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A report for the murder attempt of journalist Vladimir Kovačević submitted to the Prosecutors office


BANJA LUKA, 03.09.2018. – On 31 August, the Banja Luka police submitted to the District Public Prosecutor’s Office a report against the unknown perpetrator for the murder attempt of journalist Vladimir Kovačević from Banja Luka.

– After having met the content of the report, the acting Prosecutor of the Banja Luka Public Prosecutor’s Office will take measures and actions in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code of Republika Srpska – as reported today from the Prosecutor’s Office.

We recall, that on the 26th of August, Kovačević, who is a journalists of BN and the potal „Gerila“, was physicly attacked by two unknown persons.

Three days ago Kovačević went out of the hospital. He is stable now, and advised to continue healing at home.

Journalists requests after the attack on Vladimir Kovačević


BANJA LUKA, 03.09.2018. – The members of the Steering Committee of The BHJA Journalists Club Banjaluka and collegues journalists talked to Vladimir Kovačević, journalists of BN TV, who was brutally attacked ont he 26th of August in Banja Luka, right in front of the building he lives in. Police qualified this attack as an  „attempt of murder“.

We discussed the information that came from the Police in Banja Luka. Police submitted a report regarding this case to the authorized Prosecutors office.  Conclusions on further activities of the BHJA Journalists Club were also adopted.

The BHJA Journalists Club Banja Luka will organize weekly meetings in order to discuss information about the case eventual activities of the Club, as a support to collegue Kovačević’s .

Steering Committee of The BHJA Journalists Club Banjaluka invited all media, especially PBS’s, to stop sharing statements of certain politicians and texts of tabloids and portals without impresum, bearing in mind their irresponsible and unprofessional behavior, and the uncritical transmission of texts and statements, put the target on certain media and journalists. Consultations with lawyers for filing complaints against all those who justify the attack on colleague Kovačević and journalists in general, through texts in the media as well as through the status and publications on social networks, are on – going. The BHJA Journalists’ Club emphasizes that this particularly applies to high-ranking officials of the ruling parties and candidates in the upcoming elections.


BHJA Journalist’s Club Banja Luka

Iva Pavlović: I will not resign, dismiss me if I don’t work properly


PODGORICA, 03.09.2018. – Even though there are not too much public cases of pressures on local journalist and media, they exist. Usually, only the pressures that happen in capital Podgorica see the light of the day. Working conditions and generally the functioning of local public broadcasters are rarely in the public focus. This is the reason we’ve spoke to the editor-in-chief of the Public Broadcaster Television of Budva, Iva Pavlovic, who is, as she said, on the tremendous political pressure to resign.

For the last year you have been the editor-in-chief of TV Budva. What are the biggest problems that you and your colleagues face in the workplace?

Pavlovic: The problems were mainly related to the lack of technique and people. What we see as a much bigger problem is that there are not enough people of knowledge and integrity who can talk about topics important for our city and sometimes it is monotonous to call the same people to comment. The other thing that can be a problem, specific for the local media, is that everyone perceives you as family member – sometimes too close, so they have a need to keep telling us what and how to work. Being critical here is much more difficult than in larger systems.

Are there pressures that you and your colleagues are exposed to? If they exist, from whom do they come?

Pavlovic: There were attempts to put pressure on me personally. The dirty campaign is still being conducted while I am answering to these questions from the stubborn political entities that make the opposition in Budva, but also some government structures that try to impose the idea that my local public broadcaster is being politicized with my arrival. The opposite was done – Journalists never worked with a less pressure than in the past year, which they themselves can confirm. If there were any attempts to put pressure on, I am here to prevent it and somewhere this is my main function – to free journalists to do their job. Television Budva was founded with the aim of promoting the city and tourism, our history and culture and my intention is to return as much as possible to that initial idea.

How much influence media managers or founders have on your work? What is the situation when it comes to the influence of politicians and representatives of state bodies / local government bodies?

Pavlovic: There is a certain obligation from us as a local public broadcaster financed mainly from the municipal budget to monitor the work of the local government, but that does not mean that we will not criticize if something is wrong. They try to influence us from time to time, but this is a matter of individual perception – I personally do not have the fear to oppose them if necessary, but often respond to our work is resolving the situation on the ground. What is much worse is the attempt of the certain party structures to influence on what we do and what is usually done with half-truths and channels through social networks. So – yes, at this moment there is a huge pressure to editor in chief to resign, but I will not do that. If they don’t like what I do, they should dismiss me. I honestly do not have one single reason why I would be ashamed of being where I am.

