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Sejdinović: Plašim se da će vrlo brzo biti ugroženi životi novinara


NOVI SAD, 18.12.2018. – Predsednik Nezavisnog društva novinara Vojvodine Nedim Sejdinović izjavio je večeras da se plaši da je poslednji napad na novinara Milana Jovanovića signal da se ulazi u novu fazu nasilja u kojoj je moguće da će vrlo brzo biti ugroženi životi nekih novinara.

„Oni novinari koji ne promovišu nasilje zapravo su izloženi nasilju, a veoma često su i na meti svojih takozvanih kolega. Poslednji je napad na novinara Milana Jovanovića… Plašim se da smo ušli u novi krug nasilja i plašim se da će vrlo brzo biti ugroženi životi nekih novinara i drugih ljudi”, rekao je Sejdinović na tribini „Nasilje u medijima, kroz medije, nad medijima“ u Novom Sadu.

On je ocenio da se nasilje promoviše u medijima i postaje “kao neki vid zabave”, a da su građani žrtve tog nasilja.

„Sa samog vrha vlasti se neki novinar proglasi neprijateljem, stranim špijunom, opozicionim aktivistom, a onda mediji bliski vlasti krenu da opširnije razrađuju te mehanizme nasilja, što se pretvori u fizičko nasilje“, kazao je Sejdinović, dodavši da aktuelna vlast u Srbiji zapravo „počiva na kampanji straha i nasilja“.

On je naveo da je premijerka Ana Brnabić danas u Novom Sadu na otvaranju skupa posvećenog izradi Medijske strategije održala jedan govor „da biste poželeli da živite u zemlji iz tog njenog govora“.

Prema njegovim rečima, kreirana je paralelna realnost i privid demokratije koji nema veze sa stvarnošću.

„Problem je u tome što to nema nikakve veze sa realnošću. Mi, u stvari, pregovaramo sa pogrešnim ljudima. Moć se nalazi negde drugde. Dok mi pregovaramo sa vladom, ministarstvima, odluke se donose na sasvim drugim mestima“, ocenio je Sejdinović.

On je rekao da duboko veruje da je taj problem politički i da se samo političkim putem može rešavati.

Predsednik NDNV naveo je da su profesionalni novinari i mediji danas pod brojnim pritiscima, koji se manifestuju i kroz tužbe koje dobijaju od ljudi za pozicija vlati, i kroz česte posete različitih inspekcija, ali i kroz direktne pretnje, zastrašivanja i fizičke napade. S druge strane, kako je dodao, mediji bliski vlasti dobijaju novac od države.

Kao jedini izlaz vidi svojsvrsni pakt između profesionalnih medija i građana koji bi ih finansirali kako bi se napravila određena brana prema režimu.

Novinarka Mreže za istraživanje kriminala i korupcije (KRIK) Dragana Pećo kazala je da nije čudno što se dešavaju napadi na novinare, jer je nasilje svakodnevno prisutno u režimskim medijima pa je samim tim logično da je prisutno i u društvu.

Verbalno nasilje dolazi od samog vrha ove države. Ako imate predsednika Srbije koji novinare koji profesionalno obavljaju posao smatra političkim protivnicima ili neprijateljima, onda nije čudno kada takve novinare napadaju”, kazala je Dragana Pećo.

Ona je ocenila i da građani svakodnevno izloženi promociji nasilja, zbog čega se ono doživljava kao neka vrsta normalnosti, te većina ljudi postaje samo posmatrač dok situacija postaje sve gora.

Navela je da istraga o provali u njen stan u Beogradu nije završena i dodala da je to ne čudi, jer se u Srbiji rešavaju samo one stvari za koje postoji politička volja da se reše.

Izrazila je nadu da sud neće prihvatiti predlog ministra Nenada Popovića da se postupci koje je pokrenuo protiv KRIK-a “pauziraju”.

“Nadam se da sud to neće prihvatiti jer on (Popović) ne zna šta da radi, pošto u stvari ne sme da se pojavi jer se plaši ishoda”, kazala je Dragana Pećo.

Tribina je održana u Omladinskom centru CK 13.

Regional Platform welcomes the newly elected president of AJM – Mladen Chadikovski


17.12.2018. – The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety welcomes the newly elected president of AJM – Mladen Chadikovski and wishes him to continue the good work that AJM has been doing in the past years, particularly in relation to media freedom and safety of journalists.

