Threats to media and media organizations, Gradska TV, Podgorica, 01.06.2023.

    Država MN
    Ime i prezime Gradska TV
    Pol Grupa (imenuj članove ako je moguće)
    Datum 01/06/2023
    Grad Podgorica
    Tip incidenta Prijetnje medijima i medijskim organizacijama
    Izvršilac/osumnjičeni Drirtan Abazović
    Tip medija Online
    Naziv medija Gradska TV
    Od strane koga Agresivne javne izjave od strane državnih zvaničnika
    Da li je Sindikat bio informisan? Ne
    Napadi na medijske i novinarske asocijacije Drugi napadi

    At the press conference of the “Hrabro se broji” coalition, on the occasion of the presentation of the program for the parliamentary elections on June 11, Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazović called out Gradska TV, alluding to the connection with crime.

    He told the Gradska TV reporter that the “informal bosses” of this media are in the Sky application.

    “All along, you had the task of making the fight against corruption and organized crime meaningless. This coalition was created so that the truth would come out. The name of the ferry “Hand of Justice” is as neutral as possible, but it is determined by values”, he said, reports the City Portal.