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AJK condemns offensive language of doctor Sejdullah Mahmuti against journalist Paulina Nushi Muhaxhiri



Pristina, 12.09.2019 – Association of Journalists of Kosovo has concernedly received the complaint of the journalist Paulina Nushi Muhaxhiri about insult and denigrating language used by Dr. Sejdullah Mahmuti towards her.

Nushi Muhaxheri told the AJK that in order for the article and reporting to be done by journalism standards, they contacted Dr. Mahmuti, for whom the prosecution filed an indictment, but he was inaccessible. Nushi Muhaxhiri sent to him a SMS due to get his opinion on the issue, but he did not respond.

“Despite having a copy of the indictment, we wanted to give him the opportunity to say his opinion. This morning he called me, screamed, but I didn’t take it seriously until he said ‘this will be returned on your children’. We should not be treated in this way, this is unacceptable. I explained to him, that he has the right to talk and he has anything to say, he can talk to the newsroom”, said Nushi Muhaxhiri.

AJK calls upon everyone involved in reporting not to confuse work issues with family matters and to stop threats of this nature.

AJK invites Dr. Mahmuti and everybody who might be the subject of articles, to treat journalists and their job with respect and dignity. If anyone has any objections, must address them to the competent institutions.

Medijima u Srbiji najviše sredstava EU u regionu


PODGORICA, 12.09.2019. – Najviše sredstava Evropske unije za podršku medijima u regionu Zapadnog Balkana u ovom trenutku odlazi u Srbiju, pokazuju podaci dostavljeni učesnicima regionalne konferencije „EU-Western Balkans Media Days“, koja je otvorena danas u Podgorici.

Former EC Commissioner: No progress in EU integration without media freedom


PODGORICA, 12.09.2019. – Johannes Hahn, the former European Commissioner for Enlargement, said on Wednesday that the European Union message was “crystal clear – there would be no progress in European integration without the freedom of expression and media,” the FoNet news agency reported.

Addressing the participants of the  “EU – Western Balkans Media Days” conference held in Montenegro’s capital Podgorica via video link, Hahn added he was sorry he couldn’t join the debate due to new job obligations.

Launched in 2017 by the European Commission, the EU – Western Balkans Media Days aim to ensure that media freedom remains a priority while tackling the complexity of pressing political, economic and social issues the region experience at present. Moreover, the forum has reached out to the professional challenges of journalists and media: their need to adapt to a rapidly changing media environment, the https://www.euwesternbalkansmediadays.eu/ website.

This year, the conference will also involve political representatives in the region directly in charge of information and media for a “Policy meets media” discussion, the website added.

BHJA: Public protest to Dr. Zlatko Kravic over pressure on journalist Ervin Musinovic


Sarajevo, 11.9.2019. – The Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association sends a public protest to Dr. Zlatko Kravic, Director of the General Hospital „Prim. Dr. Abdulah Nakas” in Sarajevo, for pressuring journalist Ervin Musinovic and demanding that he disclose sources of information obtained by the Klix portal while reporting about the death of one newborn baby and two more very ill babies born at the hospital in early September 2019.

During the interview, director Kravic called the police with the intention of intimidating journalist Musinovic and forcing him to discover the source of information, so that part of the journalistic interview was conducted in the presence of the police, legitimizing the journalist and giving statements regarding information published on portal Klix.ba.

The Steering Committee of BHJA considers Mr. Zlatko Kravic’s proceedings to be inadmissible and an impermissible violation of the right to freedom of expression, which is an integral part of the right to the protection of sources of information, especially information of public importance. It contradicts media freedoms and the right to work freely and with dignity by calling the police and their presence during the interview, as well as dr. Kravic’s attempt to further intimidate the journalist with new institutional pressure – announcing the lawsuit and urging the prosecution to engage in investigating a “leak” information from this healthcare facility.

The Steering Committee requires Dr. Zlatko Kravic to apologize publicly to journalist Ervin Musinovic and the editorial board of Klix, as well as to stop all proceedings concerning the right of journalists to use unnamed sources and their protection, as well as media freedoms in general. The rights of journalists and the freedom of the media in BiH are protected by the legal framework, the code of journalistic ethics and European standards of freedom of expression, with the obligation of their acceptance and respect by all institutions and individuals in this country, including the director of the General Hospital “Prim. Dr. Abdulah Nakas“ in Sarajevo.

