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Simonović podneo i dvanaestu tužbu protiv urednika Žig infa


BEOGRAD, 02.08.2019. – Bivši predsednik Opštine Grocka Dragoljub Simonović podneo je dvanaestu tužbu protiv urednika portala Žig info Željka Matorčevića.

Bivši predsednik Opštine Grocka i visoki funkcioner Srpske napredne stranke ovoga puta je Matorčevića tužio zbog teksta u čijem naslovu su upućene psovke na račun Simonovića, parafrazirajući izjavu Vojislava Šešelja iz Haga. Tekst sa spornim naslvom objavljen je na sajtu Žig info 25. aprila 2017. godine.

U tužbi je navedeno da je na Simonovićev račun izneta uvreda samim naslovom, kao i da određene reči nisu stavljene pod navodnike, niti su pojedina slova zamenjena zvezdicom.

Simonović je od urednika Žig infa traži odštetu od 300.000 dinara za nematerijalnu štetu, sa zateznom kamatom, i nadoknadu svih troškova parničnog postupka. Sa poslednjom tužbom Simonović od Matorčevića potražuje ukupno 3,9 miliona dinara.

Vida Petrović Škero, bivša sudija Vrhovnog kasacionog suda, za Cenzolovku je rekla da ovo nije pojedinačan slučaj i da joj je poznato da su neki političari tužili određen medij više od 100 puta.

Ona je dodala da u ovakvim slučajevima, kada se podnose tužbe za pojedinačne tekstove, namera tužioca može biti da “izludi” tuženog ili da izazove neku drugu reakciju, poput odustajanja od daljeg pisanja ili mogućnosti pravljenja neke vrste nagodbe.

Matorčević je za Cenzolovku rekao da nije iznenađen još jednom tužbom.

“Nisam iznenađen! Kad sam dobio 11. tužbu, najavio sam da očekujem 111. Ovim se samo potvrđuju moje sumnje da Simonović hoće da mi oduzme dragoceno vreme kako ne bih mogao da se bavim novinarstvom, jer ću se od septembra gotovo svakodnevno sa njim viđati na sudu”, pojasnio je on.

Urednik sajta Žig info napominje da će se “vrlo rado” odazvati svakom sudskom pozivu, ali da se nada da će i Simonović isto postupiti u slučaju koji se vodi protiv njega, a u kom je osumnjičen kao nalogodavac paljenja kuće novinara Milana Jovanovića.

NUNS osudio uvredljivo ponašanje vlasti u Valjevu prema novinarki Dariji Ranković


VALJEVO, 01.08.2019. – Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije osuđuje diskriminatorsko ponašanje gradske uprave Valjeva prema novinarki Dariji Ranković, urednici portala Kolubarske.rs i podseća da takav uvredljiv odnos valjevskih vlasti prema našoj koleginici traje već duže vreme.

Najnoviji takav slučaj dogodio se u utorak 30. jula kada je obezbeđenje gradske uprave pokušalo da zabrani Dariji Ranković da uđe na konferenciju za novinare u Sali Gradskog veća, iako je ona bila uredno pozvana da prisustvuje. Na samoj konferenciji posvećenoj manifestaciji “Tešnjarske večeri”, jedan od organizatora izvinio se novinarki.

Međutim, nakon što je urednica portala Kolubarske.rs objavila tekst o tom incidentu oglasio se kabinet gradonačelnika Valjeva saopštenjem u kojem se opravdava ponašanje pripadnika obezbeđenja a novinarka Ranković optužuje da je „pokušala da iskoristi i da inscenira još jednu aferu i tako sebe predstavi kao žrtvu vlasti“.

Tim povodom Darija Ranković je za NUNS izjavila da saopštenje gradonačelnika “obiluje neistinama” te da je njime potvrđeno da izveštavanje portala Kolubarske.rs smeta lokalnim vlastima.

–  Tačno je da sam pokušala da uđem na konferenciju za novinare i obavim svoj posao, ali me je u tome sprečavao radnik obezbeđenja koji mi je zabranio da uđem, što mogu da posvedoče kolege sa TV Va plus koje su bile pored mene, navodi Darija Ranković.

Ona dodaje i da to što je ona ipak prisustvovala konferenciji “ne znači da mi nije bilo zabranjeno, kao što pokušava da predstavi Kabinet gradonačelnika”.

