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Tri godine trpim verbalno nasilje preko pojedinih medija… državne institucije ćute


VALJEVO, 16.07.2019. – Samo zato što sam novinar i odgovorni urednik Internet novina Kolubarske.rs, već tri godine sam progonjena, trpim uvrede, omalovažavanja i verbalno nasilje preko medija, koji se obilato finansiraju iz javnih budžetskih sredstava i koji su pod kontrolom više udruženih lica. Za zaštitu svojih prava obraćala sam se institucijama Republike Srbije: Sudu i Tužilaštvu, ali s obzirom na to da do danas nema nikakvog epiloga, odlučila sam da o svemu javno progovorim.

Sve je počelo dolaskom Zorana Majdaka na medijsku scenu Valjeva, početkom 2016. godine, posle privatizacije Radio Valjeva. Prvi napad na mene kroz saopštenje za javnost Radio Valjeva, koje je potpisao Zoran Majdak kao “predsednik kompanije”, bio je u januaru 2016. godine.

Brutalnije je nastavljen kroz otvorena pisma koja su agresivno plasirana u programu Radio Valjeva u leto 2017. godine. Pisma su pisana radi navodne zaštite gradonačelnika Valjeva Slobodana Gvozdenovića, a stvarni razlog je bio to da me u njima omalovaže i izvređaju na profesionalnoj, ličnoj i porodičnoj osnovi.

Napadi su postali brutalniji, osnovano sumnjam, onog trenutka kada su mediji, koji su pod kontrolom ili uticajem Zorana Majdaka i “povezanih lica”, počeli obilato da se finansiraju iz budžeta grada Valjeva kroz različite vidove oglašavanja, plaćenog praćenja događaja i izveštavanja.

Zbog uvreda i neistina iznetih o meni u dva otvorena pisma, pre dve godine podnela sam tužbu protiv: Zorana Majdaka, Radio Valjeva, Info24, ali do danas nema sudskog epiloga. Ni na jednom od pet do sada održanih ročišta nije se pojavio niko od optuženih. Sledeće ročište zakazano je za januar 2020. godne, bez obzira na to što se po zakonu radi o hitnom postupku. Ohrabreni takvim stanjem, Zoran Majdak i njegovi saradnici, nastavili su dalje i žešće napade na moj lični i profesionalni integritet, i to tako što su širili i metode i medije za plasiranje laži, omalovažavanja i uvreda, jednom rečju, verbalnog nasilja.

U nameri da naude meni i mojim Internet novinama Kolubarske,rs (osnovane 17. 04. 2014. Reg.br. IN000206), četiri godine nakon osnivanja mog medija registrovali su plagijat portal Kolubarski.info (osnovan 12. 02. 2018. Reg.br. IN000649) preko preduzeća In Network Solution doo Beograd (osnovano 14. 07. 2017, matični br. 21304760), čiji je vlasnik i direktor Zorica Jelača koja je ujedno i odgovorni urednik portala Kolubarski.info.

Pokušali su da stvore zabunu kod čitalaca u nameri da naude mojim Intrernet novinama koje su već stekle poverenje čitalaca i postale su ugledan, uticajan i veoma čitan medij. Međutim, u tome nisu uspeli te su otpočeli kampanju plasiranja lažnih vesti, iznosili su uvrede na moj račun, omalovažavali moj lični i profesionalni integritet uz korišćrnje uvredljivih foto-montaža.

Kako ni time nisu bili zadovoljni, verovatno zato što nisu dobili očekivani rezultat, otišli su korak dalje.

Dana 11. 07. 2019. na internetu su pojavio portal valjevskapodvala.com, koji nije registovan kao medij, ali liči na medij. Već 12. 07. 2019. godine na tom portalu objavljena su dva skaradna sadržaja u kojima me, pored dosadašnje prakse iznošenja lažnih vesti u vezi sa mnom, omalovažavanja i vređanja mog ličnog i profesionalnog dostojanstva, sada predstavljaju i kao promoterku pornografskog sadržaja. Istog dana, 12. 07. 2019. godine, zatražila sam od policije da utvrdi identitet izdavača sadržaja i da budu uklonjeni sa interneta. Do danas nema razultata – sadržaji su i dalje na internetu.

