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Stability or instability of all of the three pillars of commercial advertising industry in BiH: commercial advertisers, agencies and media houses

Television ñameras in TV studio. Two television ñameras in TV studio under blue light.

SARAJEVO, 24.06.2019. – When we talk about the situation in media field and commercial marketing market in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we can talk about the number of problems that disable market development of these two, rather important industries for any country, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. As marketing industry relies on the three pillars – commercial advertisers, media houses and agencies – let us analyse the stability situation, that is, let us observe the instability of every single of the three above listed pillars.
When we talk about commercial advertising, we somehow almost always fo- cus on agencies and media houses as our first priorities in regard with this issue. Commercial advertisers are almost always placed in the third place al- though, according to my personal opinion, they should be considered as most
important factor of the three above listed pillars, since agencies would have no one to sell their creative ideas to, and media would have no one to sell their space to, and thus would not be able to finance their plans for which they obvi- ously require financial means, that is, money.

When we analyse and observe commercial advertisers in Bosnia and Herzegovina (those that advertise and those that should advertise), then we can surely state that this particular part of commercial advertising industry is vastly underdeveloped. We have excel- lent agencies that are capable of providing services to international clients, we have media houses (more or less) but if we were to make careful and thorough selection, there have been those entities whose work has been recognised by the public and we do have advertisers that consider commercial advertising as mere expenditures and costs and they would, if possible and often by all means, be rather satisfied if they could somehow avoid and bypass spending money on commercial advertising. What may be considered as good news is the fact that the number of those entities that decide to invest their financial means and spend their money on advertising is very limited in BiH market. This means that the marketing potential is significant, but it still needs to be launched and started and also, commercial advertisers additional education is
necessary and required, since they should be taken care of, just like sensitive plants and herbs. Some agencies in BiH boast that they have never had to knock on clients’ door offering them business cooperation, instead they loud that cli- ents had to come to see them first instead. Commercial advertising potential relies on small and medium sized enterprises, although everyone is aiming for
the big companies and no one seems to be willing to invest in smaller enterpris- es. Currently, leading world companies launched their businesses literally from their garages (Microsoft and Apple). Also, Coca Cola was first produced in some small chemist shop. They were all small at the beginning. However, agen- cies only want the big ones and big ones consider themselves powerful and put pressure on agencies and media houses, that is, they cut the branch they sit on. They want agencies to act promptly and immediately and for lowest possible charges and they also put pressure on media houses, demanding great media discounts and special prices until they (one day) completely destroy them. And if and when this happen, where would they advertise then?

In order to get out of this magic circle, agencies should, at least those that are considered as big agencies, open a special position, that is, they should em- ploy and engage a person that would research the market concerning small and medium enterprises and their needs, visit these on regular basis and instigate them to invest money in commercial advertising. This should be done slowly and carefully.
It should be implemented on step by step basis, possibly, with no daily frustra- tion interfering. They should perhaps add a new link to their official web sites, titled for instance, Creative Boutique or something similar, inserting price lists of their services suitable and affordable for small and medium size enterpris- es, because perhaps, small size companies feel embarrassed and feel that they
need thousands of BAM to knock on agency door when requiring marketing services. They should be encouraged, additionally educated in this field and motivated.

