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Sundic initiated the procedure for the dismissal of Micunovic


PODGORICA 15.06.2018. – Acting Director General of Radio-Television of Montenegro (RTCG), Bozidar Sundic, initiated a procedure for the dismissal of Vladan Micunovic from the position of director of the Television of Montenegro.

The initiation is reasoned by the contract on the business cooperation of the Public Service with the NGO Center for Civic Education, the failure to implement the Program and Production Plan of the Television of Montenegro (TVCG) for 2018, and by the omissions when publishing data on the ratings of electronic media in Montenegro. Micunovic was elected director of TVCG in June 2017.

The Media Center invited earlier the members of the Radio-television of Montenegro (RTCG) Council to resign without delay and mitigate personal and collective bouts after the Council’s announcement addressed to the European Commission, the US and the OSCE, said their President Dragoljub Vuković.

The Media Center believes that Council continue of the role of that body initiated in the Parliament of Montenegro by the political-motivated action of dismissal of unsuitable members. Recently, representatives of the European Union, the OSCE and the United State Department reacted to the dismissal of the Director General of the Public Service, Adrijana Kadija, stating that it is a  threat to freedom and independence of the media. The RTCG Council reacted calling this statements “unfounded”.

“After the replacement of the former President of the Council, Vladimir Pavićević, politically motivated illegal decisions on the dismissal of Director General Andriana Kadija and, finally, the election of Bozidar Šundić for the General Director “, said Vukovic.

He remarks that the RTCG Council did not react even when a member of that body, Goran Sekulović, biographer of the DPS president, called the management “enemies of the state”.

“The RTCG Council, by its action, supported by the decisions of the majority in the Assembly, became a cartoon and was deprived of any legitimacy to manage the good of all citizens,” Vuković said.

The RTCG Council recently dismissed the Director General of the Public Service Andrijana Kadija.

Milo Drašković, Slobodan Pajović, Igor Tomić, Dragana Tripković, Ivan Jovetić and Goran Sekulović voted for it. Against was Milan Radovic and Perko Vukotic.

Božidar Šundić was elected as acting Director General, with five votes of support.


OEBS zabrinut zbog nestanka novinara u Beloj Crkvi


BEČ, 15.06.2018. – Predstavnik OEBS-a za slobodu medija Harlem Dezir izrazio je zabrinutost zbog sinoćnog nestanka novinara iz Bele Crkve, Stefana Cvetkovića.

OEBS u saopštenju navodi da je, “po policiji koja je već započela istragu, Cvetkovićev automobil nađen u Beloj Crkvi sa otvorenim vratima i uključenim svetlima”, kao i da “novinari koji su pokušali da ga kontaktiraju prijavljuju da su svi njegovi mobilni telefoni isključeni”.

“Ja sam duboko zabrinut zbog nestanka Cvetkovića i pozivam srpske vlasti da učine sve kako bi ga našle”, rekao je Dezir, “pozdravljajući to što je policija rasporedila značajne resurse i što predsednik (Srbije Aleksandar) Vučić pažljivo prati taj slučaj”.

Cvetković je, piše u saopštenju OEBS, “u poslednje vreme navodno radio na priči povezanoj s ubistvom političara Olivera Ivanovića na Kosovu januara ove godine”.

Cvetković je već bio meta pretnji, a uz to je, navodi OEBS, “marta prošle godine osuđen u Osnovnom sudu u Vršcu na dve godine i tri meseca zatvora i novčanu kaznu od 2.150.000. dinara po tužbi tri lokalna političara”, ali je tu presudu poništio Vrhovni sud.

Dezir je naglasio da su zabrinutost zbog nestanka Cvetkovića izrazila mnoga novinarska udruženja i fondacije, uključujući UNS, NUNS, NDNV, LP, AM, ANEM, AOM i Fondaciju Slavko Ćuruvija.

OSCE worried about missing journalist, search go on at dawn


VIENNA, 15.06.2018. – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media said on Thursday he was concerned following the disappearance of Serbia’s journalist, and police called off the search for the night saying it would continue early on Friday.

Harlem Désir said he was “deeply worried by Stefan Cvetkovic’s disappearance” and urged  Serbia’s authorities to do their utmost to find him.

He added he welcomed the fact that the police had deployed substantial resources and that President Aleksandar Vucic was closely following the case.

The divers aborted the search for Cvetkovic late on Thursday and would continue at dawn on Friday, Interior Ministry told N1.