The Platform will continue being strongly committed at supporting AJM’s work and its President Chadikovski in their efforts at advancing media freedom, safety of journalists and improvement of the general media situation in the country. Only a coordinated work and strong commitment of the associations will bring about changes in our societies. Once again we congratulate the new management of AJM and we are looking forward at continue doing the successful work in the future. We can improve the safety of journalists only if we work together and united, like we have been doing so far.

Belgrade – Podgorica – Pristina – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 17.12.2018.

BH Journalists Association

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

The prejudices and challenges women in Kosovo face when dealing with investigative journalism


Unfortunately, research journalism is one of the areas where women in Kosovo are being heavily prejudiced. Job offers,  bribes and gifts are some of the challenges they face if they publish a research article.

Investigative journalists in Kosovo are increasingly being threatened and physically attacked for the research articles they write. Since January 1 this year, the total number of reports of journalists being assaulted has been sixteen (16), and among these attacks four cases have been reported by journalists themselves.

Working as an investigative journalist in Kosovo has become a real challenge, according to Koha Ditore journalist Saranda Ramaj, who has been working as investigative journalist for the past five years with the focus on pharmaceutics and public tenders.

Ramaj tells that to stop a research piece of writing, people related to the investigative piece, threatened, offered jobs, bribes and gifts. “As a sector on which little has been reported, it has been real challenging to address topics that in one form or another disturbs the comfort of acting unlawfully,” explains Ramaj.

“One of the reasons for this is their financial impact, but also the connections with politicians. I remember that in the beginning their behavior was correct. Most of them have offered me jobs, there were those who offered gifts and bribes to stop the research, but of course no piece of writing has ever been stopped,” says Ramaj.

From the Asociacion of Journalists of Kosovo (AGK), say that this category of journalists are most at risk while performing their work. AGK says they face mostly physical assaults and life threats.

Pressures, threats and attacks on journalists have become more frequent in recent years. Only this year, from January to December 2, sixteen journalists reported on the attacks they had, among them four women journalists who reported their cases themselves.

AGK says: “Journalists do not hesitate to report cases when they are threatened or attacked.”

While investigative journalist Leonida Molliqaj from the Kosovo Center for Investigative Jouornalism ‘Preportr’, which operates within the Çohu organization, says that it is not just the physical assaults that hinder the work of journalists.

“On the other hand, there are not just physical attacks that are hindering journalism from developing freely. Low salaries, long hours of work and lack of employment contracts are making journalists forced to remain silent and not to engage in specific research, “says Molliqaj.

She estimates that the security of journalists in Kosovo it is not yet at a satisfactory level.

“Cases of attacks and threats that have occurred in recent years against journalists in our country, show that we still face the lack of freedom of expression,” she says.

The prejudice towards women who deal with investigative journalism

Women face more difficulties than men in practicing their profession, explains Molliqaj, who believes that women should grab every opportinity  to write in Kosovo. “Being part of the media, girls and women can raise their voice more freely for the prejudices and discrimination they face,” says Molliqaj.

Ramaj also says that knowing that the profession of journalism is a job that does not have a schedule from 08:00 to 16:00, unfortunately, it is one of the areas where women are very prejudiced.

“This certainly relates to the identification of Kosovo as a half-patriarchal society, and the treatment of women in relation to what someone considers” family obligations of women “. Despite the many prejudices when a young girl practices the profession of investigative journalist, I believe that Kosovo has many women journalists who prove the opposite, “says Ramaj.

While Leonida tells us that there has been no case of threat or attack regarding the research articles she has worked on, Saranda says that there have been cases when public officials have gone to her parent regarding the articles she has published in the newspaper. “This is one of the forms that frustrated me the most while working as a journalist,” she says.

While AGK says the media has reached a stage where more work needs to be done to increase public confidence. “Media and society in general should work to educate the public to distinguish false news and misinformation, in order to be able to tell which mediums are professional and respect the code of ethics,” say AGK.

The lack of capacity of the justice system delays the process of protecting journalists

According to journalist Molliqaj, justice institutions have shown no will and capacity to enforce media laws and legislation to protect journalists. “This is extremely damaging because, as a result, journalists are reluctant to report cases of attacks in the absence of trust in law enforcement,” she said.

While the Asociacion of Journalists of Kosovo says that they have increased co-operation with security and justice institutions in terms of protecting journalists.