As far as I am aware, no marketing agency in BiH is focused on small and me- dium sized enterprises.
If we were to follow common sense and apply logic, another pillar of commercial advertising are agencies that act as agents between advertisers and media houses. There are many things going on in this relationship, but let’s just say that they can be marked positively as a result of their creativity and profes- sionalism applied, although they may be divided into two groups and should perhaps be separated with a wall, where the remaining group should be thrown into rubbish bin. Their major disadvantage is that they do very little or in fact do nothing, as far as market development is concerned, including additional education of their potential clients and the fact that they are slower than agen- cies coming from neighbouring countries in terms of introducing new forms of commercial advertising and technologies as new tools and mechanisms that should be brought closer to their potential clients. Their greatest defect is that they, in their intention to develop the market, fail to use collective synergy and
refuse to, under any circumstances, accept to establish the association of adver- tising industry that should set and define the rules of marketing manners and insist on their implementation. Instead, they favour market anarchy which is exactly what has been happening for years in BiH market. The marketing rules should, above any other things, assist them in having protection from disloyal
and illegal competitive agencies from neighbouring countries, where certain agencies enter this market as if it were a jungle. Such association should help agencies (including media houses as well) to use collective synergy and addi- tionally educate and train their potential clients and challenge their need for
commercial advertising and once their potential clients do make a decision to invest in advertising, the agencies should then have fair and competitive fight in terms of who shall provide their clients with most appropriate services and prices. After all, this particular industry does require the law on advertising.

Who should initiate its passing and should draft its content? Association and association only. Only through such association, the experts can make their contribution in  writing and drafting the law on advertising. Anything apart from this would be enforced solution to this problem. But, having in mind that many crucial laws in this country have been initiated and launched by outer factors, adver- tisers perhaps also wait from someone from the outside to solve and sort out this problematic issue for them. Thus, panel discussion covering this rather sensitive issue, was held one month ago and was organized by the European Commission officials in association with the Association of BiH Journalists, Media Centre and Council of Europe. We are grateful for their help, but if I were representing an agency or advertisers, I would feel embarrassed if Euro- pean Commission had to conduct the survey and research, showing the results on who I were, how I should act in the future and what I should do in order to
be what I want. Although, as media representative, I still feel slightly embar- rassed. The fact that European Commission had to finance the releasing of the article, in regard with the survey, research and panel, since no media house had professional consciousness and were completely unaware about the crucial im- portance regarding the discussion that was held a month ago in the European Commission building, does speak about media houses and their unawareness regarding this problem.

It would be pointless to talk about the significance of media industry in relation with the development of democracy, economy, culture, art and all other social fields. Surveys and researches conducted at the European Union level  proved and confirmed that one euro invested in advertising industry generates
four euros of GDP so consequently, it seems senseless to launch any further discussion regarding the significance of advertising industry and its impact on the development of economy and living standard in any society. In order to utilize media and advertising sectors with the purpose of accomplishing the
above mentioned benefits and goals, we should all work on their development, organise them properly and enable them to follow modern trends, including continual advancement of their quality level. Media industry has been changing constantly under the influence of digital media sources, including technology development. Traditional media, particularly printed media, can hardly survive at present by having their editions sold at newsagent shops, including the selling of their ads, because they have been constantly forced to seek new business models in order to sustain in the local market. They often establish other businesses from which they finance daily newspapers and magazines. By applying new changes in media, changes in advertising industry shall follow accordingly.

Everything seems to be changing globally, except in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where things are still the same or even worse, they are going backwards. No one seems to be interested in making concrete steps in regard with media industry  and advertising industry as well. Every talk about this issue ends up with con- clusions that our market is jeopardized or even endangered with “intruders”, that is, media houses and agencies coming from neighbouring countries and that our poor media houses and agencies are not adequately protected by the state. Media owners and entrepreneurs are convinced that media market in
Bosnia and Herzegovina is most open market in Europe. In order to release such thesis and theories, one should be familiar with European media market, instead of just commenting the situation in Serbia or Croatia only (and these so called experts have never even been anywhere apart from Serbia and Croatia,
yet they have the audacity to make comments and remarks about the situation in EU countries), presenting thus the public with personal and unofficial views and opinions about this issue and with complete ignorance about European market and it is regulated. Cable TV operators cross borders and provide their potential clients with an opportunity to advertise in BiH market. What duties they have in respect with tax bodies in BiH should concern tax office official authorities, instead of having Communication Regulatory Agency using their competence and enforcing certain rules, such as darkening the screen when certain TV channels from neighbouring countries broadcast particular sport
venues. In order to protect local television and public services and their in- ability, the CRA has deprived public audience in BiH with possibility to watch live sport venues that our local televisions do not broadcast, because they can- not pay for TV rights for these sports event and they have no money because they are incapable of making money. Therefore, BiH general audience have no possibility to watch world events and they seem to be hostages held between the useless televisions, along with even more useless marketing on one hand, and the force imposed by the Communication Regulatory Agency on the other hand. So much about BiH market as being considered as the most open market
in Europe, as claimed in the article posted in previous E – Bulletin edition issued by BiH Journalists.

