danas
  71. Dajana Đedović, Forum for Culture of the European Movement in Serbia (FzK)
  72. net Valjevo
  73. Djordje Popović, FMO
  74. Don’t let Belgrade d(r)own
  75. Dr Ljubomir Jacic
  76. Dr Aleksandra Bosnić Đurić, cultural scientist
  77. Dr Milorad Đurić, political scientist
  78. Dr Sonja Avlijaš, FzK
  79. Dragan Srećković
  80. Drug Policy Network in South East Europe
  81. Duga Association
  82. Educational Center Krusevac
  83. Environment Engineering group
  84. Eurocontact, Krusevac
  85. European Movement in Serbia
  86. European Movement in Serbia Leskovac
  87. European Movement Valjevo (Slavica and Vladimir Pantić)
  88. European Policy Centre
  89. FemPlatz
  90. Forca Požega
  91. Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac
  92. Foundation for Freedom of the Press – Senta
  93. Foundation Pons Nis
  94. Goran Cetinic, FMO member
  95. Heart Center, Novi Sad
  96. Heartefact Fund
  97. Helsinki Committee for Human Rights
  98. Human Rights Committee Negotin
  99. Human Rights Committee Nis
  100. Human Rights Committee Valjevo
  101. Humanitarian Center Mitrovica
  102. Humanitarian Law Center
  103. Impulse – Tutin
  104. Independent Association of Journalists of Vojvodina
  105. Independent cultural scene of Serbia – NKSS
  106. Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS)
  107. Informal association “Za naš kej”, Belgrade
  108. Initiative A11
  109. Initiative for Požega
  110. Institute for European Affairs


  1. Integrity Center, Nis
  2. InTER
  3. Internet portal “Media box”, Nis
  4. ISAC Fund
  5. Ivan Medenica, FzK
  6. Ivana Jovanović, European Youth Movement Forum in Serbia (FM)
  7. Iz kruga – Vojvodina
  8. Izađi group
  9. Jasmina Borojevic
  10. Jelena Erdeljan FzK
  11. Jelena Šantić Foundation
  12. Južne vesti
  13. Kolubara District Women’s Association
  14. rs
  15. Kragujevac newspapers
  16. Kreni-Promeni Association
  17. KRIK
  18. Libek
  19. Link plus
  20. Loznica Pact
  21. Majdanpek Resource Center
  22. Media and Reform Center Nis
  23. Media Association
  24. Mesečina Foundation, Subotica
  25. Milan Antonijevic
  26. Milena Dragicevic Sesic (FzK)
  27. Milena Stefanovic European Fund for the Balkans
  28. Milivoj Bešlin, FMO
  29. MillenniuM
  30. National Coalition for Decentralization
  31. National Convention on the European Union
  32. National Youth Council of Serbia
  33. Nedim Sejdinović, journalist
  34. Nenad Šebek, Media and CSO Consultant
  35. Network of Human Rights Committees in Serbia CHRIS
  36. Network of the European Movement in Serbia
  37. B92 Fund
  38. New Economy
  39. New Media Center kuda.org, Novi Sad
  40. New optimism
  41. New Solidarity Network
  42. NGO Aktiv
  43. NGO Center for the Development of Liberalism
  45. Non-Smoking Educational Center Association _ RP
  46. Novi Sad Humanitarian Center
  47. Novi Sad Open Club
  48. Novi Sad School of Journalism
  49. Obrenovac Youth Foundation
  50. Online Media Association
  51. Open Society Foundation
  52. Optimist, Bosilegrad
  53. Partners Serbia
  54. PATOS, Smederevo
  55. People’s Parliament Leskovac
  56. Peščanik
  57. Podrinje Anti-Corruption Team Pact
  58. Policy Center
  59. Portal SEEcult.org
  60. Proaktiv
  61. Dr. Vojin Rakic
  62. Propulsion Fund
  63. Protecta
  64. Radio Sto Plus Novi Pazar
  65. Radio Zlatousti
  66. Ravangrad Citizens’ Association
  67. Reconstruction Women’s Fund
  68. Regional Information Agency JUGpress
  69. Re-Kraft
  70. Remark DPCM
  71. RERI
  72. Res Publica Kragujevac
  73. Roma Center Kragujevac
  74. Roma World, Nis
  75. Romani Cikna
  76. Sandzak Committee for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms
  77. Sanja Ivačić, FMO
  78. Slavica Milojevic
  79. Slavica Ranisavljev Kovacev, Novi Sad
  80. Slavica Stojanović
  81. Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation
  82. Slobodan Georgiev
  83. Smart collective
  84. Society for Adult Education
  85. org
  86. SOS Women’s Center Novi Sad
  87. Streets for cyclists, Belgrade
  88. Students for Liberty – Serbia
  89. Tamara Spasojevic
  90. The Lawyers’ Committee For Human Rights (YUCOM)
  91. The movement of the citizens of Novi Sad
  92. Tijana Jurić Foundation
  93. Timok Youth Center – TOC, Zajecar
  94. Trag Foundation
  95. Transparency Serbia
  96. UG Center for Civil Values from Subotica
  97. United Trade Unions of Serbia Sloga
  98. Urban In – Novi Pazar
  99. Uzice Center for Children’s Rights
  100. Uzice Center for Democracy and Human Rights
  101. Vesna Perić
  102. Victimology Society of Serbia
  103. Vladan Jovanović – independent regional consultant in the field of social protection, children’s rights, human and minority rights
  104. Vojvodina Civic Center
  105. Vojvodina recommended
  106. Vukašin Obradović
  107. Women for Peace Leskovac
  108. Women in Black
  109. Women’s Association Peščanik Kruševac
  110. Young researchers of Serbia
  111. Youth Empowerment Club 018
  112. Youth Initiative for Human Rights
  113. Zajecar Initiative
  114. Zvezda Center, Belgrade