They explored the lakes and canals near Bela Crkva, the northern Serbia’s town where  Cvetkovic went missing from late last night.

A police statement said his car was found parked with the doors open and lights on, adding that a search was underway.

The car engine was still running, and witnesses confirmed that his watch was found with the bracelet broken next to the car. Friends who tried to call him said his mobile phones were turned off.

Serbia’s special police force the Gendarmes started looking for Cvetkovic on the ground around the lakes and helicopters helped from the air.

Cvetkovic’s disappearance caused severe concern, and two independent journalists’ associations demanded on Thursday a thorough police search for him, adding that he had complained about threats he had been receiving during the last decade.

EFJ and IFJ concerned by disappearance of Serbian journalist Stefan Cvetković


BRUSSELS, 15.06.2018. – European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ and IFJ) expressed a deep concern regarding the disappearance of a Serbian journalist Stefan Cvetković on the night between 13th and 14th of June 2018, as reported by the local authorities.

Stefan Cvetković has been reported missing on the night between 13th and 14th of June 2018 in the Vojvodina town of Bela Crkva. Local police confirmed that journalist’s car was found parked with doors open and light on. Witnesses confirmed that his wristwatch was found with the bracelet broken next to it, and mobile phones switched off. Serbian authorities are sweeping the territory surrounding the place where the car was found, engaging divers, police dogs and special forces.

The EFJ-IFJ joined its Serbian affiliates, the Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS), the Independent Journalists’ Association (NUNS) and the Journalists’ Union of Serbia (SINOS), in their call for the local police authorities and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to take necessary measures in the searching operation.

In the recent years, Stefan Cvetković has publicly complained regarding the received threats from criminal and political circles in Serbia. On 19th of May 2018 Stefan Cvetković publicly stated that he had been detained for six hours the Kosovo authorities on the administrative border crossing for questioning regarding his connections related to investigation on the murder of the politician Oliver Ivanović under the orders of the special prosecutor investigating the same murder.

Pretnje Stefanu Cvetkoviću


BELA CRKVA, 15.06.2018. – U noći između 13. i 14. juna u vojvođanskom gradu Bela Crkva prijavljen je nestanak novinara Stefana Cvetkovića. Lokalna policija je potvrdila da je automobil Cvetkovića pronađen parkiran sa otvorenim vratima i upaljenim svetlima. Mediji su izvestili da je automobil još uvek bio upaljen i da su svedoci potvrdili da je pronađen i Cvetkovićev ručni sat sa pokidanom narukvicom. Njegovi mobilni telefoni su isključeni.

Srpska policija trenutno pretražuje teritoriju gde je nađen Cvetkovićev auto. Angažovane su specijalne jedinice, ronioci i psi tragači.

Iako je Cvetković poznat po pisanju o različitim temama, njegovo istraživanje ubistva Olivera Ivanovića, lokalnog srpskog političara na Kosovu, dovela ga je opet u žižu javnosti. Po povratku sa Kosova u maju bio je zadržan šest sati od strane kosovske policije zbog kontakata koje je napravio u toku istraživanja na kom je radio.

Cvetkoviću je ranije prećeno zbog novinarskog rada, često od strane lokalnih zvaničnika. Jednom prilikom je njegov telefon polomljen, a u drugom slučaju mu je oštećen auto pošto su ga lokalni zvaničnici obeležili “legitimnom metom” i “stranim plaćenikom”.

„Stefan Cvetković je prijavio niz pretnji koje su dolazile iz raznih kriminalnih i političkih krugova u Srbiji” – rekao je Slaviša Lekić, predsednik Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije “Njegov nestanak mora biti prioritet lokalne policije i Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova. Zahtevamo angažovanje svih resursa u nadi da će Cvetković biti nađen nepovređen. “

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije vodi bazu podataka napada na i pritisaka na novinare. Informacije se skupljaju iz medija (javno dostpune informacije o incidentima) ili kroz mehanizam koji omogućava novinarima da prijave incident Udruženju.

Stefan Cvetkovic je do sada prijavio sedam slučajeva verbalnog i fizičkog zastrašivanja i napada:

1. Pretnje smrću, 15.12.2016

Stefan Cvetković nas je obavestio da je u ranim jutarnjim satima, kada je krenuo na put, na vozilu video napisanu poruku “mrtav”. On sumnja da preteća poruka može da ima veze sa njegovim izveštavanjam o kriminalnom skladištenju i spaljivanju opasnog otpada u Beloj Crkvi.