Progress not expected in Jovanovic and Softic cases


PODGORICA, 11.09.2019 – Progress cannot be expected in the Dusko Jovanovic murder case and the case of attack on Tufik Softic, since individuals did not do their job as they should have, heads of the police and judiciary stated at the round table discussion that took place in the Parliament on Tuesday.

Chief of Police Veselin Veljovic said that the attacks against journalists and media freedoms are among the top priorities and activities of the police.

“In some of the cases, no matter how important they are for this topic and for the state, I am afraid that at this moment, but also in near future, we will have no progress”, said Veljovic.

He stressed that it is not because someone does not want to do it, but because in the previous procedures, in certain cases, problems and mistakes occurred, as well as subjective responsibility of certain persons in charge of carrying out those activities.

Veljovic emphasized that the state and the competent organs want to do that, but that objective circumstances and difficulties exist that prevent them from making progress.

Minister of Justice Zoran Pazin agreed with Veljovic, and added that the time has come to open the question of responsibility of those who were in charge of these cases.

According to him, the main question is how to make further progress in those cases.

“It’s not about lack of political will, the Chief of police did not receive any guidelines or suggestions from the Prime Minister of the Deputy PM not to act in those cases, on the contrary”, Pazin emphasized.

He said that they are aware that some cases could have been handled better, in particular of Jovanovic and Softic cases.

“It is evident that certain weaknesses existed in the system in regard to those cases, as well as deficiencies in the procedures. It’s high time to find an answer if that was the result of objective weaknesses or subjective omissions”, said Pazin.

According to him, if it was the result of subjective omissions, weak spots in the system must be identified, as well as if there is room for personal responsibility.

Chair of the Commission for Investigating the Attack on Journalists Nikola Markovic said that there is a serious problem regarding attacks against journalists.

He said that national organs have from its establishing had ambivalent relation towards this commission, and that, concerning police and the prosecution, problems were solved with changes on the leading positions.

“We are dissatisfied that the biggest cases of the attacks against journalists have not been revealed”, said Markovic, adding that those are Jovanovic’s murder case, and cases of attacks against Softic, Olivera Lakic and Mladen Stojovic.

Markovic emphasized that no person in charge in the competent institutions have not be discharged, not disciplinary actions have been taken against them due to omissions in the investigations.

Chair of the European Integration Committee Slvane Radunovic said that it appears as if the victims of violence against journalists are being discriminated.

According to Radunovic, editor in chief of Internet portal IN4S Gojko Raicevic was attacked on three occasions by police officers, and that none of those cases has been processed.

The round table “Media and media environment in Montenegro”, dedicated to chapters 10- Information Society and Media and 23- Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights, has been organized by parliamentary EU Integration Committee.


Radunovic said that this round table discussion is just a preparation for consultative hearing that will take place in a week, and to which, besides the round table participant, the Minister of the Interior will be invited.

Serbian journalists expose anonymous doxing site’s ties to pro-government media coterie


It took over half a year for the identity of the owner of a website that became notorious for doxing voices critical of the regime of Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić or their relatives to become known to the public.

The website called Istraga, which translates as ‘investigation’, launched in early 2019. It has become known for its smear attacks targeting journalists, opposition activists and non-governmental organisations.

Site owner tied to pro-regime media establishment

In an article published on 27 August 2019, VOICE – a research and analytical center run by the Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina, revealed that the previously unidentified owner of the website Istraga.rs is a business partner of a pro-government media mogul.

The owner of the internet domain used by Istraga.rs, ”which since its founding is used to spread insults and libel against journalists NGO activists and opposition politicians, in the most vulgar manner, is a certain man named Luka Rakočeviić, co-owner of a company with Lav Pajkić,” VOICE revealed in its article.

VOICE obtained the domain registration data from the Basic Court in Novi Sad, likely through a freedom of information request.

Rakočević shares the ownership of a company called Best Vision Productions with Pajkić, a media personality with his own show on the influential pro-government sensationalist Pink TV, in which he uses “satire” to attack the the opposition. Pink TV is a media company dominating the Serbian broadcasting market, with news channels similar to Fox News, and slate of entertainment programs such as turbo-folk music and reality shows, as well as other kinds of music and movies.