Novinarka Ranković ukazuje i na neistinitost tvrdnje da je „pokušala da isprovocira i članove Saveta Tešnjarskih večeri“, navodeći da su joj se članovi Saveta izvinili zbog neprijatnosti koja joj se dogodila i saopštili da oni nisu naložili radniku obezbeđenja da je ne pusti na konferenciju za novinare.

“Ovo saopštenje Kabineta gradonačelnika, mada mi nije jasno zbog čega Kabinet kada tu instituciju zakon ne poznaje niti je organ vlasti, je pokušaj lokalne vlasti da ućutka novinare koji časno i pošteno rade svoj posao, koji pišu o trošenju javnih sredstava, ali ne tako što iznose paušalne ocene”, izjavila je za NUNS Darija Ranković.

NUNS podseća da je urednica portal Kolubarske.rs već nekoliko godina izložena pritiscima lokalnih moćnika i napadima putem internet mreže. U pokušajima da se novinarka Ranković ljudski i profesionalno diskvalifikuje posebno se “istakao” Radio Valjevo i njegov glavni i odgovorni urednik Zoran Majdak.


Sekretarijat NUNS-a

U Beogradu 1.08.2019.

Serbia’s Media Strategy – step towards media freedom or simulation of reforms?


BELGRADE, 01.08.2019. – One step forwards, two steps backwards – this is how the drafting of the Media Strategy, worked on by the representatives of media associations and the Government of Serbia, has looked like for the past six months. At the time when an agreement, following multiple arguments and disagreements, seemed to had finally been reached, the Government, without consent of professional associations, sent a changed Draft, from which all clauses guaranteeing independence of the media and regulating their financing had been erased, to Brussels.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić claims that this was as an accident, while media associations remark that such statement is, at the very least, not serious and that the Government cannot be trusted any more. Officials from Brussels only shortly confirm for European Western Balkans that the text of the strategy was received and that the EU will form an opinion, give its comments and notify the Government and media associations in the following weeks.

Send it anyway and hope for the best

“I absolutely believe that there had been an accident… I mean, the Draft was intended to be sent, but the mistake was made because some substantive parts, which had been worked out for all these months in the working group, were scrapped. I wish to understand why they had been scrapped, who had done it and what exactly are the complaints of those people, so that we can once again sit down with media and journalists’ associations and see what the problem is… I do not know why and how and I am sorry for what happened”, Prime Minister Brnabić tried to explain why the version of the Draft which had not received consent of the media associations had been sent to Brussels in an interview for N1.

Unconvincing, hard to accept and not serious – this is how the explanation of the Prime Minster Ana Brnabić has been received by the media associations. While the president of the Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) Vladimir Radomirović states that he was glad that the Prime Minister apologized and that the coalition of media associations will soon form a joint position on this issue, president of the Independent Journalists’ Association (NUNS) of Serbia Željko Bodrožić states that the minimum of the trust needed for cooperation has been lost and that he does not believe in the honest intentions and calls by Ana Brnabić.

“I wish to believe, but the experience with the current Government and its daily work on misleading the public shows that the admission itself is some sort of spin and buying of time with European Commission. Over the years, the Government has been sending us constant and direct messages that we are unwanted and that they would be the happiest if we, the independent and free journalists, did not exist. They have already largely succeeded in that, because a number of media has been shut down, and many journalists have become jobless. You can see what kind of a hell professional and critical journalists are going through, and I do not have much hope for the new promises of the Prime Minister”, states the President of NUNS Željko Bodrožić for European Western Balkans .

The honesty of Government and accidental mistakes are also questioned by the member of the working group for drafting the Media Strategy and former editor of Vranjske Vukašin Obradović. He is wondering what are the guarantees that, after the Government has deteriorated its credibility by sending an amended text in Brussels, no “mistakes” will happen again.

“The Government of Serbia is not a local community in Vražogrnci, but a serious institution with clear and precise bureaucratic procedures that are aimed at preventing anything coming out of that building “by accident””, Obradović stresses.

He adds that the Prime Minister’s call to media associations to once again submit their complaints on the text that was sent to Brussels is just a show for the public.

