Other threats to journalists, Novosti and Vida TV, Zagreb, 3.5.2023.

    Country CRO
    Gender Group
    Date 20/05/2023
    City / Location
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes

    After an article was published in Hrvatski tjednik, Željko Sačić (Hrvatski suverenisti) led the attack on Novosti during a parliamentary session. He claimed that there were Greater Serbian tendencies in Croatia and accused Novosti of anti-Croatian propaganda and inciting intolerance towards the Croatian people. Nikola Grmoja (Most) followed up on his statements, criticizing Novosti for not writing exclusively about minority issues. Milorad Pupovac (SDSS), president of SNV, condemned these attacks as shameful and left the parliament in protest. Ružica Vukovac (Za pravednu Hrvatsku) further accused Novosti of writing falsehoods and called on Minister of the Interior Davor Božinović to initiate proceedings against the editor-in-chief of Novosti. This call was even too much for the Speaker of the Parliament Gordan Jandroković, who condemned the call for prosecution over newspaper articles. Sandra Benčić (Možemo) criticized the radical behavior of certain MPs and emphasized the need for a progressive front in defense of minority rights. Marijan Pavliček (Suverenisti) and Miro Bulj (Most) also attacked Novosti, accusing them of “spitting on the foundations of the state” and spreading hatred towards Croatia.