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Journalists’ associations and trade union from the region strongly condemns the threats against Sejdinovic and Gruhonjic


BELGRADE, 18.09.2016 – Press associations of the Western Balkans – the Association of Journalists of Macedonia, Association of BH Journalists, Croatian Journalists’ Association, Association of Journalists of Kosovo, Trade Union of Media of Montenegro and the Independent Journalists Association of Serbia – strongly condemn the brutal death threats to Nedim Sejdinovic, president of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina (NDNV) and Dinko Gruhonjic, program director of NDNV.
Threats to Sejdinovic and Gruhonjic, as well as their family members were sent by an anonymous letter at the address NDNV in Novi Sad, requesting the president Sejdinovic is to resign, or he and Gruhonjic “will swim in the Danube”.
Since hate speech, ethnic insults and calling for violence against Nedim Sejdinovic and Dinko Gruhonjic periodically repeat during the past few years through social networks and certain Serbian media with the aim of stopping their critical journalistic questioning of current events on the Serbian political scene, we believe that the threats must end, and a free, decent and safe work be ensured to our colleagues.
Representatives of journalists’ associations of the region, gathered at a seminar in Belgrade, expressed full solidarity with journalists Sejdinovic and Gruhonjic, and called police and judicial authorities of Serbia to conduct immediate and thorough investigation, as well as publishing identity of author of the threatening letter. By effective investigation and punishment of the perpetrators in this case, the judicial authorities and the authorities in Serbia can finally practically demonstrate their real commitment to democracy and European integrations, in which freedom of expression and security of journalists are considered fundamental human rights and unquestionable value under the protection of the Serbian state.

In Belgrade, 18 Sep 2016

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Association of BH Journalists

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Trade Union of Media Montenegro

Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia


NUNS veoma zabrinut zbog sudske tolerancije pretnji novinarima


BEOGRAD, 13.09.2016. – Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije izražava veliku zabrinutost povodom presude Vrhovnog kasacionog suda kojom je lice pravosnažno osuđeno za krivično delo ugrožavanja sigurnosti novinara – oslobođeno krivice.

Najviši sud je preinačio pravosnažnu presudu Osnovnog suda i Višeg suda u Nišu kojom je Milutinu Iliću, zajedno sa još dvojicom osuđenih, izrečena uslovna kazna zatvora od šest meseci, zbog krivičnog dela ugrožavanja sigurnosti, propisanog Krivičnim zakonikom, u članu 138.

U obrazloženju presude Vrhovnog kasacionog suda navodi se da „iz činjeničnog opisa radnje okrivljenog Milutina Ilića date u izreci prvostepene presude ne proizlazi da je okrivljeni oštećenom uputio ozbiljnu i konkretnu pretnju da će napasti na život i telo odnosno ozbiljno mu nauditi“.

Niški sudovi, u prvostepenoj a zatim i potvrđenoj, pravosnažnoj presudi, presudili su da je Ilić počinio delo ugrožavanja sigurnosti time što je novinaru i glavnom i odgovornom uredniku portala Južne vesti Predragu Blagojeviću u telefonskom razgovoru uputio reči pretnje: „da ste takvu stvar objavili u Americi, da li biste živi dočekali jutro?“.

NUNS po ko zna koji put ukazuje da učestala sudska tolerancija ozbiljnih pretnji upućenih novinarima ohrabruje nasilje prema medijskim radnicima. Prema evidenciji NUNS-a, u 2014. u Srbiji je bilo 11 verbalnih napada i pretnji novinarima dok je u prošloj godini taj broj utrostručen.

Neobjašnjiva je tužilačka i sudska tolerancija koja, na primer, preteće poruke „dao bih ti ja metak u čelo“ ili „treba vas zapaliti“ ne smatra krivičnim delom ugrožavanja sigurnosti već slobodom izražavanja.

Ovim povodom NUNS ponavlja inicijativu da se organizuje ozbiljna stručna rasprava u kojoj bi sudije, tužioci, advokati i drugi pravni eksperti raspravili pitanje pravne kvalifikacije pretnje koja postaje dominantni metod pritiska na slobodu informisanja i izražavanja u Srbiji.


Otkriti ko preti smrću Sejdinoviću i Georgijevu


BEOGRAD, 12.09.2016. – Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije (NUNS) obavestilo je danas Posebno tužilaštvo za visokotehnološki kriminal o pretnjama koje su putem društvenih mreža upućene Nedimu Sejdinoviću, predsedniku Nezavisnog društva novinara Vojvodine (NDNV), i Slobodanu Georgijevu, novinaru Balkanske istraživačke mreže (BIRN).

Budući da se radi  o porukama koje dovode u pitanje bezbednost Sejdinovića i Georgijeva, NUNS očekuje da će Posebno tužilaštvo za visokotehnološki kriminal, u skladu sa svojim nadležnostima, po službenoj dužnosti, hitno preduzeti sve mere, u skladu sa zakonom, i utvrditi identitete lica koja su pretila dvojici naših kolega, a zatim podići i zastupati optužni akt.