How do you comment the way in which local public broadcasters are financed in Montenegro?

Pavlovic: Currently, we do not have a problem in Budva, but that does not mean that it wont be, especially, when we have in mind experience from the previous years when people walked through the municipality with money bags, and workers did not receive wages for 6 months. This is the first time that the budget is so satisfactory that in spite of debt reprogramming, we can close the financial structure by the end of the year. But I am in contact with colleagues from other local public broadcasters and I know that the situation is not good. We all have the same problem – the outdated technique and the lack of people, the lack of understanding of local government that requires more allocation, and even the lack of understanding of the notion of a local public broadcaster – whose function is not and should not be commercial. It is very important to find some model of additional financing, to empower us to write projects directed towards the EU and similar funds and some part of the funds to be returned to local public broadcasters from the RDC, which was abolished.

In your opinion, which event marked the period from September 2017 to the present, regarding the media scene in Montenegro and the position of journalists?

Pavlovic: Shooting at journalist Oliver Lakic, and shifts in the Public Service RTCG are events I remember. Let’s not forget that an explosive device was thrown on the car of journalist Sead Sadikovic. But I also remember the arbitrary writings of individual media aimed at someone’s discrediting, tendentious titles. I am afraid that the media in our country are becoming more and more frequent instrument for dealing with opponents, no matter from what political spectrum they come from. Personally, I think that the concentration of ownership over certain media increases and that it leads us to a general tabloidization of society.

How often do you use confidential sources? Is the confidentiality of sources respected? Have you ever been asked to reveal it? How often do you use confidential sources? Is the confidentiality of sources respected? Have you ever been asked to disclose the sources and is it justified in the public interest? How was this case resolved?

Pavlovic: I use trusted sources when I have a chance to do so. For example, we first announced that Predrag Jelusic would be the president of Democratic party of socialist board of Budva, although his name was not mentioned as the name of the candidate for that position at the elections held in early March for party organs at the local level. Confidentiality is respected, but there have been no pressures so far to discover their names, and we wouldn’t do so – especially since the information we provided was correct.

How do you evaluate the openness of key institutions in Montenegro – the government, the parliament, the courts and the prosecutor’s offices? Have you noticed changes in their attitude towards the media (in terms of the openness of these media institutions)?

Pavlovic: Since we are a local public broadcaster, we do not communicate with the state authorities so often. But from our experience – we have excellent cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, and the worst cooperation with the Ministry of Health.

Regional media between professionalism and commercial interests


During the period of last twenty years in former Yugoslavia, media have been going through the transitional process which globally contained lack of professionalism as a common issue they have all been sharing, including low-quality level and other values, as far as the concept of media content, is concerned.

Profit has thus become a crucial reason for the existence of media houses and perhaps, the biggest problem for most media houses in the region has become the emerging of pluralism and lack of competition, so the media contents, it is almost every single media house, has been identic in all former Yugoslavia countries. Numerous data indicated that the biggest crisis of journalism, after World War II is still present and that it has particularly been outlined in Europe. Crisis devastated many media houses and its consequences have not been conditioned just by mere shutting off certain media houses, but instead, (which in this particular case is more significant), the crisis results produced the introduction and emerging of vast tabloid and commercial – based media houses.

Globalization process caused significant changes in media sphere and as most highlighted of all, it is certainly the fact that media houses have become an industry. Media programs are no longer edited for providing the general public with the common good and necessary information, at least not in the socially responsible way; their primary goal has become profit-making by all means. The nature of media contents has certainly changed and the responsibility for media deviation could be equally shared between both media entrepreneurs and the general public as well. Media entrepreneurs impose media contents and taking into consideration present state media houses are in (including profit based policies), media entrepreneurs favor engaging insufficient staff, in terms of educational level and these are mostly young people with little or no experience that during a certain period in their career, become key journalists in these media houses.