Intimidation masked as ‘investigations’

Istraga.rs started its work in January 2019, purporting it does investigative journalism. However, unlike the media outlets recognized for their investigative work in the public interest, it provides no transparency about its editorial staff (Impressum) and ownership. Its internet domain has been registered in a ”private’ mode until it was recently exposed by VOICE. It is not a member of the Press Council, a self-regulatory body for media that adhere to ethical Code of Journalists.

On 19 February, they published the following video showing a group of about 15 burly men wearing a kind of uniform – hoodies and jackets branded with “Istraga” inscription, walking  around a city block in the night without showing their faces, sticking advertisements for the website on post boxes and walls. The video ends with a call for others to join: “We are Istraga. We research the connections between politics, crime, non-governmental organizations and the secret services. Join us!”

In Serbian context, the image of group of masked thugs in the night has particular resonance after April 2016, when a group nicknamed ‘phantoms’ for wearing balaclavas, demolished several buildings in Belgrade’s historic district of Savamala. This cleared the way for the controversial government project called “Belgrade Waterfront.” The police failed to intervene, even though the group has abducted an elderly night watchman, who died a month later while in hospital.

Most of their articles are focused on ‘proving’ that certain people or organizations are ‘mercenaries’ and ‘traitors’ to Serbia. Using populist tactics perfected by Serbian pro-government media in the last three decades, they usually allege that their targets have obtained large sums of money. Many of their articles follow a pattern with the title “Who funds the [a media outlet, an NGO, an opposition politician]?!”VOICE pointed out that Istraga.rs became notorious for publishing “utterly repulsive texts about journalists, politicians, non-governmental organizations from Serbia (i.e. free-thinking individuals and organizations which critically report or talk about the Vučić’s regime).”

Some of the sums presented are from publicly available sources, for instance transparency statements on the websites of the targets. Many articles do not contain any data, just loaded questions alleging profiteering. For individuals, Istraga.rs uses doxing – taking contents from their targets’ social media profiles and presenting it in an intimidating or defamatory manner.

‘A weapon for bots’ and the targeting of female journalists

On 23 January, the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS) warned that this website introduced a new genre “pointless investigations” – as an excuse to write defamatory articles which were then promoted on social networks by profiles linked to Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), the ruling party in Serbia. SNS has developed a massive online apparatus similar to troll armies of populist parties in Russia and North Macedonia. These profiles are called SNS-bots in everyday Serbian slang.

NUNS in particular pointed at Istraga.rs articles targeting female journalists, with titles such as: “KRIK journalist Dragana Pećo hugging men in Albanian sweatshirts” – implying that she is a traitor for fraternizing with the national ‘enemies,’ “Parents of Vreme weekly journalist Jovana Gligorijević have insulted the Serbian Orthodox Church,” and “Hana Adrović one of the leaders of protests in Belgrade simulates oral sex in a night club (VIDEO).”

As the promotion of the doxing website increased in February, NUNS issued another public announcement:

We remind the public that website Istraga.rs doesn’t have an Impressum so it is unknown  who is actually behind this so-called medium. At the same time, the text from this “brave” portal have been disseminated by bots via social media, which is another piece of evidence that it’s actually a weapon for bots, whose purpose is to label and smear all those who think with their own heads and refuse to submit to censorship.

VOICE pointed that one of the most tendentiously malicious texts by Istraga.rs was against the three female authors of antiwar documentary film “Ethnic Albanian women are our sisters” (“Albanke su naše sestre”), produced by Milena Popović, Sanja Kljajić i Vanja Đurić. The film covers the NATO bombing of 1999 and the people in Serbia who stood up to the criminal war policies of regime of Slobodan Milošević. It is one of five films from a project titled “Real people – real solutions” (“Stvarni ljudi – stvarna rešenja” ) about relations between Kosovo and Serbia. In 2017 mobs of Serbian nationalists disrupted the  censored the projections of these movies by threatening those  cinema audiences.

A dose of sexist cyber-bullying

The portal’s sexist attacks against women journalists, activists and women relatives of persons deemed undesirable by the regime are especially troubling.