As far as media is concerned, an old saying perhaps best resembles present situation in BiH, wand this old saying is: “Small plash is full of crocodiles”. There are too many media on this market.

If we were too follow European standards, I should say that we are amongst the very few countries with the largest number of media houses operating in our market in comparison with the population if BiH. Based on what? Based on media literacy, based on developed economy that is capable of financing
media houses through advertisements, or based on habits of consuming media contents and quality of contents..? No! None of these parameters could be used to be described and to be considered as media heaven, so the question is how come we ended up with such number of media houses operating in BiH market and who created such enormous media scene anyway? We could say they were most probably created the local political parties, so they (media houses) could implement general political interests. We could hardly talk about free and in- dependent media field in BiH, regardless to how some people tend to prove otherwise. There are very few media houses that operate independently from political influences. Just by taking a look at most popular daily newspapers (in terms of edition figures) and weekly magazines, and after having read the editorials posted by their chief editors, we can identify and recognize politi- cal biasness and their “ethnic” jerseys. Also, by looking at local media houses
(cantonal televisions and radio stations), that make up significant part of media scene, we can see that they are completely dependent on political authorities that support them financially. They are often poor in terms of contents and production quality (printed material and television), as they are struggling in their fight to win over the decreasing part of marketing share in the local market and they use all means necessary in their fight. Who suffers the most in these kinds of battles? Of course, it’s the readers, viewers and listeners.

This text is a part of E-Bulletin– tenth edition of special serial of BHN online bulletin implemented through the “Media and Public Reputation” (origin. “Mediji i javni ugled”) project, also representing a contribution to public debate regarding the transparency of media ownership and upholding and encouraging the passing of set of laws aimed to advance media field and information market in BiH.


AJM and SSNM condemn the threats against Geroski


SKOPJE, 21.06.2019 – The Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers and Association of Journalists of Macedonia condemn the threats that yesterday (Thursday) were sent to the editor in chief of “Plusinfo”, Branko Geroski.

According to the information that Geroski publicly revealed, someone named Borche Ginoski through the social network Facebook sent to him direct threat with the word: Watch out, you might be thrown in Vardar” (river). According to the editor in chief this threat is an attempt for silencing him, i.e. to stop with publishing articles for the alleged racketeering group connected with the political party in power.

SSNM and AJM believe that threats of this sort are direct attack of the freedom of expression and freedom of media. We are appeal to the respective state institutions to take all measures that are on their disposal for finding and punishing the sender of the threats in order to discourage all those who in future will try to threaten and intimidate journalists and media workers.

In order to have functional democracy a high level of freedom of speech and expression is needed and that cannot be achieved if the journalists and media workers work under continuous pressures and threats because that is a precondition for creating atmosphere of self-censorship.

These threats are seen as an attack against the freedom of expression and freedom of media will be reported to all international organizations that are working on defending the freedom of speech and expression.

NUNS: Kazniti napadača na novinarku Vericu Marinčić


INĐIJA, 21.06.2019. – Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije zahteva da policija i nadležno tužilaštvo istraže ugrožavanje bezbednosti novinarke Verice Marinčić u Inđiji i da protiv napadača preduzmu zakonom predviđene mere.

Prema izjavi novinarke portala Inđija kafe, nju je ozbiljno ugrozio nepoznati muškarac nasilničkom vožnjom motora.