“The State Prosecution, the Basic Court of Pristina and the Kosovo Police have set up and improved their mechanisms to protect journalists and other media professionals. But there is still work to be done and the association will insist on improving the work of institutions so that they be more efficient and vocal”, AGK said.

Author: Drenusha Canolli

This article is a production of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo under the project “Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists Safety”, funded by the European Union. The content of this publication can in no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

Missinterpretation of laws – obstacle for media freedom


PRISTINA, 15.12.2018 – Journalists in Kosovo today face many challenges in practicing their profession. Besides the work with responsibilities, they are also forced to endure most different threats and blackmail, cases that are reported to the body gathering around the journalists’ community, the AJK, but also the justice institutions. Although the Constitution and laws guarantee freedom of the media, in the field the situation is not desirable. In order to view this problem from the legal point of view, we conducted an interview with lawyer Kushtrim Palushi.

Mr. Palushi, thank you for your readiness and for finding time to answer to our questions!

Thank you, I will try a bit to give my contribution, of course based on what I have seen during my work as a lawyer.

How does it stand the legal framework in the field of freedom of media and the journalists in Kosovo?

The legal framework in Kosovo with regard to media freedom and freedom of expression, stands very well on paper, however the implementation of this framework represents the greatest challenge. We recall that Kosovo has a modern Constitution that guarantees human rights and freedoms at the highest level, including, in addition to the various international instruments and conventions, the practice of the European Court of Human Rights. Thus, the Constitution has established a strong foundation for laws and institutions in Kosovo to fulfil their tasks in guaranteeing and protecting freedom of media and freedom of expression, as well as protecting journalists from threats and attacks to them. Laws drafted in function of implementation of the Constitution, such as the Civil Law against Defamation, the Criminal Code of Kosovo and other laws, also provide protection of media freedom in harmony with European and international standards.

Which are advantages of current legislation in the field of media in Kosovo?

The main advantage of current legislation in the field of media in Kosovo is the fact that the legislation is mainly new and drafted from the beginning, having in mind the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and the international conventions. Consequently, legislative bodies have been able to receive the best practices from the region and the European level and incorporate those practices and legal principles into local legislation.

What about the disadvantages, how much are they evident?

Whereas, main disadvantages are not within the legislation as they are on how that legislation is enforced and interpreted. Unfortunately, being that Kosovo is not yet a member of the Council of Europe, we should be sufficient with the interpretation that regular courts give and finally the Constitutional Court. Regular courts still do not achieve to issue decisions that are in harmony with the practice of the European Court of Human Rights and Freedoms, whereas decisions of the Constitutional Court, disregarding that they are more advanced rather the decisions of regular courts in regard to freedom of expression, freedom of media and the human rights, they are still the last tool that citizens and medias have the right to use in order to require protection and realization of their rights.

Are there laws or sublegal acts that are in contradiction to each-other in this field and in what extend?

No, laws and sublegal acts are mainly in harmony to each-other, but as it usually happens with the freedom of expression and the freedom of media, often the exercise of the rights falls in conflict or against of exercising the rights by the others. For example, freedom of expression is in permanent conflict with the right on privacy of subjects that are reported about. In this regard, we can say that laws do not provide clear instructions on how their enforcers and the interpreters carry on right balance in the case of decision that to which right will be given advantage, to the right of freedom of expression or of the privacy.

What about the situation in practice?

In practice, we don’t have a good situation because as we underlined earlier, the main problem in Kosovo, but not only about the legislation regulating media is proper enforcement and interpretation of the laws. In this regard, we have problems in several fields, firstly with recognition, respect and enforcement of law by the bodies of state administration and institutions and public officers, than we have problems with recognition and respect of law by private individuals; in some cases also by journalists and media themselves.

Where do you see the essence of the problem?

However, what is more important, the main challenge lies in the level of justice, where this system faces with problems of specific nature, such as large number of cases and lack of specialization of individual judges of regular courts in the field of freedom of media and the freedom of expression.

How much are these laws implemented, based on the Law on Labour and other laws related to the media field in Kosovo?

Laws are implemented, but not satisfactorily. Law on Labour in general is a problematic issue, especially in private sector and in particular in the field of media and journalists. Lack of employment contracts, working hours and working conditions, protection and safety at work, remuneration and other essential aspects of a work relation are not guaranteed and are not respected. Similarly happens also with other laws. Such a situation causes uncertainty and danger to journalists and media, from threats, assaults or blackmail.