They for instance published doxxed swimsuit photos they deemed ‘provocative’ from the Instagram profile of the daughters of the former president Boris Tadić, who is currently an opposition politician. Another article, decries the luxurious life of the daughters, based on doxed photos from the Instagram profiles of the two young women. It alleges that ”unlike their peers from Serbia they spend several average salaries for their expensive caprices” like designer bags, plastic surgeries and travel. The article does not offer any evidence for these claims, including the malicious conclusion that the girls were dissatisfied with their looks and spent “thousands of euros” to change their “noses, mouths and breast.”

In another post titled “How high are the salaries at KRIK? KRIK journalist Marta Mihajlović takes summer vacations at luxurious destinations.” they doxxed vacation photos of a young female office manager of reputable anti-corruption outlet KRIK. Istraga described her as “an example of arrogance and hypocrisy” of the whole organization “whose journalists lead a dirty campaign against Serbia.”

Such articles imply indirect threats to the young women. They are simply young people who shared vacation memories with their circle of friends. By taking the photos out of their private contexts and abusing them for political harassment, Istraga.rs and its social media auxiliaries commit textbook cyber-bullying.

In spite of disproved claim by Serbian Minister of Interior that “today all journalists are safe,” this website has contributed to fostering an atmosphere of fear in the country.

When tyrants target “the seventh estate”


By: Faruk Durmišević

Sarajevo, 10.09.2019. – Members of “the seventh estate” in Bosnia and Herzegovina are often targeted by tyrants, despots and other assaulters often ending up with physical attacks as the outcome in most cases. Painful experience that clearly displays who the true “powerful force” is and upon whom this force is used was perhaps best illustrated in the case of Vladimir Kovacevic, BN TV local journalist, who had been brutally and physically attacked and beaten.

A year after this brutal attack, this case still evokes shock and disbelief particularly among journalist community members, taking into consideration the fact that Mr. Kovacevic was beaten with metal rods and stick, hit in his head and he was extremely lucky to be alive after all. Justice was partially done because Marko Colic from Banja Luka was recently sentenced to four years in prison for murder attempt against Mr. Kovacevic, BN TV journalist. However, the question whether there were principal persons who had ordered this brutal attack, still remains unsolved and this mystery is exactly what Mr. Kovacevic has been wandering as well.

Victim as the accused

While we talk about everything that he had to go through during last 12 months period, he tells me that he feels satisfied because the court proceeding finally ended because, according to his opinion, during the court proceeding, he did feel as the accused person, instead of being treated as the victim of this brutal attack. According to him, this whole process seemed as exhausting “rack”.

“I only wished to see this court proceeding finally over. This whole process was very hard for me because I did not feel comfortable entering the court room several times and attend court proceedings because I had to go through this trauma all over again and experience the same incidents several times. Everything seemed very hard for me and sometimes it even felt harder than the attack itself, so I am glad it is over now”, Mr. Kovacevic says with a relief.

After being asked why he had been attacked in the first place and why was he picked by Marko Colic as his target, Mr. Kovacevic did not know what to answer.

“Colic had no personal motif to have me murdered (which includes his associate as well); instead there was someone else hiding behind this order. On one hand, I believe that the forthcoming investigation will soon identify and release the identity of a person who gave the order, but on the other hand, I also doubt that the investigation shall be pointed to this particular direction”, claims Mr. Kovacevic.

BiH Journalists have for a significant period of time, been outlining and highlighting the need for having better legal protection for journalists allowing and enabling them to do their work freely and undisturbed by any means. The attack on Mr. Kovacevic was the trigger for his journalist workmates and collogues to demand amendments of the Criminal law from the members of the parliament of the Republic of Srpska (Peoples Assembly), so any attack and assault against journalists could be legally treated as the attack and assault against the official authority.

“We expect from the governing official authorities of the Republic of Srpska to arrest all attackers on journalists. We also expect newly appointed members of the parliament to amend Criminal Law of the Republic of Srpska during their first assembly meeting session and urgently as well, so the attackers on journalists would be even more punished than it is the case at present. New Criminal law should contain new provision where any assault and attack on media staff would be treated and legally considered equally as the assault and attack on official authority and this would result in greater fines for assaulters and attackers and cases would consequently be resolved much quicker than it is the case at present. Most parties whose members are now members of the People’s Assembly (Parliament) of the Republic of Srpska had promised that they would make these amendments during their pre – election campaign. Opposition political parties had done this earlier, and SNSD did it immediately after the attack on Mr. Vladimir Kovacevic”, said Sinisa Vukelic, president of Banja Luka journalist club in November 2018.