“Instead of explaining to us why the text that had already been agreed upon was changed, Prime Minister ask us to submit our complaints!? And, in order to “fully understand the major complaints” only a small effort of comparing the text signed by all members of the working group, including government’s representatives, with the Draft strategy that was sent to Brussels, is needed. Just that, and nothing more. All of that is telling of the fact that the Prime Minister wishes to once again include media community in the work on the Strategy so that we can all continue with the construction of yet another Potemkin village of this regime”, warns Obradović, reminding that the Government had its opportunity to show that it is committed to the work on this document with consent and cooperation with media associations.

The President of the Working group for the Chapter 23 of the National Convention on the EU and the President of the Open Society Foundation in Serbia Milan Antonijević also believes that the Government compromised the entire process of the drafting of the media strategy with its last move

“By sending an amended text to Brussels the Government has shown the lack of competence either way, and maybe also the lack of readiness to accept the comments and advice given by the media community. This situation is neither fair towards the media community and to the associations, nor is it fair to OSCE, which has invested its credibility and enabled the opposing sides to sit together at the same table”, Antonijević explains.

The Government was forced to the negotiating table

Carefulness and fear among media associations that they will once again be tricked revokes not so distant memory of the first attempt to draft the Media Strategy. Namely, after the previous one “expired” in 2016, Ministry of Culture and Information began the work on the new document in 2017. However, the attempt ended in failure, after media associations (UNS, NUNS, NDNV, ANEM, Lokal pres and AOM) abandoned the Working group, explaining that they do not want to be an “ornament” and participate in the “appearance of an inclusive process which the government will use for external and internal purposes”.

Brnabić then decided to stop the work on the Strategy because without relevant media associations the working group did not have the legitimacy, and the document has never been presented to the public. After increasingly louder statements of the European officials, but also the Reports of European Commission and Freedom House, in which the great concern for media freedom has been expressed, and Serbia downgraded to the category of “partially free countries”, Government of Ana Brnabić realized that there is no further European integration without reforms in the area of media freedoms and the rule of law. Wishing to present the readiness of the Government to improve the situation in the media, the Cabinet of Prime Minister extended its hand and call to media associations to get involved in the drafting of the new Strategy. This time, instead of the Ministry of Culture and Information, the process of drafting the document became the responsibility of the Cabinet of the Prime Minister.

Praises for inclusiveness of the process soon arrived from the Brussels, and the only thing in the area of freedom of expression for which Serbia received positive assessments in the recently published Report of the European Commission was the joint work of the Government and media associations in drafting the strategic document that aims to outline directives for regulating the media scene until 2023. President of the working group for the Chapter 23 of the National Convention on the EU Milan Antonijević warns that, no matter the fact that the EC has praised the process previously, recent actions of Government will cause criticism from Brussels.

“European Commission has praised the process in which this final act had not taken place yet. When you are watching a play in a theater, you have to take the ending into account. This really cancelled anything that had earlier been assessed as positive and because of that I expect the media community, professional associations but also CSOs to adopt a critical position. We are not here to simulate the reform process in the Chapter 23, but to enable media pluralism and de-politicization”, Antonijević remarks.

An attempt to do away with the media independence

However, even though they have, as they say, believed in the honest wish of the Prime Minister to work on establishing order on the media scene in the beginning, it is clear that, by amending the Draft, the Government once again showed that it is ready to keep political control and influence over the editorial policy of public broadcasters (RTS, RTV), media which have been founded by the National Councils of the National Minorities and Regulatory Body (RRA), thinks the President of NUNS Željko Bodrožić.

“We have seen that the proposal for an alternative election of governing boards of public services, as well as the proposal that the chief editors of the media founded by the National Council of National Minorities cannot be appointed nor fired without the consent of employees, were rejected. And that is not all, because the proposal of journalist’s and media associations that the Committee for Culture and Information of the National Assembly of Serbia should be excluded from the nominating process of members of Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM) was erased, as well as our proposal that the Assembly and executive branch should be excluded from adopting REM’s statute and financial plan, together with the proposal that REM should have the ability to impose financial sanctions”, explains the president of NUNS.

Apart from the amendments through which the Government tried to maintain its political influence, it also tried to protect the close printed media, especially tabloid newspaper through which it confronts political opponents and citizens who disagree with its actions on a daily basis.

