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Cameraman`s Section within AJM met with representatives of the Ministry of the Interior


SKOPJE, 09.08.2019 – Representatives of the Cameraman`s section within the Association of Journalists of Macedonia and the Director of AJM, Dragan Sekulovski met yesterday with the spokesman of the Ministry of the Interior,  Toni Angelovski. At the meeting they discussed about  improving and facilitating the working conditions of cameramen during events organized by the Ministry of the Interior. Angelovski was informed that the Association of Journalists of Macedonia has prepared a draft manual for the work and safety of cameramen in which it is expected that the Ministry of the Interior will contribute by providing directions about filming of strategic facilities and VIP persons which require special permissions.

Director Sekulovski announced that the Association of Journalists of Macedonia following the best practices of the European countries, will work on the preparation of a protocol under which police officers will have to act in cases of attacks on journalists and media workers, and it is expected that the Ministry of the Interior will be involved in the process of preparing this document. The protocol is expected to be ready in the fall, and spokesman Angelovski promised that the MoI would also contribute to the drafting of the protocol.

In addition, the coordinator of the Cameramen`s Section, Slave Stojanovski, together with his colleague from the Macedonian Radio-television, Trajche Ilievski requested greater coordination between the Ministry of the Interior and other institutions regarding the accreditation of journalists and media workers during public events and press conferences in order for them to be able to work as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Angelovski has announced the creation of a new media center in the complex of the Ministry of Interior, which will improve the working conditions of journalists and cameramen for reporting from events organized by the MoI.

Self-regulation is not only about respecting the Code


PODGORICA, 08.08.2019. – Self-regulation is not only about respecting the Code of Journalists Ethics and professional standards, it is the way how the media governs itself, according Olivera Nikolic Director of the Media Institute.

“It is the way how they regulate the position of journalists inside of newsroom, strengthen their integrity, it is a working contract to make that journalist feel motivated, free and able to work without pressure“, said Nikolic for MINA.

According to her, self-regulation is also a way in which the media take care of ownership, ie transparency of ownership.

“So it is simply a broader term, not just what is commonly considered, and that is respect for professional standards”, Nikolic added.

The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro believes that the big problem with the media of Montenegro is reporting, or that the other side is rarely heard.

The presumption of innocence is most violated within the Black Chronicle, and that is done often, said Marijana Camovic the President of Trade Union of Media of Montenegro.

As she stated, whoever analyzes the Montenegrin media for at least one day will see a bunch of one-sided texts, which is unacceptable.

“Whether journalists do not make enough effort to reach the other side, or simply it suits them and the media in which they work to present a single news completely one-sidedly, that is the question, and I think that should not happen. The other side is something that is probably the basic thing they teach us when we start doing this job”, said Camovic.

According to her, the reason for this is that the Montenegrin media are divided, politically, ideologically, and by how they approach the profession.

“I think at this point they can not function within a single self-regulatory  body and interpret the Code of ethics in the same way and determine whether or not certain media have violated it or not, just because they don’t look at the profession the same, they don’t have the same ideological and all other starting points. So that is impossible, although that would be ideal”, Camovic concluded.

Nikolic also believes that in Montenegro, self-regulatory bodies and mechanisms aren’t developed and recognized, among other things, because of the division within the media community.

“We have individually established ombudsman institutes in individual media, and we have a self-regulatory body, which, however, lacks the broadest representativeness and is not accepted by some of the influential media in Montenegro”, she explained.

Nikolic emphasized that there are no illusions that self-regulation can solve all problems that exist in the media community, or satisfy all needs of the general public.

“But that is definitely a strong, powerful mechanism for accepting media responsibility for what professional standards are, and consequently for a way and an opportunity to strengthen the credibility of these media and confidence of the general public”, said Nikolic.

Tužilaštvo otkrilo ko je osoba za koju je „Srpski Telegraf“ tvrdio da je novinar KRIK-a


08.08.2019. – Muškarac koji je navodno pratio suprugu Predraga Malog, brata ministra finansija, a za koga je provladin tabloid „Srpski telegraf“ lažno tvrdio da je novinar KRIK-a, identifikovan je i saslušan u Prvom osnovnom tužilaštvu, rečeno je danas iz ove institucije za KRIK.

Tužilaštvo je odbilo da novinarima KRIK-a saopšti ime muškarca koji se sumnjiči za ugrožavanje bezbednosti Milice Andrić, nevenčane supruge Predraga Malog, i dostavilo je njegove inicijale – N.A.

Novinarima je rečeno samo da je muškarac identifikovan i saslušan, kao i da su osim njega obavljeni razgovori sa oštećenom i svedocima, ali ne i šta su oni rekli.

Podsetimo, nakon što je KRIK objavio tekst u kome je otkrio da je Predrag Mali, brat ministra finansija Siniše Malog, koristio stan i automobil „Milenijum tima“, provladin tabloid „Srpski telegraf“ pokrenuo je hajku protiv KRIK-a.

U tekstu pod naslovom „Kako se realizuje plan za slom vlasti i predsednika Srbije: Vučića ruše i preko beba“ tabloid je lažno naveo da su novinari KRIK-a nevenčanu suprugu Predraga Malog „spopali nasred ulice i pratili je do ulaza u zgradu“. Uz tekst su objavljeni i snimci sigurnosnih kamera koji prikazuju nepoznatu osobu kako je navodno prati.

Urednik „Srpskog telegrafa“ Milan Lađević potom je optužio KRIK da koristi „japansku metodu praćenja“ i da je deo tajne operacije „Omča“, koju navodno sprovode zapadne ambasade sa ciljem da sruše Aleksandra Vučića i SNS sa vlasti. Dan kasnije, međutim, tvrdio je da ipak ne zna da li je na snimku novinar ili saradnik KRIK-a.