Osnovano sumnjam da iza portala valjevskapodvala.com stoje, kao i prethodno iza svih napada, ista lica: Zoran Majdak, Zorica Jelača i In Netvork Solution doo Beograd potpomognuti sa još nekim NN licima, zato što:

1) prvog dana kada su objavljeni sadržaji na portalu valjevskapodvala.com, 11 . 07. 2019. propagandno su ga podržali: portal Kolubarski.info objavljivanjem kao izvora informacija za vest “Petrovdanski dani u četvrtak i petak” i Radio Valjevo čitanjem u programu delova, takođe uvredljivog teksta sa portala, o odborniku Skupštine grada Valjeva “Ljubomir Radović – narkoman a profesor”.

2) preduzeće In Netvork Solution doo Beograd je vlasnik Radio Valjeva i izdavač portala Kolubarski. info, a vlasnik i direktor preduzeća je Zorica Jelača koja je ujedno i odgovorni urednik portala (prema podacima APR-a) a odgovorni urednik Radio Valjeva je Zoran Majdak (prema podacima REM-a).

3) ilustracije uz tekstove na portalu Kolubarski.info i portalu valjevskapodvala.com su identične. Koriste se iste fotografije, isti je stil i isti uvredljiv sadržaj.

4) autori tekstova su na oba portala označeni kao “Redakcija” i “Redakcija 2”.

5) na oba portala su ista lica u fokusu o kojima pišu neistine, omalovažavaju ih, blate i vređaju:

  • Darija Ranković – novinar i odgovorni urednik Internet novina Kolubarske.rs
  • Poćuta – Dragan Jeremić, državni sekretar u Ministarstvu zaštite životne sredine i bivši zamenik gradonačelnika Valjeva, predsednik OO SPS
  • Caca Vujanac – Slavica Vujanac, novinar i urednik portala Vamedia
  • Lokalni front – udruženje građana iz Valjeva
  • Ljubomir Radović – aktivista Lokalnog fronta, nastavnik u osnovnoj školi i odbornik u Skupštini grada Valjeva

6) u tekstovima na oba portala su isti stil i matrica. Prvi korak je kreiranje lažne informacije, potom se na toj informaciji gradi neistinita priča kroz koju se obavezno lično i profesionalno omalovažavaju prethodno pomenuta lica.

7) svi dosadašnji pokušaji, sve uvrede i blaćenja verovatno nisu dali očekivane rezultate pa se pravi korak više. Osniva se portal koji nije registrovan kao medij ali liči na medij. Preko njega se plasiraju skaradni sadržaji nepoznatih autora, koji se nadaju da će ih anonimnost sačuvati od zakonskih sankcija. Tako kreirane lažne vesti preuzimaju ostali mediji iz sistema, objavljuju ih kao prave vesti i tako nastaje medijska kampanja. Kampanja uvreda i laži.

Osnovano sumnjam da je naručilac kampanje omalovažavanja, uvreda i verbalnog nasilja preko ovih medija gradonačelnik grada Valjeva Slobodan Gvozdenović. Takođe osnovano sumnjam da je gradonačelnik i finansijer tih medija, ali ne svojim parama već javnim sredstvima i to uzurpacijom i zloupotrebom budžeta grada Valjeva, zato:

1) što se na medijskoj sceni grada Valjeva, uvredljivi sadržaji prvi put pojavljuju sa uspostavljanjem “poslovne saradnje” između Zorana Majdaka i Slobodana Gvozenovića, i poklapaju se sa početkom finasiranja iz budžeta Valjeva, na različite načine, medija koji su pod kontrolom ili uticajem Zorana Majdaka.

2) što gradonačelnik Slobodan Gvozdenović u javnim nastupima, kada je u prilici, iskazuje animozitet upravo prema licima koja su predmet verbalnog progona u pomenutim medijima,

3) što u 2019. godini sa 4.968.000 dinara, iz budžeta grada Valjeva sa pozicije Gradonačelnik, finansira preduzeće “In Network Solution” doo Beograd za “Usluge informisanja javnosti”. Ovakav vid finansiranja pojavljuje se po prvi put u istoriji kao rashod budžeta grada Valjeva i u suprotnosti je sa Zakonom o javnom informisanju i medijima, prema kome se isključivo sufinansiraju medijski sadržaji putem konkursa. Takođe ovakvo finansiranje je i u suprotnosti sa Zakonom o javnim nabavkama zato što se u Prilogu 1 Zakona, kao “Predmet javne nabavke usluga” ne pominju usluge informisanja javnosti pa se ne mogu realizovati kroz javnu nabavku.

4) što je u javnim nastupima više puta kritikovao pisanje medija i to baš onih koji ne veličaju njega kao gradonačelnika i njegovu Srpsku naprednu stranku. Zato što je sve učinio da ovi mediji ne dobiju, ili dobiju minimalna, sredstva po konkursu za sufinansiranje medijskih projekata. Zato što ima interes da se pojedini mediji ugase i da se pojedini novinari i javne ličnosti verbalnim nasiljem u medijima obeshrabre i da odustanu.

