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AJM presented two publication on the safety of journalists


SKOPJE, 25.12.2019 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia today promoted two publications. The first concerned the attacks on journalists that have taken place in the last five years and is titled: “Chronicle of the (un)safety of journalists“. The authors of this publication are journalist Zoran Ivanov and the lawyer Igor Markovski. This publication describes all registered attacks on journalists, and gives a legal review as to how journalists better understand their rights in front of the state institutions.

The second publication is titled “Attacks on journalists and media workers on April 27”. As the title says, the main topic of this publication is the attacks on journalists that took place in the Parliament of North Macedonia on April 27th. Through the testimonies of attacked journalists and statements by almost all political actors, the authors Dushica Mrgja, Enis Murtezi and Hristina Belovska tried to describe what exactly happened on that “bloody Thursday” in the Parliament. The main remark in the publication concerns the failure of the judiciary to deal with attacks on journalists, in compare to the verdicts already made on the attackers of politicians.

The President of AJM, Mladen Chadikovski spoke at the promotion of the publications, and said that the public, citizens and political parties should understand that journalists should not and must not be attacked for performing their professional tasks. “On the other hand, the institutions of North Macedonia, and in particular the judicial authorities should have processed these attacks as soon as possible in order to protect our colleagues from future attacks, and to protect the democracy in our country,” he said. Chadikovski said that this year there has been a positive trend in terms of attacks on journalists. “However, next year we will have parliamentary elections, and this means that we will have nervous people, a tense atmosphere in society and in the public discourse, and this often results in violence against our colleagues. We appeal to the political parties to lead their political battles peacefully, by having quality debates and through better presentation of their programs, rather than through street clashes and attacks on journalists and a critical public,“ said Chadikovski.

On the other hand the Executive Director of Association of Journalists of Macedonia, Dragan Sekulovski said that AJM will not forget the unsolved cases of attacks on journalists, cameramen and photographers and will insist on judicial resolution. “In the future, we will continue to work with the MOI, Public Prosecution, courts and the Ombudsman in order to build an institutional system that will guarantee the safety of media workers,” said Sekulovski.

EC new informal report with same criticism without Belgrade reaction


BRUSSELS, 23.12.2019. – The European Commission (EC) has issued another, this time informal, report about the situation with media in Serbia in which reiterated criticism from its 2019 summary, but Belgrade authorities remained silent about its content, N1 reported.

The paper was issued on December 6, and the Government published it on the website of the Ministry of European Integrations, but a whole week after.

In the report, Brussels again criticised the media situation in Serbia, worried about attacks on journalists and influence on media.

On Thursday, the head of the European Union Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi said the new text was more or less the same to the one issued on May 29, 2019, regarding the rule of law and media freedom in the country.

The EC latest report said that “the cases of threats, intimidation and violence against the journalists are still causing concern, especially at the local level. The political and economic influence on the media still generates worry.”

Brussels also commented on one of the critical issues regarding media in Serbia, the work of the Regulatory Body for Electronic media (REM), which the opposition said was controlled by the authorities.

“It is still needed to empower the independence of REM to enable it to protect the media plurality. And especially to let it react to programmes’ changes which violate news content and programme scheme as stipulated by the frequency licences. Also, to allow it to properly fine (those who don’t stick to the rules),” the report said.

Some analysts told N1 that such a report from Brussels clearly showed why Belgrade had opened only one Chapter in the accession negotiations with the EU this month and why the Euro-parliamentarians had to mediate in the dialogue on election condition in the country between the authorities and their political opposition.

“Everything that has been agreed on must be implementable in the next period,“ Srdjan Majstorovic from the Centre for European Politics said.

He added he doubted the changes regarding REM were convincing, but that door to the dialogue should not be closed.

Whether the door remained open would be tested in January or February next year, when the Euro-parliamentarians were expected to come back to Serbia and check on the implementation of what had been agreed on.

