Other threats to journalists, Ivan Kovačić, Krapinske Toplice, 10.9.2021.

    Zemlja CRO
    Ime i prezime Ivan Kovačić
    Spol Muški
    Datum 10/09/2021
    Grad Krapinske Toplice
    Vrsta napada Druge prijetnje upućene novinarima
    Od koga Građana prema novinarima
    Počinitelj/osumnjičenik Bernarda Jug i drugi
    Vrsta medija Online
    Naziv medija zagorje.com
    Izvor novinar
    Je li novinarsko udruženje bilo obaviješteno? Da
    Je li napad prijavljen policiji/nadležnim institucijama? Slučaj je prijavljen policiji

    Journalist Ivan Kovačić was the first to report on the events in Krapinske Toplice, where protesters gathered in support of a father who doesn’t want his son to wear a protective mask at school during the Coronavirus pandemic. Kovačić became the target of an incitement campaign on social networks, where his name, surname and mobile phone number were published for days, and calls were made to harass him in order not to put pressure on him. Teacher and activist Bernarda Jug publicly announced the name and surname of Ivan Kovačić and openly called for his lynching.