Can you make any comparison with legal framework in the field of media freedom of the neighbouring countries? How do they stand, better or worse than Kosovo?

Kosovo’s legal framework is quite advanced and I believe it is even more advanced than the laws of the countries of the region, because since it has been drafted there are taken the best European standards for freedom of expression and freedom of media. The countries of the region and Kosovo are more or less in the same level of law enforcement and the same environment for journalists and media. Some countries are even worse than Kosovo. An example of this is Albania or Serbia, where journalists are threatened, attacked, indicted, and even sentenced by the courts. This is not to say that these things do not happen in Kosovo, but not in the intensity and level that take place in the countries of the region.

It means that things are not just black to us?

No, I forgot to add that Kosovo is still a bit better than some European Union countries. Take the example of Slovakia and Malta, where only in last two years in each of these countries there was killed at least one journalist.

Let’s go back to the topic directly related to the work of journalists; have you had cases when you defended them, if so, what was the case about?

Yes, in my everyday work as a lawyer, I represented cases and I have defended journalists in court cases and proceedings. In some cases I have already defended and continue to defend journalists from civil indictments against defamation and insult, which are mostly used as a tendency to silence and blackmail journalists on performing their work. With my work I try to educate not only journalists and involved parties, but also public institutions and courts about the best European standards embodied in the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms and the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights and Freedoms.

What do you personally think, is there media freedom in Kosovo?

I consider there is freedom of media and journalists, but of course this is a work in progress, which requires time and social education about the importance of freedom of expression and the media in a democratic society. Not so long time ago, we were part of another governing and political system, where there was no freedom of expression and thought, and taking into account the time that has passed, there is progress in this regard. However, there are still cases where people are trying to deny or violate the rights of freedom of expression and freedom of media, yet institutions have also started to understand better their role in defence of freedom of expression, media and the journalists.

Interview conducted by: Jehona Zhitia

Small Grants Programme Outputs: Supporting media freedom and freedom of speech through increased watchdog monitoring of media-related matters


14.12.2018. – Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and safety of journalists in the Western Balkans has the honour of presenting outputs of Small Grants Programme, which took place during years 2017 and 2018 within the bigger project “Protecting Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression in the Western Balkans”.  One of the funded projects was “Supporting media freedom and freedom of speech through increased watchdog monitoring of media-related matters”, implemented by NGO Democracy Plus and Insajderi. 

D+ and investigative portal Insajderi, jointly implemented the project “Supporting Media Freedom of Speech Through Increased Watchdog Monitoring Media Related Matters “ with the purpose of supporting freedom of the media and freedom of expression through investigations and publications.

In the scope of this project, D+ and Insajderi have investigated and published analysis on safety of journalists in Kosovo “Viti i mbrapshtë dhe dështimi i institucioneve në mbrojtjen gazetarëve” and the analysis “Sfida kryesore e gazetarëve kosovarë – raportimi nën kërcënimin e dajakut’.

Additionally, D+ and Insajderi have also investigated and published the analysis on journalists access to information and level of responsiveness of public institutions “Raporti i gazetarëve me institucionet- qasje shpërfillëse, tërheqje zvarrë e kërcënime nga truprojat e politikanëve”

D+ has tested the level of responsiveness of public institutions regarding contract of marketing and advertisements in the media as well as brought together all relevant institutions of the field to discuss problems and challenges in a roundtable of discussion. This was done through submitting official requests for access to documents to 20 public institutions, including municipalities, ministries, public enterprises and independent agencies. Out of these, D+ received answers in 80% however the quality of the answers was superficial.

Specific goals were to encourage public pressure on the prosecution to conduct a more thorough investigation on those threatening or attacking journalists and to increase the responsiveness of public institutions to the official request for public documents by media and civil society.

Democracy Plus is an independent, nonprofit and nonpartisan organization, officially registered in March of 2016 by a group of activists who believe in further strengthening democratic values in Kosovo. The main objective of D+ is to foster democratic values and practices that will further strengthen the voice of the Kosovar society. D+ aims at contributing in establishing good governance practices, strengthening the rule of law, assisting political parties and the process of free and fair elections, and fostering respect for human rights and social issues.

One of the outcomes of the project is The rapport of public institutions with access to public documents.

The report in English is HERE.