Na osnovu saznanja tužilaštvo se izjasnilo da smatra da nema elemenata krivičnog dela te da se o događaju sačini službena beleška. I pored toga što događaj, po instrukciji OJT-a, ne sadrži elemente krivičnog dela policijski službenici prikupljaju obaveštenja i preduzimaju druge mere i radnje u cilju razjašnjenja istog.

NUNS nema informacije o trenutnom statusu slučaja.

2. Pretnje i napad na imovinu, 30.01.2016

Zamenik predsednika opštine Bela Crkva Marjan Aleksić uputio je pretnje i polomio mobilni telefon Stefanu Cvetkoviću. Očevici su rekli da se incident dogodio u restoranu Dunavski cvet u mestu Stara Palanka, dvadesetak kilometara od Bele Crkve. Prema njihovim navodima, Aleksić je prišao stolu, za kojim je Cvetković sedeo sa kolegama novinarima iz Produkcione grupe “Mreža” iz Beograda, i verbalno mu pretio. Kada je primetio da je Cvetković uključio telefon da bi snimio pretnje, Aleksić mu je polupao displej na uređaju.

Liga socijaldemokrata Vojvodine oštro je osudila napad i pretnje koje je novinaru Stefanu Cvetkoviću uputio zamenik predsednika Opštine Bela Crkva Marjan Aleksić.

Cvetković nije prijavio incident policiji.

3. Napad na imovinu, 21.12.2015

Novinar iz Bele Crkve Stefan Cvetković izjavio je da su mu nepoznati počinioci u subotu polupali automobil, i to nakon što su ga lokalni funkcioneri označili kao “legitimnu metu”, proglašavajući ga “stranim plaćenikom”.

Kao drastičan slučaj takvih verbalnih napada Cvetković navodi postupak pomoćnika predsednika opštine Jovana Daje, koji je više puta tokom poslednjih mesec dana na lokalnom radiju ustvrdio da je “Stefan Cvetković strani plaćenik koji se finasira sredstvima Soroš fondacije sa sedištem u Frankfurtu”.

Cvetković je incident prijavio policiji.

NUNS nema informacije o trenutnom statusu slučaja.

4. Pretnje smrću, 13.08.2015

Cvetković je izjavio da je u poslednjih desetak dana primio veliki broj pretnji smrću njemu i njegovoj porodici. Prve anonimne ‘prijateljske sugestije’ da ne bi trebalo da ‘čačka’ zloupotrebe u Fondu za kapitalne investicije Vojvodine. Kasnije počinju stalne pretnje putem interneta i telefonom. Prete mu klanjem, ubistvom, lomljenjem kičme, ubistvom deteta, odsecanjem jezika, lomljenjem prstiju”..

Cvetković je pretnje prijavio policiji 13. avgusta. “Odmah posle nemilog događaja dao sam izjavu u policiji u Beloj Crkvi. Nedugo potom dao sam, kako mi je rečeno, po nalogu ministra policije, dopunu izjave. Tom prilikom mi je rečeno da je oformljen tim koji se bavi time. Posle dve nedelje imao sam poziv iz kabineta ministra policije, kada mi je saopšteno da je slučaj u delu telefonskih pretnji rešen i da će se učiniti sve da se otkrije ko je to uradio, kao i da se po tome se intenzivno postupa”, izjavio nam je kolega Cvetković. On je dodao da mu je iz “PU Pančevo rečeno da ima stalni povišeni nivo nadzora nad porodicom”, i da ga policija “kontaktira na desetak dana”.

“U policiji mi je rečeno da sam meta za pretnje bio što sam na konferenciji za novinare postavio pitanje u vezi sa radom Fonda za kapitalne investicije Vojvodine i da su telefon sa koga su one stigle koristila lica koja su bila lišena slobode i osumničena da su oštetila Fond”, precizirao je on. Cvetković je još naveo da ga je što se tiče pretnji putem interneta, “tužilaštvo za visokotehnološki kriminal obavestilo da se radi na tome”, te da je “suženo polje ko bi to mogao da učini”. On je još kazao da je “prijatno iznenađen reakcijom policije u vezi sa ovim slučajem”.

NUNS nema informacije o trenutnom statusu slučaja.

5. Pretnje smrću, fizički napad, 15.05.2015

Cvetković je rekao da ga je muškarac prvo veče ranije vređao i pretio mu da “ne piše o stvarima o kojima ne treba da piše”.

