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State Department reported on Montenegro: Numerous problems with media remain unsolved


PODGORICA, 12.03.2020. – Unsolved attacks against journalists, political interference with the public broadcaster, smear campaigns carried out by progovernment tabloids, and unfair treatment and economic pressure from government ministries and agencies against independent and pro-opposition media remained a significant problem.

That’s stated in the latest State Department report on human rights practices in Montenegro.

„Media outlets reported that more than two-thirds of the 85 attacks on journalists since 2004 remained unsolved or did not result in sentences. Observers also noted that the vast majority of the attacks targeted independent or pro-opposition journalists and media professionals“, it is stated in the document.

It is stated that independent and pro-opposition media complained about unfair treatment and economic pressure from government ministries and agencies. The Center for Civic Education claimed that selective and nontransparent distribution of public funds to media outlets created an unfair media environment and constituted “soft censorship.”

„Some media outlets continued to demonstrate a willingness to criticize the government. A lack of training and unprofessional journalistic behavior, combined with low salaries and political pressure, contributed to self-censorship and what could be deemed biased coverage“, it is stated in the document.

BH Journalists and EFJ: Politicians and media must report responsibly on COVID-19


SARAJEVO, 12.03.2020. – BH Journalists Association joins the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) in calling on European policymakers and the media to report responsibly and based on verified information on the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

The European Federation of Journalists called on the media to report responsibly and avoid creating unjustified panic in the public regarding the coronavirus pandemic, as well as spreading discriminatory and racist comments.

Journalists must be able to deliver factual information and clear recommendations to citizens who are more and more irritated by the inflation of information around the COVID-19. They have a duty to counter dis- and misinformation about the coronavirus. They have a responsibility to give the floor to experts, qualified to comment on such sensitive issues.

– We believe media and journalists’ role is to provide citizens with verified, accurate and factual reporting and avoid sensationalism that could lead to panic and fear. The IFJ Global Charter of Ethics for Journalists is an excellent reference in such times of uncertainty. Journalists and media must report on facts and reliable scientific sources, avoiding speculation. Fear-inducing vocabulary that could create a state of alarm that does not correspond to reality should be avoided. Journalists should also be especially sensitive with the privacy of affected people – says the appeal to the media outlets from EFJ.

Accordingly, the BHJA and EFJ call on public authorities and medical institutions to provide timely and transparent information so that journalists and the public have access to all the relevant information. Also, it is important for media employers to evaluate day by day risks of journalists reporting from both outside and inside the newsroom.

SMCG and EFJ urges politicians and media to report responsibly on COVID-19


PODGORICA, 12.03.2020. – Trade union of media of Montenegro (SMCG) joins The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) in calling on European policymakers and the media to report responsibly and factually on the COVID-19 (corona virus) pandemic.

Journalists must be able to deliver factual information and clear recommendations to citizens who are more and more irritated by the inflation of information around the COVID-19. They have a duty to counter dis- and misinformation about the coronavirus. They have a responsibility to give the floor to experts, qualified to comment on such sensitive issues.

The EFJ joins the IFJ in calling on media to report responsibly and avoid creating any unjustified panic or sharing discriminatory and racist comments.

We believe media and journalists’ role is to provide citizens with verified, accurate and factual reporting and avoid sensationalism that could lead to panic and fear.

The IFJ Global Charter of Ethics for Journalists is an excellent reference in such times of uncertainty. Journalists and media must report on facts and reliable scientific sources, avoiding speculation. Fear-inducing vocabulary that could create a state of alarm that does not correspond to reality should be avoided. Journalists should also be especially sensitive with the privacy of affected people.

Accordingly, the EFJ calls on public authorities and medical institutions to provide timely and transparent information so that journalists and the public have access to all the relevant information. The EFJ also calls upon media employers to evaluate day by day risks of journalists reporting from both outside and inside the newsroom.

Dva otkaza za šest meseci: Pančevac ponovo otpustio Mihajla Gligorića


PANČEVO, 11.03.2020. – Novinaru nedeljnika Pančevac Mihajlu Gligoriću uručen otkaz pola godine nakon što ga je vlasnik lista u septembru 2019. najpre otpustio, pa ga u oktobru vratio na posao

Gligorić je u avgustu prošle godine, posle 30 godina provedenih u nedeljniku Pančevac, dobio otkaz zbog, kako je tvrdio, odbijanja da ode na psihijatrijski pregled. Vraćen je na posao tri dana nakon teksta koji je o tome objavila Cenzolovka. 

U obaveštenju o otkazu, od 23. avgusta 2019. godine (koji je stupio na snagu početkom septembra), poslodavac se pozvao na Pravilnik o radu D.O.O. „Pančevac“, objašnjavajući da je 6. avgusta Gligorić odbio da se podvrgne lekarskom pregledu na koji ga je uputio poslodavac i na taj način učinio tešku povredu radne dužnosti.

