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IJAS: Police to Urgently Investigate and Solve Case of Attack on Journalist Mladen Savatovic


Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) strongly condemns the attack on N1 television journalist Mladen Savatovic that happened last night during live coverage. Also, we are concerned because the police did not react even though they were near the event.

The journalist of the N1 television, Mladen Savatovic, was attacked last night during his live program. As he says, an unknown man interrupted him and threw things at him, and then physically attacked him.

“That was in the middle of a live program.” He came and stopped there. He shouted something like ‘fox, fox’ and then slowly approached. When I realized that he was going to try to jump in front of the camera or attack me in the middle of the live, I asked him ‘what exactly are you waiting for’, after which he was rude and was getting into my face. I then reacted in affect and told him that the police would find him, thinking that he would run away. However, he became even more aggressive and that’s when the citizens who were there ran to help,” Savatovic described the event from last night.

He says that there were several plainclothes police officers at the scene, but that they did not react and take actions to secure the place and investigate the case. According to Savatovic, he called the police, who showed up ten minutes after the incident, but the attacker had escaped in the meantime. The police made a note and instructed the journalist to go to the police station the next day to report the attack.

IJAS condemns this attack as well as the inaction of the police. The police officers who were on the scene had to protect the journalist and detain the attacker until the arrival of the patrol, which would further act on the report.

The previous day at the opposition protest the person who attacked Mladen Savatovic was filmed destroying a car, and the question is how he has not already been identified and further actions taken against him due to suspicions of committing criminal acts?

We call on the competent authorities to fulfill the duties they have accepted and to react as quickly as possible in cases of attacks on journalists. We demand that the attacker of Mladen Savatovic be identified as soon as possible and we call on the prosecution to prosecute this case, for which there is a video.


Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia 

December 26, 2023

Flyers tossed into N1 yard: Movement Ours calls for “counter-revolution”

photo: N1

Flyers with the message “Revolution never again” were tossed on Monday into N1’s yard.

The flyers show pictures of opposition Party of Freedom and Justice leaders Marinika Tepic and Dragan Djilas, with a message that “they want a new October 5.”

This is not the first time that flyers are tossed into the N1 yard, only this time they were signed by the author – the movement Ours.

Some of the flyers also have the message: “Counter-revolution. Let us protect the state. October 5 – never again,” and photos of the movement leader, Ivan Ivanovic.

Source: N1

CJA Calls for Clear Control Framework for Monitoring Money Flows to Media


The Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) is advocating for the introduction of contracts for monitoring the flows and transfers of money to the media, using funding models for local media proposed by CJA to some Croatian cities. They are also calling for the establishment of a national journalism fund to transparently finance media according to professional standards, said CJA Vice President Chiara Bilić at the parliamentary Committee on Media during a thematic session on state advertising in the media.

The session, initiated by the opposition due to the “Mreža” (Network) affair, concluded without a resolution because neither the opposition’s proposed resolution with amendments nor the government’s proposal received the necessary number of votes.

Maja Sever, President of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the Trade Union of Croatian Journalists’ (TUCJ), emphasized that the issue of financing media with state and public funds is a crucial question for the survival of journalism and the idea of a democratic society.

Sever stated, “Yes, exactly, that dramatically, and the survival of the media should not depend on the change of ministers or governments. Because it’s not a matter of some advisor who allegedly has no connection to the HDZ [Croatian Democratic Union], nor a minister who is already former because the Mreža affair has just come to light and has shown what we have been warning about for years – the capture of the media with state funds at all levels, just as we read in Nacional, read in previous years, and will probably read today in the media that are not completely captured. Because the Mreža affair is not an isolated case, and that is precisely why it is necessary and important to discuss this topic in the Parliament, at your Committee.”

During the session, the opposition proposed that all state and public bodies and companies be instructed to submit a report on advertising in the media space, funds paid to PR agencies, and concluded contracts within 15 days. The report should cover the years 2022 and 2023 and include financial sponsorships for public events organized by media companies and PR agencies.