“Pretio mi je smrću, polio me pićem, pljunuo me. Jutros su se pretnje telefonskim putem nastavile. Prijavio sam ga policiji, a kada sam danas izlazio iz policije, on me je sačekao ispred zgrade i ponovo me napao, nakon čega ga je policija privela”, kazao je Cvetković. On je dodao da sumnja da mu je taj muškarac pretio jer je pisao o laboratorijama za uzgajanje skanka u blizini Bele Crkve.

Srđan Zlatanović je osuđen na kaznu zatvora od 6 meseci koja se neće izvršiti ako okrivljeni u roku od 2 godine ne izvrši novo krivično delo.

Baza NUNS-a beleži i dva incidenta protiv Cvetkovića iz 2008. godine:

6. 19.07.2008 – Bivši policajac Marko Pavlović najpre je pretio Stefanu Cvetkoviću, glavnom urednika RTV TNT iz Bele Crkve, a potom ga i pretukao. Incident se dogodio u restoranu u Beloj Crkvi, gde je Cvetković večerao sa svojom devojkom. Pavlović mu je prišao i udario ga pesnicom u glavu. Razlog napada je snimak koji je emitovala najpre RTV TNT, a onda i B92, i na kojem se vidi kako Pavlović – koji je u to vreme bio policajac – konzumira narkotike. Posle emitovanja tog snimka, Pavlović je suspendovan. Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije (NUNS) i Nezavisno društvo novinara Vojvodine (NDNV) osudili su napad na glavnog urednika TNT-a i ocenili da su novinari u lokalnim sredinama veoma ugroženi: „Sa bojazni se pitamo šta će biti sledeće ukoliko organi gonjenja na vreme ne sankcionišu počinioce napada. Novinari u lokalnim sredinama daleko su više ugroženi nego novinari u Beogradu ili u Novom Sadu. Daleko od očiju javnosti, lokalni moćnici osećaju se dovoljno zaštićenim da pokušavaju da diriguj uredničkim politikama lokalnih medija, a svako ko se tome suprotstavi postaje meta napada.“

7. 04.05.2008 – Na manifestaciji „Gulašijada“ u selu Dupljaja (pokraj Bele Crkve), vlasnika i glavnog urednika nezavisne RTV TNT iz Bele Crkve, Stefana Cvetkovića, napalo je dvadesetak ljudi. Cvetković je pokušao da snimi tu grupu kako provocira i psuje lidera Lige Socijaldemokrata Vojvodine, Nenada Čanka. Pošto su videli da ih snima, pojedinci iz te grupe su krenuli ka Cvetkoviću, pogodili flašom televizijsku kameru i nekoliko puta ga udarili. Ubrzo je stigla policija, a Cvetković tvrdi da su mu napadači rekli da su pristalice Srpske radikalne stranke.

Regionalna Platforma: Pronađite srbijanskog novinara Stefana Cvetkovića


BELA CRKVA, 14.06.2018. – Regionalna platforma zapadnog Balkana za zagovaranje medijskih sloboda i sigurnosti novinara, koja predstavlja više od 8000 članova, izražava duboku zabrinutost u vezi s nestankom srbijanskog novinara Stefana Cvetkovića i pozdravlja hitno reagiranje srbijanskih institucija u potrazi za Cvetkovićem.

U noći s 13. Na 14. lipnja prijavljen je nestanak Stefana Cvetkovića u Vojvodini. Lokalna policija potvrdila je da je njegov automobil pronađen parkiran s otvorenim vratima i upaljenim svjetlom. Mediji su izvijestili da je motor auta ostao upaljen, a svjedok je potvrdio da je sat gospodina Cvetkovića pronađen zajedno s puknutom narukvicom pokraj sata. Njegovi mobilni aparati su isključeni.

I ako je Cvetković poznat po pisanju o brojnim temama, njegova istraga u vezi s ubojstvom Olivera Ivanovića, lokalnog srbijanskog političara na Kosovu, stavila ga je u središte pozornosti. Po povratku s Kosova u svibnju kosovske vlasti su ga zadržale šest sati zbog kontakata koje je stekao tokom istraživanja. Cvetković je i ranije dobivao prijetnje zbog svog rada, često od lokalnih javnih dužnosnika. Jednom mu je mobilni aparat slomljen, a u drugoj je prilici njegov automobil oštećen nakon što su ga lokalni dužnosnici označili kao ”legitimnu metu” i ”stranog plaćenika”.