Želim da istaknem da sam novinar 30 godina, a odgovorni urednik različitih medija više od deset godina. Radila sam na radiju, sarađivala u štampanim medijima, imala autorsku emisiju na televiziji. Za sve vreme bavljenja novinarstvom, nikada nisam utužena i nikada niko nije tražio ispravku sadržaja koji sam kreirala.

Researching media freedoms in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2019


For the needs of the “Friedrich Ebert” Foundation and the BH Journalists Association, prof. dr. Bozo Skoko, Professor of Public Relations and Head of the Department of Journalism and Public Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Zagreb, made a report on media freedom in BiH from the perspective of citizens.

-There are more and more of those who consider the attacks on journalists justified. It is shocking to read that more than a fifth of the respondents, 21 percent, justify attacks on journalists. In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, such an attitude now has 17 percent of respondents, while in the Republic of Srpska, even 27 percent of respondents thinks the same – says the report.

The entire report is available HERE.

Female Journalists Network BH: Women journalists in action


JAHORINA, 14.7.2019. – Journalists from several Bosnian media yesterday made a strategy for the Female Journalists Network that will represent a kind of secure house from which female journalists will draw strength, ideas and knowledge in the struggle to improve their professional rights.

The participants agreed that the network should be a solidary and unique organization that will advocate work-social and gender equality in the media, as well as prevent the impunity of attacks and violence against media workers.

– Female Journalists Network puts the focus of women in our not at all simple job in which, protecting and reporting about others and their rights, most of the time we forget ourselves. Through this initiative, we will be fighting for more effective protection of women journalists who are often victims of attacks and discrimination – said editor of the portal Srpskacafe.com Andrijana Pisarevic.

After several preparatory workshops organized by the BH Journalists Association (BHJA), which concluded that female journalists are particularly exposed to pressures and violations of rights only because they are women, it is accepted to create the Female Journalists Network as a professional mechanism for education, protection and prevention of violence against female media employees in all parts of BiH.

– I’m sure that the action of the Network will make changes for the benefit of the whole journalist community. Our male colleagues are often silent and working, and we women journalists are still encouraged to build the Network in order to improve the position of journalists in the state and to contribute to the reputation of the journalist profession – said Maja Nikolic, journalist of Radio Free Europe (RFE).

Lately, female journalists are more and more often exposed to the attacks only because they are women. The Free Media Help Line within BHJA has reported about 60 cases of attacks on female journalists in the past five years.



Ombudsman: To provide editorial independence of Public Broadcaster Service RTCG


PODGORICA, 13.07.2019. – “The Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms expressed concern and pointed out that it is not good that the situation in the Radio Television of Montenegro (RTCG) provokes such public attention, in terms of independence and professionalism, which should be an unquestionable value and standard for the functioning of the Public Broadcaster Service”, it was assessed in the Ombudsman work Report for the past year, in the part relating to the freedom of the media.

“Editorial independence must be provided and public confidence in work of Public Broadcaster Service based exclusively on observing the rules of the profession, Ethical code and law, independent of political and other influence of any options and groups, must be built. Court decisions on dismissals in the RTCG further influenced the public’s confidence in the procedures and reasons for these dismissals. It will take some time for the situation to improve, and we hope the Law on Amendments to the Law on National Public Broadcasting Radio-Television of Montenegro will do that”, the report states.

In the year 2018 the Police administration of Montenegro registered four attacks on journalists, reminds Ombudsman. All cases were qualified as criminal offenses and prosecuted by the competent prosecutor.

“In the first case, the competent prosecutor filed an indictment against one person for the commission of a criminal offense of endangering prolonged security, in another case the criminal complaint was lodged against one person for threatening security, while the third event was qualified as an illegal possession of weapons and explosive devices, so they filed a criminal complaint against two persons. The fourth case was qualified as a serious physical injury, which resulted in the processing of nine people”, the document states.

How they say, one case from 2015 is solved. It is a serious theft at the detriment of a journalist, and a special report was submitted to the competent prosecutor against a minor.

On the other hand, the Protector also recalls that the Commission for Monitoring Investigation of Attack on Journalists in the conclusions of the last report states that “investigating attacks on journalists and media assets should be more effective”.

In this document, as in previous reports, recommendations for each individual case were given to the competent authorities, however, the Commission still has no data on their implementation.