The situation in the other part of our country is not any better, as far as the protection of journalists is concerned. In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to interoperation and view of Bakir Izetbegovic, the leader of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), the assault on the cameraman was actually “the assault on his recording camera”, which has already happened to Adi Kebo, a journalist of Zurnal magazine who had been video recording the factory premises owned by Huso Cesir, president of the Municipal Council of SDA in the Municipality of Novi Grad Sarajevo.

“During last year we were targets countless times by both judiciary institutions and political parties and their representatives. We have reacted and pointed out the necessity of imposing serious actions by the official institutions in processing and sanctioning the perpetrators and assaulters on journalists. The result of their neglecting and insufficient and serious approach to this growing an increasing problem and issue, resulted in an increasing number of assaults on journalists and media representatives and open obstruction of media representatives during their reporting”, stated Eldin Karic, (executive director of the Center for Media Development and Analysis), after the assault on Adi Kebo.

After this incident, the Parliament of the Federation of BiH accepted the initiative by the members of the SDP (Social Democratic Party) clearly stating that assaults and attacks on journalists shall from then on be considered and legally treated as assaults and attacks on official authorities. The path from the initiative itself to criminal law amendments is long, but the question is whether the status of “official authorities” for journalists could represent a “double jeopardy”, that is, to pass the message to general public that journalists must have a “special treatment”, so they could not be obstructed and do their work freely. Besides, the question is to what extent the recommended initiatives would be implemented through Entity criminal laws, taking into consideration that journalists (by the nature of their work) perform their duties throughout BiH, regardless where their main and head offices are. Does this mean that Criminal law should primarlily and firstly be regualted on the state level, so it could treat assualts anad attacks on journalists accordingly and then pass this new legislation onto lower governing levels?

The question is what exactly shall be comprehended under the “attack on journalists” term, because here we do not refer to physical assaults only. Countless number of journalists in BiH are exposed to verbal assaults on daily basis and this does indeed represent one of the leading factors that creates stressful situations, nervousness, anxiety etc., and according to medical experts, these factors also represent the trigger causing other health and medical problems due to which the journalists in BiH unfortunately pass away at very young age.

Unfortunately, verbal assaults have practically become usual “weapon” of all those that are unsatisfied with journalist reports and I personally was exposed to identical situation. Dissatisfaction of elected and appointed officials is often manifested by phone calls to editing offices, that is, phone calls directed to editors, including the addressing of the unsatisfied persons to al journalists with often very unpleasant voice, threats and shouting as well. Denials and other types of confuting the posted or published quotes deriving from journalists’ reports and articles (texts) have, for most local figures coming from all segments of public lives, been rather unknown term. Their “arguments” are personally demonstrated followed by threatening and other types of pressure imposed against journalists, their work, as well as other media staff.

Chauvinist comments in social media

One of the most appropriate places for exposing, releasing and posting professional and personal frustrations, including encouraging and instigating hate speech directed against journalists are definitely social media sources. This represents the worst possible way and Arijana Saracevic – Helac, our female colleague and regional journalist had to learn this hard way and experience it (along with her colleague Sanela Prasovic) on her own skin at the end of 2017 when one of the employees at the Presidency of BiH referred to these two ladies (on his face book profile) as to a “second hand and used staff”. Apart from condemning, mostly coming from journalist community and short – lasting public interest in terms of various comments as a reflection to this case, there was no official reaction and sanctions imposed by the officials and the above mentioned person engaged with the Presidency cabinet (“official authority”) continue to perform his work undisturbedly as if nothing had happened. And my female colleagues are even nowadays targets to chauvinist, horrible and malicious comments posted by male population and these comments often refer to their physical appearance.

We journalists are often not even aware that the job we do is actually very risky and dangerous because it is not easy to defend ourselves from different ways of “exposing dissatisfaction”, which is what we have demonstrated in this text as well. We still cannot rely on adequate legal protection, because in the system of twisted reality that we live in, journalist are often targets of judiciary system, instead of being protected by the same system.