”Stefan Cvetković je prijavio niz prijetnji od različitih kriminalnih i političkih krugova u Srbiji”, rekao je Slaviša Lekić, predsjednik Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije. ”Njegov nestanak mora biti prioritet za lokalnu policiju i Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova. Zahtijevamo angažiranje svih kapaciteta s nadom da će Cvetković biti pronađen neozlijeđen.”

Regionalna platforma podržava NUNS u zahtjevima upućenima nadležnim autoritetima Republike Srbije da nastavi efikasnu istragu i iskoristi sve mehanizme u cilju pronalaska Stefana Cvetkovića.

Također podsjeća da se srbijanski dužnosnici moraju suzdržati od označavanja novinara i legitimiranja nasilja nad njima.

U 2018. Srbija je zabilježila 13 incidenata protiv novinara, od čega su 2 fizička napada i 11 verbalnih prijetnji i zastrašivanja.

Svaki napad na novinara je napad na javni interes, demokraciju i pravo svih građana.

Skopje– Beograd– Podgorica – Priština – Sarajevo – Zagreb, 14. Lipnja 2018.

Udruženje BH novinari

Sindikat medija Crne Gore

Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo

Udruženje novinara Kosova

Udruženje novinara Makedonije

Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije

History of incidents against Stefan Cvetkovic, Serbian freelance journalist missing since 13.06.2018


BELA CRKVA – 14.06.2018. On the night of June 13 -14 Stefan Cvetkovic was reported missing in the Vojvodina town of Bela Crkva. Local police confirmed that Cvetkovic’s car was found parked with the doors open and lights on. Media reported that the car engine was still running and that witnesses confirmed that Cvetkovic’s wristwatch was found with the bracelet broken next to it. His mobile phones are switched off.

Serbian police is currently sweeping the territory near the place the car was found. It engaged specialist divers and police dogs, as well as special police forces in the search.

Though Cvetkovic is known for writing about a range of topics, his investigation of the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic, local Serbian politician in Kosovo, put him under the new spotlight. Upon his return from Kosovo in May he was held by the Kosovo authorities for six hours because of the contacts he had made while researching. Cvetkovic was previously threatened because of his work, often by local officials. Once his phone was broken and on another occasion his car was damaged after local officials branded him a ‘legitimate target’ and a ‘foreign mercenary’.

“Stefan Cvetkovic reported a number of threats coming from different criminal and political circles in Serbia.” –  said Slavisa Lekic, president of the Independent Journalists Association of Serbia, “His disappearance must be a priority of the local police and the Ministry of Interior. We demand engaging all resources with hopes that Cvetkovic will be found unharmed.”

The Independent Journalists Association of Serbia maintains a database of attacks and pressures against journalists. The information is gathered from media (publicly available information) and through mechanism allowing journalists to report incidents.

Cvetkovic reported seven incidents involving verbal and physical intimidation and attacks:

1. Death threats, 15.12.2016

 Cvetkovic reported to IJAS that he had found a message stating ‘DEAD’ on his car. He suspects that the message is a result of his reporting about criminal activities surrounding dumping and burning toxic waste in Bela Crkva.

Prosecutor’s office found that there are no elements of criminal act but the police continued to gather information about the case.

IJAS has no further information about the status of the investigation.

 Please note that in January 2018 it was revealed that 1 tonne of toxic waste that was stored inadequately in Bela Crkva was transported to Novi Sad where it was found illegally stored. Additional 25 tonnes of toxic waste was found in Obrenovac – the packaging indicates it originated from Bela Crkva but is not confirmed. For more info see N1 website in Serbian).

2. Death threats and damage to property 30.01.2016

 Marjan Aleksic, deputy president of Bela Crkva municipality threatened Stefan Cvetkovic and broke his mobile phone. Witnesses confirmed that the incident took place in a restaurant near Bela Crkva.  Aleksic approach the table where Cvetkovic was sitting with colleagues from the Production group ‘Mreza’ and threatened him. When he noticed that Cvetkovic had turned his mobile phone on to record the threats, Aleksic broke the screen of the phone.

The incident was condemned by Social democrat league of Vojvodina.

Cvetkovic did not report the incident to the police.

3. Damage to property, 21.12.2015

Cvetkovic’s car has been damaged by unknown perpetrators. This happened after the local officials labelled Cvetkovic a ‘legitimate target’ calling him a ‘foreign mercenary’.

