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Debate over the Fund for financial support of media pluralism


PODGORICA 24.07.2018. – Work on the new Media Act is in progress, and main debate in working group occur over the Fund for financial support of media pluralism. 

The Directorate for Media claims that the existing differences are not essential, and that the law will make progress in this area. Non-governmental sector, however, believes that the law has good solutions, but that they aren’t the key to the progress.

The director of the Directorate for the Media and the president of the working group Zeljko Rutovic said that the draft of the law has a number of new democratic institutes: the Fund for financial support of the media, obligatory journalists attention, protection of the rights of journalists, definition of Internet media. He adds that the new law will make progress in creating an atmosphere for free media work.

“It is important for us here as a proposer, as the Government of Montenegro, to be in line with high international practice and that it has its own monitoring in the final expertise of the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the European Commission,” Rutovic says for Radio-Television of Montenegro.

A member of working group, representing NGO sector, Ana Nenezić,  does not believe that the law will make significant changes, although she says it has good solutions, especially regarding the protection of journalists.

She stressed that the first thing to do, before changing the law, was to analyze the situation and to identify the key problems.

“And then we will really be able to contribute and create the ground for the work of the media, rather than simulating the reform and making the solutions that are necessary but not crucial at this time in order to be able to make some progress”, Nenezic said.

Rutović explains that, although the working group has largely agreed, the views on the Fund for Financial Support to the Media are different, but, as he claims, do not undermine the concept.

“Certain subjects consider that the Government and the Ministry of Culture should be responsible for money distribution. Our opinion is opposite. We think that, according to the Council of Europe’s current recommendation, this is the issue for functional operational autonomy of the independent regulator and independent commissions”, Rutovic said.

Nenezic points out that the foundation of the Fund is an opportunity to provide access to information on the way the state distributes money to the media.

“We did not come to the understanding of the working group to discuss about criteria and how will we distribute this money”, Nenezic said.

Marijana Camovic from the Trade Union of Media criticizes the decision to allocate money unconditionally to the printed media, and advocates project financing.

“The media should be helped, but we need to know why, what they offer in return, and why it is important that a particular media for particular program and content gets citizens’ money”, said Camovic.

She emphasizes that the new law should eliminate self-censorship and guarantee journalists freedom to work in the public interest.
In the Directorate for Media, they conclude that the speed of passing laws will not be an imperative in terms of quality. They add that the public debate on the draft law will be held in autumn, while the Government will determine the proposal by the end of the year.

AJK calls on institutions to investigate allegations against Tribuna Media Group


PRISTINA, 23.07.2018 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is concerned with reporting in a media related to non-payment of salaries and the violation to other labur rights by Tribuna Media Group towards its journalists, cameraman and producers, who have worked and those who continue to work for this media.

AJK called on the country’s institutions, namely the Labour Inspectorate and the State Prosecution to investigate these allegations where journalists were not paid for their work, and there were also mistreatment and violation of their labour rights by the media owners of “Tribuna Media Group”.

The Association expresses its willingness to assist all affected colleagues who have been subject to any violation and denial of their rights so that they can follow legal channels to the relevant institutions.

More than a year ago, AJK dealt with similar complain from a group of cameramen from “Tribuna Media Group” that it did not compensate them for the work they did. The case was submitted to the Labour Inspectorate and now the case
is within the Basic Court of Pristina.

AJK invites all journalists that are dealing with such situation to report their cases. AJK remains committed in the protection of journalists’ rights and freedom.

Advokat: Cvetković ne može u Beograd, ima zabranu napuštanja boravišta


BELA CRKVA, 23.07.2018. – Novinar Stefan Cvetković iz Bele Crkve ne bi trebalo da krene za Beograd da danas u podne da održi konferenciju za medije, jer ima sudsku zabranu napuštanja mesta boravišta i moguće je da će biti priveden, izjavio je njegov advokat Gordan Medaković.