KRIK je demantovao navode „Srpskog telegrafa“ i pozvao građane da pomognu da se otkrije ko je muškarac. Nakon izjava predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića da će nadležni organi istražiti o kome je reč, reagovala je i policija i ponudila nagradu od pola miliona dinara za podatke o osobi sa snimka.

Nije poznato da li je mušakarac koji je navodno pratio suprugu Predraga Malog identifikovan uz pomoć informacija primljenih od građana, budući da tužilaštvo nije odgovorilo na pitanje na koji način je utvrđeno ko je osoba sa snimka.

Koruptivne veze brata ministra finansija

KRIK je, podsetimo, otkrio da je Predrag Mali godinama vozio „audi a6“ u vlasništvu „Milenijum tima“, dok je stan te kompanije koristila njegova devojka.

Firma „Milenijum tim“ angažovana je na jednom od najpoznatijih građevinskih projekata u državi – „Beogradu na vodi“. Osim toga, kompanija je radila gasifikaciju opština Smederevo i Grocka vrednu oko 60 miliona evra, a nedavno je dobila i posao izgradnje stanova za pripadnike službi bezbednosti u Nišu i Vranju za 15 miliona evra. Učestvovala je i u desetinama drugih poslova plaćenih iz budžeta, a njeni prihodi iz godine u godinu skaču.

Stručnjaci sa kojima su novinari KRIK-a razgovarali kazali su da ovakav odnos brata ministra finansija i privatne kompanije može da se opiše kao klasičan primer korupcije.

The relationship between the judiciary and the media in BiH

Conceptual image of a gavel used by a judge or auctioneer with a brass band around the head lying on a computer keyboard ** Note: Shallow depth of field

SARAJEVO, O7.08.2019.-In cooperation with the German Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, BH Journalists Association (BHJA) will in the coming period publish a series of analyzes and research related to various aspects of media freedom in BiH, current problems within the media community, pressures on the media and problems that journalists face on a daily basis.

Journalist of daily “Oslobodjenje” Zinaida Djelilovic analyzed the current topic – the relationship between the media and judicial institutions in BiH.

-Apart from pressures on the media and hearings of journalists who discover and initiate some of the affairs, such as the “Shoeing affair”, false diplomas and others, the problem between journalists and judicial institutions is reflected in the lack of transparency of the system, which should be completely open to the public. The judiciary is increasingly closing itself to the media, which prevents quality reporting on war crimes, corruption and organized crime processes- as this analysis states, among other things.

The analysis is available in English HERE.


This article has been produced with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED). Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of EED. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in this publication lies entirely with the author.

Balkan Region Trapped in Perception that Journalists Can Be Beaten


BELGRADE, 07.08.2019. – Frequent attacks against journalists, lack of mechanisms for prosecuting those responsible, as well as political and economic pressures, present joint problems shared by countries in the region in the sphere of media freedoms and safety of journalists, an analysis of the European Commission’s country reports in the Western Balkan countries concluded.

On a late August evening last year BNTV journalist Vladimir Kovacevic was beaten up while returning home from his newsroom in Banja Luka. The beating happened after he had reported for weeks on protests against Republika Srpska authorities following the murder of a young man in Banja Luka.

After the attack against Kovacevic one person was arrested, while the second perpetrator is yet to be arrested.

“The key precondition for safety of journalists in a society lies in existence of rule of law and democratic state, which Bosnia and Herzegovina is not,” Kovacevic told safejournalists.net

The District Court in Banja Luka made a decision which is not final and sentenced Marko Colic to four years in prison for attempted murder of Kovacevic. The motives for the attack on Kovacevic have not yet been discovered, and neither the names of the persons who ordered attack are known.

The attack against Kovacevic is only one in a series of incidents that were registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina during 2018. Similar incidents were noted in nearly all countries in the region and, besides Bosnia and Herzegovina, the situation is particularly worrisome in Serbia, Kosovo* and Montenegro, the analysis of the individual 2018 European Commission country reports for the Western Balkan states.

Along with attacks against media workers, the EU Country Reports indicate that political and economic pressures are a fact of life in all countries in the region.

The Bosnian Country Report indicates that “physical and verbal attacks take place without systematic institutional response and effective protective measures”. The same sentence is repeated in documents describing progress made by Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro. The situation in North Macedonia and Albania, according to the Reports, is somewhat better. No cases of attacks against journalists are mentioned.

Lawsuits as instruments for intimidation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Bosnia and Herzegovina political and financial pressure on the media continued, authorities often downplay the intimidation of journalists, and their reaction, including public condemnation, is weak, while the BH Novinari association’s free media help line recorded 58 cases of violation of journalists’ rights in 2018, including 6 cases of physical assault, 17 threats, and 9 cases of political pressure – the Report noted.

Elvira Jukic-Mujkic, editor with the Media Center in Sarajevo, considers that journalists do not feel sufficiently protected, because research conducted by the Bosnian Journalists Association BH Novinari in 2017 indicates that a considerable number of citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina think that journalists should be beaten. She said that politicians attack and criticize media workers, while protection mechanisms are inadequate.  Attacks are rarely prosecuted and when they are, perpetrators are sanctioned with inadequate penalties.

“Defamation suits in Bosnia and Herzegovina are used as an instrument of intimidation and pressure against journalists,” Jukic-Mujkic explains.

“We have an example of a politician filing a defamation suit against a journalist and then conditioning its withdrawal if the journalist agrees to stop writing about him. Once the journalist said no, the lawsuit was still withdrawn since it was unfounded”, she added.

Speaking about the financial and political pressure against the media, Jukic-Mujkic said that most politicians do not have to bother with censoring the media, because, unfortunately, the atmosphere created in the newsrooms is such that it is already known which topics are desirable and which are not. She claims that non-transparent media ownership presents an additional problem, because there is no insight into who is behind the media stations and how decisions are sometimes made.