Marinčić je rekla da je napad usledio zato što je na Fejsbuk stranici svog portala objavila fotografiju nepropisno parkiranog automobila.

Navela je da ju je u ponedeljak pratio vlasnik automobila, a zatim dva puta motorom naleteo na nju.

„Pratio me je motorom kada sam izašla iz lokala i ušla u jednosmerno ulicu, a zatim je iz suprotnog smera naleteo na mene, zakačio me retrovizorom i nastavio. Drugi put je ušao u moju ulicu i ispred moje kuće naleteo na mene, da bi u zadnjem trenutku naglo skrenuo“, rekla je Marinčić UNS-u.

Sekretarijat NUNS-a
U Beogradu 21.06.2019.

Koalicija protiv zločina iz mržnje i govora mržnje osuđuje loš i nedostojan tretman izbjeglica i migranata


SARAJEVO, 21.06.2019. – Koalicija protiv zločina iz mržnje i govora mržnje oštro osuđuje loš i nedostojan tretman izbjeglica i migranata u Bihaću, te zahtijeva da se istraže i sankcionišu navodi upotrebe sile nad migrantima i izbjeglicama, kao i da se istima smjesta dozvoli sloboda kretanja unutar BiH, zagarantovana Ustavom i zakonima Bosne i Hercegovine. Uz to zahtijevamo obezbjeđivanje adekvatnih uslova za sve migrante i izbjeglice, te hitni prestanak smještanja ljudi, naročito maloljetnika, na lokalitet Vučjak.

Praksa koju MUP Unsko-sanskog kantona praktikuje, a o kojima izvještavaju izbjeglice, migranti i dobrotvorni radnici, zasniva se na lišavanju slobode kretanja i, prema navodima izbjeglica i migranata, prislinim premještanjima na neuslovnu lokaciju Vučjak, sprječavanju kretanja ljudi iz jednog kantona u drugi pojačanim policijskim kontrolama, te prijavljenim „deportacijama“ iz kantona je protiv-ustavna praksa. Do danas nije objavljena pisana odluka Vlade Federacije BiH koja bi mogla autorizirati takvu praksu. Pravo na slobodu kretanja migranata i izbjeglica na teritoriji BiH osigurano je Zakonom o azilu Bosne i Hercegovine kao i Konvencijom o statusu izbjeglica iz 1951. godine.

Uz to, UN je svojim izjavama lokalitet Vučjak ocijenio kao mjesto neadekvatno za život. Toksična isparavanja, blizina minskog polja, kao i nepostojanje osnovnih uslova za život, ovaj prostor čine nepogodnim za smještaj ljudi, a naročito za smještaj maloljetnika. Protivno savjetima dobrotvornih radnika i volji međunarodne zajednice, vlasti Unsko-sanskog Kantona su na taj lokalitet izmještavale muškarce identifikovane kao samce, među kojima je bilo i maloljetnika. Tokom izmještavanja primjećeni su i prijavljeni slučajevi fizičkog nasilja, premlaćivanja i drugih oblika nehumanog i degradirajućeg tretmana. Tom prilikom prisilno je premješteno više maloljetnika bez starateljstva, koji se nalaze u stanju posebne ranjivosti.

Ovim putem napominjemo da sve osobe koje se nalaze na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine imaju pravo na slobodu kretanja unutar teritorije iste, osim ako postoji dokaz da su prekršile krivične zakone koji im mogu ograničiti slobodu kretanja. Uz to, Bosna i Hercegovina je potpisnica međunarodnih konvencija o zabrani torture, te je i prema njima, ali i prema vlastitom krivičnom zakonodavstvu, obavezna da obezbjedi dostojanstven tretman svim osobama koje se nalaze na njenoj teritoriji, te spriječi i procesuira svako nasilje nad izbjeglicama i migrantima, naročito nasilje počinjeno od strane službenih osoba.