“On ne može da izadje iz Bele Crkve dok se to rešenje ne promeni. Ukoliko prekrši sudsku zabranu, postoji mogućnost da ode u pritvor. Uložićemo žalbu na to rešenje, ali ja mu ne savetujem da krene za Beograd”, rekao je Medaković agenciji Beta.

Stefan Cvetković je rekao da će bez obzira na meru zabrane naći načina da se obrati javnosti, “makar putem interneta”.

On je ranije najavio da će na konferenciji za novinare u Beogradu govoriti i o tome “kako funkcioniše sprega kvazipolitike organizovanog kriminala i kriminalne propagande u Srbiji”.

Cvetković je ranije agenciji Beta rekao da će na konferenciji izneti sve detalje od interesa za javnost, uključujući i njegove navode da su u sredu uveče pucali na njegov automobil.

Ministar unutrašnjih poslova Nebojša Stefanović izjavio je da je slučaj novinara iz Bele Crkve Stefana Cvetkovića “veoma neobičan”.

On je dodao da se u najmanju ruku mnogo toga ne slaže u izjavama koje je Cvetković dao na saslušanju.

Stefanović je podsetio da Bela Crkva nije toliko mala da niko ne bi čuo pucanj da ga je bilo, a kamoli više pucnjeva ili rafal.

“Malo je čudno, nema ni čaure, ni svedoka, ni tragova od metaka, u najmanju ruku mnogo toga se ne slaže, ali ćemo sačekati rezultate. Nameće se zaključak da se nešto ne slaže ni sada, ni u slučaju otmice tokom koje je Cvetković telefonirao i slao poruke i naveo da su ga otmičari na kraju pitali gde želi da ga ostave”, rekao je Stefanović.

Novinar iz Bele Crkve naveo je da su u sredu uveče nepoznate osobe pucale na njega, a da ga je zatim sutradan oko 11 časova policija privela da da izjavu u svojstvu gradjanina.

U Višem javnom tužilaštvu u Pančevu je rečeno da je to tužilaštvo formiralo predmet i pokrenulo predistražni postupak.

Cvetković je nestao sredinom prošlog meseca i pojavio se nakon dva dana, tvrdeći da je kidnapovan.

U potragu za Cvetkovićem tada su bili uključeni pripadnici Žandarmerije, BIA, kriminalističke policije, ronioci, a angažovana su i dva helikoptera Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova.

Medjutim, Osnovno javno tužilaštvo u Vršcu i Više javno tužilaštvo u Pančevu su protiv novinara iz Bele Crkve pokrenuli istragu i podigli krivičnu prijavu zbog lažnog prijavljivanja otmice.

U okviru te istrage, njemu je u petak oduzet pasoš.

Mitrovica Mayor threatens and offends a journalist


PRISTINA, 23.07.2018 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo was informed by its member, journalist Shkumbin Kajtazi that he received threats from Mitrovica Mayor, Agim Bahtiri.

Kajtazi stated that Bahtiri called him on the phone and started to offend and threaten him.

The threat against journalist Kajtazi came as the result of his story published in Gazeta Metro in which he wrote about an employment of a young woman in Mitrovica municipality in which she became chief of cabinet of Mayor Bahtiri.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo asks from police and prosecution to treat this case with prirority and bring the perpetrator in front of justice.

We remind that this is the 13th case against journalists that happened since the beginning of this year.

SPPO partially renounced the indictment against journalist Zoran Bozhinovski


SKOPJE, 23.07.2018 – The Special Public Prosecutor’s Office (SPPO) partially renounced the indictment against journalist Zoran Bozhinovski, who will be charged for three criminal offenses of five points instead of three criminal offenses of six points.

The SPPO, which took over the competence in the “Spy” case in March this year, renounced from point 27, because in the indictment the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Corruption, which has so far acted on the case, did not provide a legal qualification for the criminal offense.

In the response of the SPPO to the questions of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) regarding the case of Bozhinovski, it is said that the item refers to the act of another person for whom this person has already been convicted. The court has already been informed about this, and it is expected to bring a decision to stop the procedure for that point.