Borka Rudic of the Association of BH Journalists considers it important that the European Commission Report demands more efficient work of judiciary and protection of journalists.

“Non-transparent ownership, political pressures, influences and attacks, as well as bad economic situation of the media and journalists, have resulted in lack of quality investigative professional journalism to the extent that would be needed in a post-war country that seeks to become an EU member and respect all the European standards for protection of freedom of expression and freedom of the media,” Rudic said.

Jukic-Mujkic says that the Press Freedom Index of the Reporters without Borders indicates that the situation in Bosnia is the best when compared to other countries in the region. But, as she said, this certainly does not mean that the situation in Bosnia is good, but only that the situation is, unfortunately, worse in other countries of the region. She adds that political and economic pressures are joint problems in all countries in the region.

Speaking about the problems facing countries in this region, Rudic said that they share joint problems – attacks against journalists not being solved adequately and the implementation of defamation laws.

Until September 2018, according to the report Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 21 cases of verbal and physical attacks on journalists were registered. There is a large number of serious criminal offenses against journalists, and the problem of impunity of perpetrators of these acts is still a concern and it is not addressed in a satisfactory manner.

“Journalists are unsatisfied with the reactions of relevant institutions and political actors, and they demonstrated this in protests organized in five towns across Bosnia and Herzegovina after the brutal attack on a journalist from Banja Luka, which was characterized as attempted murder”, stated the National report on Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

No safety for journalists in Serbia

The EU Country Report on Serbia noted that cases of threats, intimidation and violence against journalists remain a concern, while investigations and final verdicts are still rare. There are numerous credible reports on verbal and physical attacks, as well as attacks on property owned by journalists, while media associations reported that political, economic, and other pressures on journalists increased.

While several cases were solved and criminal complaints filed, verdicts were still rare, the Report indicates. It further states that hate speech and discriminatory vocabulary are tolerated in the media and rarely solved by the regulatory authorities or prosecutors.

Professor Dubravka Valic Nedeljkovic of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad said that, in the past few years, Serbia had continuously been dropping down towards the bottom of the list of 180 countries with regards to the Press Freedom Index of the Reporters without Borders. As she said, this year Serbia was in the 90th place, which means it had dropped down by 14 places in comparison to last year. She said this indicated that the media non-freedom in Serbia is getting bigger and more noticeable.

“The EC Report for Serbia clearly states that attacks by politicians against the media are rising, including physical threats. All those who even remotely criticize the authorities are openly condemned. The last open attack targeted N1 TV and came from the very top ranks of the government, which, by all laws, should not interfere with the media editorial policies,” Valic Nedeljkovic said.

Seven physical attacks and attacks against the property of journalists were recorded by the Serbian authorities during the reporting period. Some media associations reported that political, economic, and other pressures on journalists increased, it is stated in the EU Report for 2018.

“In this respect, Serbia needs to categorise these crimes as criminal or as other types of offences and ensure appropriate investigation and adjudication”, states in EU Report for 2018.

Professor Valic Nedeljkovic says that the simplest way of “disciplining” media is by subduing them financially.

“All in all the economic instability of the media market and chronic lack of money in the media essentially serves the authorities in a more subtle way, if not by providing them with open support, then at least by the lack of serious criticism,” Valic Nedeljkovic concluded.

According to Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in Serbia, during the period from September 2017 to the end of August 2018, recorded 28 attacks: 21 verbal threats, six physical attacks, and one attack against property. In comparison to the same period in 2017, approximately the same number of attacks was recorded. During 2018, among the recorded incidents, verbal threats prevail; half of these threats were addressed through the internet and social networks.

“The database of attacks and pressures against journalists maintained by the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) recorded 62 cases of pressures in 2017, twice as many as in 2016. In the first eight months of 2018, as many as 39 cases of pressures were recorded. Journalists’ associations are exposed to pressures as well as to threats and intimidation – associations critical of the authorities are the primary target”, stated in Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in Serbia.

Montenegrin judiciary without progress  

Analysing the situation of the media in Montenegro, the European Commission’s Report states that in the sphere of freedom of expression, progress in terms of solving violence against journalists is still very limited, particularly in terms of old unsolved cases. Four attacks were registered by the authorities in 2018; in three of these, convicting judgements were issued against four individuals for endangering the safety of the journalists concerned.

„In addition, cyber-attacks against media outlets were reported. The most serious attack, qualified as an attempted murder, took place in May 2018 against the investigative journalist Olivera Lakic… However, while the investigation has shown initial results, the authorities have failed to show intensified efforts to solve old cases… There are still reports of undue pressure on journalists by law-enforcement officials to disclose their sources“, stated the report.

Vladan Zugic, Montenegrin journalist and publicist, says that the media scene is divided in two – those who do their job, determine facts and are critically oriented, and a large number of media outlets which are in the propaganda machinery of the ruling party.

As indicated by Zugic, the majority of attacks refer to journalists and property of Vijesti media station. He said this media station was constantly under financial pressure. According to Zugic, not one of the attacks against Vijesti journalists has been solved, because practically, in the majority of cases the police and prosecutor’s office did all they could to cover those cases up and prevent identification of perpetrators and actors. Commenting the defamation charges, Zugic explained that defamation had been decriminalized several years ago, but the authorities were finding various mechanisms for putting pressure on the media.

“Enough legal mechanisms have remained in force to enable holders of authority to hire lawyers to file suits against the media. Courts are under the control of political parties. If a representative of authorities brings a suit against a media, there is a pretty good chance that they will win the case in court because the judiciary is politicized,” Zugic claims.

The European Commission’s Report notes that the fact that many media outlets in Montenegro are not financially sustainable, has a negative impact on the quality of reporting and professionalism.

The Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’safety in Montenegro states that the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro registered seven cases of assaults on journalists and media from the beginning of July 2017 to the end of June 2018, while there are two more cases in the records of the Montenegrin Police Directorate, which are related to threats directed at the former journalist, who is currently at the head of one political party.

As Zugic said, autocrats are in power in all countries in the region, except North Macedonia, and they do not understand or do not want to understand how democratic awareness functions and what free media means.

Since March 2018, there were five new cases of intimidation of journalists, marking a decrease from the previous year. The Ministry of the Interior started to cooperate with the Association of Journalists to establish accountability for incidents of physical and verbal abuse or threats against journalists.– the EC Country Report for North Macedonia indicates.

What remains to be fixed, according to the Report, is the fact that registration of attacks against journalists is still inadequate and very few investigations have been opened.

“Politicians and public officials still need to demonstrate a higher level of tolerance towards criticism and promote freedom of expression. Procedures for police conduct towards journalists and registration of attacks need to be improved. Law enforcement authorities and the Public Prosecutor’s Office need to effectively follow-up all incidents against journalists. Old cases of the most serious physical attacks against journalists (13) have not been resolved due to unprofessional conduct in the investigations,” the European Commission indicated with regards to the North Macedonia.

According to Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in Macedonia the number of attacks on journalists has decreased, but institutions have strong presence of policy of impunity for violence against journalists. In the period from September 2017 to September 2018, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia registered six attacks on journalists, one physical assault, and one death threat, two arbitrary detentions from the police, one case of destruction of journalist’s property, and one case of interrupting photo reporters from reporting on a public event.

In Albania threats and intimidating language against journalists have increased, although these acts have been systematically condemned.

During the reporting period, there were two cases of physical assaults against journalists, reported respectively in June and September 2018. In addition, in August bullets were fired on the parental home of an investigative journalist, while a television programme moderator received a threat in December. Media associations and public authorities resolutely condemned these attacks. Investigations were launched, but there have been no arrests on these cases so far.

According to the EU Report for 2018, a total of 13 cases in which journalists or newspapers were parties in the judicial process  were registered in first instance courts in 2018 with 10 first instance court rulings. In addition, there were 7 cases registered in appeal courts in 2018 with 1 ruling. Albania should further strengthen its efforts to ensure a policy of zero tolerance for intimidation of journalists and threats against the media, including in political discourse.

In Kosovo, the number of threats and attacks against journalists has decreased.

According to the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, 16 incidents were reported in 2018, down from 24 in 2017. There has been a more systematic response from rule of law authorities, with the help of coordinators in the police, prosecution and courts. However, 2018 saw only one indictment and three convictions regarding threats and attacks against journalists. Adjudication of cases remains generally slow.

Flutura Kusari, media attorney from Kosovo, says that the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of media in Kosovo were guaranteed by law, but not respected.

“The main threat to journalists comes from the government and politicians, who have engaged in proposing a law that would censor journalists and organized campaigns against journalists. The public broadcaster is completely under the control of the ruling political party, i.e. PDK (Democratic Party of Kosovo), financial pressure against independent media is increasing, while the rights of journalists are breached regularly, and many of them work without contracts. The media themselves are not transparent in terms of their financing and ownership, which undermines their right to request the government to be transparent,” Kusari said.

She says that the international community throughout the Balkans does not consider the right to freedom of expression a priority. They rarely react publicly when journalists are intimidated or endangered, which leaves journalists without support, Kusari said.

According to the Indicators on level of media freedom and journalists’safety in Kosovo, in the period between January and September 2018, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo registered 13 cases, including threats and attacks. It should be noted that investigative journalists are most at risk due to their investigative reporting. Threats against them range from those of high state officials to those of ordinary citizens. Justice and security institutions continued to strengthen their mechanisms on journalists’ protection. The Basic Court in Pristina held several trials related to threat, defamation and insult cases. The Association of Journalists of Kosovo demanded from those institutions to be more efficient in closing of journalists’ cases within the legal deadlines.

“The criminal and justice system have improved their mechanisms related to protection of journalists and other media professionals. Although, a more effective treatment of cases of threats and attacks by the police is still necessary and the prosecution and the courts need to do more to close cases in a timely manner. The journalists’ perception remains that the real instigators of crimes against them are never discovered”, the Kosovo national report the Indicators on level of media freedom and journalists’safety in Kosovo states.

Vladimir Kovacevic said that the situation would not improve without sanctions for attacks throughout the Balkans.

“We are witnessing an increasing incidence of physical attacks against journalists simply because nobody accounts for those attacks adequately. Behind these attacks are mainly people who are either directly in power or very close to the authorities at all levels in BiH. In the system laid down on inverted values, it is illusory to expect the security of journalists to be at an enviable level,” he concluded.

*This title is without prejudice as to the status and is in line with the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the opinion of the International Court of justice on the declaration of independence of Kosovo.

This article has been produced with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED). Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of EED. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in this publication lies entirely with the author.

Region zarobljen u percepciji da se novinari mogu tući


BEOGRAD, 07.08.2019. – Česti napadi na novinare, nepostojanje mehanizama procesuiranja odgovornih, te politički i ekonomski pritisci zajednički su problemi zemalja regiona u sferi medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara, zaključak je analize izveštaja Evropske komisije o napretku zemalja zapadnog Balkana.

 U predvečerje avugustovskog dana prošle godine, novinar BNTV Vladimir Kovačević pretučen je dok se vraćao iz redakcije kući u Banja Luci. Premlaćivanje se desilo nakon što je nedeljama izveštavao o protestima protiv vlasti u Republici Srpskoj nakon ubistva jednog mladića u Banja Luci.

Nakon napada na Kovačevića, došlo je do hapšenja jedne osobe, dok drugi počinilac još uvek nije uhapšen.

