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Effective self-regulation and media literate citizens for responsible communication online


SKOPJE, 23.05.2018 – Encouraging critical thinking and media literacy among social networks users, raising the political culture of communication, effective and independent self-regulation online and consistent implementation of the laws are some of the proposals regarding solving the problems of communication in the internet space which were raised at the conference “Rights and obligations in communicating on the Internet”. The event was organized by MIM in the frames of the joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe, titled “Strengthening the Judicial Expertise for Freedom of Expression and Media in Southeast Europe (JUFREX)”.

The social networks become a new type of public with their own positive and negative sides, but the human factor is crucial in this communication, said Sead Dzigal, an expert on media literacy and social media. “The problem is that users of social networks have unlimited rights, but not obligations, especially in the local context where the legislation either is not applied or is applied selectively and insufficiently,” he says. According to him, the communication, media and political culture in the society should be improved and the solutions to the problems should be seeked in the education, that is, the inclusion of these topics in the formal and the informal education, but also in the ethical leadership, which implies the empowerment of influential individuals and public figures as examples of responsible behavior for younger generations.

Nadia Bellardi, an independent expert, presented the standards of the Council of Europe and the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms, concerning freedom of expression, respect for private and family life and the privacy of information, stressing the importance of maintaining a balance between them. She referred to some of the more relevant recommendations of the Committee of Ministers regarding the presentation of violence in the electronic media, the new meaning of the media, protection of human rights in relation to social networks, the freedom of the Internet, as well as the media pluralism and transparency of media ownership, with an emphasis on the impact of online platforms.

According to Bellardi, disinformation and hate speech generate users as much as news or high-quality content, the propaganda expands faster and makes more damage then before, laws regulating hate speech can be easily misused and restrict freedom of speech, while media organizations can not do enough to protect journalists from hate speech. Some of the remedies for these problems, Bellardi sees in encouraging critical thinking and information literacy, identifying reliable sources, differentiating promotional content from facts, implementing high ethical standards in journalism, and effective and independent self-regulation of social media.

Journalist and civil activist Ognen Janeski, who noted that he himself was often the target of hate speech and insults on the Internet, believes that the laws do not protect users of social networks in reality. According to him, the existence of obligations and rights does not mean that everyone applies them. The idea of self-regulation is good, he says, but creative ways should be found to work on improving the literacy of social network users, especially young people and those who spread hate speech. “Facts, verified information, statistics, links, counterarguments that break down their arguments and always behaiving in cultural and polite manner ” is the way he recommends dealing with those who act unappropriately online or on the air.

A joint conclusion from the conference was that the hate speech should be an issue for open debate in order this phenomenon and the consequences of it to be demystified. Users of social networks need to react more often to the self-regulatory body and to the competent institutions, in order to make the problem more visible and encourage them to process cases. On the other hand, the problem can be effectively addressed only through the involvement of the institutions, that is, the civil sector, the regulatory body, the judiciary and the institutions that have the authority to deal with the problems on the Internet.

Colleagues visit Serbia’s journalist on hunger strike


NOVI SAD, 23.05.2018. – The representatives of media associations paid a visit to Maja Pavlovic, the owner and director of the TV Channel 9 from the northern city of Novi Sad who went on hunger strike after her TV was shut down because of debts.

Pavlovic told the colleagues she would persist in her demand to first “settle the debt issue with the state and then draw the line to see who owes what and to whom.”

The TV Channel 9 signal was shut down last week after 20 years of broadcasting. It joined the list of several local media that had to stop publishing or broadcasting due to an unbearable financial situation.

They complain that the regime uses its resources to shut them down because of the criticism of the authorities.

Pavlovic said she asked the state to honour the right the TV had according to the Constitution and laws and to pay their debt to the Channel 9.

“Then we can pay ours and if after that we still owe them something then their decision will be justified,” Pavlovic said.

“But,” she added, “I cannot allow the channel to be closed because of our debt and that at the same time they don’t pay theirs.”

Pavlovic said that her TV station, after many years, could not get any money for their projects, the banks would not give them a loan because of their risk assessment, while both regional and local media in Serbia generally did not have access to bigger marketing agencies.

Among those who visited Pavlovic were representatives of the Independent Union of Journalists in Serbia (NUNS), Independent Society of Journalists in Vojvodina (NDNV) and of the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM).

The director of the Emission Techniques and Links (ETL), a state enterprise, Branko Gogic said his company did everything possible but that the Channel 9 did not want to cooperate.

He added he was willing to continue a dialogue and find a compromise.