“The Commission notes that the case of wounding journalist Olivera Lakic in May 2018 shows that attacks on journalists continue and requires that the competent state authorities invest all of their resources in detecting the perpetrators of this crime, as well as all others that have not been found so far”, Report writes.

The Ombudsman also reiterates the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM) that the changes that took place on the media scene in Montenegro and in the media per se during the last year were not significant and did not increase the freedom of the media or the safety of journalists.

“More than a third of the interviewed journalists (35%) receive a salary of 400-500 euros, and every third journalist receives less than 400 euros. Wages in private media are higher than those in state ownership”, the report says.

As many as 63% of respondents said that the journalists’ working hours had somewhat increased in the previous period, and every fifth journalist is not free to join the union. About 60% of the respondents said, that the economic position of journalists was in some extent or very weak, and only a little less than 9% of the respondents believe that it strengthened partially or very. Almost 80% of the interviewed journalists said that editors have an exceptional, large or partial impact on their work, while only 17% of respondents said that editors influence poorly or not at all affect their work.

In the context of the amendments to the Law of Media, the proposals of the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro which were related to the introduction of the obligation of the media to have a statute specifying the manner in which the editor-in-chief will be appointed, as well as the introduction of guarantees that the text in the public interest will be published regardless of the attitude of the owner have not been adopted. It was, as they explained, an attempt to reduce the autocensure, censorship and influence of the owners on editorial policy, the Protector’s report said, referring to the TUMM.

Media and journalists’ organizations demand unblocking of media reforms


SKOPJE, 12.07.2019 – The Association of Journalist of Macedonia (AJM), the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM), the Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) and the Macedonian Institute for Media are seriously concerned about the unreasonable delay in the procedure for appointment of members in the Council of the Agency of Audio and Audiovisual Media Services and the Program Council of the PSB Macedonian Radio and Television.

We appeal to the President and the members of the Committee for Selection and Appointments in the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia to start the process of selection and appointment of members of these bodies. Any further interference or delay of the procedure will seriously affect the implementation of the media reform process in the country.

The long-awaited systemic reforms in the media sphere, which should enable the media to function independently and professionally, depends on the selection of the members in these bodies. We would like to remind that media reforms are crucial for the EU integration processes, which is also noted in the latest European Commission: “the country should make an effort to improve the independence and professional standards of the public broadcasting service and its financial independence”. However, it is expected that the selection of members of both bodies will be transparent and fair, based on candidates’ expertise.

The Competition was announced in January 2019, and the final decision about the selection of the members of the both bodies should have been completed right after the Presidential elections.

We would like to stress that the Government, the Parliament and all political actors have the responsibility to seriously approach this process and put themselves above the interests of the parties in order to prevent further damage in the media sector.

BHJA: Media freedom and human rights of journalists are not interpreted but respected


SARAJEVO, 12.07.2019. – The BH Journalists Association (BHJA) – Free Media Help LIne (FHML) sent a notice/reply to the head of PR Department of Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Republic of Srpska Mirna Miljanovic, expressing their gratitude for detailed information regarding the report on legitimization of Vanja Stokic, journalist of e-Trafika and her colleague Stefan Lazarevic.

-We completely agree with you that journalists should wear their accreditations in a visible place so that the police knows that they are journalists on a job and that, in that sense, there should be no additional police officers legitimize or otherwise check them and make it difficult for journalists to carry out professional tasks – says the letter.

At the same time, BHJA reminds that journalist Vanja Stokic has been legitimized several times in various circumstances in the courtyard of the Temple of the Christ Savior in Banja Luka, despite the fact that she had clearly accentuated accreditation, and insist that the RS police officers more consistently respect the right of journalists to work freely and the rules prescribed by the OSCE for the police and journalists during the exercise of their professional duties.

-This is why we are once again drawing attention to the part of the OSCE Police Instructions which explicitly emphasizes that ‘ the police can not interfere or punish journalists while performing their professional duties’, as well as that ‘journalists have the right to photograph, record, make notes, observe, interview and/or produce reports without requiring permission from the authorities or the police’ – said BHJA.

At the same time, BH Journalists pointed out that bearing in mind these rules and legal regulations, it is completely irrelevant what some journalists are saying at public meetings, such as at the debate mentioned in the letter (Miljanovic’s response to the report), and also how certain journalists or female journalists interpret the media freedom and the individual rights of journalists.

-You will agree with us – media freedom and human rights of journalists are not interpreted but respected, especially if these rights are protected by domestic laws and international conventions, such as in the Republika Srpska, where media freedom and the rights of journalists are democratic values protected by the Constitution and the RS legislation – said BHJA.