In order to achieve this, the Government erased the Council for Printed Media, independent institution founded in 2009 by the representative associations of journalists, from the Strategy. The Council was founded in order to monitor the respect of the Journalists’ Code in printed and online media and to decided on its violations.

Erasing the Council for Printed Media, while leaving the possibility to found other self-regulating institutions with the same function, shows the Government’s attempt to minimize the influence of the existing Council and silence its members, Vukašin Obradović points out.

“Behind it stands an intention to make the current Council for Printed Media obsolete, which becomes a serious hindrance because of its warnings that, in the processes of project financing, money goes to tabloid and pro-government newspapers which most often violate the Code of Ethics. It is exactly those media that are bothered by the current membership and order of the Council for Printed Media”, Obradović explains.

Where to go further – a dead end or the work on new legislation?

The confidence has been shaken, skepticism of media associations that the Government has honest intentions confirmed, and the job unfinished. Not only is it unknown how the process of drafting the Media Strategy will go on further and will the government really listen to the proposals of media associations, but the question of whether the journalist’s association and the Government can continue the work on future media laws envisioned by the Strategy is left open as well.

President of UNS Vladimir Radomirović thinks that the fact that the Prime Minister has repeated that the working group should carry on its work on the amendments to the media laws is a positive development.

“It would be good to start with the work on legislative changes as soon as possible, with the assistance of domestic and foreign experts in the area of public financing of the local media and the development of media market. In order for the media to be useful for the society, it is necessary for the market to be as free as possible and that the local media are guaranteed stable financing from public funds”, says Radomirović.

In contrast, president of NUNS Željko Bodrožić says that the media coalition is yet to form a position on that issue.

“There are no guarantees for anything when it comes to this government. Even if the Media Strategy is returned to its former state, there is still no guarantee that the government will translate that to new legislative solutions, and even if the Law on Information is written according to our suggestions, that also does not mean that the practice will be better, because there is no law that this government has not made obsolete and meaningless yet”, Bodrožić is skeptical.

Vukašin Obradović also does not see the sense in participating in the process of drafting new laws, reminding that the government does not respect the already existing ones.

“Even if it does not violate them directly, it does nothing to ensure they are respected. In a situation like this, it would be really hypocritical to close eyes in front of that fact and talk about the work on some future laws. It becomes clear by the day that this government bases its political behavior on media control and suppression of freedom of expression. This fact makes the issues of drafting solutions new strategy would contain become completely irrelevant”, Obradović concludes.

Irrelevant or not, new legislation will soon appear on the agenda, maybe even before the episode with the Media Strategy gets its epilogue. The government will certainly want to ensure the legitimacy of the reforms by including media associations and receive praise from Brussels, together with a prize of opening a new negotiating chapter with the EU.

It should not be forgotten that Serbia is expecting elections next year, and that the Government could be ready for certain concessions when it comes to media freedoms in order to persuade the opposition not to boycott the elections, and convince the international community that its rule is indeed democratic.

This article has been published in the context of the project “Support for independent reporting on European integrations of Serbia with a special emphasis on Chapters 23 and 24”, which is being implemented in cooperation with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Bakovic denied Pavicevic: Besovic is the organizer


PODGORICA, 31.07.2019. – At a press conference on February 19th, the police administration claimed that they solved the attempted murder of journalist Lakic. Despite claims of the Police administration that Filip Besovic shot Olivera Lakic, journalist at Vijesti, Enis Bakovic, Assistant Director of Police administration said that “he never claimed that Filip Besovic shot at Lakic”.

“I have never claimed that Filip Besovic was the direct perpetrator of the attack on Olivera Lakic, but that he organized a criminal group which followed the journalist Olivera Lakic, and then in front of the apartment in which she lived  she’s been wounded. So, I have never claimed that Filip Bešović, now the accused, has been a direct perpetrator of the attack”, he said answering to the question posed to the Veselin Veljovic, Director of the Police administration.

He added that the length of the investigation was not an issue for the Police administration, but he is convinced that the indictment will come.

At a press conference on February 19, the Police administration claimed that they solved the attempted murder of journalist Lakic.