Nino Brajovic, the Secretary-General of the Union of Serbia’s Journalists (UNS) appealed to the ETL to put the Channel 9 signal back and then continue the talks.

If they don’t, Brajovic says, “this will be yet another end of a television whose owner has managed to have an independent editorial policy and to wrestle with cable operators’ networks to avoid the shutting down of the TV signal.”

Belgrade is under international criticism for what experts see is curbing the media freedom. The area is covered by a chapter in the accession talks with the European Union.

The latest Reporter Without Borders’ report  said Serbia had dropped 10 places from the last year’s survey, but authorities in the country disagree, saying “that description is not deserved.”

Izvještaj EK o Crnoj Gori: Nesigurna ekonomska situacija vodi do autocenzure


PODGORICA 23.05.2018. – Neizvjesna ekonomska situacija novinara, posebno zbog nesigurnosti radnih mjesta i niskih zarada, stavlja ih u rizik od uplitanja urednika i moguće  autocenzure, navodi se u nedavno objavljenom Izvještaju Evropske komisije (EK) o Crnoj Gori.

EK u izvještaju navodi i da “u Crnoj Gori ne postoji strukturirani dijalog između Vlade i medijske zajednice o radnim uslovima novinara”. Dodaje se da “činjenica da mnogi mediji nisu finansijski održivi ima negativan uticaj na kvalitet izvještavanja i profesionalizma”. U izvještaju piše i da su ,,novinari u Crnoj Gori zajedno predstavljeni kroz Sindikat. Sindikat medija Crne Gore okuplja gotovo polovinu zaposlenih u medijima i ima oko 600 članova.

Postoje i dva novinarska udruženja, čiji je cilj podsticanje i promovisanje profesionalnog novinarstva na polarizovanoj medijskoj sceni, ali, kako se navodi u Izvještaju, tek treba da dostignu svoj puni potencijal.

Kada se govori o položaju novinara u Crnoj Gori važan segment je i njihova narušena bezbjednost. Tako EK u Izvještaju navodi da “nije bilo značajnih pomaka u istragama starih slučajeva nasilja nad novinarima”.

“Tokom 2017. godine registrovano je sedam slučajeva napada na novinare. Tri  slučaja okončana su prekršajnim postupcima dok u jednom nadležni nisu našli elemente krivičnog ili nekog manjeg djela. Istrage starih predmeta, uključujući ubistvo urednika Dana (Duška Jovanovića) 2004. godine i dalje su neefikasne i vlasti do sada nisu uspjele da naprave pomak i odrede prioritete u  rješavanju ovih slučajeva. U oktobru 2017. godine, prvostepeni sud je dosudio naknadu novinaru (Tufiku Softiću) zbog nedostatka djelotvorne istrage napada na njega  2007. godine, a u istom predmetu, u novembru 2017. Ustavni sud dodijelio je  novinaru dodatnu naknadu”, navodi se u Izvještaju.

,,Ad-hoc Komisija za praćenje istraga nasilja nad novinarima, koja je ponovo počela sa radom u septembru 2016, do sada je objavila tri izvještaja u kojima se fokusirala na novije slučajeve i identifikovanje niza nedostataka i kašnjenja u istragama. Preporuke Komisije, koje su potvrđene od strane Vlade, treba da se primijene u potpunosti”, zatražila je EK. Dodaju i da se “moraju pojačati napori da se efikasno procesuiraju ti slučajevi, kako bi se izbjegla njihova zastara”. SMCG je više puta ukazivala na problem zastare nerješenih slučajeva.

EK jasno očekuje i da “vlasti pokažu nultu toleranciju za prijetnje ili napade na medije i da se uzdrže od izjava koje mogu da stvore okruženje koje nije pogodno za slobodu izražavanja”.

Inače, po generalnoj ocjeni Brisela “Crna Gora je postigla određeni nivo pripreme u oblasti slobode izražavanja, ali nije došlo do napretka u izvještajnom periodu”. Zato, po preporukama EK, Crna Gora treba posebno da: jasno pojača napore da se istraže slučajevi napada na novinare, obezbijedi finansijsku i uredničku nezavisnost Radio-Televizije Crne Gore i Agencije za elektronske medije, kao i njihovih upravljačkih tijela, ali i svih drugih medija i na kraju da ojača kapacitete samoregulatornih tijela.