Finally, the question that should make us all think is: “If tomorrow afternoon somebody ends up being dead, would we as society finally realize the seriousness of this situation?

(This article was published in the 66th edition of E-journalist bulletin)

Bahati Zoran Stanković pretio fotoreporteru Žurnala: Izlazi sa stadiona, polomiću ti aparat!?


BEOGRAD, 10.09.2019. – Posle takve pretnje i nastavljanja bahatog Stankovića da preti, fotoreporter se obratio policiji. Uz intervenciju službenih lica, Zoran Milovanović je mogao da počne da radi posao, ali tu nije bio kraj bahatosti Stankovića.

Zoran Milovanović, fotoreporter Žurnala, našao se juče uoči utakmice RSK – Sloga (0:3) pod verbalnim udarom i pretnjama bahatog sponzora kluba iz Rabrova, Zorana Stankovića.

– Skloni se i izlazi napolje sa stadiona – rekao je Stanković fotoreporteru, koji je inače obukao marker i ispoštovao proceduru oko prijave za ulazak u restriktivni prostor.

Na pitanje fotoreportera „u čemu je problem”, Stanković je nastavio da galami i poručio da ne može da se slikaju dešavanja sa utakmice.

Uz odgovor fotoreportera da nije on taj koji može da donese takvu odluku, uz priloženu legitimaciju Žurnala, Stanković je poručio da ne može da bude tu jer se u „Žurnalu ne piše dobro”, a onda je i odbrusio:

– Idi ili ću ti polomiti opremu!

Posle takve pretnje i nastavljanja bahatog Stankovića da preti, fotoreporter se obratio policiji. Uz intervenciju službenih lica, Zoran Milovanović je mogao da počne da radi posao, ali tu nije bio kraj bahatosti Stankovića.

Dobacivao je i vređao tokom utakmice, nalazeći se u restriktivnom prostoru.

Jučerašnjim ponašanjem pokazao je da mu tu nije mesto, a ni u fudbalu!

Vlast opstaje na neslobodi medija


BEOGRAD, 09.09.2019.- Vučićeva vlast opstaje na neslobodi medija, kao i sveopšta pljačka Srbije koja se svakodnevno odvija, ocenio je za Glas Amerike direktor Centra za istraživačko novinarstvo Srbije (CINS) Branko Čečen, koji ukazuje da je Srbija zarobljena država koja služi za bogaćenje male grupe ljudi, pa i kad vlast”padne” biće vlasnici cele zemlje.

Čečen ukazuje da se medijske slobode ne smeju dozvoliti jer bi u suprotnom polovina ljudi sa vlasti završila u zatvoru.

“Ako vas javni funkcioner, što znači i predsednik države, na konferenciji za medije u živom programu označava kao izdajnike i strane plaćenike – to bude jako neprijatno i to nisu normalni uslovi za rad”, upozorio je Čečen.

U isto vreme institucije, iako na to po zakonu imamo pravo, ne daju dokumenta koja su u 95 odsto slučajeva dokazi, rekao je Čečen i naveo da se CINS diskriminiše i na način da im se “ne daju sagovornici ni o jednoj temi”.

“Ljudi iz srpske policije će razgovarati sa provladini medijima, ali sa nama nikada. I na kraju, ono što bismo mogli da kažemo da nas najviše boli, je to što je kontrola mejnstrim medija takva da naše priče nikada ne dolaze do onih građana Srbije koji ne traže aktivno informisanje na internetu, nego prate samo mejnstrim medije”, predočio je on.

Čečen smatra da izvršna vlast direktno odlučuje o tome ko ćebiti procesiran, a ko neće.

“Njih ne zanima demokratizacija ove zemlje, niti vladavina prava. Oni to rade iz očiglednih ličnih interesa. Tako mi ne dokazujemo samo koruptivne procese i da se država ne bori protiv korupcije”, rekao je on.

Mi dokazujemo i to da se ljudi bliski vlastima i oni iz same vlasti neograničeno bogate na račun građana kršeći svemoguće zakone uključujući i Ustav.

“Srbija je zarobljena država koja služi za bogaćenje jednemale grupe ljudi koja je ubrzano kupuje. Čak i ako padnu vlasti biće vlasnici čitave ove zemlje”, zaključio je Čečen.