Milovan Pavicevic, Chief of the Security Center Podgorica then said that “causing serious bodily injuries in the form of a gunshot wound on the right foot of the journalist Olivera Lakic were committed in the manner that the suspect and the organizer of this criminal group F. B. with certain members of his group, on 08.05.2018. followed the injured Olivera Lakic from the moment she left the newsroom od daily Vijesti, to her apartment in St. Petar Cetinjski Boulevard, where he waited for her to leave the vehicle and go to the entrance of the building, in order to approach her in an insidious manner and, from a pistol of an unknown brand, causing her a severe bodily injury in the area of the right leg”.

Pavicevic, who also attended the Veljovic’s press conference on 25.07.2019, did not try to explain whether Besovic tried to kill journalist Lakic.

The conference, on which the results of the investigation were announced, took place two days before the European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn arrived in Montenegro, who repeated several times that he expected results in that investigation, and that the stagnation in that case may jeopardize Montenegro’s negotiations with the EU.

After conference, the police and the prosecution did not inform the public whether they knew who ordered wounding of Lakic, nor did the Prosecution in Podgorica explain the reasons for the decision to re-qualify the attempt of murder in an easier form of criminal offense – causing serious physical injury.

Journalist Olivera Lakic has been a target of attack for years and was wounded on May 8, 2018.

According to the Order for conducting the investigation of the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office, which is signed by five prosecutors, it is still unknown who attempted to kill her.

The document says that a criminal offense was committed at the detriment of a journalist – a serious physical injury, but also noted that it was committed by Filip Besovic personally or through one of the members of the criminal group he organized.

Besovic said after the arrest that he had nothing to do with wounding of Lakic and that he never saw the journalist of “Vijesti” newspaper.

This document explains that the group, suspected of killing  Miodrag Kruscic, was discovered when searching the apartments they used and when they found the weapons, silicone masks, wigs, false mustaches and beards, tools for making explosive devices, money, JPS tapers “And Information related to the committed crimes to the detriment of Miodrag Kruscic and Olivera Lakic”, but it does not explain what are those information and how the weapons and objects found are related to these two cases.

That’s roughly everything they say about wounding of Lakic at 17 pages of the order signed by prosecutors Vesna Jovicevic, Suzana Milic, Maja Jovanovic, Milos Soskic and Tatjana Begovic.

Since February 2011, Lakic has been a target of harassment and threats, and later a physical attack. Threats and attacks began after a series of her texts about the tobacco factory “Tara” in Mojkovac and smuggling cigarettes.

Olivera Lakic is the winner of the “International Women of Courage Award” awarded by the US State Department.

Serbia’s new Information Commissioner says he won’t allow pressure


BELGRADE, 30.07.2019. – Serbia’s newly-appointed Commissioner for Public Information and Personal Data Protection Milan Marinovic told TV Prva that he will not tolerate pressure from anyone and added that he did not agree to the post to implement anyone’s political will.

He said that his independence was not in question because he was appointed at the proposal of the ruling coalition. He expressed hope that he was chosen as objective, expert and independent.

He said the Law on free access to information of public significance should be changed.   Marinovic said he is sure that he will bring a new quality to the Office of the Commissioner and would have a wider insight into the implementation of the law and its interpretations.

Speaking about his predecessor Rodoljub Sabic, Marinovic said that he had done a good job, improved the work of the Office of the Commissioner. Sabic was fiercely criticized by the ruling coalition before he left office.

Obezbeđenje mi je zabranilo ulazak na konferenciju za novinare na koju sam uredno pozvana


VALJEVO, 30.07.2019. – Verbalno nasilje, progon, uvrede i omalovažavanja, koja trpim već duže vreme, nastavljena su i danas. Gradska vlast je primenila prinudu, tako što mi nije dozvoljeno da uđem na konferenciju za novinare u salu Gradskog veća, na kojoj je trebalo da bude najavljena manifestacija “Tešnjarske večeri”, na koju sam uredno pozvana iz Gradske uprave.

Radnik obezbeđenja je stao ispred mene, pored je bila i ekipa TV Valjevo plus, i pitao “gde ste pošli”, na šta sam odgovorila da idemo na konferenciju za novinare o Tešnjarskim večerima. Potom se TV ekipi obratio rečima: “Vi možete, izvolite”, a meni je rekao: “Ti ne možeš da uđeš!” i zagradio mi prolaz. Iznenađeno sam upitala zbog čega, usledio je odgovor: “Nisi pozvana, napusti zgradu!”.