On the occasion Cvetkovic stated that the assistant to the municipality president, Jovan Daj had on numerous occasions stated that ‘Stefan Cvetkovic is a foreign mercenary paid by SOROS foundation based in Frankfurt’

The incident has been reported to the police.

IJAS has no further information about the status of the investigation.

4. Death threats, 13.08.2015

 Cvetkovic announced that he had been targeted and received a large number of death threats to him and his family.  First he had received anonymous ‘friendly suggestions’ that he shouldn’t investigate the abuse of Vojvodina Capital Investment Fund followed by continuous threats via internet and phone. He’d been threatened with ‘slaughter’, ‘murder’, ‘breaking a spine’, ‘murdering his child’, ‘cutting his tongue’ and ‘finger breaking’.

The incident has been reported to the police. Cvetkovic said that the police told him he had been targeted for asking questions regarding Capital Investment Fund during a press conference on 07.08.2015 and that they came from persons who damaged the Fund. The questions were posed to then Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic.

IJAS has no further information about the status of the investigation.

5. Death threats followed by a physical assault, 15.05.2015

 Cvetkovic reported that a man first insulted him and then threatened him ‘not to write about things he shouldn’t be writing about’.

“The man threatened me with death, he poured drinks over me and spat at me” said Cvetkovic and added he had reported the incident to the police and that while leaving the police station the same man waited for  him – “He attacked me again in front of the police station and the police arrested him.“ Cvetkovic thinks the man attacked him because of his writing about a skunk laboratory near Bela Crkva.

The case was processed and Srdjan Zlatanovic was convicted to 6 months in prison, suspended for 2 years.

IJAS records show two more attacks on Cvetkovic in the past:

6. 19.07.2008 – a former policeman Marko Pavlovic first threatened Cvetkovic and then beat him in the head in a restaurant where he dined with his girlfriend. The reason for the attack was Cvetkovic’s report about Pavlovic consuming narcotics at the time he was a policeman prompting Pavlovic’s suspension.

7. 04.05.2008 – Cvetkovic was physically assaulted as he recorded an incident when a group was insulting the leader of Vojvodina Social Democrats, Nenad Canak. His camera was hit by a bottle and he had been hit. The police arrived promptly and Cvetkovic said that the attackers said they belong to Serbian Radical Party.

Kosovo’s government adopts advanced draft law on whistleblowing


PRISTINA, 14.06.2018 – The Draft Law on Protection of Whistleblowers received the green light from the Government of Kosovo and was preceded for adoption in the Assembly. This draft law foresees the protection of whistleblowers who disclose information about any breach of law or suspicion that threatens and violates public interest in their workplace, whether in the public or private sector, without fear of being punished by the employer.

The Ministry of Justice, as sponsor of this draft law, in public consultations with other relevant civil society actors has foreseen that this draft law has three types of alerts, including internal, external and public whistleblowing. Reporting the information to the employer under the provisions of this law is considered to be internal whistleblowing, reporting information to the competent authorities such as the Prosecution and Police is considered to be external whistleblowing and revealing information to the media, non-governmental organisations, through the Internet, at a public meeting, or in any other way is public whistleblowing.

Apart from providing the protection of the rights of the whistleblowers and the confidentiality of the responsible persons who receive and treat the information from them for any breach committed by their employer, this bill also attaches special importance to judicial protection for them in case if they are harmed in the future within the institution, organization or company where they work, they are entitled to judicial protection by filing a lawsuit for the damage caused to them in connection with their whistleblowing.

In case of adoption of this draft law by the Assembly of Kosovo, then this law would inevitably affect the strengthening and protection of freedom of expression in the country.

(Un) Effective supervision of competent bodies on implementation of labor – law legislation in private media


Banja Lula, 14.06.2019.-There is no difference anymore whether journalists work for public services and agencies or in private media outlets, openly admit in the Trade Union of media and graphics of Republic of Srpska. The Inspectorate also agrees with that, but only because the Labor law does not make the difference between private and public media or employers. Therefore, for the inspectors, the ownership structure is not even relevant for the inspection procedure itself. Trade Union officials, however, estimate that the Law on labor in media is even less respected than in other areas.

Andrijana Pisarević, vice-president of the Trade Union of media and graphics of the RS, emphasizes that we do not know how many media we have and therefore also we don’t know the number of journalists. “Although we often see their names on television and below the texts, many of them have no contracts or they have part-time ones, but we do not know amounts of their salaries and fees, whether anyone ever pays contributions for them. Information on for how many media (in parallel) they are working in order to collect enough money for life, their working hours and whether anyone pays overtime hours are limited and at the level of cafeteria chit-chats, and the control of work exists only formally, “Pisarević says.