„Ključni preduslov za bezbednost novinara u jednom društvu je postojanje pravne i demokratske države što Bosna i Hercegovina nije“, kaže Kovačević za portal safejournalists.net.

Okružni sud u Banja Luci je nepravosnažno osudio Banjalučanina Marka Čolića na četiri godine zatvora za pokušaj ubistva Kovačevića. Motivi napada na Kovačevića nisu rasvetljeni, a nisu poznata ni imena nalogodavaca.

Napad na Kovačevića samo je jedan u nizu incidenata koji su zabeleženi u BiH tokom 2018. godine. Slični incidenti zabeleženi su u skoro svim zemljama regiona – a situacija je posebno zabrinjavajuća, uz BiH, u Srbiji, na Kosovu* i Crnoj Gori – pokazuje analiza pojedinačnih izveštaja Evropske komisije o napretku zemalja zapadnog Balkana tokom 2018. godine.

Uporedo sa napadima na medijske radnike, izvještaji EU o zemljama ukazuju na to da su politički i ekonomski pritisci činjenica života u svim zemljama u regionu.

U izveštaju o napretku BiH navodi se da se „fizički i verbalni napadi odvijaju bez sistematskog institucionalnog odgovora i efikasnih zaštitnih mera“, što je rečenica koja se ponavlja u dokumentu o napretku Srbije, Kosova i Crne Gore. Stanje u Severnoj Makedoniji i Albiniji je, prema izveštajima, nešto bolje – te se ne navode slučajevi napada na novinare.

Tužbe kao sredstvo zastrašivanja u BiH 

U Bosni i Hercegovini nastavljen je politički i finansijski pritisak na medije, vlasti često umanjuju zastrašivanje novinara, a njihova reakcija, uključujući javnu osudu, je slaba, dok je medijska linija za pomoć udruženja BH Novinari zabeležila 58 slučajeva kršenja prava novinara u 2018. godini, uključujući 6 slučajeva fizičkog napada, 17 pretnji i 9 slučajeva političkog pritiska – zabeleženo je u Izveštaju o napretku.

Urednica Mediacentra u Sarajevu Elvira Jukić – Mujkić smatra da se novinari ne osećaju dovoljno zaštićeno jer rezultati istraživanja koje je sprovelo udruženje BH novinari  u 2017. godini pokazuju da značajan broj građana BiH smatra da novinare treba tući. Ona dodaje da političari napadaju i kritikuju medijske radnike, dok su mehanizmi zaštite neadekvatni jer napadi na novinare su retko procesuirani ili završe neadekvatnim kaznama.

„U BiH se tužbe za klevetu koriste kao sredstvo zastrašivanja i pritisaka na novinare. Pa tako imamo primer da političar podigne tužbu protiv novinara i onda uslovljava da se o njemu prestane pisati, a nakon što novinar ne pristane, tužba je ipak povučena jer je neosnovana“, pojašnjava Jukić – Mujkić.

Govoreći o finansijskom i političkom pritisku na medije, Jukić – Mujkić kaže da većina političara ne mora da se muči i cenzuriše medije jer je nažalost stvorena atmosfera u redakcijama, da se već zna koje teme su poželjne, a koje nisu. Ona smatra da je netransparetno medijsko vlasništvo dodatni problem jer ne postoji uvid u to ko stoji iza medija koji informišu i na osnovu čega potencijalno donose odluke.

Borka Rudić iz Udruženja BH novinari smatra da je značajno što evropski izveštaj zahteva efikasniji rad pravosuđa i zaštitu novinara koji su žrtva napada.

„Netrasparentno vlasništvo, politički pritisci, uticaji i napadi, loš ekonomski položaj medija i novinara utiču na to da mi nemamo više kvalitetnog istraživačkog profesionalnog novinarstva u meri kakva je potrebna u jednoj postratnoj državi koja potencira da bude članica EU i da poštuje sve evropske standarde zaštite slobode izražavanja i slobode medija“, kaže Rudić.

Jukić – Mujkić kaže da Indeks medijskih sloboda Reportera bez granica pokazuje da je stanje u BiH, u odnosu na zemlje regiona najbolje. Ali to svakako, kako je rekla, ne znači da je stanje u BiH dobro, nego da je u zemljama regije stanje nažalost i gore. Zajednički problemi svih zemalja u regionu, su politički i ekonomski pritisci, dodaje ona.

Govoreći o problemima u zemljama regiona, Rudić kaže da su zajednički problemi napadi na novinare koji nisu adekvatno rešeni i problem primene zakona o zaštiti od klevete.

Prema istraživanju Indikatori za nivo slobode medija i sigurnosti novinara u BiH u 2018 godini je do septembra meseca registrovan 21 slučaj verbalnog i fizičkog napada na novinare. Postoji veliki broj teških krivičnih dela protiv novinara i kažnjavanje počinilaca ovih dela još uvek nije na zadovoljavajućem nivou.

„Novinari su nezadovoljni reakcijama relevantnih institucija i političkih aktera, i to su pokazali na protestima organizovanim u pet gradova širom Bosne i Hercegovine nakon brutalnog napada na novinara iz Banje Luke, koji je okarakterisan kao pokušaj ubistva“, stoji u nacionalnom izveštaju Indikatori za nivo slobode medija i sigurnosti novinara u BiH.

Novinari u Srbiji bez sigurnosti

U Izveštaju Evropske komisije za Srbiju je zabeleženo da su slučajevi pretnji, zastrašivanja i nasilja nad novinarima i dalje zabrinjavajući, dok istrage i konačne presude ostaju retke. Postoje brojni kredibilni izveštaji o verbalnim, fizičkim napadima i napadima na imovinu novinara, dok su medijska udruženja izvestila da su se povećali politički, ekonomski i drugi pritisci na novinare.