Journalists often lack educational level and by educational level we consider language and expression of culture and significant level of literacy demonstrated (including both, common and journalism literacy), journalist ethics, which should bound the use of facts, rather than promoting the politics of current governing authorities so in the end, journalism would not become a confrontational process, including conflicts and affairs as well. For some time, reasonable consumers of media contents managed to notice changes in journalism and media. The news is being transferred and posted in a rather new and unique way. The number of illustrations and photos is increasing and headlines and titles are longer, bombastic and sensational. Journalism has narrowed down to mere reporting, easy going and trivial stories, quick news and plenty of photos. Information has become a source of profit-making and its quality, in this sense, has rapidly decreased. Masses are provided with poor quality journalism based on tabloid sort of stories and we could even talk about a rather new trend, namely, the infotainment – bound between the information and entertainment.

Samples of new trends in journalism mainly include the imposing of economic pressures and profit – based motifs by the entrepreneurs so as a result, media imperative is to shock the general public, instead of providing the public with necessary information. Media houses, which should be serving and promoting public words and truths, have become, profit-making companies. Variety among media houses is decreasing on daily basis and the fact is that commercial culture introduced a completely new kind of journalism with media becoming definite public manipulators thorough its most recent kind of journalism. Indicators of media manipulating can be noticed in the following cases:

(1) Short news is demanded;

(2) The significant level of futility and superficiality and

(3) Bizarre contents attract vast general attention.

Media used to send messages, based on their consumption policy, as primary human requirement and necessity. More than ever before, we have been hostages of sensationalism, stereotypes, bizarre contents and commercials. There are almost no media houses in our region that do not broadcast at least one reality show drafted and scheduled in such bizarre way, so that the completely anonymous people are being held in modern and luxurious houses, abandoned farms or deserted island, and those people, taking part in these programs, could eventually become instant TV stars and their popularity would last for as along the reality show itself is on or, on the other hand, their popularity would depend on their ability to survive in extraordinary conditions, but also in creating and making scandal situations. Often in these kinds of media contents, we easily notice the lack of good manners and behavior; we witness plenty of drinking, fighting, sex scenes and even encouraging promiscuity – based behavior.

All good manner values are absolutely becoming relative and in these media programs and any kind of shame are rejected, confessions become subject to irony and so-called striptease manner culture is being promoted as well. Unfortunately, media consumers have accepted the provided thrash and by doing this, they, in fact, make it obvious that measures of good taste have actually become devalued and degraded. It is also evident that media consumers are provided with absolutely every possible thing, in order to increase the audience viewership and thus eventually increase the profit. Damages that these kinds of programs cause must become subject to serious discussions. A large percentage of shows, as mentioned above, including black chronicles, criminal and violence based programs definitely make negative impact and influence on the general public.

Unfortunately, many of these shows result in devastating consequences, when persons, particularly the younger generation, deliberately and intentionally do something (mostly perform and perform certain negative actions and deeds), so they could get to media and be publically exposed. One of these cases recently happened in Croatia, when the little girl was apparently missing. While her desperate parents, the police and the entire public were looking for her, she was hiding at her friend’s houses enjoying the media attention she was getting at the time. In this context and sense, we could talk about the negative consequences that media have on (especially) younger generations. Children and youth need our help in defending themselves from poor media houses and the contents and programs they provide, since they (children and youth) find rather difficult to make a clear distinction between reality and unreal media pictures, including programs and contents they are provided with.

Tabloid biased media and continuous fight for profit-making introduced significant decline of professional standards of journalism and ethics in all regional countries. Almost every regional country in former Yugoslavia displays an ideal environment for mass public manipulation. Bad and poor state in these countries, economic problems, and uncertainty, corrupted politicians, particularly bad legal system, altogether produce acceptable and desirable area for unprofessional and unconscious journalists’ performance, as they constantly face the danger of becoming entertainers, promoters and hidden advertisers, instead of being and acting as professional journalists. Tabloid biased media houses and commercial interests represent one of the most obvious problems in the media field in this particular region. Hunt for new information has unfortunately become merchandise and in this context, media audiences have become consumers.

Media programs contain plenty of contents that encourage criminal, promote pornography, making audience passive, degrade and diminish reading, produce particular futility and superficiality, but also provide significant entertainment programs. On the other hand, the media develop intellectual skills, opinion, emotions, encourage curiosity, motivate and most importantly provide information. In this sense, media may be considered as both harmful on one hand and pragmatic on the other hand. Journalism deontology must become an imperative on one hand and media literacy on the other. Also, it is necessary to design a model in which serious media houses would be clearly separated from other subjects in the market. Such media houses would be treated as bodies whose work is biased towards general public interests, instead of being considered as merchandise. Is there anyone capable of returning serious and professional journalism back to media scene? Journalists, civil society, and the public have a crucial role here.