Ties between advertising industry and media rating measuring – impact on media market in BiH


SARAJEVO, 23.05.2018.-Zijad Dzemic, a controversial director of the Institute of Metrology in BiH (the only institute of this kind in the world) and institute whose officials proclaimed and authorized it as the only legally authorized body in charge with the viewership audience measurement of TV programs, publicly released and shared the information that “the only BiH Licensed laboratory, verified and marked 714 audience measurement devices and distributed in around 600 households, out of entire group of approved measuring devices”, after he had received a countless number of enquires, requests and demands related to irregularities, inconsequent and rather suspicious actions (suspicious actions where, in most cases, he personally had participated) as far as the viewership audience measuring of TV program is concerned.

Not to mention the fact that this Institute, whose primary principle should be based upon exactness, the answer to one of the key questions of Bosnia and Herzegovina media industry, (with limited number of distributed people meters by the only authorized Agency in BiH, Audience Measurement Ltd, conducts the measuring and directly decides about the dispersing of already insufficient media marketing profit share) is their reply that there are “AROUND 600 households” examined. The fact that viewership audience measurement system in BiH seems non – transparent and unrealizable, but also seems illegal with quasi-criminal action appearance, which altogether does makes this situation additionally suspicious, makes the fact, released by Mr. Dzemic, does not even correspond with the facts posted on the official website of the Audience Measurement Agency (with 450 households and 680 people meters). Furthermore, Mr. Dzemic statements correspond even less with information provided to TV houses and marketing agencies, according to which the number of “measured” households (measured in reality) hardly exceeds the number of 150.

Manipulation becomes more feasible with such a limited number of people meters distributed in public; the limited number of sample cases and according to many statisticians; it will increase the possibility of eventual mistakes and errors appearing in this system.

The question that any person whose opinion is based upon common – sense consequently emerges:” If this measuring system is unreliable, insufficient and inadequate, what is the purpose of using this measuring method”? This is exactly where all disadvantages of media marketing system arise; without proper audience measurement it would not be possible to launch commercial advertising campaigns and it would be even more complex to measure its efficiency. Any measurements, even those that are considered as unreliable and poor, are definitely better than none.

The above mentioned fact is well known to Audience Measurement officials which was why they persistently refused to allow United Media Industry (body which gathers over 20 TV houses and marketing agencies) to conduct independent audit that would allow the UMI officials to go through their records, check the background and correctness, including the information that the Agency releases on daily basis, as this kind of legal audit is, after all, a regular and standard common practice in the media world.

Even 16 members of UMI refused to sign the contract with the AM for 2017 unless the duty of Audience Measurement to allow independent auditor (UMI members would pay for this) to have access to AM information and data become a constituent part of this Contract.

More absurdly, the problem of completely unsettled media – marketing market in BiH, can be settled and solved only with the involvement of institutional bodies of BiH, because only the state, that is, its institution (the above mentioned Institute for Measurement) becomes legally authorized for audience measurement viewership issues and work properly. The scheme in this “process”’ is thus more than obvious: They pass the legal provision on legal measuring issues; they integrate people – meters into time measuring devices (which once again is a completely unknown method in the world); they set the software that can be provided by a single company only (Nielsen), they license and authorize the laboratory with AM being the only company with appropriate measuring devices of the above-mentioned company, and consequently the people – meters are verified by the very same company and we finally conclude this scheme with the AM being the only company entitled to undergo the verification process. The result (outcome): no other agency for viewership audience measurement cannot and will not appear in BiH market which would in fact practically allow, with no consequences, and directed by a single (sole) company with no competition, to release information regarding ratings as they wish and in cooperation with those with whom they share common (profit) interests.

The others, especially if they dare to criticize such deviant system, face systematic rating decrease (decline) which directly impacts the income they make out of marketing and this mainly concerns local (domestic) TV houses that employee local staff, produce program and pay taxes to the state, unlike vast and ever-growing number of foreign channels available to local audience through cable operators, IPTV, and satellite-based platform, which actually, according to information provided by the AM, are viewed by almost 50% of local audience.

Additionally, these channels become more interesting and attractive to local marketing agencies and companies, taking into consideration that advertisements broadcasted via these (foreign) channels don’t undergo obligatory legal tax payment, they can provide their clients with very low – priced and cheap commercial seconds, that is, GRP. Along with all this, let us emphasize that local marketing market value had undergone a significant decline (certain and approximate estimate outlined that TV stations lost some BAM 30 million, which was almost half the amount (BAM 50 million, which was the amount provided by the CRA officials in 2013, pursuant to market analysis of broadcasted programs,

Shortly, ever since the AM began with viewership audience measurement, the amount of market money has rapidly decreased, the number of TV channels has increased, public broadcasting services debts have increased and due to poor RTV tax fees collection, are trying to survive in the market through marketing service provided etc. Silenced by high ratings, both RTRS and FTV, fail to report about the issues that include malversations regarding the viewership audience measuring. Therefore, the information provided by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, during the Council of Ministers meeting session at the end of last year, did not appear on programs broadcasted by these two TV houses. This meeting session identified numerous irregularities in the work by the management of the Institute of Metrology (including their general director), including the malfunctions regarding the audience measurement of TV programs in BiH.