Dok je nekoliko slučajeva rešeno i podnete su krivične prijave, presude su još uvek retke, navodi Izveštaj. Takođe je navedeno da se govor mržnje i diskriminatorska terminologija tolerišu u medijima i retko rešavaju od strane regulatornih tela i tužilaštva.

Profesorka Dubravka Valić Nedeljković sa Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu kaže da se Srbija poslednjih nekoliko godina neprekidno spušta ka donjoj granici liste od 180 zemalja na Indeksu slobode medija koji Reporteri bez granica mere. Ove godine, kako je rekla, Srbija je na 90. mestu, a spustila se za 14 stepenika naniže od lani. To, kako je rekla, ukazuje da medijske neslobode u Srbiji su sve veće i uočljivije.

„U eu izveštaju za Srbiju se jasno navodi da su napadi političara na medije sve učestaliji uključujući i fizičke pretnje. Otvoreno se osuđuju svi oni koji iole kritikuju vlast. Poslednji otvoreni napad  je bio na televiziju N1 i dolazio je iz samog vrha vlasti, koja po svim zakonima ne bi smela da se meša u medijsku uređivačku politiku“, kaže Valić Nedeljković.

Sedam fizičkih napada i napada na imovinu novinara zabležile su srpske vlasti tokom izveštajnog perioda. Neka medijska udruženja izvestila su da su se povećali politički, ekonomski i drugi pritisci na novinare, navodi se u EU Izvještaju za 2018. godinu.

U tom pogledu, Srbija treba da te zločine svrsta u krivična ili druga dela i da obezbedi odgovarajuću istragu i presuđivanje.

Profesorka Valić Nedeljković kaže da je najjednostavniji način da se mediji „disciplinuju“, da se finansijski ukrote.

„Sve u svemu ekonomska nestabilnost medijskog tržišta, hronični nedostatak novca u medijima, služi vlasti da na suptilniji način u suštini obezbeđuje sebi ako ne otvorenu podršku, a ono barem izostanak ozbiljne kritike“, zaključuje Valić Nedeljković.

Prema Indikatorima za nivo slobode medija i bezbednosti novinara u Srbiji, u periodu od septembra 2017. do kraja augusta 2018. godine zabeleženo je 28 napada: 21 verbalna pretnja, šest fizičkih napada i jedan napad na imovinu. U odnosu na isti period u 2017. godini zabeležen je približno isti broj napada. Tokom 2018.godine, među zabeleženim incidentima preovlađuju verbalne pretnje od kojih je pola adresirano putem interneta i društvenih mreža.

„Baza podataka o napadima i pritiscima na novinare, koju vodi NUNS (Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije), zabeležila je 62 slučaja pritisaka u 2017. godini, dvostruko više nego u 2016. U prvih osam meseci 2018. godine, evidentirano je čak 39 slučaja pritisaka. Udruženja novinara izložena su pritiscima kao i pretnjama i zastrašivanju – udruženja koja kritikuju vlasti su primarna meta“, navedeno je u Izveštaju Indikatori za nivo slobode medija i bezbednosti novinara u Srbiji.

Crnogorsko pravosuđe bez napretka

U Izveštaju Evropske komisije koja analizira stanje medija u Crnoj Gori se navodi da je u sferi slobode izražavanja napredak u rešavanju nasilja i dalje veoma ograničen, naročito u pogledu starih nerešenih predmeta. Vlasti su u 2018. godini registrovale četiri napada; u tri od njih donesene su osuđujuće presude protiv četiri pojedinca zbog ugrožavanja sigurnosti novinara. „Pored toga, prijavljeni su cyber-napadi protiv medija. Najozbiljniji napad, kvalifikovan kao pokušaj ubistva, dogodio se u maju 2018. godine protiv istraživačke novinarke Olivere Lakić… Međutim, dok je istraga napada pokazala početne rezultate, vlasti nisu pokazale pojačane napore na rešavanju starih slučajeva… Još uvek postoje izveštaji o neprikladnom pritisku na novinare, kako bi otkrili svoje izvore“, navodi se u Izveštaju.

Vladan Žugić, crnogorski novinar i publicista, kaže da je medijska scena podeljena na dva dela – na one koji rade svoj posao, utvrđuju činjenice, kritički orijentisane i jedan ogroman broj medija koji su u propagandnoj mašineriji vladajuće partije.

Kako navodi Žugić, najveći broj napada se odnosi na novinare i imovinu medijske kuće „Vijesti“, a ovaj medij je pod stalnim finansijskim pritiskom. Nijedan od napada, kako je rekao, na novinare „Vijesti“ nije rasvetljen jer su praktično u većini slučajeva policija i tužilaštvo radili sve da se ti slučajevi zataškaju i ne dođe do izvšilaca i aktera. Govoreći o optužbama za klevetu, Žugić pojašnjava da je kleveta pre nekoliko godina dekriminalizovana, ali da vlasti nalaze različite mehanizme da vrše pritisak na medije.

„Ostalo je dovoljno zakonskih mehanizama da nosioci vlasti angažuju advokate da podnesu tužbe protiv medija. Sudovi su pod kontrolom partija. Ako neko od predstavnika vlasti pokrene tužbu protiv medija velika je verovatnoća da će na sudu uspeti da dobije taj postupak upravo zbog toga što je sudstvo ispolitizovano“, tvrdi Žugić.

Izveštaj Evropske komisije je zabeležio da je činjenica da mnoge medijske kuće u Crnoj Gori nisu finansijski održive, što ima negativni uticaj na kvalitet izveštavanja i profesionalizma.

U Indikatorima za nivo slobode medija i bezbednosti  novinara u Crnoj Gori stoji da je Sindikat medija Crne Gore zabeležio sedam slučajeva napada na novinare i medije od početka jula 2017. do kraja juna 2018. godine, dok su u evidenciji Uprave policije Crne Gore još dva slučaja koja se odnose na pretnje koje su upućene bivšem novinaru, koji je trenutno na čelu jedne političke stranke.