It is important to have the audience that would require and demand quality media program and serious and professional programs and contents. Finally, we shall quote Viktor Ivancic, former Feral Tribune editor, posted in “BH Dani”, a local weekly magazine, that, in very few sentences described present-day journalism:”Journalism has become a manufacturing entertainment trade, its purpose, goals, and rules have changed; it has become more and more superficial, optimistic and everything has been deprived of criticism (…). The act of informing itself presumes to expose of the daily reading audience to the fire of sensational news, without having any of this news being marked as some kind of priorities; instead, they have become mere constructions of media themselves. Entrepreneurs of media corporations advocate and encourage “content production” with the negation of author’s work which is not being recognized, appreciated and eventually valued and the contents itself is treated something like popcorns or chocolate; easily digested and completely dispensable. Bearing in mind that it is the quantity that is required nowadays, cheap labor is consequently engaged with average literacy level and this low literacy level with many “cheap labor” engaged journalists is already frightening and on a very low level. The entire story becomes this very cheap” (11 July 2008).

This text is a part of E-Bulletin– sixth edition of special serial of BHN online bulletin implemented through the “Media and Public Reputation” (origin. “Mediji i javni ugled”) project, also representing a contribution to public debate regarding the transparency of media ownership and upholding and encouraging the passing of set of laws aimed to advance media field and information market in BiH.

Регионална платформа: Полицијата да реагира и да го заштити Дино Јахиќ


БЕЛГРАД, 03.09.2018 – Регионалната платформа на Западен Балкан за застапување на слободата на медиумите и безбедноста на новинарите која претставува повеќе од 8000 членови, бара итна реакција од страна на надлежните органи за лоцирање и казнување на лицатa кои последните неколку дена му се закануваа на колегата Дино Јахиќ, главен и одговорен уредник на Центарот за истражувачко новинарство на Србија.

Во изминатите десет дена, Дино Јахиќ и неговите колеги од Центарот за истражувачко новинарство на Србија постојано беа изложени на навреди кои подоцна прераснаа во сериозни смртни закани. Покрај негативните коментари и вулгарни навреди, пораките кои му беа испратени на колегата Јахиќ исто така содржат говор на омраза во врска со името и потеклото на новинарот, како и експлицитни смртни закани. Една од пораките кои му беа испратени гласеше: „Треба да ти направиме дупка во черепот“.

Оваа ситуација во која се наоѓа моментално Дино Јахтиќ е директна последица на изјавите на претседателот на Република Српска, Милорад Додик, кој го нападна главниот и одговорен уредник на ЦИНС на 21-ви август, обвинувајќи го дека го води центарот, кој со финансиска поддршка од меѓународни организации, ги уништува политичките структури во регионот, без да даде никакви докази за неговите опасни обвинувања.

„Со години, Здружението на независни новинари на Србија бара од сите актери на политичката сцена да прекинат со заканите, понижувањето и навредите кон новинарите, бидејќи, покрај загрозување на основните принципи на слободните медиуми и демократијата, ваквото однесување иницира вербални закани на социјалните мрежи, а не ретко резултираат и со напади врз новинарите“, рече Славиша Лекиќ, претседател на Независното здружение на новинари на Србија.

Регионалната платформа на Западен Балкан за застапување на слободата на медиумите и безбедноста на новинарите бара од полицијата и обвинителството да ги идентификуваат и санкционираат лицата кои му се заканувале на колегата Јахиќ што е можно поскоро, бидејќи секое одложување на соодветната реакција на надлежните органи отвора простор за натамошно насилство против новинарите.

Според Независното здружение на новинари на Србија (НУНС) овој случај е 18-ти регистриран напад врз новинарите во 2018 година во Србија.

Секој напад врз новинарите е напад врз јавниот интерес, демократијата и правата на сите граѓани.

Скопје-Белград-Подгорица-Приштина-Сараево-Загреб, 03.09.2018.