U novom rešenju o otkazu, donetom 2. marta ove godine, razlog je drugačiji. Osnov za otkaz ugovora o radu je dopis glavnog urednika Pančevca Aleksandra Živkovića, u kojem se tvrdi da Gligorić ne predaje tekstove o temama koje su dogovorene na redakcijskim sastancima, da oni nisu dovoljno dugački, da novinarski izveštaji kvalitetom ne ispunjavaju uslove za objavljivanje, te da sadrže netačne podatke. 

„Zalaganje, pokazane sposobnosti i učinak su ispod rezultata ostalih članova redakcije, posle povratka na posao… te on predstavlja smetnju radu redakcije“, navodi se u dopisu.

U rešenju se zaključuje da je Gligorić „nesavesno i nemarno izvršavao radne obaveze na svom radnom mestu novinar-urednik rubrike, čime je svojom krivicom učinio povredu radne obaveze“.

Gligorić odbacuje ove navode kao neistinite i objašnjava da je dobijao da piše tekstove koje je nemoguće napisati, te da je statistika koja pokazuje da on ima daleko manji učinak od ostalih novinara iznuđena. Dodaje da nije postojao prostor za inicijativu oko predlaganja tema, jer radne zadatke, kako kaže, određuje urednik.

Kada se vratio u redakciju nakon otkaza, svedoči Gligorić, nije bilo nikakvog maltretiranja i mobinga, ali kaže da je mogao da pretpostavi da se nešto sprema.

„Prva opomena bila je što mi nisu vratili rubrike koje sam radio do tada, već sam pisao samo jedan tekst nedeljno o starom Pančevu. Zatim, nisu mi isplatili zaradu mesec dana nakon što sam se vratio, ni dugovanja koja su imali prema meni do tad, a za Novu godinu nisam dobio novčanu naknadu kao ostatak redakcije“, priča Gligorić.

U rešenju o otkazu navodi se da će Pančevac, u skladu sa Zakonom o radu, isplatiti Gligoriću sva neisplaćena primanja, najduže u roku od 30 dana od prestanka radnog odnosa. 

Uručenju upozorenja o otkazu, a odmah zatim i rešenja o otkazu, nije prethodio nikakav razgovor, niti je bilo primedaba na rad, objašnjava Mihajlo Gligorić.

Razgovor sa urednikom, direktorom ili vlasnikom nije inicirao ni sam Gligorić, jer se, kako kaže, plašio da će dobiti otkaz. Strah ga je da neće naći novi posao, pre svega zbog godina, pošto mu je do penzije ostalo svega pet godina.

Na molbu mejlom da objasne razloge za drugi otkaz – iz Pančevca nisu odgovorili.

Montenegro: Public broadcaster threatens journalists for speaking out


PODGORICA, 11.03.2020. – Management of the Public Radio and Television of Montenegro (RTCG) have launched disciplinary proceedings against its editor Zoran Lekovic and journalist Nevenka Cirovic for exposing alleged irregularities at the broadcaster on social media. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join the Trade Union Of Media Of Montenegro (SMCG) in condemning this act of intimidation and call on managers to withdraw the threat.

Disciplinary procedures were initiated against Cirovic, SMCG’s vice president, and Lekovic due to Facebook posts in which they condemned numerous irregularities at the public media. The SMCG warned that the procedures could result in the dismissal of the two journalists.

“If that happens, it will be the final blow to the months-long persecution of Cirovic and Lekovic. In the last three months, Cirovic was given only two tasks and she was systematically ignored in the newsroom while Lekovic was removed from his show and a disciplinary process was launched against him”, claimed the SMCG in a statement.

The SMCG said: “We firmly believe that everyone has the right to freedom of speech, including journalists of the public service media in Montenegro. We will fight to retain that right and to prove that we must not be fired when we dare to express positions that are contrary to what our employer or the ruling elite think”.

IFJ General Secretary, Anthony Bellanger, said: “We condemn this act of intimidation and censorship against two journalists for expressing their opinions. It is unacceptable that the public media board launches disciplinary proceedings against journalists simply because they do not like their opinions. We urge RTCG to respect freedom of expression and withdraw the measures against our colleagues”.

Ombudsmen of Bosnia and Herzegovina condemned widespread hate speech


SARAJEVO, 09.03.2020. – The use of hate speech in the public space has become more and more pronounced recently, which is why the Institution of Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina has stated that hate speech is an act directed against the dignity of a human being and condemned such actions that often contain threatening, abusive and degrading content addressed through the media and social networks.

In their statement the ombudsmen reminded that the term “hate speech” means all forms of expression that propagate, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, anti-semitism and other forms of hate based on intolerance, including intolerance of aggressive nationalism and ethnocentrism, discrimination and hostility towards minorities, migrants and people of immigrant background.

The ombudsmen expressed their expectation that the competent institutions would respond in all cases of hate speech and take all necessary steps and investigative actions aimed at inciting fear and intolerance in the society committed by any individual or group, leading to the incitement of national, racial and religious hatred in BiH.