About Small Grants Programme

During 2017. and 2018. 15 projects were funded through the Small Grants Programme in two LOTs (4 regional and 11 national projects) in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo* and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

The Small Grants Programme supported locally and regionally rooted civil society initiatives, engaging human rights activists, journalists and media, aiming to protect the freedom of expression and freedom of media.

The small grants programme was funded by IPA /EU with co-financing from the Croatian Government Office for NGOs and matching funds from grantees; it is part of a regional project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety implemented through partnership of five regional journalists’ associations and one journalists’ union– Independent Journalists Association of Serbia (IJAS), Association of BH Journalists (BHJ), Croatian Journalists Association (CJA), Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM).

Croatian Journalists’ Association and its regional partner journalists’ associations thank all subgrantees and other participants for their interest and effort in engaging in the Small Grants Programme and for their cooperation throughout the whole application and project implementation process.




What Can Media Do For Media Literacy?


The concept of media literacy in the last few years takes an important place in the discussions of non-governmental organizations dealing with the media in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The academic community is considering this issue, but we can say – not enough (among public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, only Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Banja Luka and Faculty of Philosophy of the University of East Sarajevo have course of Media Literacy). Although the process of media literacy is expected to engage the educational institutions, NGO sector and media, we will put media in this article in the first place and examine their role in this process.

One of the definitions of media literacy is “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and transmit messages through the media” (Aufderheide, 1992 in: Zgrabljić Rotar, 2005: 1). Thus, media literacy is a process in which an individual creates competences for access, analysis, interpretation and understanding of information, but also creation of media content. Taking into account that digital media today, in era of information technology, are dominating the classical media, such as radio, television, and press – the result is over-information (or “information overload” (Koković, 2007: 41)), but also with the contents that are submitted as information, but without any verifiability, accuracy and professionalism during their dissemination. In a country such as B&H, media regulation is low, and there is no regulation of digital media space, which contributes to the spreading of news from different news sites in a way that respects only the principles of speed, concision and unverifiedness. This contributes the transition from immediacy to the excess of mediation, or to the situation where the audience wish to comprehence their reality as directly as possible, while actually comply the non-critical adoption of the content.

Media illiteracy is a dangerous thing for every democratic country and for civil society. Already accustomed to fast accepting of new technology, without much knowledge of its posibilities, the audience is also left behind by the flash of information that comes continuously from moment to moment. Certainly, the solution is not to give more confidence to the classical media, because in a country with corruption rooted in cultural patterns, a professional and objective approach has become an exception of worthy admiration, regardless of the type of media. Therefore, literacy for critically oriented and educated citizens who are able to interpret information and make the right choice between false news (in all types of media) must start from elementary school and this is imperative. The school system(s) in B&H do not yet have space for this, but needs continue to grow, both by children and parents.

In order to raise awareness of the needs of a contemporary media audience, there are several bright examples of news sites in B&H that are dedicated to the struggle for fair, objective and impartial information. They are an example of how media can deal with media literacy.

Analiziraj.ba is a platform that was established with the aim of monitoring, analyzing and evaluating media content in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the help of predefined and clear methodology, this platform can be used to find various media analyzes, with special News analysis. Particular attention is paid to these central information shows because through them the audience needs to gain a faithful picture of the socio-political situation, both in local communities and at a higher level. That is why, these shows reflect the editorial policies of a media house, but they are also an indication of their vulnerability to political influences and manipulations, which the audience is often unaware of. What we would highlight on this web site is a special section titled Media and Information Literacy within which media analysts from B&H are offering practical instructions and explanations that teach about the need for media literacy as part of the overall civic education.

Raskrinkavanje.ba is a news site that is relatively new in B&H and provides specific analysis of media content and media ratings to help develop the ability to assess media credibility in B&H. It is a unique portal that deals with fact checking in the media, fueled by unprofessional reporting, transmission of “fake news”, fabricating stories and misinforming the public. Identification of such media and their assessment in accordance with a clearly defined methodology results in placing the media in one of two lists: the Media List publishing false news; and the High Risk Media List, which show a tendency to unprofessional reporting and the risk of publishing false news. There is offered a rating system that clearly indicates what “media violation” refers to: satire, clickbait, covert advertising, error, biased reporting, conspiracy theory, pseudoscience, manipulation of facts, disinformation, spin, false news, false news transmitted, denied, censorship and correction. This approach enables the public to determine which media deserved trust in their professional work, and which is expected to place inaccurate information. The special value of this site is in their two-way communication with the audience. Namely, the platform calls on citizens to identify dubious news and media, to recognize and report such content. In this way, citizens are first educated, and then create the habit of filtering the content they are exposed to, which is the essence of media literacy.