Furthermore, BH Journalists express hope that the disturbing and legitimizing the journalists (on several occasions in the first half of 2019 or taking into police custody in December 2018) will no longer be repeated.

-Again, we appeal on you to exercise your power and remind all police officials of the RS MoI as well as inspectors and police officers to respect the regulations, rules and recommendations prescribed for all those performing the duties of members of the police force, including the safety of journalists on their job and their protection from any form of harassment and violence – BHJA said in the reply to the head of PR Department MoI RS Mirna Miljanovic.


Four years in prison for Marko Colic for attempted murder of journalist Kovacevic


BANJA LUKA, 12.7.2019. – Marko Colic (32) from Banja Luka was sentenced to four years in prison for attempted murder of Vladimir Kovacevic (37), journalist of RTV BN and portal gerila.info.

As the journalist of “Nezavisne” reports, the verdict was pronounced today by the Trial Chamber of the County Court in Banja Luka, headed by judge Branimir Jukic. The time that Colic spent in custody – since September 2018. – is included into his sentencing.

Gordan Jovisevic, lawyer of Marko Colic, expressed his dissatisfaction with the verdict, which he considers to have been made on the basis of illegal evidences. He said he will file a complaint. The Court decided to extend custody for Colic, and Jovisevic thinks there is no basis for it.

Milkica Milojevic, a journalist and activist, expressed her discontent because, as she said, there is still no serious attempt to find out the motives for the attack on Kovacevic, nor to discover who ordered the attack.

Colic was found guilty of having beaten Kovacevic brutally with metal bats, together with Nedeljko Dukic (28) from Knezevo, who is still on the run, on August 26th 2018. in Obilicevo in Banja Luka.

The District Public Prosecutor Tatjana Ninkovic in her final words proposed to the Trial Chamber that Colic should be found guilty of an attempted murder, while the defendant’s attorney claims his guilt was not proved.

“We have unquestionably proved that Colic had committed the criminal offense of attempted murder on Kovacevic. Kovacevic recognized Colic on two occasions as a person that came to him from the front and hit him in the head with the bat”, Ninkovic said during the closing statement.

She then recalled that kayaker from Banja Luka Darko Savic, during his testimony, confirmed that he drove Colic to the stadium near the location where the journalist was attacked an evening before. Their arrival was also recorded on the surveillance video.

“It’s also confirmed by the DNA expert that Colic did this. His DNA is found on the metal bat that was used to beat Kovacevic”, said Ninkovic a few days ago.

On the other hand, Gordan Jovisevic, Colic’s lawer, said during the closing statement that it was not proven that Colic had committed the criminal offense he was charged with. Three days ago Colic himself addressed to the Trial Chamber of three, saying that he had nothing to do with this case and that he believed he proved his innocence.

“As an athlete, I have repeatedly replied to humanitarian actions related to the fight against violence. I worked as a driver of ambulance vehicle and as a security at the club. I worked two jobs at the same time because I have three children”, said Colic, who is today found guilty of beating the father of two underage children, a father whose second son was born just a five days before he was brutally beaten.

(Nezavisne novine)

Vesić napao Danas zbog ovaca iz Mladenovca


BEOGRAD, 12.07.2019. – To što je dnevni list Danas objavio je skandal. To je čist fašizam. Oni su glasače Aleksandra Vučića nazvali ovcama – ovako je zamenik gradonačelnika Goran Vesić u jutarnjem programu TV Pink interpretirao tekstove u našem listu, u kojima smo se bavili neobičnom presudom mladenovačkog suda.

NUNS condemns SNS official claim that journalists jeopardise Serbia’s security


BELGRADE, 11.07.2019. – The Independent Association of Serbia’s Journalists (NUNS) condemned on Thursday the statement by a senior official of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) headed by President Aleksandar Vucic for accusing the journalists of imperilling the state security by asking some questions, the FoNet news agency reported.

In a parliamentary debate, Aleksandar Martinovic, the chief of the SNS Deputy Club, said reporters, as well as the NGOs, posted security-sensitive questions calling upon the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance, and that they did not wish well to their country.

He also accused former Commissioner of Information of Public Importance Rodoljub Sabic of working for foreign security agencies and Serbia’s opposition and against the SNS and Serbia.

NUNS said the questions the journalists asked about some affairs had nothing to do with the security of the state, but the problem was that they never received answers, despite their and Sabic’s insistence.

The Association added it would inform the international organisations and journalists’ associations and media and request their reaction regarding the latest accusations by the members of the country’s authorities.