The Public Prosecutor’s office for prosecuting organized crime and corruption never gave an explanation to AJM to why by March this year it refused to recognize the competence of the SPPO over the “Spy” case.

Pink M Television changed its owner


PODGORICA 20.07.2018. – The Council of the Agency for Electronic Media (SAEM) has approved the change in the ownership structure of the Pink M Television, which will be taken over by the company Direct Media d.o.o. from Belgrade.

That means Pink International Company will give all 100 percent ownership of this television.
Planned change in ownership structure, as announced by the Council, would not lead to violations of the provisions of the Electronic Media Act.

Also, the Agency Council also adopted the Financial Operations Report of the Agency for Electronic Media for the first half of this year.
In the first half of the year, the Agency earned a revenue of EUR 473,010.58 with a total expense of EUR 385,824.83, which means that a positive difference of EUR 87,185.75 was achieved.

Condemnation of the incident with the photo-reporters in the Parliamentary Club


SKOPJE, 19.07.2018 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia condemns yesterday’s incident in the Parliamentary Club where the police for security reasons prevented photo-reporters from trying to capture the moment of the arrival of party representatives at a leadership meeting, and the head of the government’s Public Relations Service Marjan Zabrcanec sent inappropriate comments to media workers because they reacted to thоse restrictions.

We warn that these incidents represent a direct attack on the freedom of the media and they are an attempt to criminalize the work of the journalists, who are presented to the public as dangerous people. Additionally, such unnecessary incidents seriously compromise the commitment of the new government for transparent and accountable governance and return us the shadows of the past.

If there were security reasons for the introduction of a new practice of monitoring public events, then the police should timely notify the photographers and cameramen and provide an alternative way of covering these events without causing confusion and nervousness among media workers.

We emphasize that it is Government’s responsibility to provide free access to media workers to all events of public interest and to ensure good working conditions without any pressures or threats. Any different behavior will not improve the state of the freedom of speech and will keep Macedonia at the bottom of the world lists for these freedoms.

Slučaj Cvetković: Tužilaštvo formiralo predmet o pucnjavi


BEOGRAD, 19.07.2018. – Novinar iz Bele Crkve Stefan Cvetković izjavio je da je ponovo dobio policijsko obezbeđenje, nakon što su, kako tvrdi, u sredu uveče nepoznate osobe pucale na njega, a da ga je zatim oko 11 sati policija privela da da izjavu u svojstvu građanina.

U Višem javnom tužilaštvu u Pančevu agenciji Beta je rečeno da je to tužilaštvo pokrenulo postupak.

“Povodom informacija koje su objavljene u medijima da je pucano na automobil u kojem se nalazio novinar Stefan Cvetković iz Bele Crkve, VJT u Pančevu je formiralo predmet i pokrenulo predistražni postupak u kojem će se Policijskoj upravi Pančevo staviti zahtev za prikupljanje obaveštenja i zatražiti provera svih informacija objavljenih u medijima”, piše u saopštenju koje je dostavljeno Beti, a koje je potpisala portparolka VJT Slavica Crveni Bubnjević.

Stefan Cvetković je agenciji Beta jutros rekao da je nakon sinoćne pucnjave dobio policijsko obezbeđenje, a potom i da ga je policija oko 11 sati privela uz obrazloženje da treba da da izjavu u svojstvu građanina.

Cvetković je na svom Fejsbuk profilu objavio snimak privođenja

Serbian journalist reports firearms attack


BELGRADE, 19.07.2018. – Serbian journalist Stefan Cvetkovic reported a firearms attack on his car on Wednesday evening, the Beta news agency said.

  Cvetkovic drew media attention twice over the past few weeks, first when he disappeared and later claimed he had been abducted in mid-June and again more recently when he was assaulted by a man he said was a drug dealer in his home town of Bela Crkva.

He told the Beta news agency that “automatic weapons fire” was opened on his car from a vehicle behind it just outside Bela Crkva and added that a friend who was with him returned fire stopping the other car.

Cvetkovic and his friend were not injured in the incident but he said there are bullet holes in his car.