Death treats to journalists and connected persons, Siniša Luković, Tivat, 09.12.2022.

    Država MN
    Ime i prezime Siniša Luković
    Pol Muški
    Datum 09/12/2022
    Grad Tivat
    Tip incidenta Prijetnje smrću novinarima ili sa njima povezanim osobama
    Izvršilac/osumnjičeni M.L.
    Tip medija Štampani Online
    Naziv medija Vijesti
    Od strane koga Nad novinarima od strane građana
    Javni tužilac Više državno tužilaštvo (VDT) ocijenilo je da nema elemenata krivičnog djela za koje se goni po službenoj dužnosti
    Pravni završetak U toku (slučaj i dalje nije završen)
    Da li je Sindikat bio informisan? Ne
    Da li je incident prijavljen policiji/nadležnim organima ? Slučaj je prijavljen tužilaštvu
    Prijetnje po zivot i fizicku bezbjednost novinara Prijetnje po život ili prijetnje fizičkom povredom koje su izrekli drugi akteri mimo zvaničnika, putem društvenih mreža

    Vijesti journalist Siniša Luković reported that his daughter received threats on the social network Instagram on December 9th, because of him and his journalistic work.

    M.L. insulted the journalist and his daughter and then threatened her that Luković “will not write for a long time”, after which he sent her a photo of a refugee column of Serbs from Krajina after the operation “Storm” carried out by the Croatian army in 1995.

    The Police Administration (UP) said that the Higher State Prosecutor’s Office (VDT) assessed that there are no elements of a criminal offense for which it is being prosecuted ex officio, which is why the case was returned to the police. M.L. was questioned at the premises of the Security Department (OB) Tivat, after which the files were forwarded to OB Cetinje, because M.L. was on the territory of that city at the time he sent the messages.