AJK condemns the threat of the Head of the Culture Directorate in Skenderaj, Ramiz Shala, to the journalist Kajtaz Gecaj

Pristina, 20.12.2019 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo has received with concern the information that the Head of the Directorate of Culture in Skenderaj, Ramiz Shala, has threatened with physical attack the correspondent of the newspaper “Zeri”, Kajtaz Gecaj.
According to journalist Gecaj, the threat came as a result of the article published “This year the municipality of Skenderaj paid four portals, none local.”
“A few moments ago, Ramiz Shala, The Head of Culture Directorate, threatened to attack me physically if I mention his name in the newspaper once again, even though his colleague, Kastriot Gashi, mentioned it.” –  wrote Gecaj on the social network Facebook.
Moreover, Gecaj has been threatened to be expelled from his office.
“He also threatened to expel me from the office tomorrow (Friday) ..” – added Gecaj on his Facebook post.
The AJK invites Mr. Shala to distance himself from this intolerable approach and if there are claims against writings made by Gecaj, he can to pursue legal procedures and not to use threatening language against the journalist.
The AJK encourages journalists not to be distracted by such threats and to report cases of obstruction to their professional work to the Police.

European Federation of Journalists supports the Register of Professional Online Media


SKOPJE, 20.12.2019 – The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomed the registry on self-regulation of online media in North Macedonia, which was initiated by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and the Council of Media Ethics in Macedonia (CMEM).

“We believe that journalists’ organisations should promote for the public benefit high ethical standards in journalism, based on five principles: truth and accuracy, independence, fairness and honesty, humanity, and accountability,” said EFJ General Secretary Ricardo Gutiérrez. “That is why the EFJ supports this professional initiative aiming to strengthen media self-regulation in North Macedonia.”

We remind that more than 70 online media have managed to enter the Registry in the first phase, and the web site www.promedia.mk will have details for all members of the Registry starting in January 1st next year.

Brajovic to explain who changes the rules


PODGORICA, 19.12.2019. – The SMCG condemns yesterday’s removal of photojournalist Boris Pejovic from the plenary hall of the Parliament of Montenegro, which was explained by the arbitrary change of rules and established practice regarding procedures of recording parliamentary sessions.

Also, we need to point out that we are disappointed because no one of MPs who were present in the plenary at that moment and who were witnessed the “intervention” which resulted with Pejovic’s removal from the hall and obstruction of his work have not reacted. Pejovic shoot a debate between Prime Minister Dusko Markovic and Democratic Front MP Nebojsa Medojevic just before he was requested to leave the hall.

This incident is not the first of its kind in the Parliament, and the SMCG has repeatedly pointed to this. Our colleagues has been treated poorly when they covered particular events, without their fault, but our disappointment and revolt are always the greatest when this happens at the Assembly, a key Montenegrin institution.

Therefore, we ask Ivan Brajovic, President of the Parliament of Montenegro, to make a public statement about the incident and explain why Pejovic was removed from the room during the Prime Minister’s Hour. Also, we asked him why they arbitrary changed the established practice that this type of session can be recorded without interruption (and not through previously established rules), just in this case.

Even without similar incidents, the position of the photojournalists is sufficiently degraded, and the behaviour of the parliamentary staff only encourages its continued destruction. Photojournalists are seen as enemies because their footage professionally portrays events where participants do not look like mannequins, which is contrary to the rules established by increasingly attractive PR services. Recordings submitted to newsrooms, from events where news crews are either not allowed to appear or take place behind closed doors do not make professional journalism, and it is our duty to combat marketing that leads the public in the wrong direction, and directly takes the jobs of news crews, especially photojournalists.

Main Board of SMCG

Harlem Désir with support for the Register of Professional Online Media


SKOPJE, 19.12.2019 – OSCE High Representative for Freedom of the Media, Harlem Désir, expressed support for the Professional Online Media Registry, which was promoted yesterday by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia and the Council for Media Ethics in Macedonia.

Désir welcomed the initiative for self-regulation, according to which the online media that will be part of the Registry will respect the journalistic code in their work and will also need to have transparent funding and impressum. “Media self-regulation is a useful mechanism for promoting quality information, safeguarding editorial freedom and strengthening media credibility,” said Désir.

