Attacks towards journalist Ardiana Thaçi Mehmeti, Prishtinë, 07.05.2024

    Country KO
    Name and Surname Ardiana Thaçi Mehmeti
    Gender Female
    Date 07/05/2024
    City / Location Prishtine
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name Klan Kosova
    Source Kiks Kosova
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction The Association of Journalists of Kosovo condemns the leak of her phone number, as well as the derogatory messages and phone calls that journalist Thaçi Mehmeti has received in recent days, to damage her reputation. AJK calls on the Kosovo Police and the Prosecutor's Office to urgently take the necessary steps regarding the case reported by colleague Thaçi Mehmeti so that the person(s) who leaked the number and those who contacted her, are held accountable.
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is extremely concerned about Kiks Kosova’s reporting on the leak of journalist Ardiana Thaçi Mehmeti’s phone number within the Albkings group.

    In the latest episode of Kiks Kosova, which is dedicated exclusively to the continuous harassment of journalist Thaçi Mehmeti by dozens of men who are part of this group, it is reported that her number was leaked as a sign of revenge for her previous reports about the Albkings.

    The journalist has received numerous calls and messages from members of that group, not only on her phone number but also on her accounts on social networks.

    Leaking the phone number of journalist Thaçi Mehmeti as a form of revenge by Albkings not only endangers her safety but also serves as an attempt to intimidate and silence her.

    The Association of Journalists of Kosovo condemns the leak of her phone number, as well as the derogatory messages and phone calls that journalist Thaçi Mehmeti has received in recent days, to damage her reputation.

    AJK calls on the Kosovo Police and the Prosecutor’s Office to urgently take the necessary steps regarding the case reported by colleague Thaçi Mehmeti so that the person(s) who leaked the number and those who contacted her, are held accountable.