There is no report about the AM laboratory either, that is, AM as the only laboratory of this kind in BiH, that performs its business operations with no valid accreditation issued, because the Institute of Accreditation (BATA) refused to accredit this particular laboratory, since, as they claimed, there was no legal background for such actions in neither local nor European law practice. This would eventually oblige BATA with legal duties, since BATA is a member of European Accreditation Association, and would additionally have to base their actions upon either local or European laws.

In order to solve this problem, the Council of Ministers of BiH should cancel the disputable Order by the Institute of Metrology and, colloquially speaking; re-introduce people – meters method in the local market. This would, just as in all other countries, allow many companies (with valid references), to bid for further projects regarding the viewership audience measurements. Local (domestic) media industry could additionally select the best and most appropriate firm or firms for this particular work and as a result, thus provide the money deriving from the commercial advertising (which is, in commercial terms, essential for regular business operations and survival in the market) distribute and disperse to all parties that should receive certain amount of this marketing money all based upon relevant and accurate results. If this does not happen in the near future, media market in BiH shall continue with its decline with no possibilities for forthcoming recovery.

This text is a part of E-Bulletin– fifth edition of special serial of BHN online bulletin implemented through the “Media and Public Reputation” (origin. “Mediji i javni ugled”) project, also representing a contribution to public debate regarding the transparency of media ownership and upholding and encouraging the passing of set of laws aimed to advance media field and information market in BiH.

CJA strongly condemns threats against journalist Ivan Žada and Virovitica.net portal


VIROVITICA, 22.05.2018. – Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) strongly condemns threats and offenses against freelancer Ivan Žada and Virovitica.net portal by local officials. Threats have been lately published at social networks.

It started when Virovitica.net portal published several articles related to the town policy such as re-naming of streets. One street got the name of Mile Budak, Minister in the Croatian Independent State (NDH). Ivan Žada, several times awarded journalist, was called „piece of dirt“ at the Facebook. Even more, the message stated that „Croatia should be cleaned from those people“. That is just an example of multiple threats to the journalist Žada and Virovitica.net editor in chief Goran Gazdek.

After articles dealing with the town topics (city graveyard does not pay taxes to be competitive, City Company Flora VTC forces its employees to get vaccinated against flu under threats of being fired) even the Virovitica Mayor Ivica Kirin joined the campaign against journalist and the portal. That of course caused new threats with new messages for Žada and Gazdek – they should go away, they will disappear „in the fog“, they are traitors, UDBA members, Yugonostalgic etc.

CJA strongly condemns threats and pressures against Virovitica journalists because of their work. It calls for institutions to react as soon as possible and to sanction these threats. CJA also calls the city administration to create a normal atmosphere for independent media to work. Independent media are very important corrective of any administration, especially local one.

Juncker backs creation of UN Special Representative for Safety of Journalists

PARIS, 22.05.2018. – At a joint press conference yesterday with UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker expressed support for the creation of the position of a UN Special Representative for the Safety of Journalists.

We have proposed to our friend to appoint a Special Representative for the Safety of Journalists because it is a subject that worries us more and more in Europe and beyond,” Juncker said.

More than 130 media outlets, NGOs and labour unions throughout the world support the #ProtectJournalists campaign for a special representative that was launched by Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

As Europe is the continent where press freedom is guaranteed best, the European Commission’s support provides significant additional weight to a campaign already backed by dozens of UN member states,” RSF secretary-general Christophe Deloire said. “As we have unfortunately seen in recent months, the dangers to journalists are growing in Europe, to the point that two have been murdered, in Malta and Slovakia.

European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans voiced his support for the #ProtectJournalists campaign in a letter to RSF on 7 December. He did so in response to an appeal by RSF to European governments and institutions to do more to protect journalists in the wake of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder in October.

Napadi na istraživačke novinare poprimili razmere krize

photo: pixabay

NJUJORK, 22.05.2018. – Napadi na istraživačke novinare u Evropi poprimili su razmere krize, ocenila je u intervjuu za Glas Amerike koordinatorka za Evropu i Centralnu Aziju u Komitetu za zaštitu novinara Nina Ognjanova.