Additionally, the opposition proposed that the government present criteria for transparent allocation of funds for advertising in state and public bodies and public companies in all types of media within 30 days.

The ruling coalition proposed instructing the Council for Electronic Media (VEM) and the Agency for Electronic Media (AEM) to order all state and public bodies and public companies to submit a report on advertising in the media space, funds paid to PR agencies, and sponsorships of all events organized by PR agencies and media companies within 30 days for the years 2022 and 2023.

In the end, none of the proposals received the required six votes. The opposition proposal received four votes, with five against, while the government’s proposal received five votes, with none in favor or against.

Source: Hina and CJA

Translated by CJA

N1 crew ordered out of election commission headquarters


An N1 crew was ordered out of the building housing the country’s central election commission on Wednesday.

The crew were told that security procedures had been changed in the few minutes that the crew was allowed into the building to interview an official of the Serbia Against Violence (SPN) opposition coalition. The Republic Election Commission (RIK) is housed in the so-called Little Assembly, the building that was once the parliament of Serbia in the former Yugoslavia. Security at the building is provided by the police both in plainclothes and uniform.

N1 reporter Petar Gajic crew said that they had been allowed into the building following a check of their credentials. The crew were allowed into the lobby where they met with Srdjan Milivojevic MP and were then allowed to go to the 3rd floor to interview SPN’s Marinika Tepic who is on hunger strike protesting election fraud at Sunday’s elections in Belgrade.

The crew were later allowed back into the building to the offices of SPN MPs with N1’s reporter Gajic saying that the police security detail seemed uneasy about the new orders.

The crew was told by security personnel to return to the entrance lobby minutes before they were scheduled to go live with Tepic. They obeyed the order and were then ordered out of the building. Security personnel told them that security procedures had been altered after they entered the building.

Gajic refused to leave the building and reported live from the entrance.

Milivojevic said that the security procedures were changed in expectation of today’s RIK meeting and the looming deadline to hand in objections to the vote, adding that the police were just following orders.

Source: N1

OSCE in Albania meeting with Media Partners Focused on Media Legislation Reform


The researcher of Safe Journalists, Dr. Blerjana Bino, joined the meeting with media partners organized by OSCE Presence in Albania with a special focus on issues of media legislation, where changes were proposed to the current broadcasting legislation.

Professor Andrei Richter, a global media law expert from Comenius University (Bratislava), delivered a speech on “The Role of Media Regulation in the Fight against Disinformation,” providing analysis and perspective on the anticipated EU regulations for Albania’s media process and the alignment of its laws with the EU Acquis.

The Media Partners Group is a collective of local and international media organizations, formed with the initiative of the OSCE Presence in Albania.

SMCG: Police and Prosecution to React Urgently


PODGORICA, 14.12.2023. – The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro strongly condemns threats of rape sent to female colleagues from several media outlets, and at the same time, we appeal to the police and the prosecutor’s office to take this case as seriously as possible and shed light on it as soon as possible.

The threats received by journalists Danica Nikolić, Tamara Nikčević, Bojana Dabović, Mirka Dević and Slavica Kruščić Vasović are serious and problematic on several levels. First of all, it is the first time that such a massive threat has been sent to all female journalists. Competent authorities must react urgently to put an end to this phenomenon and to adequately punish the perpetrator.

Also, all other cases, and there were more of them almost two years ago, concerning the threats received by Danica Nikolić, the editor of the M portal, and which were never brought to light, must finally receive a prosecutor’s and court’s epilogue. In recent years, SMCG has often highlighted the promptness of the police, prosecutor’s offices and courts when it comes to new cases of attacks on journalists, but the example of Danica Nikolić is among the few in which, in the eye of the public, nothing was done, and we are appealing for that to change.

This will be the 16th case that happened this year in the database of cases of attacks on journalists and media employees that SMCG maintains on the website www.safejournalists.net.

Journalist Rinë Haziri was attacked and obstructed in Brezovica


Today, journalist Rinë Haziri from Lajmi.net was obstructed and attacked by a citizen while reporting from Brezovica.

In the video published by the media, an individual can be heard telling journalist Haziri to stop recording.