At the same time, the ombudsmen believe that the competent authorities must send a clear message that they will not tolerate any form of extremism and that any act contrary to democratic values ​​will be sanctioned.

They stressed the importance of public authorities refraining from all hate speech activities.

The ombudsmen also called on all citizens and institutions to actively engage in the fight against fear, hatred and extremism through dialogue, understanding and mutual respect.



The safejournalists.net is looking for an experienced researcher to join our team as we widen our network to Albania

 In 2016 the European Commission commissioned a project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and journalists’ safety (hereinafter: WBP) that gathered regional journalists’ association – Independent Journalists Association of Serbia (IJAS), Association of BH Journalists (BHJ), Croatian Journalists Association (CJA), Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM). The action was developed in cooperation between six organisations as a result of growing restrictions of media freedoms by the state in our societies, as well as a statement of readiness to tackle our position in cooperation. The project allowed partners to form an informal network and build own capacities to monitor levels of media freedoms and safety of journalists, resulting in an online database of attacks against journalists and annual national and biannual regional (comparative) reports.

The overall goal of the project is strengthening participatory democracy in the WB countries through regional cooperation of professional and reliable CSOs and their engagement in the process of relevant policy development and monitoring of their implementation. In case of Albania, the consortium does not have an adequate partner but will contribute to national efforts related to this issue.

In 2020 a new, three year project was commissioned by the EC. The project, named safejournalists.net, envisages inclusion of Albania, resulting in a need to engage and train a researcher who will be the WBP’s contact point in Albania. S/he will be responsible for monitoring of media freedoms and safety of journalists, update the database of incidents, produce annual report and participate in the overall project activities when necessary. As a special section on the safejournalists.net website will be opened to include Albania, researcher will work together with an online expert to maintain it.

For more information about tasks and responsibilities see document ToR Researcher Albania

Deadline for application is 20th March 2020

Application should be consist of CV and two references.

Applications with attachments should be sent to [email protected].

The successful shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Sundic to quit disciplinary procedures


PODGORICA, 10.03.2020. – The SMCG requires of the RTCG Director General Bozidar Sundic to immediately withdraw the decision to initiate disciplinary proceedings against Nevenka Cirovic and Zoran Lekovic, thereby preventing further compromise of the Public Service, which is already recognized in the public as politicized and close to the authorities.

We believe that the formal introduction of unanimity and the punishment of rare individuals, such as Cirovic and Lekovic, who dare to speak about professional and other irregularities occurring in the RTCG since the arrival of current management and editorial team, do not support the degraded media freedom in Montenegro.

Disciplinary procedures that have been initiated due to Facebook posts may also result in terminations of the employment. If that happens, and we expect it will, unless the public service management is explicitly told that their decisions and demonstration of power are unacceptable, it will be the final blow to the months-long persecution of Cirovic and Lekovic. We recall that Cirovic is the first RTCG journalist to prove that she has been censured and this was done by ejecting a statement from the Ambassador of the European Delegation to Montenegro Aivo Orav from her TV video report, and no one was punished because of that. The persecution continued, so in the last three months she was given only two jobs, although she regularly arrived at a job where she has been ignored. That indicates the continuity of the discrimination she is exposed to. Lekovic was removed of his copyright show and a disciplinary process was initiated, but management gave up when they realized that it could not be completed in their favor.

We firmly believe that everyone has the right to freedom of speech and therefore journalists of the Public Service of Montenegro. We will fight to retain that right and to prove that we must not be fired when we dare to express positions that are contrary to what our employer or the ruling elite think. We will also fight for the dignity of our profession as well as for professional standards that are clear, especially in Public Service.

We will inform all relevant local and international addresses about developments in the RTCG and the persecution of people who have dared to take a critical stance and comment on the Public Service and their program. We will seek the reaction and assistance of all those who are watching the degradation of freedom of the media and its employees, and above all the European Delegation of Montenegro, the United States Embassy, ​​the United Kingdom Embassy, ​​the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, and we will also inform the President, the Prime Minister, President of the Parliament of Montenegro, as well as the International and European Federation of Journalists.

Main board SMCG

AJM: Journalists to report responsibly and to avoid creating unjustified panic in public


SKOPJE, 10.03.2020 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia joins the call of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) for the media to report responsibly and avoid creating unjustified public panic when reporting for the Corona virus (COVID-19). Journalists and the media have a responsibility to respect the ethical rules in their work and not to contribute to spreading lies and panic in the public. They have a responsibility to give the floor to experts, qualified to comment on such sensitive issues.

In this period the media should avoid vocabulary that causes fear among the citizens and may create unjustified panic in public. In addition, journalists should also be especially sensitive with the privacy of affected people. For this purpose we appeal to the public authorities and medical institutions to provide timely and transparent information so that journalists and the public have access to all relevant information.

EFJ points out that journalists have an obligation to publish accurate data from official sources such as those from the World Health Organization and to comply with the Code of Ethics of Journalists.

AJM urges citizens to be aware from which media they get informed about these topics and to give preference to the media that are part of the Register of Professional Online Media.