Serbian Authorities Seek Bank Data of Rights Groups, Investigative Media


BELGRADE, 29.07.2020. – A department of Serbia’s finance ministry tasked with tackling money laundering and terrorism financing has asked banks to hand over data about the transactions of dozens of individuals and NGOs known for their work on human rights, transparency and exposing corruption.

Journalists and civil society representatives in Serbia have accused the government of trying to silence its critics after it emerged that the finance ministry’s Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering has sought access to bank data dating from January 1, 2019, for 20 individuals and 37 NGOs, including a number of investigative media outlets and high-profile human rights organisations.

The order was first published by TV Newsmax Adria Serbia. It cites the need “to determine whether the listed organisations and individuals have anything to do with terrorist financing or money laundering.”

The list includes Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, BIRN, the Centre for Investigative Journalism of Serbia, CINS, Crime and Corruption Reporting Network KRIK, the Novi Sad Journalism School, both of Serbia’s major journalism associations and a host of rights groups including Civic Initiatives, YUCOM, the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy, the Helsinki Committee for Human Right and the Humanitarian Law Centre.

The individuals include a number of BIRN employees, CINS director Branko Cecen, TV Newsmax Adria Serbia head and former BIRN editor Slobodan Georgiev and journalists Biljana Stepanovic and Vukasin Obradovic. Opposition politician Vuk Jeremic is also named.

Cecen told TV Newsmax Adria Serbia that the government, led by the Progressive Party of President Aleksandar Vucic, was “reckoning with its critics”. Zeljko Radovanovic, the head of the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering, said it was simply conducting “regular activities”.

‘Criminalising people’

Civic Initiatives, which was founded by anti-war activists in 1996 to promote democratic values and human rights, called on the government to “immediately stop the abuse of the mechanism for preventing money laundering and terrorist financing in order to intimidate organisations, media and individuals acting as controllers of the government”.

The law, it says, only allows authorities to seek bank data if it suspects an individual or organisation is involved in money laundering or financing of terrorism.

“The confrontation with organisations and critical media in this way is an abuse of the legal mechanism and state resources,” it said.

Milos Nikolic, head of Libertarian club – Libek, which is also on the list, expressed surprise, describing the non-governmental sector in Serbia as one of the most transparent in the country.

“Many of these organisations receive grants through competitions,” he told BIRN. “They cannot spend funds outside the described activities; there are contracts that regulate this relationship, often with very precise budget specifications of costs.”

“I really don’t see how an organisation like Libek or related organisations from the list that operate according to the law, keep proper financial books and have many years of achievements in the field of educational and research work behind them could raise suspicions about money laundering and terrorist financing.”

Georgiev, the head of TV Newsmax Adria Serbia, said the move was “a way of criminalising people”.

“People need to understand that this is what the Administration [for the Prevention of Money Laundering] does when investigating criminals, so now we are all placed in the same basket as criminals,” he told regional broadcaster N1 TV.

“That way you criminalise people when I try to detect crime with my work,” he said. “That Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering has the same donor as BIRN – the European Commission. So I ask the public question: ‘Will the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering examine itself’? It’s horrible.”