Ona je poručila da rešavanje nedavnog napada na crnogorsku novinarku Oliveru Lakić mora biti prioritet za vladu Crne Gore.

„Crnogorske vlasti moraju da sprovedu agresivnu, nezavisnu i efikasnu istragu i da pronađu odgovorne za brutalni napad na Oliveru Lakić i pre toga za bombaški napad na Seada Sadikovića, još jednog istraživačkog novinara, koji je napadnut manje od mesec dana pre Olivere Lakić“, poručila je Nina Ognjanova.

Komitet za zaštitu novinara, sa sedištem u Njujorku, upozorio je da novinari u Crnoj Gori, ali i drugim evropskim zemljama rade u izuzetno neprijateljskoj atmosferi.

Ona je kazala da o činjenici da novinari nisu bezbedni, niti zaštićeni, svedoče ubistva novinara na Malti i u Slovačkoj, Dafne Karuane Galicije i Jana Kucijaka, kao i napad na Oliveru Lakić.

Prema njenim rečima, najugroženiji su oni koji izveštavaju o organizovanom kriminalu i korupciju, a krivac za „trenutnu sumornu medijsku sliku“ na evropskom tlu je nekažnjivost.

Opasnoj atmosferi za novinare doprinosi i neprijateljska retorika koja dolazi sa najviših nivoa vlasti što je, smatra Nina Ognjanova, slučaj na Balkanu, ali i u centralnoj i jugoistočnoj Evropi.

Zbog postojeće situacije, Komitet za zaštitu novinara poručuje da bi rešavanje slučajeva napada trebalo bude prioritet ne samo za vlade, već i za Evropsku uniju.

„EU je veoma svesna pritiska na njene institucije da sa domaćim vladama pronađu brzo i efikasno rešenje za ovu krizu. Sloboda medija mora biti prioritet agendi bilateralnih i multilateralnih sastanaka i sporazuma. I ako se ti zločini ne reše, ne treba nastaviti uobičajenu komunikaciju“, kazala je Nina Ognjanova.

CJA condemns ideas of relations between information published at index.hr portal and alleged activities of Russian hackers


ZAGREB, 21.05.2018.  – Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) strongly condemns ideas of potential relations between information published at index.hr portal and alleged activities of Russian hackers. CJA finds it to be irresponsible.

A title at the Globus Magazine cover, May 18, 2018, said „Is Martina Dalić down due to Russian hackers!?“ That statement, although with question mark, implied that index.hr is actually an instrument of Russian hackers, in other words of Russian interests. And Globus is the magazine that disclosed Lex Agrokor writers and their suspect able business arrangements in the process of re-structuring Agrokor corporation. The implication was not argumented or proved and article that was the base for the title was full of speculations. Index journalist Ilko Ćimić, who disclosed secret electronic communication, was not contacted at any point.

We want to remind the readers that index.hr portal has been more systematic in investigating Lex Agrokor background, its potential writers and lucrative business arrangements since spring 2017 then other mainstream media. Publication of secret e-mail correspondence between ex-vice president Martina Dalić tops that investigation of index journalists.

It is legitimate to put questions about ways e-mails of ex vice-president became public, but it has to be based on relevant information, not just speculations with clear goal of distracting major topic – what is going on with Lex Agrokor. The most important media task is to reveal information of public interest and not to distract it by defaming media that has published information about Agrokor case or is about to do so.


APPEAL TO MEDIA IN BIH: Report on Refugees and Migrants Respecting Their Human Rights and Dignity


SARAJEVO, 20.05.2018. – Members of the BH Journalists Association call the media to report on the migrants and refugees Članovi Udruženja/udruge BH novinari call on media from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina to report on migrants and refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other Middle East countries, who are coming to Bosnia and Herzegovina more and more with professionalism, responsibility and journalistic ethics.

Sensationalism in media reports, hesitation, xenophobia, discrimination and demolition of human dignity and rights, especially children, represent serious violations of the value of journalistic profession. That is why we appeal to editors and journalists that they are truthful, credible and respectful of the personal integrity of all migrants and refugees, writing about their needs, the difficulties they face or the demands of BiH state organs.

We also invite reporters and editors to be more objective and critical when questioning officials in BiH, who, with their public statements, do not contribute to solving the problems of hundreds of foreigners, including a significant number of women and children, but who are unfounded to criminalize them and used for daily policy purposes. The media and journalists must have a professional distance to such statements and politicians, and put them in the context of the BiH’s legal obligations and the provisions of international humanitarian law.

Members of the BHJA Assembly, gathered at a session in Sarajevo