Furthermore, it is known that the same person got out of the car and forcefully took the phone from the journalist’s hand while using threatening language towards her.

The editors of Lajmi.net have informed AJK that the case has also been reported to the Kosovo Police.

The Association of Kosovo Journalists expresses its concern regarding the obstruction and attack on journalist Rinë Haziri. We call upon the Kosovo Police to prioritize this case and hold the responsible individual accountable for their actions.

EFJ welcomes agreement on European Media Freedom Act


The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomes the adoption on Friday of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), the final version of which no longer refers to the possibility of spying on journalists on the basis of vague “national security” imperatives. This is a victory for all defenders of press freedom and democracy.

Pending an in-depth analysis of the text of the agreement and the precise guarantees it puts forward to protect journalistic sources, the EFJ would like to thank the key players in the trilogue negotiations, European Commission Vice-President Vera Jourova, Spanish Culture Minister Ernest Urtasun, and MEPs Sabine Verheyen (EPP) and Ramona Strugariu (Renew), who took the demands of the EFJ and representative media organisations in Europe seriously.

On Friday, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on a new EU law to safeguard media freedom, media pluralism and editorial independence. This is the first integrated legislation on media freedom that will be immediately applicable to all 27 Member States of the European Union. This week’s agreement still has to be validated by the Committee of the Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States to the European Union (Coreper), on Wednesday.

The provisional agreement sets out the obligation for member states to guarantee the effective protection of journalists and media providers in the exercise of their professional activity, and prohibits member states from using coercive measures to obtain information about journalists’ sources or confidential communications except in specified cases.

The EFJ and its partners led an intense advocacy campaign with its allies, in the European Parliament, the European Commission and with the Spanish Presidency, which played an essential role in the abandonment of the provisions, promoted by France, Italy, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, Sweden, and Finland, which aimed to legalize the deployment of spyware against journalists, based on simple suspicion of a threat to national security.

“The text of the EMFA, as a whole, no longer mentions national security and it is a victory for democracy,” insisted Ramona Strugariu. “Article 4.4 of the EMFA simply refers to existing European treaties, which is a good compromise,” said Sabine Verheyen. “Symbolically, it would have been dramatic to raise the possibility of spying on journalists based on threats to national security”.

Vera Jourova, for her part, insisted on the strong safeguards detailed in article 4.2 of the EMFA to protect journalists’ sources from any abusive mesure. The text provides, for example, for the need to obtain prior authorization from an independent judicial authority before any repressive measures under Article 4 (detention, sanction, search and seizure, access to encrypted data, use of surveillance technologies, spyware, etc.).

“EMFA protects freedom of expression, independence and pluralism of the media in the European Union and the Spanish Presidency of the EU calls on all member state governments to confirm the agreement on Wednesday,” said Ernest Urtasun.

“This provisional agreement is historic,” reacted Maja Sever, EFJ President. “We fought hard to achieve this result, against States which attempted to include particularly repressive provisions. It is good to see that the EFJ slogan – Journalism is a public good – is not just a dead end of a sentence.”

“I am moved by all the united strength to make this agreement happen,” added Renate Schroeder, EFJ Director. “In times when journalism and journalists are attacked from all sides, It is good to see that it is still possible to convince political decision-makers of our good will and our commitment to the public interest. Together we are strong. And we will continue the fight, which is not over, neither for the EMFA nor for other challenges that threaten press freedom in Europe.”

European Federation of Journalists


Journalist Fatlum Berisha is threatened with his life


Journalist Fatlum Berisha has reported receiving death threats on TikTok

According to the statement delivered to the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, an account left comments on the journalist’s videos, including comments such as “I should have given you 31 bullets.” Journalist Berisha also reported the case to the Kosovo Police.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo expresses its concern regarding the threats against journalist Berisha. We call upon the Kosovo Police to take appropriate action to identify the individual(s) responsible for these actions.

For AJK, these kinds of threats are completely inappropriate and unacceptable. We encourage all colleagues to report any instances of online threats so that they can be properly addressed by the relevant authorities.