CPJ demands explanation from UAE about detention of Serbian journalist


NEW YORK, 19.12.2019. The Committee to Protect Journalists on Wednesday demanded an explanation from the United Arab Emirates about the decision to deny entry to Serbian investigative journalist Stevan Dojcinovic.

Dojcinovic was detained at the Abu Dhabi airport and was told that he had been blacklisted and was not allowed into the country to speak at a UN conference on corruption. He said later that the police told him that he had not been blacklisted by the UAE authorities but by some other government.

“The decision of the UAE authorities to deny entrance to Stevan Dojcinovic on the basis that he was “blacklisted” is concerning and the UAE must offer a better explanation,” CPJ Europe and Central Asia Program Coordinator Gulnoza Said wrote on her Twitter account.

She added that the decision raises questions about whether the UAE authorities wanted to host an open debate on corruption.

AJM and CMEM presented the Register of professional online media


SKOPJE, 18.12.2019 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and the Council for Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) announced the Register of Professional Online Media, which has about 70 members.

“This process came as a the result of a wider debate about the need to address problems in the field of online media, with our two organizations playing an active role in it, but also the fact that self-regulation is the most powerful solution to fostering media professionalism not only in the present circumstances, but also in the long run,” said CMEM Executive Director Marina Tuneva at today’s press conference.

The process of creating the Registry was conducted according to the criteria agreed between CMEM and AJM following examples from the practice of developed democratic societies and the Council of Europe, while the media and business community in the country were also regularly consulted.

“It is important for us to understand that, as before, we will constantly monitor the work of the media and the members that have already applied, and if it turns out that they have breached the principles of the Ethical Code at some point, they will be removed while those who are not part of the current Register, if this process helps them to improve and work according to the standards of the profession, they will have the opportunity to enter in the Register at later stages,” said Katerina Sinadinovska, President of the Management Board of CMEM.

The initiative to create the Register is also supported by the Economic Chamber of Macedonia. The President of AJM Mladen Chadikovski explained that the Registry will be widely used, for the businesses it will mean protection from blackmailers and unprofessional media, and for citizens to recognize which media that respect the standards, they will learn which media can be trusted and which information should be taken with reserve. “In the context of state elections, the Registry will be a test for political parties whether they will promote themselves in professional online media or in the other “independent” media,” said Chadikovski. He called citizens to make as many complaints as they can to the CMEM if they believe that some media outlets have breached the standards. “This is the only way to prevent propagandists and blackmailers from being part of the Register,” Chadikovski explained.

Vice President of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia Jelisaveta Georgieva – Jovevska explained that the Registry will help the business community in recognizing professional online media as opposed to those who do not meet the membership criteria. “Creating the Register is a very important moment for all of us, because it is the first attempt to put order in the media landscape. With this the Economic Chamber shows that in its corporate social consciousness it also understood the importance of the media as an important social actor and corrective to the government,” said the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Branko Azeski.

The web platform www.promedia.mk will be operational from the beginning of January, with details for all members of the Registry.

AJK strongly condemns the physical attack of the Minister Endrit Shala, towards journalist Ensar Ramadani


Pristina, 17.12.2019 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo strongly condemns the attack on IndeksOnline journalist Ensar Ramadani by the Acting Minister of Trade and Industry, Endrit Shala.

As IndeksOnline platform reports, Minister Shala punched in the face journalist Ramadani while he was on duty. He was reporting about the condition of another official of “NISMA” political party, Luan Maloku, at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo.

Shala asked the journalist his phone and after he refused doing that, Shala physically assaulted him, punching him in the face.

AJK also received a statement from the Kosovo Police, according to which the journalist is currently being questioned at the “South” police station, and that police units are handling the case.

AJK condemns this attack and any other verbal and physical attack by politicians and the heads of institutions and calls the police, the prosecution and the entire justice system to treat journalists’ cases with priority.

At the same time, AJK encourages its colleagues to continue to carry out their work with responsibly and not to be stopped by any attack or threat.