Tegeltija: I will sue all the media, journalists and politicians who have discredited me


SARAJEVO, 21.06.2019. – The President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of BiH Milan Tegeltija said today that he will sue all media, journalists and politicians who claimed that he was involved in corruption.

During the pause of HJPC session Tegeltija said that no one is above the law, including himself, and that he is also subject to all the laws that apply in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He also said that even journalists aren’t above the law and that they have no right to violate the law and commit criminal offenses.

He announced the undertaking of extensive legal action and lawsuits against all journalists, media and politicians who, as he says, discredited him and made inaccurate claims about his alleged involvement in corruption.

As Tegeltija says, some media in Germany, who also reported on this case, will be sued as well. He also announced that he would file disciplinary complaints against all the people in the judiciary who had suggested to the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH that he should be treated as a suspect in so-called “Shoeing affair”, even though the proceeding was ongoing.

“They are judges and they were directly involved in the proceeding”, said Tegeltija.

He pointed out that this is an orchestrated attack on the judiciary and added that he believes the truth will soon see the light, announcing he will also file criminal charges against certain persons.

Tegeltija has also said that he will address the European Court of Human Rights about the public statements by a judge Faris Vehabovic who, in his opinion, has been involved in the proceedings in BiH.

He emphasized that he supports media freedom and that he will individualize lawsuits, adding that journalists have the right to criticize the judiciary.

“Please do not understand this as an attack on journalists profession. The protection of my rights refers to the overruling of what journalists have the right to do”, Tegeltija said.

As he says, all the people who claimed that he is corrupted will be sued for defamation.

Finally, Tegeltija said that he cannot establish that HJPC BiH is divided by its national composition, arguing that it is a democratic institution that decides by a majority of votes.

The Government approved the collective agreement for RTCG


PODGORICA, 20.06.2019. – Financially, politically and institutionally independent Montenegrin Public Broadcaster Service is the most important subject of democratic society, said minister Bogdanovic.

Today, the Government adopted a Information about the collective agreement for Radio Television of Montenegro (RTCG), which regulates the rights and obligations of employees, but also the Public Service obligations to employees.

Financially, politically and institutionally independent Montenegrin Public Broadcaster Service is the most important subject of democratic society, said minister of culture Bogdanovic.

“The adoption of a collective agreement undoubtedly contributes to it to stay that way,” Bogdanovic said at a news conference after the session.

The collective agreement regulated the rights and obligations of employees, but also the Public Service obligations to employees.

“The contract contains a tabulation of jobs and coefficients of complexity provided for those jobs, thereby contributing to a better position of employees and facilitate the realization of their rights,” said Bogdanovic.

He pointed out that the adoption of a new collective agreement does not jeopardize the system of financing RTCG, neither for this nor for the next year , and that the current funding model ensures sustainability of the entire system.

AJM: We ask for professional and independent composition in the leadership of AVMU and MRTV


SKOPJE, 20.06.2019 – The election of new members within the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services (AVMU) and the Public Service Program Council were the main topics of discussion at the meeting between the President of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia, Mladen Chadikovski and the President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski. Chadikovski said that only with independent and professional members within these two institutions it will be possible to unblock and continue with the media reforms in the country.

“The personal composition of the Council of the Agency and the public service will mostly depend on whether institutions will work in the interest of the public, citizens and journalists or they will continue to serve to political parties, as it was stated in numerous international reports,” said Chadikovski.

He asked Pendarovski to put his presidential authority in for a quicker choice of the new members of these bodies.

It was jointly concluded that the joint commitment of the state and the media should be to ensure the fundamental rights and freedoms of journalists in order to implement the professional standards in the reporting.

The head of state, Pendarovski, expressed his support for the work of the AJM and the journalists, and stressed that he will actively strive for bigger media freedoms and transparency of the institutions, which are the main imperative and one of the basic principles of democracy in each state.