BH Journalists Association

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

Policija da reaguje i zaštiti Dina Jahiću


BEOGRAD, 31.08.2018. – Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbjednosti novinara, koja predstavlja više od 8.000 članova traži hitnu reakciju nadležnih organa u pronalaženju i kažnjavanju osoba koje su u prethodnih nekoliko dana upućivale prijetnje smrću kolegi Dinu Jahiću glavnom i odgovornom uredniku Centra za istraživačko novinarstvo Srbije (CINS).

Dino Jahić i njegove kolege i koleginice iz redakcije Centra za istraživačko novinarstvo Srbije u prethodnih deset dana kontinuirano su izloženi uvredama koje su u jednom momentu prerasle u ozbiljne prijetnje smrću. Osim negativnih komentara, vulgarnih uvreda, poruke sadrže i govor mržnje na račun imena i porijekla kolege Jahića, ali i eksplicitne prijetnje smrću npr. da mu treba napraviti promaju u lobanji.

Ova situacija u kojoj su se našao kolega direktna je posljedica obraćanja  predsjednika Republike Srpske, Milorada Dodika koji je 21. augusta napao glavnog i odgovornog urednika CINS-a, optužujući ga da rukovodi centrom koji uz finansijsku podršku međunarodnih organizacija ruši političke strukture u regionu, pri tom ne iznoseći nikakve dokaze za svoje opasne optužbe.

“NUNS godinama zahtijeva od svih aktera političke scene da prestanu sa prijetnjama, ponižavanjima i uvredama koje upućuju novinarima jer, osim što time ugrožavaju osnovne principe slobodnih medija i demokratije, takvim ponašanjem iniciraju verbalne i prijetnje na društvenim mrežama, a nerijetko i napade na novinare“, rekao je ovim povodom Slaviša Lekić, predsjednik Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije (NUNS).

Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara zahtijeva da policija i tužilaštvo identifikuju i sankcionišu osobe koje su prijetile kolegi Jahiću u što kraćem vremenskom roku jer svako odlaganje adekvatne reakcije nadležnih organa otvara prostor za dalje nasilje nad novinarima.

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije je registrovalo ovaj slučaj kao 18 napad na novinare u 2018. godini.

Svaki napad na novinare je napad na javni interes, demokratiju i prava svih građana.

Udruženje BH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

Policija da reaguje i zaštiti Dina Jahića


BELGRADE, 31.08.2018. – Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zastupanje slobode medija i bezbjednosti novinara, koja predstavlja više od 8.000 članova traži hitnu reakciju nadležnih organa u pronalaženju i kažnjavanju osoba koje su u prethodnih nekoliko dana upućivale prijetnje smrću kolegi Dinu Jahiću glavnom i odgovornom uredniku Centra za istraživačko novinarstvo Srbije (CINS).

Dino Jahić i njegove kolege i koleginice iz redakcije Centra za istraživačko novinarstvo Srbije u prethodnih deset dana kontinuirano su izloženi uvredama koje su u jednom momentu prerasle u ozbiljne prijetnje smrću. Osim negativnih komentara, vulgarnih uvreda, poruke sadrže i govor mržnje na račun imena i porijekla kolege Jahića, ali i ekplicitne prijetnje smrću npr. “da mu treba napraviti promaju u lobanji”.

Ova situacija u kojoj se našao kolega direktna je posljedica obraćanja  predsjednika Republike Srpske, Milorada Dodika koji je 21. avgusta napao glavnog i odgovornog urednika CINS-a, optužujući ga da rukovodi centrom koji uz finansijsku podršku međunarodnih organizacija ruši političke strukture u regionu, pri tom ne iznoseći nikakve dokaze za svoje opasne optužbe.

“NUNS godinama zahtijeva od svih aktera političke scene da prestanu sa prijetnjama, ponižavanjima i uvredama koje upućuju novinarima jer, osim što time ugrožavaju osnovne principe slobodnih medija i demokratije, takvim ponašanjem iniciraju verbalne i prijetnje na društvenima mrežama, a nerijetko i napade na novinare“, rekao je ovim povodom Slaviša Lekić, predsjednik Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije (NUNS).

Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zastupanje slobode medija i bezbjednosti novinara zahtijeva da policija i tužilaštvo identifikuju i sankcionišu osobe koje su prijetile kolegi Jahiću u što kraćem vremenskom roku jer svako odlaganje adekvatne reakcije nadležnih organa otvara prostor za dalje nasilje nad novinarima.

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije je registrovalo ovaj slučaj kao 18 napad na novinare u 2018. godini.