Access to such platforms is also recognizable in the surrounding countries. In Croatia there is a portal medijskapismenost.hr that is in various ways focused on establishing media literacy of parents, guardians and teachers, as well as directly of children. Significant issue of media literacy is security on the Internet, which specifically addresses this portal. The Portal Fake News Tracker (fakenews.rs) operates in Serbia, on a similar principle that raskrinkavanje.ba works in B&H. This web site deals with the deconstruction of media news in Serbia, the discovery of false news, as well as research of the phenomenon of fake news.

It is the deconstruction of the content method by which every citizen, whether a media professional, a journalist or a public can master, if he understands how media works in the modern age, and if citizens are educated for a critical approach to both technology and information. Critical approach implies that the public addresses the media themselves – whether it contains impressum, whether it has contact; whether the content is compatible with the title, or the title has a sensationalistic purpose; how credible are sources and how many of them is there; whether the author is known and who is he; whether it is parody or satire etc. Media that wants to show its objectivity and professionalism will transparently display its data, deserving trust of its audience. Unfortunately, in B&H, it will be hardest to find information on media funding, which is the main premise for performing the function of public interest. Earlier phenomena such as tabloidisation or propaganda (earlier in appearance, but certainly in use today), have influenced the creation of values and cultural patterns that are reflected in the acceptance of messages as they are disseminated and active participation of citizens in the creation of social reality. Media literacy is precisely the component of society that is most needed for all generations in order for the democratic community to function. Such a kind of activism, which equally requires respect for the rights and responsibilities disclosed to the public, contributes to the proper informing of citizens and thus to the increase of professionalism in journalism.

How can classical media help in media literacy?

A newer example is found in neighboring Serbia: Recently there was a protest in Belgrade that gathered a large number of citizens with opposing views. Media House Studio B has published a content, an event report, in which the journalist made statements and negative attitudes about the event, as well as a series of inaccurate data, with apparent bias. The whole event has caused a tremendous reaction and conflict within the media related to argument „the right of opinion – the responsibility for the pronounced“. One of the worst consequences of this event was a series of brutal threats directed at the account of this journalist who have no justification and once again stressed the need to condemn the violence. In the whole of this situation, a move by the media company TV Prva, which called the chief editor of Studio B and a long-time journalist to its program, was noticed. What we highlight from this discussion is asking questions about what is really a job of journalists, whether journalism codes are respected and what is objective information? This conversation has pointed out that within the media itself there has to be much to clarify, and that mainstream media can play a significant role in media literacy if they are condemning bad journalism (if such a term can be used because journalism is actually – good journalism) with arguments. Their role in clarifying responsibility (both journalists and editors) as well as possible abuses is self-criticism without which there is no development of media literacy.

Platforms mentioned in the text that analyze media content earning accountability are certainly a good beginning for media literacy. To encourage this process, it is necessary for the wider audience to come to them and gain insight into what the criticism is and why it is useful. The best support is for the media to communicate with these platforms in a way that will transmit their reports and analyzes, publish denials, and thus show willingness to truly be the leaders of the struggle for truth.

Teuhis article has been produced as a part of the project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and journalists’ safety with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of the BH journalists Association and its authors, and can in no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

Komitet za zaštitu novinara: Vlast u Srbiji mora da garantuje bezbednost Milana Jovanovića


NJUJORK, 14.12.2018. – Pozivamo vlasti u Srbiji da brzo i temeljno istraže podmetanje požara u kući novinara Milana Jovanovića i razmotre mogućnost da je njegovo izveštavanje bilo motiv. Jovanovićev rad je u javnom interesu i njegova bezbednost se mora osigurati, izjavila je Gulnoza Said iz Komiteta za zaštitu novinara.

„Vlast u Srbiji moraa da garantuje bezbednost istraživačkog novinara Milana Jovanovića, a odgovorne za podmatanje požara u njegovoj kući da izvede pred lice pravde“, saopštio je danas Komitet za zaštitu novinara (Committee to Protect Journalists, CPJ), nezavisna i neprofitna organizacija koja se bavi promocijom medijskih sloboda.

Komitet podseća da je kuća Milana Jovanovića, koji je izveštavao za nezavisni portal Žig info, zapaljena u beogradskom predgrađu Vrčin, kada je neko bacio „Molotovljev koktel“ kroz prozor garaže.