BHJA Steering Committee: Reaction to the Prosecutor’s Office’s of BiH announcement


SARAJEVO, 19.06.2019. – The Association of BH Journalists Steering Committee expresses concern about the announcement by the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH that it will hear “people who through the media report negative messages about the work of the judiciary with the aim of destabilizing the judicial system”.

In today’s statement from the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH they have argued that they have formed a special case and will “examine with due care and in accordance with the law” persons who are related to the case of the alleged “receiving and giving of gifts”, within which statements have already been given by Marko Pandza, State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) employee, Nermin Alesevic, businessman and Milan Tegeltija, president of High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Members of BH Journalists Steering Committee deeply believe that this statement does not hide the intent of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH to arrest and imprison journalists and editors whose media published controversial video footage from the so-called “Shoeing affair“. We believe that the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH is familiar with the media freedom and the rights of journalists in the way they are governed by domestic and international laws and regulations and that they will not resort to judicial pressure on media professionals as it did in April and March this year, when the chief prosecutor Gordana Tadic and a number of acting prosecutors have tried in an unlawful way to force journalists from the portal Žurnal to disclose their sources of informations and, against the Criminal Code of BiH, force them to violate the professional secrecy.

On this occasion, BH journalists Steering Committee again and resolutely demands from the BiH Prosecutor’s Office respect for the rights of journalists to freedom of expression, freedom of criticism of judicial officials, the use of unnamed sources and the preservation of professional secrecy, including all other human rights of journalists protected by existing laws in BiH and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

BH journalists remind law enforcement officials that they are obliged to respect media freedom and journalists rights, which does not exclude the possibility of their reaction to unprofessional journalists handling or misleading media coverage. Such responses must be reduced to legitimate procedures defined by the Code of Ethics and legal protocols, which include: correcting a misrepresentation, filing an appeal to a regulatory and self-regulatory body in BiH, or lawsuits for defamation and disruption of the reputation and honor of a judicial officeholder.

Any other reaction from the BiH Prosecutor’s Office or other judicial institutions to us in BH journalists will be considered as the unlawful criminalization of journalists and media as well as the public demonstration of the institutional and judicial power over media freedom in BiH, undertaken with the intent to limit the rights of journalists to freedom of expression.

If this happens, BH journalists will initiate all available domestic and international mechanisms for the protection of media freedom and individual rights of journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Steering Committee of Association of BH Journalists

NUNS condemns Belgrade Deputy Mayor for trying to intimidate N1 journalists


BELGRADE, 18.06.2019. – The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS) “sharply condemned the inadmissible behaviour of the Deputy Mayor Goran Vesic” who claimed he was in possession of internal correspondence between N1 editor and reporter,” N1 reported.

NUNS said Vesic, in line with his long-time campaign against N1, switched from unfounded criticism of its reporting to most direct intimidation of editors and reporters in a way unheard of for a long time.

“NUNS calls on the Special Prosecutors Office for Hi-Tech Crime to investigate did any unauthorised person intercept the internal communication at N1 and who that was,” its statement said.

It added that Vesic’s claim he possessed an internal e-mail which N1 Editor sent to his reporters is calculated to show an unlimited power of the current regime. Vesic demonstrated the arrogance of a politician who does not respect the Constitution and laws in this country.”

NUNS also said that the Constitution, Law on Electronic Communication and Law on Public Information and Media protect the secrecy of letters and other means of communication.

The Association added it completely supported N1’s professional and anti-censorship stand “not to send to the Deputy Mayor cabinet, or anybody else, questions in advance despite the threats from his PR team.”

NUNS also reminded that the law obliges public servants to answer questions and endure the criticism of their work.

Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic said Vesic should be held responsible if he illegally obtained the e-mail. “But, if some of your colleagues sent it to him, he has nothing to be responsible for… I was surprised, and I thought that was not true.”