U svim državama regiona, kako navodi Žugić, osim Makedonije, na vlasti su autokrate koji ne razumeju ili ne žele da razumeju kako funkcioniše demokratski svet i šta su slobodni mediji.

Od marta 2018. godine je došlo do pet novih slučajeva zastrašivanja novinara, što je značilo smanjenje u odnosu na prethodnu godinu. Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova započelo je saradnju s Udruženjem novinara radi uspostavljanja odgovornosti za incidente fizičkog i verbalnog zlostavljanja ili pretnji novinarima– stoji u Izveštaju Evropske komisije za Severnu Makedoniju.

Ono što ostaje da se popravi, kako se navodi u Izveštaju, je registracija napada na novinare koja je i dalje neadekvatna i pokrenuto je vrlo malo istraga.

„Političari i javni zvaničnici i dalje treba da pokažu viši nivo tolerancije prema kritikama i da promovišu slobodu izražavanja. Postupanje policije prema novinarima i registracija napada treba da se poboljša.           Izvršna tela i Javno republičko tužilaštvo treba efikasno da prate sve incidente protiv novinara. Stari slučajevi najozbiljnijih fizičkih napada na novinare (13) nisu bili rešen zbog neprofesionalnog ponašanja u istragama“, navedeno je u izveštaju Evropske komisije u odnosu na Severnu Makedoniju.

Prema nacionalnom izveštaju Indikatori za nivo slobode medija i bezbednosti novinara u Makedoniji broj napada na novinare je smanjen, ali je i dalje snažno prisustvo politike nekažnjivosti za nasilje nad novinarima. U periodu od septembra 2017. do septembra 2018. godine, Udruženje novinara Makedonije je registrovalo šest napada na novinare, jedan fizički napad i jednu pretnju smrću, dva proizvoljna pritvaranja od strane policije, jedan slučaj uništenja novinarske imovine i jedan slučaj prekida izveštavanja fotoreportera sa javnog događaja.

U Albaniji pretnje i zastrašujući jezik prema novinarima su povećane, iako su ta dela sisetmatski osuđivana.

U izveštajnom periodu su se dogodila dva slučaja fizičkog napada na novinare, prijavljena  u junu i septembru 2018. Osim toga, u avgustu su ispaljeni meci na roditeljski dom istražnog novinara, dok je voditelj televizijskog programa u decembru dobio pretnju. Medijska udruženja i javne vlasti odlučno su osudile ove napade. Istrage su pokrenute, ali dosad nije bilo hapšenja po tim slučajevima.

Prema Izveštaju EU za 2018. godinu, registrovano je ukupno 13 slučajeva u kojima su novinari ili mediji bili stranke u sudskom postupku u prvostepenim sudovima u 2018. godini s 10 prvostepenih sudskih rešenja. Uz to, u 2018. godini u apelacionim sudovima bilo je 7 slučajeva s jednom presudom. Albanija bi trebalo da dodatno ojača svoje napore kako bi osigurala politiku nulte tolerancije prema zastrašivanju novinara i pretnjama medijima, uključujući politički diskurs.

U EU izveštaju za Kosovo se navodi da se broj pretnji i napada na novinare smanjio.

Prema podacima Udruženja novinara Kosova prijavljeno je 16 incidenata u 2018. godini, što je pad u odnosu na 24 u 2017.  jer je uspostavljen sistematičniji pristup ovom problemu od strane vlasti, uz pomoć koordinatora u policiji, tužilaštvu i sudovima. Međutim, u 2018. godini bila je samo jedna optužnica i tri osuđujuće presude u vezi s prijetnjama i napadima protiv novinara. Rešavanje slučajeva i dalje je sporo.

Flutura Kusari, medijski pravnik sa Kosova, kaže da su pravo na slobodu izražavanja i sloboda medija na Kosovu garantovani zakonski, ali ne i poštovani.

„Glavna pretnja novinarima dolazi od vlade i političara koji su se angažovali u predlaganju zakona koji bi cenzurisali novinare i organizovali kampanje protiv novinara. Javni medijski servis je u potpunosti pod kontrolom vladajuće političke stranke DPK (Demokratska partija Kosova), finansijski pritisak na nezavisne medije se povećava, prava novinara se redovno krše, a mnogi od njih rade bez ugovora. Sami mediji nisu transparentni u smislu finansiranja i vlasništva, što podriva njihovo pravo da traže od vlade da bude transparentna“, kaže Kusari.

Kusari navodi da međunarodna zajednica širom Balkana ne smatra pravo na slobodu izražavanja prioritetom. Oni retko reaguju javno kada su novinari zastrašivani i ugroženi, što ostavlja novinare bez podrške.

Prema izveštaju Indikatori za nivo slobode medija i bezbednosti novinara na Kosovu u periodu između januara i septembra 2018. godine, Asocijacija novinara Kosova je registrovalo 13 slučajeva, uključujući pretnje i napade. Treba napomenuti da su istraživački novinari izloženi najvećem riziku zbog njihovog istraživačkog novinarstva.  Pretnje novinarima upućuju svi, od nosioca javnih funkcija do običnih građana. Institucije pravosuđa i bezbednosti nastavile su da jačaju mehanizme zaštite novinara. Osnovni sud u Prištini održao je nekoliko suđenja u vezi sa slučajevima pretnje, klevete i uvreda. Asocijacija novinara Kosova tražila je od tih institucija da budu efikasnije u završavanju novinarskih slučajeva u zakonskim rokovima.