„Nepoznate osobe ispalile su nekoliko metaka ka njegovim ulaznim vratima kako bi sprečile porodicu da napusti kuću“, citira CPJ lokalne medije i kaže da su Jovanović i njegova supruga uspeli da pobegnu, te da su gledali kako gori njihova celokupna imovina.

Kako piše CPJ, „policija je saopštila da je pokrenula istragu o napadu i potvrdila Cenzolovki, portalu koja prati napade na medije, da su na mestu zločina pronađene čaure metaka“.

„Pozivamo vlasti u Srbiji da brzo i temeljno istraže podmetanje požara na kući istraživačkog novinara Milana Jovanovića i razmotre mogućnost da je njegovo izveštavanje bilo motiv za napad“, izjavila je Gulnoza Said, koordinatorka programa CPJ-a za Evropu i centralnu Aziju. „Jovanovićev rad je u javnom interesu, i njegova bezbednost se mora osigurati“.

Komitet citira urednika portala Žig info, Željka Matorčevića, ističući da je Jovanović izveštavao o „preko noći stečenoj imovini“ predsednika opštine Grocka, kao i o korupciji tokom izgradnje kanalizacionog sistema, posle čega su lokalne vlasti Jovanoviću prekinule dovod vode.

„Novinar je podneo nekoliko pritužbi policiji i napisao dva pisma predsedniku Srbije Aleksandru Vučiću, tražeći od njega da interveniše i osigura da može raditi bez straha od odmazde“, ukazuje CPJ na tekst koji je objavila Cenzolovka.

CPJ podseća da je Matorčević izjavio kako je on prebijen u oktobru, pošto je objavio tekst o aktivnostima opštine Grocka u vezi s gasifikacijom. Rekao je i kako su on i Jovanović dobili pretnje u julu, nakon što su objavljeni izveštaji o navodnoj nesreći u opštini, da su obavestili tužioca ali da nije bilo nikakvih reacija.

Jovanović je, piše CPJ, rekao za Cenzolovku da nema sumnje u to šta je motiv podmetanja požara pod njegovu kuću i naglasio: „Neću prestati da pišem o lopovima i mafiji, pa neka me ubiju.“

Reporteri bez granica pozivaju državu da zaštiti novinara

I Reporteri bez granica su osudili pokušaj ubistva Milana Jovanovića, novinara koji, kako su objavili na Tviteru, sarađuje sa portalima Žig info i Naša Grocka info. Reporteri pozivaju vlast u Srbiji da brzo rasvetli ovaj slučaj i zaštiti ugroženog novinara.

Indictment for the attack on reporters Klix and Al Jazeera confirmed


SARAJEVO, 14.12.2018. – The Sarajevo Municipal Court confirmed the indictment of the Prosecutor’s Office in Canton Sarajevo against Emil Hamzić and Suad Lelo for the criminal offense of Violent Behavior, that is, the attack on the photo reporter of the portal Klix.ba Kemal Softić and the TV Al Jazeera Balkan Mirsad Bukvić

– They are being charged for physical attack on the photojournalists from the portal “Klix.ba” and TV station “Al Jazeera Balkans”, causing them herewith bodily injury July 26, 2018, durring the gatehring/demonstrations of the demobilized fighters – as stated from the Prosecutors Office.


Serbian president condemns attack on journalist


BELGRADE, 14.12.2018. – Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday condemned the Molotov cocktail attack on the home of a local journalist in a Belgrade suburb, saying that Serbia will deal with violence.

Vucic tweeted that he condemns the attack in the fiercest way and called the police to find the attackers as soon as possible.

“I most sharply condemn the attack on Milan Jovanovic and his property and expect the prosecution and police to find the perpetrators of that crime in the shortest possible time. Serbia has the strength and will deal with bullies, regardless of who they are or which side of the political spectrum they are on,” the president wrote.

Unidentified attackers threw Molotov cocktails into the Jovanovic family home on the night of Tuesday-Wednesday and then fired shots at the front door. The house, garage and the family car were completely burned out in the attack.

Serbian Internal Affairs Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic confirmed on Thursday that the fire in the home of a local journalist was started deliberately and added that the police and prosecution have to find the attackers. The minister said journalist Milan Jovanovic had given a statement to the police which will be followed up with interviews with people that he named.