Rekla sam da jesam pozvana i pokazala dva poziva dobijena mejlom; jedan je uputila juče Svetlana Marković, zaposlena u Gradskoj upravi, a drugi jutros u 07.18 sa adrese Protokol grada Valjeva. Na kraju oba poziva piše: “Pozivamo vas da ispratite ovaj događaj!”, a u potpisu Kabinet gradonačelnika.

Međutim to nije bilo dovoljno radniku obezbeđenja, koji mi i dalje nije dozvoljavao da uđem na konferenciju za novinare insistirajući da napustim zgradu.

Pokušala sam da snimim, telefonom, radnika obezbeđenja koji me onemogućava da obavljam svoj posao i ne dozvoljava ulazak na konferenciju za novinare, međutim on mi je zapretio da će pozvati policiju. Na moj odgovr da i treba da pozove policiju kako bi se utvrdilo zbog čega me sprečava da radim svoj posao, ponovo mi je naredio da “napustim hol”. Potom je pozvao kolegu, koji je ubrzo došao sa istim zahtevom – da “napustim objekat” i da će “zvati policiju, ako nastavim da snimam”.

Za to vreme u sali, u kojoj su već bili organizatori konferencije i novinari, kolega sa TV Valjevo plus preneo je kolegi iz Napreda da neće da me puste, a on je organizatore pitao da li je tačno da nekim novinarima nije dozvoljen ulazak u salu?

Kako mi je kasnije preneto, organizatori su prvo bili zbunjeni nije im bilo jasno o čemu se radi, saznavši šta je u pitanju prebacivali su jedni sa drugih ko odlučuje o tome ko može a ko ne može da uđe u salu, da li organizatori konferencije za novinare ili domaćin Gradska uprava. Tek nakon nekog vremena odlučili su da nema nikakvih prepreka, te su rekli radniku obezbeđenja da može i mene da pusti u salu.

Vidno uznemirena nisam mogla koncentrisano da pratim konferenciju, ali sam ostala do kraja da bih pitala ko je i zbog čega naredio radniku obezbeđenja da me ne pusti na konferenciju za novinare. Organizatori – direktori Centra za kulturu, Muzeja i Turističke organizacije, su rekli da oni nisu dali takav nalog obezbeđenju uz izvinjenje zbog neprijatnosti koju sam doživela od radnika obezbeđenja.

To što sam doživela je više od neprijatnosti i poniženja. Onemogućena sam da obavljam svoj posao, uskraćeno mi je Ustavom zagarantovano pravo – pravo na rad, i izložena sam diskriminaciji koja je zabranjena po Zakonu o javnom informisanju i medijima.

Novinari, inače, imaju status “lica koja vrše poslove od javnog značaja”, ali ne obazirući se na to, radnik obezbeđenja me je prinudom sprečio da obavljam svoj posao, a svojim bahatim odnosom me ponizio. Zbog toga sam ceo slučaj prijavila u Policijsku upravu Valjevo tražeći da se utvrdi identitet radnika obezbeđenja, kao i lica po čijem nalogu ili ovlaščenju mi je zabranio ulazak na konferenciju za novinare, radi podnošenja prijave.

AEM: Children’s TV programs are neither diverse nor inclusive


PODGORICA, 29.07.2019. – Content for children in the program of Montenegrin television broadcasters, nor by quantity nor by diversity, can not meet the growing needs of the youngest population which, due to the lack of content, is turning to foreign television channels and online content. This is stated in the Information on television program contents intended for children, published by the Agency for Electronic Media (AEM).

From the AEM say that during one week on the program of 14 television broadcasters in Montenegro, they broadcaster 3.37 percent of the children’s program in relation to the total broadcaster content.

“Of the total number of programs broadcaster for children, the largest percentage, 65 percent, make cartoons. The participation of more than 10 percent is seen only in the category of ‘collage programs’, which includes programs dealing with several areas of interest of the youngest population”, the document says, noting that in collage programs children are often in the role of the presenter or “journalist” and prepare  TV reports on various topics.

Except that programs intended for children are mostly broadcaster in weekend blocks of couple of hours and a limited number of them being available during the working week, the Agency states that new content is lacking, while a significant amount of program is being reprised.

The largest number of shows with the participation of children and a slightly diverse content are, as they add in report, offered in programs of public broadcasters, while from three commercial broadcasters with national coverage one does not have this type of program, and one has “only one content for children”. In this way, the diversity of the program is limited by content, but also by adjustment to different ages.