„Krivični i pravosudni sistemi su poboljšali svoje mehanizme koji se odnose na zaštitu novinara i drugih medijskih profesionalaca. Iako je neophodno još efikasnije tretirati slučajeve pretnji i napada od strane policije, i tužilaštvo i sudovi moraju učiniti više kako bi pravovremeno zatvorili slučajeve. Ostaje percepcija novinara da stvarni podstrekači zločina protiv njih nikada nisu otkriveni“, navodi se u istraživanju Indikatori za nivo slobode medija i bezbednosti novinara na Kosovu.

Vladimir Kovačević kaže da bez kazni za napade širom Balkana, stanje se neće popraviti.

„Imamo sve učestalije fizičke napade na novinare iz prostog razloga što niko ne odgovara adekvatno za te napade. Iza tih napada uglavnom stoje ljudi koji su ili direktno u vlasti ili su vrlo bliski vlastima na svim nivoma u BiH. U tako postavljenom sistemu u kojem vlada obrnut sistem vrednosti iluzorno je očekivati da bezbednost novinara bude na nekom zavidnom nivou“, zaključuje on.

*Ovaj naziv je bez prejudiciranja statusa i u skladu je sa Rezolucijom Saveta bezbednosti Ujedinjenih nacija 1244 i mišljenjem Međunarodnog suda pravde o deklaraciji o nezavisnosti Kosova

Ovaj članak je nastao uz podršku Evropske zdužbina za demokratiju (EED). Njegov sadržaj ne odražava nužno zvanično mišljenje EED-a. Autor snosi u potpunosti odgovornost za informacije i stavove iznete u ovom tekstu.

N1: Serbian pro-government tabloid manipulating facts


BELGRADE, 05.08.2019. – N1 TV warned on Monday that the pro-government tabloid Informer was manipulating facts by publishing a screenshot with the N1 logo under the headline Liberation Operation Storm begins in an allusion to the Croatian military operation that resulted in the expusion of more than 200,000 Serbs from Croatia in the mid-1990s.

“By publishing a screenshot with the N1 logo and headline Liberation Operation Storm Begins, Informer editor in chief Dragan J Vucicevic has consciously manipulated facts in the customary manner of a newspaper which is a record holder in violation of the code of ethics,” N1 TV said in a statement.

“Vucicevic has taken a tweet by Twitter user @MilanSremac who took a picture of the Zagreb N1 broadcasts to accuse the Belgrade N1 desk of presenting Storm as a liberation operation to the Serbian public. Regardless of the fact that many Twitter users said that this was a broadcast aired in Croatia and that the Belgrade program did not use that formulation, Vucicevic consciously published the manipulation on both his web site and newspaper.

That was followed by comments which included threats against N1 employees, calling us, among other things, Ustasha and directly jeopardizing the safety of our journalists. That same method of manipulation and propaganda was used by media controlled by the authorities at the time that (newspaper publisher) Slavko Curuvija was murdered (during the NATO bombing campaign in 1999 by state security agents),” the statement said.

Tabloid Informer novom manipulacijom ugrožava bezbednost novinara N1


BEOGRAD, 05.08.2019. – Objavljujući snimak ekrana sa znakom N1 i naslovom “počela oslobodilačka akcija ‘Oluja'” glavni urednik Informera Dragan J. Vučićević svesno je manipulisao činjenicama, u uobičajenom maniru novina koje su jedan od rekordera u kršenju etičkog kodeksa.

Vučićević je ovoga puta preuzeo tvit korisnika @MilanSremac koji je fotografisao ekran zagrebačke distribucije N1, da bi optužio beogradsku redakciju da je “Oluju” srpskoj publici predstavila kao oslobodilačku akciju.

Bez obzira na to što su brojni korisnici Tvitera ukazali da je u pitanju program koji se emituje za Hrvatsku i da u beogradskom programu nije bilo takve formulacije, Vučićević je ovu manipulaciju svesno preneo i na svom web sajtu i u novinama.

Usledili su i komentari koji su sadržali pretnje po zaposlene u N1, između ostalog nazivajući nas ustašama, direktno ugrožavajući bezbednost novinara naše redakcije. Istim metodama manipulacije i propagande služili su se mediji pod kontrolom vlasti u vreme ubistva Slavka Ćuruvije.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Every fifth citizen thinks attacks on journalists are justified


SARAJEVO, 05.08.2019. – 21% of the Bosnian citizens share the opinion that attacks on journalists are justified, says a new report made for the needs of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Journalists’ Association (BH Journalists) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, published on 16 July. The study titled “Researching Media Freedoms in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2019” reveals worrying trends in the attitude of the country’s citizens towards their media.

In the last six years, BH Journalists has documented 121 cases of violence, 44 physical attacks, 21 death threats and 48 serious cases of harassment or verbal pressure. Yet violence against media workers is increasingly accepted in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

“More and more citizens are inclined to blame the journalists themselves for the frequent attacks on them”, states the author. This change of attitude towards assault on journalists is seen as a serious turn compared to last year.

Such finding is all the more alarming that trust in media has again diminished: only 66% of BiH citizens consider the media of their country as trustworthy (-11%). While doubts in the professionalism of journalists are increasing, most people do not believe in the existence of media freedom in BiH (80%).

One reason is certainly the interdependence between politics, media and journalists. The participants considered politicians and political parties (55%) to have the strongest influence on the work of media, followed by media owners and editors (23%), and “influential businessmen” (12%). Especially public service media are seen very critically: eight out of ten BiH citizens agree they are under large political influence.

The report takes a closer look by analysing the different media. While trust in news found on the internet is decreasing in northern European countries, BiH citizens rated them in second position after TV news. Print media make up the midfield and radio news are on the bottom with only 5% trusting them.

The study results from 506 computer assisted telephone interviews with randomly selected residents of the Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina and from the Republic of Srpska. It was driven by Prof. Dr. Bozo Skoko, from the University of Zagreb.