Rally of support for Radar journalist Vuk Cvijic to be held in Belgrade

Source/Author: N1

The Coalition for Media Freedom has called on citizens to assemble at 6 pm Friday on the plateau outside the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade at a rally of support for Radar weekly journalist Vuk Cvijic who was physically assaulted two days ago in downtown Belgrade.

Cvijic was punched in the face, in the middle of a street, by the director of the Srpski Telegraf tabloid, Milan Ladjevic.

“We invite you to support Vuk Cvijic, as well as all journalists who do their jobs honorably, because now everyone can ask the question: Who is next? We need to support professional journalism with this gathering and send a message that the voices of truth will not be silenced. This attack is a consequence of what Coalition members constantly emphasize, which is how important it is to prosecute the threats received by journalists because otherwise they will escalate into physical violence,” said the Coalition for Media Freedom.
