Inciting language by MP Basha towards AJK and RTK, Prishtinë, 04.05.2024

    Country KO
    Gender Group
    Date 04/05/2024
    City / Location Prishtine
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public persons
    Name of the perpetrator Dimal Basha
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name RTK, AGK
    Source Facebook
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction AJK's primary mission is the protection of the rights and freedoms of journalists, and it reacts when these rights and freedoms are violated. Regarding possible violations of the Code of Ethics, any citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, including MPs, can report them to the self-regulatory body Press Council of Kosovo for online media, and to the Independent Media Commission for television and radio. AJK again calls on Mr. Basha to refrain from any further attacks directed towards AJK and the media, including the Public Broadcaster, RTK. The statement made by Mr. Basha implying that both AJK and RTK serve the interests of the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vucic, is unfounded and unacceptable, but very dangerous as well.

    Vetëvendosje’s MP, Dimal Basha, continued this weekend with inciting language towards both AJK and RTK.

    In the latest Facebook post, following the intimidation against RTK journalist, Basha openly shows a tendency to control the editorial content of the Public Broadcaster, interfering in what is considered a priority to be addressed and reported. He uses the same tactics towards AJK, trying to dictate what it should do and how it should behave.

    AJK’s primary mission is the protection of the rights and freedoms of journalists, and it reacts when these rights and freedoms are violated. Regarding possible violations of the Code of Ethics, any citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, including MPs, can report them to the self-regulatory body Press Council of Kosovo for online media, and to the Independent Media Commission for television and radio. AJK again calls on Mr. Basha to refrain from any further attacks directed towards AJK and the media, including the Public Broadcaster, RTK.

    The statement made by Mr. Basha implying that both AJK and RTK serve the interests of the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vucic, is unfounded and unacceptable, but very dangerous as well.

    Such language, consistently used by Mr. Basha and other representatives of the ruling party, has contributed to the decline of media freedom in the country, as indicated in the latest report from Reporters without Borders.