NUNS je Tužilaštvu dostavio i dokaze iz kojih se vidi da su, osim uvreda na nacionalnoj osnovi, pojedinci pozivali na linč i fizičku likvidaciju Nedima Sejdinovića i Slobodana Georgijeva.

NUNS očekuje brzu reakciju Posebnog tužilaštva za visokotehnološki kriminal kakva je iskazana u nekim ranijim slučajevima kada su meta bili političari ili neke druge javne ličnosti.

Ujedno, NUNS upozorava i pojedine medije, poput tabloida Informer, da svojim pisanjem, ali i falsifikovanjem izjava Nedima Sejdinovića, direktno ugrožavaju bezbednost novinara i saučestvuju u njihovom progonu.


CJA condemns unfounded accusation of the SDP candidate against journalists Tomislav Krasnec and supports Electoral Ethical Council decision



In 24sata daily on September 9 an article by Tomislav Krasnec was published. In the article Krasnec wrote about results of his checking of existence of a document from 2013 Andrej Plenković in his pre-election meetings said existed, but was confidential. The existence of that document was denied by Neven Mimica, European Commissioner and Zoran Milanović, SDP president. Tomislav Krasnec checked that with European Commission.

Damir Tomić, SDP candidate from Đakovo, IV electoral unit, at his comment on Twitter attacked Tomislav Krasnec falsely accusing him to write pro HDZ. Tomislav Krasnec reported it to Electoral Ethical Council and it decided that Damir Tomić’s comment was offending and insinuating, and that constitutes violation of Electoral Ethical Code.

Croatian Journalists’ Association condemns the SDP candidate’s attack against journalist Krasnić and supports Ethical Council decision. The CJA calls once more every journalist to verify every statement made by politicians during elections and after and to report about every attack they experience while doing their jobs.

Saša Leković, CJA president

Najoštrije kazniti napadače na novinara Senada Župljanina


BEOGRAD, 06.09.2016. – Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije najoštrije osuđuje huliganski fizički napad na novopazarskog novinara Senada Župljanina i poziva nadležno tužilaštvo da pokrene odgovarajući krivični postupak protiv trojice identifikovanih nasilnika.

Odeljenje za informisanje Gradske uprave Novog Pazara saopštilo je da su njihovog fotoreportera Senada Župljanina juče pre podne fizički napali pripadnici obezbeđenja Muamera Zukorlića.

U saopštenju se navodi da je Župljanin napadnut tokom radnog zadatka, dok je fotografisao nelegalno izvođenje građevinskih radova na gradskom trgu.

U izjavi za NUNS Senad Župljanin je ukratko opisao napad.

“Dana 05. 09. 2016. negde oko 11h, dobio sam od svog načelnika nalog da na gradskom trgu fotografišem objekat na kojem su se trenutno izvodili neki radovi. Dok sam završavao fotografisanje kroz objektiv sam primetio čoveka koji je video šta radim i odmah počeo da mi preti. U jednom trenutku naredio je nekome da me sustigne i oduzme mi foto aparat. Dok sam se udaljavao sa mesta događaja sustigla su me tri meni  nepoznata mladića i pokušali da mi oduzmu foto aparat, što, naravno, nisam dozvolio. Sve vreme su me šikanirali. Jedan od njih mi je rekao ‘izbriši muftiju i biće sve uredu’. Odgovorio sam mu da na mojim fotografija nije muftija, ali mi on nije poverovao već me udario po levoj nozi i oborio na asfalt. Dok sam ležao na ulici njih trojica su nasrtali na mene i na foto aparat. Ko zna šta bi se desilo da se sa u tom trenutku nije pojavio čovek, kasnije sam saznao da je inspektor MUP-a Barac, koji me zaštitio”, navodi Senad Župljanin.

O drskosti napadača svedoči i to što je jedan od njih nastavio da udara Župljanina dok je ležao, i dok je inspektor pokušavao da prekine nasilje.


CJA condemns insults against journalists Zdenko Duka at HDZ pre-election meeting



During pre-election meeting in Zagreb, on Thursday, September 8, Zdenko Duka, journalists and former CJA president, was reputedly verbally attacked by some participants of the meeting. Zdenko Duka attended the meeting in capacity of daily Novi list reporter.

He was offended and yelled at to work for SDP and against Croatia. And that he is a spy.

At one moment one rather large group started to take photos of Zdenko Duka as they shouted his name.

CJA condemns insults shouted against journalist Zdenko Duka at HDZ pre-election meeting as well as any offence and verbal attack on journalists doing their jobs. We remind organizers of political and other public meetings that they legally have to take care about order and peace at public meetings they organize. We alarm them that if verbal violence should turn to physical, they are to be responsible.