The Republic labor inspectorate does not state whether they only formally control the media, for what they are accused by Trade Union, but it is clear that they are seeking for an understanding for the results of their work. They point out that there are only about thirty inspectors in Republic of Srpska who supervise all economic activities and carry out about 6,000 controls a year. When they make annual work plans they try to cover all activities, bearing in mind also the personnel resources.

During the control of respecting the working-legal status of the employees in the media, the inspectors encountered the various kind of contracts, but nothing is illogical if only the letter of the law is respected. Thus, employers with journalists are concluding contracts for work for full-time, for part-time work, contracts for supplementary work with full-time employees registered with other employers, as well as contracts for performing occasional and temporary jobs.

“As a rule, at the time of the control, inspectors in the media outlets did not find any illegal employees. In only one case in this year, in the control of the employer of one portal, two employees were found without a concluded employment contract and registration to the Unified payment system of contributions. This employer was ordered to provide workers with legal labor status according to the Law, which he did. Also, a fine has been imposed on him, “says Dušanka Makivić, Head of the RS Public relations department.

Since January 2017 to the present day, the inspectors of the largest Cantonal administration for inspection affairs in the Federation, one in the Sarajevo Canton, carried out six controls in public and one in private media, and they bragged about that employers have fulfilled their orders later. In addition to the uncoordinated rule-book on work with the Law, inspectors have found that employees employed in the same workplaces have different payroll coefficients, and that in one case there is a frequent changing of an editor workplace. Irregularities were also found in the inspection supervision of non-payment of overtime hours, non-recognition of the right to stimulation, non-fulfillment of working conditions of certain workers, denial of the right to daily rest, and schedule of working hours and job descriptions.

“One inspection control was also carried out on non-payment of the transport fee in a private medium, where it was established that the employer does not pay the transport fee in accordance with the rule-book. The employer was issued by an administrative measure – Decision on order, which was fully implemented, “the Cantonal administration for inspection affairs of the Sarajevo Canton said.

Representatives of the journalistic community believe that the situation in the field is significantly different. There is an enormous number of unregistered workers/journalists working for both the “state” and the private sector, and they receive salaries in envelopes and over “tuned” travel orders, assure in the Trade Union. Inspectors have the answer to these claims. No one ever complained about it, nor did they find any evidences that employers violated the Law in this way.

“When it comes to the so-called “cash in hand” payment of a part of the salary, until now, the employees of the media did not address to us on this issue. If the employer has paid the employee a salary defined by the work contract within the legally prescribed time limit, and if he has properly paid taxes and contributions, the labor inspector has no basis for taking measures. Proving the suspicion that employers pay part of the salary as a “cash in hand” in order to avoid payment of tax obligations would in the first place involve the tax authorities. The evidence collecting procedure that would be conducted before the competent court would also require the cooperation of the workers of a specific employer who, with their testimonies and evidences, would confirm such allegations, and possibly taking measures by investigating authorities in the context of the exclusion of the documentation of the employer, control of business transaction accounts, etc. “, state in the RS Inspectorate.

That the journalists are to blame for their position too, those who defend their interests agree. Andrijana Pisarević admits that journalists often have no awareness that they are workers themselves and that they have some rights same as have teachers, police or traders, so they do not fight for them and their employers use that ruthlessly.

“Workers in the leather or textile industry are far more aware of their rights than those who report them daily and employers who exploit them, not realizing that they are often in an equally bad or even worse situation,” says the vice-president of the Trade Union of journalists and graphics.

The legal service of the Association of RS trade unions had eight reports last year for trade unions within the Trade Union of media and graphics. They were related to the payment of a hot meal, recourse and severance pay, and only one to the systematization of working places. The Trade Union concludes that there is no doubt that these are not real indicators of the situation in the media. They only show that there are no reports and that journalists rarely decide to fight for their rights, which is at least absurd and contradictory in relation to the job they perform.

In practice, workers employed in the media, not only journalists but also technical staff, have not addressed the RS labor inspection so far with complaints about violations of their rights arising from employment, although they have the ability to submit their reports anonymously too. Sporadically, from time to time, most of the media workers at the local community level addressed themselves to the inspectors with a request for control over the payment delay. In these cases, labor inspection eventually ordered employers to pay debts.