“Improving programs for children that are broadcaster on Montenegrin television programs should go towards the production of a more contemporary, more interactive and participatory content. Production of this content should be supported from available funds for supporting media”, said the Agency.

Regulatory analysis showed that most broadcast programs lack interactive character, limit stimulative thinking or participation of the viewer in topics.

“In addition to the linear character of broadcasting, lack of interactivity and communication of TV content with children, and outdated production content that competes with content on specialized children’s channels that are rich in graphics and audiovisual effects, may be one of the reasons that content on the home television channels is losing importance to the youngest audience”, the document says.

Nevertheless, the Agency for Electronic Media is concerned about the fact that the television content for children is lacking inclusiveness. So in these programs, children with disabilities do not participate as well as children from marginalized groups. Also, they discover that in collage programs, which are based on the participation of children in the program, children with disabilities are not shown, as well as children belonging to different ethnic and national minorities, children from socially vulnerable families, from villages…

“This picture differs significantly from the effort to expand the children’s environment, at school and other educational institutions, and works to create an inclusive environment in which the representatives of socially marginalized groups would not be discriminated”, Agency concludes.

In their opinion, all these problems, as well as the fact that there is lack of local production that would support local cultural and other values, lead to children “dominantly monitoring and receiving media messages from content which does not reflect social context in which children of Montenegro grow up”.

Vlast pojačava pritiske na N1, i Skupština kao platforma za obračun s medijima


BEOGRAD, 26.07.2019. – Samo dva meseca nakon poslednjeg godišnjeg izveštaja Evropske komisije o Srbiji u kojem je stanje medijskih sloboda ocenjeno kao loše i bez napretka zbog čega Evropska unija izražava ozbiljnu bojazan, izvršna vlast u Srbiji nedvosmisleno pokazuje da nema nameru da bilo šta menja.

Naprotiv, iz dana u dan pojačava pritiske na N1 i preostale nezavisne medije pokazujući jasno da neće stati do njihovog potpunog istrebljenja.

Nakon što su prošle nedelje poslanici vladajuće koalicije, umesto da raspravljaju o dnevnom redu, satima u republičkom parlamentu napadali televiziju N1 i druge nezavisne medije, i jučerašnja sednica Skupštine na kojoj su premijerka i ministri u Vladi odgovarali na poslanička pitanja, u velikoj meri je iskorišćena za seriju novih optužbi, napada i pritisaka na televiziju N1.

Iako je premijerka Srbije, odgovarajući na poslanička pitanja, tokom sednice Skupštine i sama potvrdila da je televizija N1 registrovana u Luksemburgu i da se ne emituje protiv zakona Srbije, poslanici vladajuće koalicije su u očigledno sinhronizovanoj i režiranoj akciji uz pomoć ministara i premijerke nastavili sa kampanjom protiv N1.

Na taj način, izvršna vlast u Srbiji je na najgrublji način i samu Skupštinu Srbije pretvorila u platformu za obračun sa nezavisnim medijima.

N1 warns of increasing pressure from Serbian authorities


BELGRADE, 26.07.2019. – N1 T V warned on Friday that the authorities are increasing the pressure on the station with no intention of changing anything in the media field.

“Just two months after the latest European Commission report on Serbia which said that the state of media freedom is bad and that no progress has been made, leading the Europea Union to express fear, the executive authorities in Serbia are unequivocally showing that they have no intention of changing anything,” a statement said.

“On the contrary, they have been stepping up the pressure on N1 and remaining independent media every day, clearly showing that they won’t stop until those media are all killed off.

After ruling coalition MPs attacked N1 TV and other independent media for hours in parliament last week instead of debating the agenda, yesterday’s session of parliament when the prime minister and cabinet ministers answered questions from MPs was used to a large extent for a series of new accusations, attacks and pressure on N1 TV.

Although the Prime Minister confirmed in her replies to questions during the session that N1 TV is registered in Luxembourg and does not broadcast in violation of the laws of Serbia, ruling coalition MPs continued the obviously synchronized and directed campaign against N1 with the help of ministers and the prime minister.

In that way, the Serbian authorities turned parliament into a platform to deal with the independent media in the harshest way,” the statement said.