Svaki napad na novinare je napad na javni interes, demokratiju i prava svih građana.

Skoplje – Beograd – Podgorica – Priština – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 31.08.2018.

Udruženje BH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije



Regional platform: Police to react and protect Dino Jahic


BELGRADE, 31.08.2018 – Western Balkans Regional Platform for advocacy media freedom and journalists’ safety, which represents more than 8000 members, demand an urgent reaction by competent authorities to locate and punish persons who have threatened colleague Dino Jahic, editor-in-chief of the Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia, in the past few days.

In the past ten days, Dino Jahic and his colleagues  from Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia have been constantly exposed to insults that, at one moment, turned into serious death threats. Apart from negative comments, vulgar insults, the messages also contain hate speech regarding the name and origin of colleague Jahić, as well as explicit death threats, e.g. that it should be made  a hole in his skull.

This situation in which is Dino Jahic now is a direct consequence of the statements of issued by the president of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, who attacked the editor-in-chief of CINS on August 21, accusing him of leading the center, which, with the financial support of international organizations, demolishes the political structures in the region, without providing any evidence for his dangerous allegations.

„For years, Independent Journalists Association of Serbia  demandes from all actors of the political scene to stop threats, humiliation and insults that are directed to journalists because, in addition to endangering the basic principles of free media and democracy, such behavior initiates verbal and threats on social networks, not rarely and attacks on journalists ” said Slavisa Lekic, president of Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia.

Western Balkans Regional Platform for advocacy media freedom and journalists’ safety requires from police and prosecutor office to identify and sanction the persons who threatened colleague Jahic as soon as possible, because any delay in the proper reaction of the competent authorities opens up space for further violence against journalists.

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia (IJAS) registered this case as the 18th attack on journalists in 2018.

The attack and threat to journalists is a direct attack on freedom of expression and the right of citizens to be informed.

Every attack on journalists is an attack on the public interest, democracy and rights of all citizens.

Skopje – Belgrade – Podgorica – Prishtina – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 31.08.2018.

BH Journalists Association

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Independent Journalists Association Serbia

Policija da reaguje i zaštiti Dina Jahića


BEOGRAD, 31.08.2018. – Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara, koja predstavlja više od 8.000 članova traži hitnu reakciju nadležnih organa u pronalaženju i kažnjavanju osoba koje su u prethodnih nekoliko dana upućivale pretnje smrću kolegi Dinu Jahiću glavnom i odgovornom uredniku Centra za istraživačko novinarstvo Srbije (CINS).

Dino Jahić i njegove kolege i koleginice iz redakcije Centra za istraživačko novinarstvo Srbije u prethodnih deset dana kontinuirano su izloženi uvredama koje su u jednom momentu prerasle u ozbiljne pretnje smrću. Osim negativnih komentara, vulgarnih uvreda, poruke su sadrže i govor mržnje na račun imena i porekla kolege Jahića, ali i ekplicitne pretnje smrću npr. da mu treba napraviti promaju u lobanji.

Ova situacija kojoj su se našao kolega direktna je posledica obraćanja  predsednika Republike Srpske, Milorada Dodika koji je 21. avgusta napao glavnog i odgovornog urednika CINS-a, optužujući ga da rukovodi centrom koji uz finansijsku podršku međunarodnih organizacija ruši političke strukture u regionu, pri tom ne iznoseći nikakve dokaze za svoje opasne optužbe.

“NUNS godinama zahteva od svih aktera političke scene da prestanu sa pretnjama, ponižavanjima i uvredama koje upućuju novinarima jer, osim što time ugrožavaju osnovne principe slobodnih medija i demokratije, takvim ponašanjem iniciraju verbalne i pretnje na društvenima mrežama, a neretko i napade na novinare“, rekao je ovim povodom Slaviša Lekić, predsednik Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije (NUNS).

Regionalna platforma Zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i bezbednosti novinara zahteva da policija i tužilaštvo identifikuju i sankcionišu osobe koje su pretile kolegi Jahiću u što kraćem vremenskom roku jer svako odlaganje adekvatne reakcije nadležnih organa otvara prostor za dalje nasilje nad novinarima.

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije je registrovalo ovaj slučaj kao 18 napad na novinare u 2018. godini.

Svaki napad na novinare je napad na javni interes, demokratiju i prava svih građana.

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