Saša Leković, CJA president

Martinovic to be released pending further procedure


PODGORICA, 02.09.2016. -The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ/IFJ), the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG) is a full member of, have sent a letter to Montenegrin officials urging them to provide a fair trial to freelance journalist Jovo Martinovic, who has been in custody since October 2015, and to allow him to be on pre-trial release.

The letter was delivered to President of Montenegro Filip Vujanovic, Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic, the Ombudsman Sucko Bakovic, Minister of Justice Zoran Pazin, the Supreme State Prosecutor Ivica Stankovic, the Chief Special Prosecutor Milivoje Katnic, President of the High Court Boris Savic, High Court judge Dragoje Jovic, Head of Mission of EU delegation in Montenegro Aivo Orav and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini.

In the letter signed by the IFJ president Philippe Leruth and EFJ president Mogens Blicher it is stated that they are writing to the officials “with continued grave concerns over the court proceedings against internationally highly respected freelance Montenegrin journalist  Jovo Martinovic”.

“He was charged with membership of a criminal organisation and with drugs trafficking. Jovo Martinovic had been detained on suspicion of participating in a drug trafficking ring since October 22, 2015. We are shocked by the gravity of his possible sentence being more than 10 years in prison. The EFJ and IFJ urge the Montenegrin authorities to consider his journalistic work as a possible   explanation   for   his   alleged   contacts   with   drug   traffickers   while   many   other testimonies in his support have come from prominent journalists all over the world”, the letter said.

They added that Martinovic insisted he was not guilty, saying that his contacts with the other suspects were purely linked to his work as a journalist.

“His interactions with two of the other 17 suspects in the alleged drug-trafficking were part of his journalistic work. We urge you to submit as soon as possible the case files and allow Jovo Martinovic to defend himself. We demand that Jovo Martinovic be out on pre-trial release and that custody is not converted into imprisonment even before the trial has even started”.

The letter stated that in line with International standards of the Council of Europe, the courts had to take account of Martinovic’s status as a journalist. “The criminalisation of journalists who specialise in sensitive subjects poses an imminent threat to press freedom”, the letter said.

“We also wish to remind you that the Montenegrin government is required to respond to the alert about the Martinovic case that has been registered on the Council of Europe’s platform for the protection of journalism back on 13 April, see “Freelance journalist and fixer Jovo Martinovic in custody since October 2015.” He is known for his work on investigative stories, and has contributed reporting and research to many international news media outlets, such as The Economist, Newsday, Global Post, The Financial Times, Die Süddeutsche Zeitung, and VICE media group.

Thank you very much for paying attention to this letter. We also wish to refer to reactions by other press freedom organisations such as the Committee to Protect Journalists, see letter from April 19 of this year, and by Reporters without Borders and BIRN”, it was said at the end of the letter.

Condemning the threats against journalist Mislimi by minister Ahmeti


SKOPJE, 02.09.2016 Association of Journalists of Macedonia strongly condemns the verbal threats of Ecology Minister Bashkim Ahmeti yesterday by mobile phone against the journalist and the owner of the web portal
Tetovo Sot, Rami Mislimi.

Threats and humiliation of journalists by senior power officials have no place in civilized and democratic countries!

Any threat to a journalist is an attack on freedom of expression, media freedom and the public’s right to be informed.

Only childish personalities who by accident became ministers can afford in this inappropriate way to address a journalist. Bashing a journalist than hiding behind immunity is an act of cowardice and primitivism.

We ask Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev and DUI leader Ali Ahmeti to publicly condemn this unacceptable behavior of Minister Ahmeti!

Skopje, 02.09.2016

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

Journalists demand Bozinovski to be released from custody


SKOPJE, 01.09.2016 We are here today before the court in Skopje to express our solidarity with the journalist Zoran Bozinovski, who for three years was exposed to prosecution because of his work as a journalist.

We remind judges that Macedonia is the second country in Europe where there is a journalist in jail. First Tomislav Kezarovski was sentenced now Bozinovski, we are wondering who will be next. In a country where journalists are jailed, also freedom of speech and freedom of the media are jailed. Such actions are intended to punish the disobedient journalists and discipline and intimidate others.

We are not here to put pressure on the court and tell them what decisions should be taken. We are here to raise our voice against injustice.

Bozinovski still not convicted already spent nearly two years in prison, including 18 months in extradition custody in Serbia and four months in Macedonia. Judges who refuse to impose detention of politicians suspected of breaking the democratic order of the country, but easily detain journalists have no right to hide behind the principle of judicial independence.

We ask Bozinovski immediately be released from detention and allow as some former officials. If there is no danger politicians suspected of serious crimes to leave the country, then even less likely that a journalist will escape justice.

We insist Bozinovski’s case be handed over to the Special Prosecutor’s Office because their jurisdiction over this case is undeniable. Any refusal of the prosecution to hand over the case, would mean disabling justice and increasing public suspicion that someone wants at all costs to condemn journalist in prison in retaliation for publishing the abuses of power by authorities.