And from the Cantonal administration for inspection affairs of the Una-Sana Canton, they stated that when it comes to respecting the Labor Law in private and public media, they received very few requests. Even if there were any addresses, the subject was the appointment of the director and the admission procedures, and the matter of the salary and the manner of its payment was not subject to supervision, Sena Družić, the chief cantonal labor inspector, acknowledges. It therefore concludes that workers are not sufficiently educated about their labor rights. Inspectors in Bihać especially emphasize that, besides money claims, workers can file an objection to the employer within 15 days, but that deadline is too short and if the workers do not submit the complaint they lose the right to court protection.

In the RS Inspectorate cannot give a general assessment of whether the Law is more respected by state-owned or privately owned media. Opinions that we often hear that employees in private media are in more difficult position, inspectors checked in concrete inspection controls and found that these employers generally respected basic labor rights. As an example, they cite control in a private media house that employs 81 workers at the time of control, out of which 79 are full-time employed, while only two workers are hired on a part-time contract. Also, all employees are collectively insured and duly registered for pension and disability and health insurance. As another example, they emphasize control in a print media that at the moment of control was employing a total of 23 workers, out of which 22 workers are full-time and one is a part-time employee. Records on the presence of employees at work were conducted neatly, the last paid salary at the time of control was for the previous month, and all workers were insured.

What is the situation in the second entity when it comes to private media only- the federal labor inspection does not know. Željko Koštro, a federal labor inspector, told us that this area, since two years ago, is in the hands of cantonal inspectors and that now they only control the entities that are of interest to the Federation of BiH. And because of that, they sent them from the canton several requests related to the engagement and signing of the work contracts relating to Federal TV.

Therefore, when it comes to the termination of the journalist’s employment, as the trade unions say, if it existed in a formal legal sense at all, ends with the media or with the expiration of a contract, along with unpaid wages and unpaid contributions. It was this scenario that we saw only two years ago in the case of daily newspapers Press, which was the only private media with an active trade union organization in BiH. Although the negotiations and trade union pressures over the last year and a half made it possible to pay salaries divided into parts, in the end 50 workers were left unemployed, and the media was extinguished. A few years earlier, the same daily fate was experienced by Banja Luka’s daily newspaper Focus.

Inspectors are excusing themselves that, when it comes to canceling an employment contract by the employer, there are limited opportunities for action. The labor inspector does not have the authority to order the employer to return to the work the worker with whom the employment relationship has been terminated, because such a measure may be pronounced only by the court if it finds that the dismissal was unlawful. Also, the Law is limited by the deadlines in which workers can address themselves to the labor inspectorate for the protection of their rights, which is one month from the day of the violation of the Law and at the latest within three months of the day of the violation. After the expiration of these deadlines, all further protection can be requested through the court.

When asked why trade unions are rare in the media, trade union officials say it is all up to journalists. The formation of a large number of media (it is said that there are more than 1,200 of them in BiH, of which about 1,100 are news portals), with minimal investments, the connection of commercial and political interests, the growing concentration of ownership and technological lag, brought journalists into the current situation from which they can get out only and only if they join together to protect themselves from exploitation.

“It takes a bit of knowledge and courage that, at least, for the journalists should not be a problem. No employer can dismiss all workers at once and find them an adequate replacement for them for a day or two, or a month. They all get stumped and panicked if you mention trade union to them, but when you establish it, they have to reconcile themselves with that fact and accept its existence. In addition, employers often do not realize that it is much simpler for them to have one person to come to their office on behalf of everyone than to deal with all workers when dissatisfaction escalates or the company starts to fail, “says Andrijana Pisarević, vice president of the RS Trade Union of media and graphics.


Inspectors in the Republic of Srpska point out that until now they did not have any cases that they were addressed by representatives of trade union organizations of the media with complaints that the employer was preventing them to organize their trade union organization.

Regardless of this, branch union has no dilemma that the existing legal solutions are not in accordance with the guaranteed scope of the rights of any employee, and consequently no journalist. They point out that the problem is that the current incomplete law, as alleged, is not being respected, and then the story of the legislative and institutional protection of journalists and workers has no particular meaning.

Should the Law be changed then, in the inspectorate they respond with reservations. They only have the advice that, if the legislator considers that the performance of journalists’ work due to certain specificities should be regulated by a special law, it is primarily necessary to determine the competent ministry that would prepare such a regulation and clearly define which body is in charge of controlling its implementation.

euThis article has been produced as a part of the project Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and journalists’ safety with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of the BH journalists Association and its authors, and can in no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.